Fixed peon calling convention and various errors with function calls

This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2022-05-30 22:06:15 +02:00
parent 369dff7da2
commit f8ab292c27
6 changed files with 171 additions and 145 deletions

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@ -13,14 +13,14 @@
# limitations under the License.
## The Peon runtime environment
import strutils
import strformat
import types
import ../config
import strformat
import ../frontend/meta/bytecode
import ../util/multibyte
export types
@ -30,9 +30,8 @@ type
ip: int # Instruction pointer
cache: array[6, PeonObject] # Singletons cache
chunk: Chunk # Piece of bytecode to execute
frames: seq[int] # Stores the initial index of stack frames
heapVars: seq[PeonObject] # Stores variables that do not have stack semantics (i.e. "static")
lastPop*: PeonObject # Used in the REPL
frames: seq[int] # Stores the bottom of stack frames
heapVars: seq[PeonObject] # Stores variables that do not have stack semantics
proc initCache*(self: PeonVM) =
@ -58,19 +57,19 @@ proc newPeonVM*: PeonVM =
## Getters for singleton types (they are cached!)
proc getNil*(self: PeonVM): PeonObject = self.cache[0]
proc getNil*(self: PeonVM): PeonObject {.inline.} = self.cache[0]
proc getBool*(self: PeonVM, value: bool): PeonObject =
proc getBool*(self: PeonVM, value: bool): PeonObject {.inline.} =
if value:
return self.cache[1]
return self.cache[2]
proc getInf*(self: PeonVM, positive: bool): PeonObject =
proc getInf*(self: PeonVM, positive: bool): PeonObject {.inline.} =
if positive:
return self.cache[3]
return self.cache[4]
proc getNan*(self: PeonVM): PeonObject = self.cache[5]
proc getNan*(self: PeonVM): PeonObject {.inline.} = self.cache[5]
## Stack primitives. Note: all stack accessing that goes
## through the get/set wrappers is frame-relative, meaning
@ -99,18 +98,21 @@ proc peek(self: PeonVM): PeonObject =
proc get(self: PeonVM, idx: int): PeonObject =
## Accessor method that abstracts
## stack accessing through stack
## stack indexing through stack
## frames
return self.stack[idx + self.frames[^1]]
proc set(self: PeonVM, idx: int, val: PeonObject) =
## Setter method that abstracts
## stack accessing through stack
## stack indexing through stack
## frames
self.stack[idx + self.frames[^1]] = val
## Byte-level primitives to read/decode
## bytecode
proc readByte(self: PeonVM): uint8 =
## Reads a single byte from the
## bytecode and returns it as an
@ -197,6 +199,7 @@ proc dispatch*(self: PeonVM) =
echo &"Instruction: {instruction}"
echo &"Stack: {self.stack}"
echo &"Current Frame: {self.stack[self.frames[^1]..^1]}"
echo &"Heap Vars: {self.heapVars}"
discard readLine stdin
case instruction:
# Constant loading
@ -216,44 +219,48 @@ proc dispatch*(self: PeonVM) =
of LoadUInt32:
of LoadInt32:
of Call:
# Calls a function. The calling convention for peon
# functions is pretty simple: the return address sits
# at the bottom of the stack frame, then follow the
# arguments and all temporaries/local variables
let newIp = self.readLong()
# We do this because if we immediately changed
# We store it because if we immediately changed
# the instruction pointer, we'd read the wrong
# value for the argument count. Storing it and
# changing it later fixes this issue
self.ip = int(newIp)
of OpCode.Return:
# Returns from a void function or terminates the
# program entirely if we're at the topmost frame
# Returns from a void function
let frame = self.frames.pop()
if self.frames.len() > 1:
for i in countdown(self.stack.high(), frame):
for i in 0..<frame - 1:
discard self.pop()
self.ip = int(self.pop().uInt)
self.ip = self.pop()
discard self.pop() # Nil
of ProgExit:
# Exits the VM's loop
while self.stack.len() > 0:
discard self.pop()
discard self.frames.pop()
of ReturnValue:
# Returns from a function which has a return value,
# pushing it on the stack
let retVal = self.pop()
let frame = self.frames.pop()
for i in countdown(frame, 1):
for i in 0..<frame:
discard self.pop()
self.ip = int(self.pop().uInt)
discard self.pop() # Nil
of StoreVar:
# Stores the value at the top of the stack
# into the given stack index
self.set(int(self.readLong()), self.pop())
of StoreHeap:
of StoreClosure:
# Stores/updates the value of a closed-over
# variable
let idx = self.readLong().int
@ -261,17 +268,53 @@ proc dispatch*(self: PeonVM) =
self.heapVars[idx] = self.pop()
of LoadHeap:
of LoadClosure:
# Loads a closed-over variable onto the
# stack
of PopClosure:
# Pops a closed-over variable off the closure
# array
discard self.heapVars.pop()
of LoadVar:
# Stores/updates the value of a local variable
of NoOp:
of Pop:
self.lastPop = self.pop()
discard self.pop()
of PopRepl:
let popped = self.pop()
case popped.kind:
of Int64:
echo &"{popped.long}'i64"
of UInt64:
echo &"{popped.uLong}'u64"
of Int32:
echo &"{popped.`int`}'i32"
of UInt32:
echo &"{popped.uInt}'u32"
of Int16:
echo &"{popped.short}'i16"
of UInt16:
echo &"{popped.uShort}'u16"
of Int8:
echo &"{popped.tiny}'i8"
of UInt8:
echo &"{popped.uTiny}'u8"
of ObjectKind.Inf:
if popped.positive:
echo "inf"
echo "-inf"
of ObjectKind.Nan, Nil:
echo ($popped.kind).toLowerAscii()
of PopN:
for _ in 0..<int(self.readShort()):
discard self.pop()
# Jump opcodes
of Jump:
self.ip = int(self.readShort())
of JumpForwards:
@ -321,5 +364,4 @@ proc run*(self: PeonVM, chunk: Chunk) =
self.frames = @[0]
self.stack = @[]
self.ip = 0
self.lastPop = self.getNil()

