parser progress

This commit is contained in:
prod2 2022-12-02 19:14:41 +01:00
parent e6a48ccee6
commit f721d0987d
4 changed files with 290 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -6,12 +6,12 @@ import strutils
type type
NodeKind* = enum NodeKind* = enum
nkBlockExpr, nkExprStmt, nkBreak, nkBlockExpr, nkExprStmt, nkBreak, nkExpr,
nkConst, nkList, nkTable, nkGetIndex, nkSetIndex, nkLen, nkConst, nkList, nkTable, nkGetIndex, nkSetIndex, nkLen,
nkIf, nkWhile, nkOr, nkAnd, nkNegate, nkNot, nkIf, nkWhile, nkOr, nkAnd, nkNegate, nkNot,
nkPlus, nkMinus, nkMult, nkDiv, nkEq, nkNeq, nkLess, nkGreater, nkPlus, nkMinus, nkMult, nkDiv, nkEq, nkNeq, nkLess, nkGreater,
nkGe, nkLe, nkGe, nkLe,
nkCall, nkVarDecl, nkProc, nkCall, nkColonCall, nkVarDecl, nkProc,
nkVarGet, nkVarSet nkVarGet, nkVarSet
Node* = ref object Node* = ref object
@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ type
of nkBlockExpr: of nkBlockExpr:
children*: seq[Node] children*: seq[Node]
labels*: seq[string] labels*: seq[string]
of nkExprStmt: # only when there is a ; does it compile to expr stmt; expr used for parentheses, & of nkExprStmt, nkExpr: # only when there is a ; does it compile to expr stmt; expr used for parentheses, &
expression*: Node expression*: Node
of nkBreak: of nkBreak:
label*: string label*: string
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ type
of nkAnd, nkOr, nkPlus, nkMinus, nkMult, nkDiv, nkEq, nkNeq, nkLess, nkGreater, nkGe, nkLe: # binary ops of nkAnd, nkOr, nkPlus, nkMinus, nkMult, nkDiv, nkEq, nkNeq, nkLess, nkGreater, nkGe, nkLe: # binary ops
left*: Node left*: Node
right*: Node right*: Node
of nkCall: of nkCall, nkColonCall:
function*: Node function*: Node
arguments*: seq[Node] arguments*: seq[Node]
of nkVarDecl: of nkVarDecl:
@ -65,6 +65,8 @@ type
newVal*: Node newVal*: Node
proc `$`*(node: Node): string = proc `$`*(node: Node): string =
if node == nil:
return "<nil>"
case node.kind: case node.kind:
of nkAnd: of nkAnd:
result = &"(and {node.left} {node.right})" result = &"(and {node.left} {node.right})"
@ -81,12 +83,19 @@ proc `$`*(node: Node): string =
for ch in node.arguments: for ch in node.arguments:
result &= $ch & ", " result &= $ch & ", "
result[^1] = ')' result[^1] = ')'
of nkColonCall:
result = &"(:call {node.function} "
for ch in node.arguments:
result &= $ch & ", "
result[^1] = ')'
of nkConst: of nkConst:
result = &"(const {node.constant})" result = &"(const {node.constant})"
of nkDiv: of nkDiv:
result = &"(/ {node.left} {node.right})" result = &"(/ {node.left} {node.right})"
of nkEq: of nkEq:
result = &"(== {node.left} {node.right})" result = &"(== {node.left} {node.right})"
of nkExpr:
result = &"(grouping {node.expression})"
of nkExprStmt: of nkExprStmt:
result = &"(exprStmt {node.expression})" result = &"(exprStmt {node.expression})"
of nkGe: of nkGe:

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@ -5,8 +5,11 @@ import ../scanner
import ../chunk import ../chunk
import node import node
import ../config import ../config
import ../types/value
import strformat import strformat
import strutils
import bitops
import sequtils import sequtils
import sugar import sugar
@ -32,7 +35,6 @@ proc newParser*(name: string, source: string): Parser =
# error handling # error handling
proc errorAt(parser: Parser, line: int, msg: string, at: string = "") = proc errorAt(parser: Parser, line: int, msg: string, at: string = "") =
@ -71,10 +73,23 @@ proc match(parser: Parser, tokenType: TokenType): bool =
else: else:
false false
proc consume(parser: Parser, tokenType: TokenType, msg: string) = proc match(parser: Parser, tokenTypes: set[TokenType]): bool =
if parser.current.tokenType in tokenTypes:
proc consume(parser: Parser, tokenType: TokenType | set[TokenType], msg: string) =
if not parser.match(tokenType): if not parser.match(tokenType):
parser.errorAtCurrent(msg) parser.errorAtCurrent(msg)
proc peek(parser: Parser): Token =
proc peekMatch(parser: Parser, tokenType: TokenType): bool =
parser.peek().tokenType == tokenType
proc synchronize(parser: Parser) = proc synchronize(parser: Parser) =
parser.panicMode = false parser.panicMode = false
while parser.current.tokenType != tkEof: while parser.current.tokenType != tkEof:
@ -84,8 +99,249 @@ proc synchronize(parser: Parser) =
return return
parser.advance() parser.advance()
proc isAtEnd(parser: Parser): bool =
parser.current.tokenType == tkEof
proc expression(parser: Parser): Node
# expressions, but not assignments
proc exprNonAssign(parser: Parser): Node
proc parseList(parser: Parser): Node =
result = Node(kind: nkList, elems: @[])
while not parser.isAtEnd() and not parser.peekMatch(tkRightBracket):
if parser.peek().tokenType != tkRightBracket:
parser.consume(tkComma, "',' expected after list elements.")
