Split bootloader into 2 stages. vga_print is broken

This commit is contained in:
Nocturn9x 2022-11-18 22:19:40 +01:00
parent 82bb637147
commit 8ddc5288b9
5 changed files with 80 additions and 57 deletions

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@ -17,10 +17,10 @@
; do some basic setup and then call into the kernel ; do some basic setup and then call into the kernel
[org 0x7c00] ; Address where the code expects to be loaded in. The BIOS always loads us here [org 0x7c00] ; Address where the code expects to be loaded in. The BIOS always loads us here
kernel_offset: equ 0x1000 [bits 16] ; All x86 CPUs start in 16 bit (aka "real") mode, so we tell nasm to emit 16-bit code
; We save the value of the current boot drive kernel_offset: equ 0x1000
mov [boot_drive], dl reserved_sectors: equ 4
; This isn't needed inside the qemu emulator, but ; This isn't needed inside the qemu emulator, but
; real hardware is unlikely to start up with the ; real hardware is unlikely to start up with the
@ -31,6 +31,9 @@ mov ss, ax
mov es, ax mov es, ax
xor ax, ax xor ax, ax
; We save the value of the current boot drive
mov [boot_drive], dl
; Now we setup the stack by setting the ; Now we setup the stack by setting the
; base pointer to a location that's far ; base pointer to a location that's far
; enough from where the code for the BIOS ; enough from where the code for the BIOS
@ -38,54 +41,78 @@ xor ax, ax
mov sp, 0x9000 mov sp, 0x9000
mov bp, sp mov bp, sp
call bios_cls call bios_cls
mov si, real_mode_msg mov si, loading_stage2_msg
call bios_println call bios_println
call load_kernel mov bx, stage2
call switch_to_protected_mode mov cl, 2
jmp $ ; Keeps jumping at the current address (loops forever) mov dh, reserved_sectors
mov dl, [boot_drive]
call load_disk
jmp stage2
; Now we include our "function definitions" (after the ; Variables needed in the boot
; loop, so they're never executed unless explicitly called) ; sector
boot_drive: db 0
loading_stage2_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Stage 1 loaded, loading stage 2", 0
; We include just the bare minimum needed to load the
; second stage of our bootloader
%include "src/boot/util/disk.s" %include "src/boot/util/disk.s"
%include "src/boot/util/io.s" %include "src/boot/util/io.s"
%include "src/boot/gdt.s"
%include "src/boot/switch32.s"
; Padding and magic number
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
; Here we define our variables: They need to be defined after the [bits 16]
; halting because otherwise they will be executed as code stage2:
real_mode_msg: db "TSOS: Booting", 0 ; Here we're no longer limited by the size of the
protected_mode_msg: db "TSOS: Protected mode OK", 0 ; boot sector, so we can perform the more complex
loading_kernel_msg: db "TSOS: Loading kernel", 0 ; part of the boot process
boot_drive: db 0 mov si, stage2_loaded_msg
[bits 16] ; All x86 CPUs start in 16 bit (aka "real") mode, so we tell nasm to emit 16-bit code
load_kernel: ; Loads the kernel into memory
mov si, loading_kernel_msg
call bios_println call bios_println
call load_kernel
call switch_to_protected_mode
; Loads the kernel into memory
mov bx, kernel_offset mov bx, kernel_offset
mov cl, 2 mov cl, reserved_sectors + 1
mov dh, 4 mov dh, 4
mov dl, [boot_drive] mov dl, [boot_drive]
call load_disk call load_disk
mov si, kernel_loaded_msg
call bios_println
ret ret
[bits 32] [bits 32]
BEGIN_32BIT: ; After the switch we will get here BEGIN_32BIT: ; After the switch we will get here
mov esi, protected_mode_msg mov esi, protected_mode_msg
; My modified print function takes an offset call vga_print
; to add to the start of the video memory that call enableA20
; is added before writing. We skip the first mov esi, calling_kernel_msg
; 320 bytes so that we don't overwrite the log
; messages we have already written
mov ecx, 0x140
call vga_print call vga_print
call kernel_offset call kernel_offset
jmp $ jmp $
; Padding and magic number
times 510 - ($-$$) db 0 ; Now we include the necessary files to switch to
dw 0xaa55 ; 32-bit (aka protected) mode
%include "src/boot/gdt.s"
%include "src/boot/switch32.s"
%include "src/boot/util/enablea20.s"
; Here we define our variables used in the second stage
protected_mode_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Successfully switched to protected mode, enabling A20 line", 0
kernel_loaded_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Kernel loaded, switching to protected mode", 0
calling_kernel_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Calling kernel entrypoint", 0
stage2_loaded_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Stage 2 loaded, loading kernel", 0
times (512 * reserved_sectors) - ($ - $$) db 0 ; Pads the section to exactly reserved_sectors