View File

@ -135,6 +135,11 @@ type
# The current loop being compiled (used to
# keep track of where to jump)
currentLoop: Loop
# Are we in REPL mode? If so, Pop instructions
# for expression statements emit a special
# PopRepl instruction that stores the value
# to be printed once the expression is evaluated
replMode: bool
# The current module being compiled
# (used to restrict access to statically
# defined variables at compile time)
@ -155,7 +160,7 @@ type
closedOver: seq[Name]
proc newCompiler*(enableOptimizations: bool = true): Compiler =
proc newCompiler*(enableOptimizations: bool = true, replMode: bool = false): Compiler =
## Initializes a new Compiler object
result.ast = @[]
@ -165,6 +170,7 @@ proc newCompiler*(enableOptimizations: bool = true): Compiler =
result.scopeDepth = 0
result.currentFunction = nil
result.enableOptimizations = enableOptimizations
result.replMode = replMode
result.currentModule = ""
result.frames = @[]
@ -405,7 +411,7 @@ proc detectClosureVariable(self: Compiler, name: Name,
if name.depth > 0 and name.depth < depth:
# Ding! The given name is closed over: we need to
# change the NoOp instructions that self.declareName
# change the dummy Jump instruction that self.declareName
# put in place for us into a StoreHeap. We don't need to change
# other pieces of code because self.identifier() already
# emits LoadHeap if it detects the variable is closed over,
@ -414,7 +420,7 @@ proc detectClosureVariable(self: Compiler, name: Name,
let idx = self.closedOver.high().toTriple()
if self.closedOver.len() >= 16777216:
self.error("too many consecutive closed-over variables (max is 16777216)")
self.chunk.code[name.codePos] = StoreHeap.uint8
self.chunk.code[name.codePos] = StoreClosure.uint8
self.chunk.code[name.codePos + 1] = idx[0]
self.chunk.code[name.codePos + 2] = idx[1]
self.chunk.code[name.codePos + 3] = idx[2]
@ -428,9 +434,9 @@ proc compareTypes(self: Compiler, a, b: Type): bool =
# The nil code here is for void functions (when
# we compare their return types)
if a == nil:
return b == nil
return b == nil or b.kind == Any
elif b == nil:
return a == nil
return a == nil or a.kind == Any
elif a.kind == Any or b.kind == Any:
# This is needed internally: user code
# cannot generate code for matching
@ -598,6 +604,8 @@ proc inferType(self: Compiler, node: Expression): Type =
let resolved = self.resolve(IdentExpr(node.callee))
if resolved != nil:
result = resolved.valueType.returnType
if result == nil:
result = Type(kind: Any)
result = nil
of lambdaExpr:
@ -790,33 +798,31 @@ proc matchImpl(self: Compiler, name: string, kind: Type): Name =
return impl[0]
proc callUnaryOp(self: Compiler, fn: Name, op: UnaryExpr) =
## Emits the code to call a unary operator
# Pushes the return address
proc generateCall(self: Compiler, fn: Name, args: seq[Expression]) =
## Small wrapper that abstracts emitting a call instruction
## for a given function
self.emitByte(LoadNil) # Stack alignment
# We patch it later!
let idx = self.chunk.consts.len()
self.expression(op.a) # Pushes the arguments onto the stack
for argument in args:
self.expression(argument) # Pushes the arguments onto the stack
self.emitByte(Call) # Creates a stack frame
proc callUnaryOp(self: Compiler, fn: Name, op: UnaryExpr) =
## Emits the code to call a unary operator
self.generateCall(fn, @[op.a])
proc callBinaryOp(self: Compiler, fn: Name, op: BinaryExpr) =
## Emits the code to call a binary operator
# Pushes the return address
# We patch it later!
let idx = self.chunk.consts.len()
self.expression(op.a) # Pushes the arguments onto the stack
self.emitByte(Call) # Creates a stack frame
self.generateCall(fn, @[op.a, op.b])
proc unary(self: Compiler, node: UnaryExpr) =
@ -888,11 +894,21 @@ proc declareName(self: Compiler, node: Declaration) =
isLet: node.isLet,
isClosedOver: false,
line: node.token.line))
# We emit 4 No-Ops because they may become a
# StoreHeap instruction. If not, they'll be
# removed before the compiler is finished
# TODO: This may break CFI offsets
self.emitBytes([NoOp, NoOp, NoOp, NoOp])
