Improved README. Initial (broken!) work on dependency resolution

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2021-12-06 20:45:53 +01:00
parent f2b23afe1b
commit b12cf0f5aa
3 changed files with 150 additions and 53 deletions

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@ -12,39 +12,94 @@ long time. Sometimes programming only large scale software is boring, go figure.
## Disclaimers & Functionality
This software is developed on a _"It works on my machine"_ basis. I don't perform any extensive testing: if this thing unmounts your
root partition while you're saving your precious family photos, I can't do much. I run an installation of Artix Linux (x86_64)
using the 5.15.5-artix1-1 linux kernel.
This software is developed on a _"It works on my (virtual) machine"_ basis. I don't perform any extensive testing: if this thing unmounts your
root partition while you're saving your precious family photos, I can't do much (although it probably won't). I currently test NimD inside a
minimal Alpine VM that runs the 5.10.0-9-amd64 version of the Linux kernel.
Also, NimD is developed **for Linux only**, as that's the kernel my OS uses: other kernels are not supported at all and NimD
**will** explode with fancy fireworks if you try to run it unmodified on other kernels (although probably things like BSD and Solaris
are not that hard to add support for using some `when defined()` clauses and changing what virtual filesystems NimD expects to mount).
NimD is developed **for Linux only**, as that's the kernel my OS uses: other kernels are not supported at all and NimD **will** explode with fancy
fireworks if you try to run it unmodified on other kernels (although probably things like BSD and Solaris are not that hard to add support for).
NimD is not particularly secure. Actually it's probably very insecure by modern standards, but basic checks like making sure regular users
can't reboot the machine are (_actually_, will be) at least in place, so there's that I guess.
NimD is not particularly secure (although basic checks like making sure regular users can't reboot the machine are in place), but it doesn't need to be: the only thing it does is run the services you provide to it, that's it*. No `nimd-modulenamed` madness, no `` libraries to link against, NimD only runs your services: if it blows up, it's your fault (or it's a bug).
NimD assumes that the standard file descriptors 0, 1 and 2 (stdin, stdout and stderr respectively) are properly connected to /dev/console
(which is something all modern versions of the Linux kernel do). I tried connecting them manually, but I was out of luck: if you happen to
know how to check for a proper set of file descriptors and connect them manually, please make a PR, I'd love to hear how to do that.
NimD expects the 3 [standard streams]( to be properly connected to `/dev/console` (which is something all modern versions of the Linux kernel do). I tried connecting them manually, but I was out of luck: if you happen to know how to check for (or open) them and connect them manually, please make a PR, I'd love to hear how to do that.
When mounting the filesystem, NimD is at least somewhat smart:
- First, it'll try to mount the standard POSIX virtual filesystems (/proc, /sys, etc) if they're not mounted already (you specify which)
- Then, it'll parse /etc/fstab and mount all the disks from there as well (unless they are already mounted, of course).
Drive IDs/UUIDs, LABELs and PARTUUIDs are also supported and are automatically resolved to their respective /dev/disk/by-XXX symlink
_*_: Well, almost. If you don't wanna write oneshot services for simple things like creating symlinks/directories (especially if you plan running BSD ports of
some program on Linux) and mounting your drives then NimD can do it for you, but just because it _can_ doesn't mean it _has to_: you choose! NimD has a builtin
fstab parser and can operate entirely independently of the `mount` command, since it directly hooks up to `mount`, `umount` and `umount2` inside `sys/mount.h`
__Note__: To check if a disk is mounted, NimD reads /proc/mounts. If said virtual file is absent (say because we just booted and haven't mounted
/proc yet), the disk is assumed to be unmounted and is then mounted. This seems fairly reasonable to me, but in the off chance that said disk is
indeed mounted and NimD doesn't know it, it'll just log the error about the disk being already mounted and happily continue its merry way into
booting your system (_hopefully_), but failing to mount any of the POSIX virtual filesystems will cause NimD to abort with error code 131 (which
in turn will most likely cause your kernel to panic) because it's almost sure that the system would be in a broken state anyway.
## Setup
The way I envision NimD being installed on a system is the following:
- /etc/nimd -> Contains configuration files
- /etc/nimd/runlevels -> Contains the runlevels (think openrc)
- /var/run/nimd.sock -> Unix domain socket for IPC
- /etc/runlevels -> Symlink to /etc/nimd/runlevels
- /sbin/nimd -> Actual NimD executable
- /sbin/init -> Symlink to /sbin/nimd
NimD expects to be installed like so:
- `/etc/nimd` -> Contains configuration files and utilities like `reboot` and `poweroff`
- `/etc/nimd/runlevels` -> Contains the runlevels (`boot`, `default`, `shutdown`)
- `/etc/nimd/nimd.conf` -> NimD's own configuration file
- `/var/run/nimd.sock` -> Unix domain socket for IPC
- `/etc/runlevels` -> Symlink to `/etc/nimd/runlevels`
- `/sbin/nimd` -> Actual NimD executable
- `/sbin/init` -> Symlink to `/sbin/nimd`
- `/bin/{poweroff,shutdown,reboot,halt}` -> Minimal utilities that communicate with NimD to poweroff/shutdown/reboot/halt the machine
- `/bin/nimdctl` -> Utility to interact with NimD (add/remove/start/stop services, read logs, inspect services' status, etc)
__Note__: The runlevels directory contains `*.conf` files (or they can also be symlinks, NimD doesn't care): those are NimD's own unit files.
## Unit files
Services in NimD are called _unit files_ or just _units_ (I know, __very__ original). They are configuration files that tell NimD what to do once
it has booted your system
### Dependency management
Unlike some other init systems (most notably, runit) NimD is _dependency based_: to understand this relatively simple concept disguised as a fancy term,
you have to understand NimD (like many others) relies on the concepts of _dependents_ (units that _depend_ on some others to work) and _providers_ (units
that _provide_ services to their dependents and that may in turn have dependencies themselves). For example, if you wanna start an SSH server, you probably
want to make sure your disks are mounted and that your network has been set up. To do that, you can write something like this:
name = ssh # The name of the service
description = Secure Shell Server # A short description
type = simple # Other option: oneshot (i.e. runs only once, implies supervised=false)
exec = /usr/bin/sshd <args> # Note: this is not passed trough the shell, it's executed directly
depends = net,fs # This service will be started only when these dependencies are satisfied
provides = ssh # Dependents can also be providers
restart = always # Other options are: never, onFailure
restartDelay = 10 # NimD will wait this many seconds before trying to start it again
supervised = true # This is the default. Disable it if you don't need NimD to watch for it
stderr = /var/log/sshd # Path of the stderr log for the service
stdout = /var/log/sshd # Path of the stdout log for the service
stdin = /dev/null # Path of the stdin fd for the service
A dependency name can either be the name of a unit file (without the `.conf` extension), or one of the following placeholders:
- `net` -> Stands for network connection. Services like NetworkManager and dhcpcd should be set as providers for this
- `fs` -> If you mount your disks using a oneshot service (recommended for the best experience), your service should provide this
## Configuring NimD
NimD's own configuration file is located at `/etc/nimd/nimd.conf` and its syntax is similar to those of unit files (i.e. uses an
INI-like structure), but the options are obviously different. An example config would look something like this:
level = info # Levels are: trace, debug, info, warning, error, critical, fatal
logFile = /var/log/nimd # Path to log file
autoMount = true # Automatically parses /etc/fstab and mounts disks
fstabPath = /etc/fstab # Path to your system's fstab (defaults to /etc/fstab)
createDirs = /path/to/dir1, /path/to/dir2 # Creates these directories on boot. Empty to disable
createSymlinks = /path/to/dir1, /path/to/dir2 # Creates these symlinks on boot. Empty to disable
controlSocket = /var/run/nimd.sock # Path to the Unix domain socket to create for IPC

