
943 B


Peon is a simple, functional, async-first programming language with a focus on correctness and speed

Project structure

  • src/ -> Contains the entirety of peon's toolchain
    • src/memory -> Contains peon's memory allocator and GC (TODO)
    • src/frontend -> Contains the tokenizer, parser and compiler
      • src/frontend/meta -> Contains shared error definitions, AST node and token declarations as well as the bytecode used by the compiler
    • src/backend -> Contains the peon VM and type system
    • src/util -> Contains utilities such as the bytecode debugger and serializer as well as procedures to handle multi-byte sequences
    • src/config.nim -> Contains configuration variables

Disclaimer about the project's state

The project is still in its very early days: lots of stuff is not implemented, a work in progress or otherwise outright broken. Feel free to report bugs!