# We emit a jump of 0 because this may become a
# StoreHeap instruction. If they variable is
# not closed over, we'll sadly be wasting a
# VM cycle. The previous implementation used 4 no-op
# instructions, which wasted 4 times as many clock
# cycles.
# TODO: Optimize this. It's a bit tricky because
# deleting bytecode would render all of our
# jump offsets and other absolute indeces in the
# bytecode wrong
if self.scopeDepth > 0:
# Closure variables are only used in local
# scopes
of NodeKind.funDecl:
var node = FunDecl(node)
self.names.add(Name(depth: self.scopeDepth,
@ -965,15 +981,15 @@ proc identifier(self: Compiler, node: IdentExpr) =
# were, self.resolve() would have returned nil
if not t.closedOver:
# Static name resolution, loads value at index in the stack. Very fast. Much wow.
if self.scopeDepth > 0:
inc(index, 1)
if self.frames.len() > 1:
inc(index, 2)
self.emitBytes((index - self.frames[^1]).toTriple())
# Heap-allocated closure variable. Stored in a separate "closure array" in the VM that does not have stack semantics.
# This makes closures work as expected and is not much slower than indexing our stack (since they're both
# dynamic arrays at runtime anyway)
# Heap-allocated closure variable. Stored in a separate "closure array" in the VM that does not have stack semantics
# and where the no-effect invariant is not kept. This makes closures work as expected and is not much slower than
# indexing our stack (since they're both dynamic arrays at runtime anyway)
@ -997,7 +1013,7 @@ proc assignment(self: Compiler, node: ASTNode) =
if not t.closedOver:
self.error(&"reference to undeclared name '{node.token.lexeme}'")
@ -1017,7 +1033,7 @@ proc beginScope(self: Compiler) =
proc endScope(self: Compiler) =
proc endScope(self: Compiler, fromFunc: bool = false) =
## Ends the current local scope
if self.scopeDepth < 0:
self.error("cannot call endScope with scopeDepth < 0 (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
@ -1025,18 +1041,12 @@ proc endScope(self: Compiler) =
var names: seq[Name] = @[]
for name in self.names:
if name.depth > self.scopeDepth:
if name.valueType.kind != Function and OpCode(self.chunk.code[name.codePos]) == NoOp:
for _ in countup(0, 3):
# Since by deleting it the size of the
# sequence decreases, we don't need to
# increase the index
if not self.enableOptimizations:
if not self.enableOptimizations and not fromFunc:
# All variables with a scope depth larger than the current one
# are now out of scope. Begone, you're now homeless!
if self.enableOptimizations and len(names) > 1:
if self.enableOptimizations and len(names) > 1 and not fromFunc:
# If we're popping less than 65535 variables, then
# we can emit a PopN instruction. This is true for
# 99.99999% of the use cases of the language (who the
@ -1050,7 +1060,7 @@ proc endScope(self: Compiler) =
for i in countdown(self.names.high(), len(names) - uint16.high().int()):
if self.names[i].depth > self.scopeDepth:
elif len(names) == 1:
elif len(names) == 1 and not fromFunc:
# We only emit PopN if we're popping more than one value
# This seems *really* slow, but
@ -1068,6 +1078,7 @@ proc endScope(self: Compiler) =
for name in names:
if name.isClosedOver:
@ -1136,9 +1147,10 @@ proc whileStmt(self: Compiler, node: WhileStmt) =
proc callFunction(self: Compiler, node: CallExpr) =
proc callExpr(self: Compiler, node: CallExpr) =
## Compiles code to call a function
var args: seq[tuple[name: string, kind: Type]] = @[]
var argExpr: seq[Expression] = @[]
var kind: Type
# TODO: Keyword arguments
for i, argument in node.arguments.positionals:
@ -1148,6 +1160,7 @@ proc callFunction(self: Compiler, node: CallExpr) =
self.error(&"reference to undeclared identifier '{IdentExpr(argument).name.lexeme}'")
self.error(&"cannot infer the type of argument {i + 1} in function call")
args.add(("", kind))
for argument in node.arguments.keyword:
if args.len() >= 16777216:
@ -1158,16 +1171,7 @@ proc callFunction(self: Compiler, node: CallExpr) =
funct = self.matchImpl(IdentExpr(node.callee).name.lexeme, Type(kind: Function, returnType: Type(kind: Any), args: args))
discard # TODO: Lambdas
# We patch it later!
let idx = self.chunk.consts.len()