View File

@ -49,18 +49,59 @@ type
supervised: bool
restart: RestartKind
restartDelay: int
depends*: seq[Service]
provides*: seq[Service]
proc newService*(name, description: string, kind: ServiceKind, workDir: string, runlevel: RunLevel, exec: string, supervised: bool, restart: RestartKind, restartDelay: int): Service =
proc newService*(name, description: string, kind: ServiceKind, workDir: string, runlevel: RunLevel, exec: string, supervised: bool, restart: RestartKind,
restartDelay: int, depends, provides: seq[Service]): Service =
## Creates a new service object
result = Service(name: name, description: description, kind: kind, workDir: workDir, runLevel: runLevel,
exec: exec, supervised: supervised, restart: restart, restartDelay: restartDelay)
exec: exec, supervised: supervised, restart: restart, restartDelay: restartDelay,
depends: depends, provides: provides)
proc extend[T](self: var seq[T], other: seq[T]) =
## Extends self with the elements of other
for el in other:
var services: seq[Service] = @[]
var processIDs: TableRef[int, Service] = newTable[int, Service]()
proc resolveDependencies(logger: Logger, node: Service, resolved, unresolved: var seq[Service]) =
## Resolves dependencies and modifies the resolved
## parameter in place to a list that satisfies the
## dependency tree. This is basically traversing
## a directed cyclic graph, although note that cycles
## in our graph are errors and cause the dependants and
## the providers to be skipped and an error to be logged
# Note: It turns out this is an NP-hard problem (see,
# so hopefully this doesn't blow up. No wonder runit doesn't do any dependency resolution, lol.
# The algorithm comes from
# and has been extended to support the dependent-provider paradigm
var ok = true
for dependency in node.depends:
if dependency notin resolved:
if dependency in unresolved:
logger.error(&"Could not resolve dependencies for '{}' -> '{}': cyclic dependency detected")
ok = false
resolveDependencies(logger, dependency, resolved, unresolved)
for dependency in node.provides:
if dependency == node:
resolveDependencies(logger, dependency, resolved, unresolved)
if ok:
proc isManagedProcess*(pid: int): bool =
## Returns true if the given process
## id is associated to a supervised
@ -182,7 +223,7 @@ proc startService(logger: Logger, service: Service) =
let progName = arguments[0]
arguments = arguments[1..^1]
process = startProcess(progName, workingDir=service.workDir, args=arguments)
if service.supervised:
if service.supervised and service.kind != Oneshot:
var pid = posix.fork()
if pid == 0:
logger.trace(&"New child has been spawned")
@ -198,6 +239,9 @@ proc startService(logger: Logger, service: Service) =
proc startServices*(logger: Logger, level: RunLevel, workers: int = 1) =
## Starts the registered services in the
## given runlevel
var resolved: seq[Service] = @[]
var unresolved: seq[Service] = @[]
resolveDependencies(logger, services[0], resolved, unresolved)
if workers > cpuinfo.countProcessors():
logger.warning(&"The configured number of workers ({workers}) is greater than the number of CPU cores ({cpuinfo.countProcessors()}), performance may degrade")
var workerCount: int = 0
@ -223,8 +267,8 @@ proc startServices*(logger: Logger, level: RunLevel, workers: int = 1) =
logger.error(&"An error occurred while forking to spawn services, trying again: {posix.strerror(posix.errno)}")
elif pid == 0:
logger.trace(&"New child has been spawned")
if not servicesCopy[0].supervised:"Starting unsupervised service '{servicesCopy[0].name}'")
if not servicesCopy[0].supervised or servicesCopy[0].kind == Oneshot:"""Starting {(if servicesCopy[0].kind != Oneshot: "unsupervised" else: "oneshot")} service '{servicesCopy[0].name}'""")
else:"Starting supervised service '{servicesCopy[0].name}'")
startService(logger, servicesCopy[0])

