Small changes, cancellation needs a fix

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2020-07-06 20:09:13 +00:00
parent fbee6c6f96
commit 1676f3149b
4 changed files with 38 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ giambio has been designed with simplicity in mind, so this README won't go deep
Just to clarify things, giambio does not avoid the Global Interpreter Lock nor it performs any sort of multithreading or multiprocessing (at least by default). Remember that **concurrency is not parallelism**, concurrent tasks will switch back and forth and proceed with their calculations but won't be running independently like they would do if they were forked off to a process pool. That's why it is called concurrency, because multiple tasks **concur** for the same amount of resources. (Which is basically the same thing that happens inside your CPU at a much lower level, because processors run many more tasks than their actual number of cores)
If you read carefully, you might now wonder: _"If a coroutine can call other coroutines, but synchronous functions cannot, how do I enter the async context in the first place?"_. This is done trough a special **synchronous function** (the `start()` method of an `EventLoop` object in our case) which can call asynchronous ones, that **must** be called from a synchronous context to avoid a horrible *deadlock*.
If you read carefully, you might now wonder: _"If a coroutine can call other coroutines, but synchronous functions cannot, how do I enter the async context in the first place?"_. This is done trough a special **synchronous function** (the `start` method of an `AsyncScheduler` object in our case) which can call asynchronous ones, that **must** be called from a synchronous context to avoid a horrible *deadlock*.
## Let's code
@ -80,9 +80,8 @@ async def echo_handler(sock: AsyncSocket, addr: tuple):
if __name__ == "__main__":
sched.create_task(server(('', 25000)))
sched.start(server(('', 25000)))
except KeyboardInterrupt: # Exceptions propagate!

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@ -68,30 +68,28 @@ class AsyncScheduler:
if not self.paused:
timeout = 0.0 if self.tasks else None # If there are no tasks ready wait indefinitely
tasks = # Get sockets that are ready and schedule their tasks
for key, _ in tasks:
io_ready = # Get sockets that are ready and schedule their tasks
for key, _ in io_ready:
self.tasks.append( # Socket ready? Schedule the task
key.fileobj) # Once (re)scheduled, the task does not need to perform I/O multiplexing (for now)
while self.tasks: # While there are tasks to run
self.current_task = self.tasks.popleft() # Sets the currently running task
self.current_task.status = "run"
method, *args = # Run a single step with the calculation
getattr(self, method)(*args) # Sneaky method call, thanks to David Beazley for this ;)
except CancelledError as cancelled: # Coroutine was cancelled
task = cancelled.args[0]
task.cancelled = True
except RuntimeError:
except StopIteration as e: # Coroutine ends
self.current_task.result = e.args[0] if e.args else None
self.current_task.finished = True
except Exception as error: # Coroutine raised
except BaseException as error: # Coroutine raised
self.current_task.exc = error
raise # Maybe find a better way to propagate errors?
@ -109,12 +107,13 @@ class AsyncScheduler:
def reschedule_parent(self):
def reschedule_parent(self, coro):
"""Reschedules the parent task"""
popped = self.joined.pop(self.current_task, None)
popped = self.joined.pop(coro, None)
if popped:
return popped
def want_read(self, sock: socket.socket):
"""Handler for the 'want_read' event, registers the socket inside the selector to perform I/0 multiplexing"""
@ -139,14 +138,14 @@ class AsyncScheduler:
if busy:
raise ResourceBusy("The given resource is busy!")
def join(self, coro: types.coroutine):
def join(self, child: types.coroutine):
"""Handler for the 'join' event, does some magic to tell the scheduler
to wait until the passed coroutine ends. The result of this call equals whatever the
coroutine returns or, if an exception gets raised, the exception will get propagated inside the
parent task"""
if coro not in self.joined:
self.joined[coro] = self.current_task
if child not in self.joined:
self.joined[child] = self.current_task
raise AlreadyJoinedError("Joining the same task multiple times is not allowed!")
@ -154,6 +153,7 @@ class AsyncScheduler:
"""Puts the caller to sleep for a given amount of seconds"""
self.sequence += 1
self.current_task.status = "sleep"
heappush(self.paused, (self.clock() + seconds, self.sequence, self.current_task))
def cancel(self, task):
@ -161,6 +161,7 @@ class AsyncScheduler:
in order to stop it from executing. The loop continues to execute as tasks
are independent"""
def wrap_socket(self, sock):

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@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ class Task:
self.exc = None
self.result = None
self.finished = False
self.status = "init"
def run(self, what=None):
"""Simple abstraction layer over the coroutines ``send`` method"""
@ -52,4 +53,4 @@ class Task:
def __repr__(self):
"""Implements repr(self)"""
return f"Task({self.coroutine}, cancelled={self.cancelled}, exc={repr(self.exc)}, result={self.result}, finished={self.finished})"
return f"Task({self.coroutine}, cancelled={self.cancelled}, exc={repr(self.exc)}, result={self.result}, finished={self.finished}, status={self.status})"

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@ -1,20 +1,20 @@
from giambio import AsyncScheduler, sleep
import giambio
async def countdown(n: int):
while n > 0:
print(f"Down {n}")
n -= 1
await sleep(1)
await giambio.sleep(1)
print("Countdown over")
async def countup(stop, step: int or float = 1):
async def countup(stop: int, step: int = 1):
x = 0
while x < stop:
print(f"Up {x}")
x += 1
await sleep(step)
await giambio.sleep(step)
print("Countup over")
@ -22,14 +22,14 @@ async def main():
cdown = scheduler.create_task(countdown(10))
cup = scheduler.create_task(countup(5, 2))
print("Counters started, awaiting completion")
await sleep(2)
print("Slept 1 second, killing countdown")
await cdown.cancel()
await giambio.sleep(2)
print("Slept 2 seconds, killing countup")
await cup.cancel() ## DOES NOT WORK!!!
await cup.join()
await cdown.join()
print("Task execution complete")
if __name__ == "__main__":
scheduler = AsyncScheduler()
scheduler = giambio.AsyncScheduler()