for argument in node.arguments.positionals:
self.emitByte(Call) # Creates a stack frame
self.generateCall(funct, argExpr)
proc expression(self: Compiler, node: Expression) =
@ -1178,8 +1182,8 @@ proc expression(self: Compiler, node: Expression) =
# error in self.identifier()
self.error("expression has no type")
case node.kind:
of callExpr:
self.callFunction(CallExpr(node)) # TODO
of NodeKind.callExpr:
self.callExpr(CallExpr(node)) # TODO
of getItemExpr:
discard # TODO
# Note that for setItem and assign we don't convert
@ -1243,9 +1247,11 @@ proc returnStmt(self: Compiler, node: ReturnStmt) =
let typ = self.inferType(self.currentFunction)
## Having the return type
if returnType == nil and typ.returnType != nil:
if node.value.kind == identExpr:
self.error(&"reference to undeclared identifier '{node.value.token.lexeme}'")
self.error(&"expected return value of type '{self.typeToStr(typ.returnType)}', but expression has no type")
elif typ.returnType == nil and returnType != nil:
self.error("empty return statement is not allowed in non-void functions")
self.error("non-empty return statement is not allowed in void functions")
elif not self.compareTypes(returnType, typ.returnType):
self.error(&"expected return value of type '{self.typeToStr(typ.returnType)}', got '{self.typeToStr(returnType)}' instead")
if node.value != nil:
@ -1316,6 +1322,10 @@ proc statement(self: Compiler, node: Statement) =
of exprStmt:
var expression = ExprStmt(node).expression
# We only print top-level expressions
if self.replMode and self.scopeDepth == 0:
self.emitByte(Pop) # Expression statements discard their value. Their main use case is side effects in function calls
of NodeKind.ifStmt:
@ -1375,11 +1385,21 @@ proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl) =
## Compiles function declarations
# A function's code is just compiled linearly
# and then jumped over
self.emitByte(LoadNil) # Aligns the stack
# While the compiler stores functions as if they
# were on the stack, in reality there is nothing
# at runtime that represents them (instead, we
# compile everything in a single blob and jump back
# and forth). If we didn't align the stack to account
# for this behavior, all of our offsets would be off
# by how many functions we have declared. We could fix
# this by storing functions in a separate list of identifiers,
# but that's rather unelegant and requires specialized functions
# for looking identifiers vs functions, which is not ideal
let jmp = self.emitJump(JumpForwards)
var function = self.currentFunction
self.frames.add(self.names.len() - 1)
# TODO: Forward declarations
if node.body != nil:
if BlockStmt(node.body).code.len() == 0:
@ -1409,18 +1429,11 @@ proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl) =
# We let our debugger know a function is starting
let start = self.chunk.code.high()
# Yup, we're done. That was easy, huh?
# But, after all, functions are just named
# scopes, and we compile them just like that:
# we declare their name and arguments (before
# their body so recursion works) and then just
# handle them as a block statement (which takes
# care of incrementing self.scopeDepth so locals
# are resolved properly). There's a need for a bit
# of boilerplate code to make closures work, but
# that's about it
# self.emitByte(LoadNil)
for decl in BlockStmt(node.body).code:
case self.currentFunction.kind:
of NodeKind.funDecl:
if not self.currentFunction.hasExplicitReturn:
@ -1497,8 +1510,7 @@ proc compile*(self: Compiler, ast: seq[Declaration], file: string): Chunk =
if self.ast.len() > 0:
# *Technically* an empty program is a valid program
self.emitByte(OpCode.Return) # Exits the VM's main loop when used at the global scope
result = self.chunk
if self.ast.len() > 0 and self.scopeDepth != -1:
self.error(&"invalid state: invalid scopeDepth value (expected -1, got {self.scopeDepth}), did you forget to call endScope/beginScope?")
if self.ast.len() > 0 and self.scopeDepth != 0:
self.error(&"invalid state: invalid scopeDepth value (expected 0, got {self.scopeDepth}), did you forget to call endScope/beginScope?")

