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Verification Endpoint API backend

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This is our source code for the Verification Endpoint API handler and Discord bot running on Autocode, usually synchorized every hour through GitLab CI.

API calls from verify.rtapp.<tk|io> domain will be trnsparently redirected to the production release at rtapp-verify-backend.recaptime.autocode.gg.


Requires Node.js 14+ and Autocode CLI if you want to do local development or even deployment to development/production environments on Autocode.


  1. npm install
  2. npm start to run an local FunctionScript gateway with hot reload included.
  3. curl -i http://localhost:8170/recaptime/rtapp-verify-backend/ping

Getting help

  • Main project repo (GitHub mirror is available through we use issue forms) - all the verification metadata are being stored publicly, through some private data are held in an MongoDB database instead.