View File

@ -38,35 +38,33 @@ proc addStuff =
addSymlink(newSymlink(dest="/dev/std/err", source="/")) # Should say link already exists and points to /proc/self/fd/2
addSymlink(newSymlink(dest="/dev/std/in", source="/does/not/exist")) # Shuld say destination does not exist
addSymlink(newSymlink(dest="/dev/std/in", source="/proc/self/fd/0")) # Should say link already exists
# Adds virtual filesystems (Update: apparently the kernel already mounts this stuff!)
addFS(newFilesystem(source="proc", target="/proc", fstype="proc", mountflags=0u64, data="nosuid,noexec,nodev", dump=0u8, pass=0u8))
addFS(newFilesystem(source="sys", target="/sys", fstype="sysfs", mountflags=0u64, data="nosuid,noexec,nodev", dump=0u8, pass=0u8))
addFS(newFilesystem(source="run", target="/run", fstype="tmpfs", mountflags=0u64, data="mode=0755,nosuid,nodev", dump=0u8, pass=0u8))
addFS(newFilesystem(source="dev", target="/dev", fstype="devtmpfs", mountflags=0u64, data="mode=0755,nosuid", dump=0u8, pass=0u8))
addFS(newFilesystem(source="devpts", target="/dev/pts", fstype="devpts", mountflags=0u64, data="mode=0620,gid=5,nosuid,noexec", dump=0u8, pass=0u8))
addFS(newFilesystem(source="shm", target="/dev/shm", fstype="tmpfs", mountflags=0u64, data="mode=1777,nosuid,nodev", dump=0u8, pass=0u8))
addDirectory(newDirectory("test", 777)) # Should create a directory
addDirectory(newDirectory("/dev/disk", 123)) # Should say directory already exists
addDirectory(newDirectory("/dev/test/owo", 000)) # Should say path does not exist
# Shutdown handler to unmount disks
# Adds test services
addService(newService(name="echoer", description="prints owo", exec="/bin/echo owo",
var echoer = newService(name="echoer", description="prints owo", exec="/bin/echo owo",
runlevel=Boot, kind=Oneshot, workDir=getCurrentDir(),
supervised=false, restart=Never, restartDelay=0))
addService(newService(name="errorer", description="la mamma di gavd",
supervised=false, restart=Never, restartDelay=0,
depends=(@[]), provides=(@[]))
var errorer = newService(name="errorer", description="la mamma di gavd",
exec="/bin/false", supervised=true, restart=OnFailure,
restartDelay=5, runlevel=Boot, workDir="/", kind=Simple))
addService(newService(name="exiter", description="la mamma di licenziat",
restartDelay=5, runlevel=Boot, workDir="/", kind=Simple,
depends=(@[echoer]), provides=(@[]))
var test = newService(name="broken", description="", exec="/bin/echo owo",
runlevel=Boot, kind=Oneshot, workDir=getCurrentDir(),
supervised=false, restart=Never, restartDelay=0,
depends=(@[echoer]), provides=(@[]))
var exiter = newService(name="exiter", description="la mamma di licenziat",
exec="/bin/true", supervised=true, restart=Always,
restartDelay=5, runlevel=Boot, workDir="/", kind=Simple))
addService(newService(name="sleeper", description="la mamma di danieloz",
exec="/usr/bin/sleep", supervised=true, restart=Always,
restartDelay=5, runlevel=Boot, workDir="/", kind=Simple))
restartDelay=5, runlevel=Boot, workDir="/", kind=Simple,
depends=(@[errorer]), provides=(@[]))
proc main(logger: Logger, mountDisks: bool = true, fstab: string = "/etc/fstab") =