View File

@ -90,14 +90,16 @@ type
## Basic stack operations
Pop, # Pops an element off the stack and discards it
PopRepl, # Same as Pop, but also prints the value of what's popped (used in REPL mode)
Push, # Pushes x onto the stack
PopN, # Pops x elements off the stack (optimization for exiting local scopes which usually pop many elements)
## Name resolution/handling
LoadAttribute, # Pushes the attribute b of object a onto the stack
LoadVar, # Pushes the object at position x in the stack onto the stack
StoreVar, # Stores the value of b at position a in the stack
LoadHeap, # Pushes the object position x in the closure array onto the stack
StoreHeap, # Stores the value of b at position a in the closure array
LoadClosure, # Pushes the object position x in the closure array onto the stack
StoreClosure, # Stores the value of b at position a in the closure array
PopClosure, # Pops a closed-over variable from the closure array
## Looping and jumping
Jump, # Absolute, unconditional jump into the bytecode
JumpForwards, # Relative, unconditional, positive jump in the bytecode
@ -129,6 +131,7 @@ type
## Misc
Assert, # Raises an AssertionFailed exception if x is false
NoOp, # Just a no-op
ProgExit, # Terminates the whole program
# We group instructions by their operation/operand types for easier handling when debugging
@ -137,9 +140,10 @@ type
const simpleInstructions* = {Return, LoadNil,
LoadTrue, LoadFalse,
LoadNan, LoadInf,
Pop, Raise, BeginTry,
FinishTry, Yield,
Await, NoOp, ReturnValue}
Pop, PopRepl, Raise,
BeginTry, FinishTry, Yield,
Await, NoOp, ReturnValue,
PopClosure, ProgExit}
# Constant instructions are instructions that operate on the bytecode constant table
const constantInstructions* = {LoadInt64, LoadUInt64,
@ -151,7 +155,7 @@ const constantInstructions* = {LoadInt64, LoadUInt64,
# Stack triple instructions operate on the stack at arbitrary offsets and pop arguments off of it in the form
# of 24 bit integers
const stackTripleInstructions* = {StoreVar, LoadVar, LoadHeap, StoreHeap}
const stackTripleInstructions* = {StoreVar, LoadVar, LoadCLosure, StoreClosure}
# Stack double instructions operate on the stack at arbitrary offsets and pop arguments off of it in the form
# of 16 bit integers

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@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ proc repl =
serialized: Serialized
tokenizer = newLexer()
parser = newParser()
compiler = newCompiler()
compiler = newCompiler(replMode=true)
debugger = newDebugger()
serializer = newSerializer()
vm = newPeonVM()
@ -136,33 +136,6 @@ proc repl =
when debugRuntime:
styledEcho fgCyan, "\n\nExecution step: "
var popped = vm.lastPop
case popped.kind:
of Int64:
echo &"{popped.long}'i64"
of UInt64:
echo &"{popped.uLong}'u64"
of Int32:
echo &"{popped.`int`}'i32"
of UInt32:
echo &"{popped.uInt}'u32"
of Int16:
echo &"{popped.short}'i16"
of UInt16:
echo &"{popped.uShort}'u16"
of Int8:
echo &"{popped.tiny}'i8"
of UInt8:
echo &"{popped.uTiny}'u8"
of ObjectKind.Inf:
if popped.positive:
echo "inf"
echo "-inf"
of ObjectKind.Nan, Nil:
echo ($popped.kind).toLowerAscii()
except LexingError:
input = ""
let exc = LexingError(getCurrentException())

View File

@ -131,7 +131,7 @@ proc callInstruction(self: Debugger, instruction: OpCode) =
var args = [self.chunk.code[self.current + 4], self.chunk.code[self.current + 5], self.chunk.code[self.current + 6]].fromTriple()
stdout.styledWrite(fgGreen, &", jumps to address ", fgYellow, $slot, fgGreen, " with ", fgYellow, $args, fgGreen, " argument")
if args > 1:
if args > 1 or args == 0:
stdout.styledWrite(fgGreen, "s")
self.current += 7

View File

@ -3,12 +3,7 @@ fn outer {
fn inner {
var y = x;
fn outerTwo: fn: int {
fn inner: int {
return 0;
return inner;