parser.consume(tkRightBracket, "']' expected after list declaration.")
proc parseTable(parser: Parser): Node =
result = Node(kind: nkTable, keys: @[], values: @[])
while not parser.isAtEnd() and not parser.peekMatch(tkRightBrace):
# [key] = syntax
if parser.match(tkLeftBracket):
parser.consume(tkRightBracket, "']' expected after table key.")
# key = syntax
elif parser.match(tkIdentifier):
result.keys.add(Node(kind: nkConst, constant: parser.previous.text.fromNimString()))
parser.errorAtCurrent("Key expected (have you forgotten to put the key in brackets?).")
parser.consume(tkEqual, "'=' expected after key.")
if parser.peek().tokenType != tkRightBrace:
parser.consume(tkComma, "',' expected after table key value pair.")
parser.consume(tkRightBrace, "'}' expected after table declaration.")
proc primary(parser: Parser): Node =
if parser.match(tkFalse):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: ndFalse)
if parser.match(tkTrue):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: ndTrue)
if parser.match(tkNil):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: ndNil)
if parser.match(tkNumber):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: fromFloat(parseFloat(parser.previous.text)))
if parser.match(tkString):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: fromNimString(parser.previous.text[1..^2]))
if parser.match(tkLeftParen):
let grouped = parser.expression()
parser.consume(tkRightParen, "Expect ')' after expression.")
return Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: grouped)
if parser.match(tkStartList):
return parser.parseList()
if parser.match(tkStartTable):
return parser.parseTable()
if parser.match(tkIdentifier):
return Node(kind: nkVarGet, gVarName: parser.previous.text)
parser.errorAtCurrent("Primary expected, but something else found.")
proc parseIndex(parser:Parser): Node =
result = parser.primary()
while parser.match({tkLeftBracket, tkDot}):
if parser.previous.tokenType == tkLeftBracket:
let index = parser.expression()
parser.consume(tkRightBracket, "']' after index.")
result = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: index)
# dot
parser.consume(tkIdentifier, "Identifier expected after '.' index operator.")
result = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: Node(kind: nkConst, constant: parser.previous.text.fromNimString()))
proc parseCall(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseIndex()
if parser.match(tkLeftParen):
var args: seq[Node] = @[]
while not parser.isAtEnd() and not parser.peekMatch(tkRightParen):
let arg = parser.expression()
if not parser.isAtEnd() and not parser.peekMatch(tkRightParen):
parser.consume(tkComma, "',' expected between arguments.")
parser.consume(tkRightParen, "')' expected after argument list.")
result = Node(kind: nkCall, arguments: args, function: result)
proc parseIf(parser: Parser): Node =
parser.consume(tkLeftParen, "'(' expected after 'if'.")
let cond = parser.expression()
parser.consume(tkRightParen, "')' expected after condition.")
let body = parser.expression()
result = Node(kind: nkIf, ifCondition: cond, ifBody: body)
if parser.match(tkElse):
result.elseBody = parser.expression()
proc parseWhile(parser:Parser): Node =
parser.consume(tkLeftParen, "'(' expected after 'while'.")
let cond = parser.expression()
parser.consume(tkRightParen, "')' expected after condition.")
let body = parser.expression()
result = Node(kind: nkWhile, whileCondition: cond, whileBody: body)
proc unary(parser: Parser): Node =
# unary level for unary operators, plus some control flow is here too
const unaryOps = {tkBang, tkMinus, tkIf, tkWhile, tkHashtag}
if parser.match(unaryOps):
let op = parser.previous
case op.tokenType:
of tkBang:
let right = parser.unary()
return Node(kind: nkNot, argument: right)
of tkMinus:
let right = parser.unary()
return Node(kind: nkNegate, argument: right)
of tkHashtag:
let right = parser.unary()
return Node(kind: nkLen, argument: right)
of tkIf:
return parser.parseIf()
of tkWhile:
return parser.parseWhile()
parser.errorAtCurrent("Invalid parser state: unaryOps and case statement out of line.")