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@ -17,13 +17,7 @@
[bits 16] [bits 16]
switch_to_protected_mode: switch_to_protected_mode:
cli ; Now we disable interrupts cli ; Now we disable interrupts
; We enable the A20 line using
; the ol' but (mostly) reliable
; keyboard controller method
mov al, 0xd1
out 0x64, al
mov al, 0xdf
out 0x60, al
lgdt [gdt_descriptor] ; Time to load the GDT descriptor lgdt [gdt_descriptor] ; Time to load the GDT descriptor
; We set 32-bit mode in CR0. Almost done! ; We set 32-bit mode in CR0. Almost done!
mov eax, cr0 mov eax, cr0
@ -45,5 +39,4 @@ switch32: ; We're not in 32 bit mode, yay!
mov ebp, 0x1f8400 ; We also make the stack larger (2MiB) mov ebp, 0x1f8400 ; We also make the stack larger (2MiB)
mov esp, ebp mov esp, ebp
call BEGIN_32BIT ; We call back into mbr.s which loads the kernel
call BEGIN_32BIT ; We call back into mbr.s which loads the kernel

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@ -42,6 +42,8 @@ disk_error:
call bios_print call bios_print
mov dh, ah ; Error code is in ah mov dh, ah ; Error code is in ah
call bios_printh call bios_printh
mov si, parenthesis
call bios_print
call bios_newline call bios_newline
jmp disk_loop jmp disk_loop
@ -55,5 +57,6 @@ disk_loop:
jmp $ jmp $
disk_read_error_msg: db "TSOS: Read error: ", 0 parenthesis: db ')', 0
disk_sectors_error_msg: db "TSOS: Incomplete read", 0 disk_read_error_msg: db "TSOS - ERROR: Disk read failed (error code ", 0
disk_sectors_error_msg: db "TSOS - ERROR: Disk read failed (sector number mismatch)", 0

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@ -124,7 +124,10 @@ HEX_OUT: db '0x0000', 0 ; reserve memory for our new string
[bits 32] [bits 32]
; I/O routines that directly manipulate video memory ; I/O routines that work with the VGA controller and video memory
; to print to the screen
VMEM_START: equ 0xb8000 ; Video memory always starts at this address VMEM_START: equ 0xb8000 ; Video memory always starts at this address
; A character on the screen in VGA text mode is composed of 2 bytes: ; A character on the screen in VGA text mode is composed of 2 bytes:
; the first byte is the ASCII codepoint to be printed, while the next ; the first byte is the ASCII codepoint to be printed, while the next
@ -135,27 +138,23 @@ TEXT_COLOR: equ 0x07
vga_print: vga_print:
; Prints a null-terminated string located ; Prints a null-terminated string located
; on the esi register. Offsets the write ; on the esi register.
; by ecx bytes
pusha pusha
mov edx, VMEM_START mov ebx, VMEM_START
add edx, ecx
vga_print_loop: vga_print_loop:
mov al, [esi] mov al, [esi]
mov ah, TEXT_COLOR
cmp al, 0 cmp al, 0
je vga_print_done ; If we're at the null byte, we exit je vga_print_done
mov [edx], ax ; Write the 2-byte character to video memory mov ah, TEXT_COLOR
mov [ebx], ax ; Write the 2-byte character to video memory
inc esi ; Go to the next character in the string inc esi ; Go to the next character in the string
add edx, 2 ; Go to the next character in video memory add ebx, 2
jmp vga_print_loop jmp vga_print_loop
vga_print_done: vga_print_done:
popa popa
ret ret
vga_printh: vga_printh:
; Prints the value of edx in hexadecimal format ; Prints the value of edx in hexadecimal format
pusha pusha

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@ -24,9 +24,10 @@ i32 kmain(void) {
The kernel entry point of TSOS The kernel entry point of TSOS
*/ */
// We skip the log messages from
// the bootloader // TODO: Set VGA cursor position from assembly. Skipping
kprintln("\n\n\n\nTSOS: Kernel load OK"); // log messages like this is just awful
kprintln("\n\n\nTSKL - INFO: Kernel booted successfully");
// TODO... // TODO...
return 0x022172; // :D return 0x022172; // :D
} }