return parser.parseCall()
proc factor(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.unary()
while parser.match({tkSlash, tkStar}):
let op = parser.previous
let right = parser.unary()
if op.tokenType == tkSlash:
result = Node(kind: nkDiv, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkMult, left: result, right: right)
proc term(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.factor()
while parser.match({tkMinus, tkPlus}):
let op = parser.previous
let right = parser.factor()
if op.tokenType == tkMinus:
result = Node(kind: nkMinus, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkPlus, left: result, right: right)
proc comparison(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.term()
while parser.match({tkGreater, tkGreaterEqual, tkLess, tkLessEqual}):
let op = parser.previous
let right = parser.term()
case op.tokenType:
of tkGreater:
result = Node(kind: nkGreater, left: result, right: right)
of tkGreaterEqual:
result = Node(kind: nkGe, left: result, right: right)
of tkLess:
result = Node(kind: nkLess, left: result, right: right)
of tkLessEqual:
result = Node(kind: nkLe, left: result, right: right)
parser.errorAtCurrent("invalid state in comparison: case and set don't match up.")
proc equality(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.comparison()
while parser.match({tkBangEqual, tkEqualEqual}):
let op = parser.previous
let right = parser.comparison()
if op.tokenType == tkBangEqual:
result = Node(kind: nkNeq, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkEq, left: result, right: right)
proc parseAnd(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.equality()
while parser.match(tkAnd):
let right = parser.equality()
result = Node(kind: nkAnd, left: result, right: right)
proc parseOr(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseAnd()
while parser.match(tkOr):
let right = parser.parseAnd()
result = Node(kind: nkOr, left: result, right: right)
proc parsePipeCall(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseOr()
while parser.match(tkDoublecolon):
let right = parser.parseOr()
# to the right, if topmost level is a call, it will insert it
# if the topmost is not a call, e.g. 5 :: funcs.double it will assume it's a function with one arg - the one before the pipe
# if the thing to the right has lower precedence stuff than a call, please note that it will not insert into the call, it will assume that the return val is a function
# to have such lower precedence ops, use parens: 5 :: (long expression)(arg1, arg2)
# case 1: right is already a call or coloncall
if right.kind in {nkCall, nkColonCall}:
right.arguments.insert(result, 0)
result = right
# else: right val is a function which we call
result = Node(kind: nkCall, arguments: @[result], function: right)
proc exprNonAssign(parser: Parser): Node =
proc parseAssign(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.exprNonAssign()
if parser.match(tkEqual):
# check if result is assignable
const assignable = {nkVarGet, nkGetIndex}
let right = parser.expression()
if result.kind notin assignable:
parser.errorAtCurrent("Attempt to assign to invalid target.")
if result.kind == nkVarGet:
result = Node(kind: nkVarSet, sVarName: result.gVarName, newVal: right)
# nkGetIndex
result = Node(kind: nkSetIndex, sCollection: result.gCollection, sIndex: result.gIndex, sValue: right)
proc parseAmpersand(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseAssign()
proc expression(parser: Parser): Node =
proc statement(parser: Parser): Node proc statement(parser: Parser): Node
@ -93,14 +349,21 @@ proc statement(parser: Parser): Node
proc statement(parser: Parser): Node = proc statement(parser: Parser): Node =
let expression = parser.expression()
if expression != nil:
result = Node(kind: nkExprStmt, expression: expression)
parser.errorAtCurrent("Expression expected.")
parser.consume(tkSemicolon, "; expected after expression statement.")
if parser.panicMode: if parser.panicMode:
parser.synchronize() parser.synchronize()
proc parse*(parser: Parser): Node = proc parse*(parser: Parser): Node =
parser.scanner = newScanner(parser.source) parser.scanner = newScanner(parser.source)
var result: Node = Node(kind: nkBlockExpr, children: @[]) result = Node(kind: nkBlockExpr, children: @[])
parser.advance() parser.advance()
while parser.current.tokenType != tkEof: while not parser.isAtEnd():
result.children.add(parser.statement()) let statement = parser.statement()

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@ -352,7 +352,8 @@ proc run*(chunk: Chunk): InterpretResult =
of opSetUpvalue: of opSetUpvalue:
let slot = ip.readDU8() let slot = ip.readDU8()
when debugClosures: when debugClosures:
echo &"CLOSURES - setupvalue is setting {$stack.peek} to slot {slot}, number of slots: {frames.peek().closure.upvalueCount}" #echo &"CLOSURES - setupvalue is setting {$stack.peek} to slot {slot}, number of slots: {frames.peek().closure.upvalueCount}"
discard # TODO fix this
cclosure.get(slot).write(stack.peek()) cclosure.get(slot).write(stack.peek())
of opCloseUpvalue: of opCloseUpvalue:
let slot = ip.readDU8() let slot = ip.readDU8()

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@ -7,3 +7,10 @@ var returnlist = proc()
//expect:3.0 //expect:3.0
print (returnlist()[2]); print (returnlist()[2]);
var a = @[@[1]];
print (a[0][0]);
a[0][0] = 3;
print (a[0][0]);