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@ -1,46 +1,11 @@
import nn/network
import nn/util/matrix
import std/math
# Mean squared error
proc mse(a, b: Matrix[float]): float =
result = (b - a).apply(proc (x: float): float = pow(x, 2), axis = -1).sum() / len(a).float
# Derivative of MSE
func dxMSE*(x, y: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = 2.0 * (x - y)
# A bunch of vectorized activation functions
func sigmoid*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
result = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) , axis = -1)
func sigmoidDerivative*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = sigmoid(input) * (1.0 - sigmoid(input))
func softmax*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
var input = input - input.max()
result = input.apply(math.exp, axis = -1) / input.apply(math.exp, axis = -1).sum()
func softmaxDerivative*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = zeros[float](input.shape)
func step*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = (if x < 0.0: 0.0 else: x), axis = -1)
func silu*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)), axis= -1)
func relu*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = max(0.0, x), axis = -1)
func htan*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
let f = proc (x: float): float =
let temp = exp(2 * x)
result = (temp - 1) / (temp + 1)
input.apply(f, axis = -1)
var mlp = newNeuralNetwork(@[newDenseLayer(2, 3, newActivation(sigmoid, sigmoidDerivative)),
newDenseLayer(3, 2, newActivation(sigmoid, sigmoidDerivative)),
newDenseLayer(2, 3, newActivation(softmax, softmaxDerivative))],
lossFunc=newLoss(mse, dxMSE), learnRate=0.05, momentum=0.55,
var mlp = newNeuralNetwork(@[newDenseLayer(2, 3, Sigmoid),
newDenseLayer(3, 2, Sigmoid),
newDenseLayer(2, 3, Softmax)],
lossFunc=MSE, learnRate=0.05, momentum=0.55,
weightRange=(start: -1.0, stop: 1.0), biasRange=(start: -10.0, stop: 10.0))
echo mlp.feedforward(newMatrix[float](@[1.0, 2.0]))

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@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ import util/matrix
import std/strformat
import std/random
import std/math
@ -142,4 +143,50 @@ proc feedforward*(self: NeuralNetwork, data: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
proc backprop(self: NeuralNetwork, x, y: Matrix[float]) {.used.} =
## Performs a single backpropagation step and updates the
## gradients for our weights and biases, layer by layer
## gradients for our weights and biases, layer by layer
## Utility functions
# Mean squared error
proc mse(a, b: Matrix[float]): float =
result = (b - a).apply(proc (x: float): float = pow(x, 2), axis = -1).sum() / len(a).float
# Derivative of MSE
func dxMSE(x, y: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = 2.0 * (x - y)
# A bunch of vectorized activation functions
func sigmoid(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
result = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) , axis = -1)
func sigmoidDerivative(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = sigmoid(input) * (1.0 - sigmoid(input))
func softmax(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
var input = input - input.max()
result = input.apply(math.exp, axis = -1) / input.apply(math.exp, axis = -1).sum()
func softmaxDerivative(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
var input = input.reshape(input.shape.cols, 1)
result = input.diagflat() -
func step(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] {.used.} = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = (if x < 0.0: 0.0 else: x), axis = -1)
func silu(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] {.used.} = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)), axis= -1)
func relu(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] {.used.} = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = max(0.0, x), axis = -1)
func htan(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] {.used.} =
let f = proc (x: float): float =
let temp = exp(2 * x)
result = (temp - 1) / (temp + 1)
input.apply(f, axis = -1)
{.hints: off.} # So nim doesn't complain about the naming
var Sigmoid* = newActivation(sigmoid, sigmoidDerivative)
var Softmax* = newActivation(softmax, softmaxDerivative)
var MSE* = newLoss(mse, dxMSE)

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@ -662,8 +662,8 @@ proc `==`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[bool] =
proc diag*[T](a: Matrix[T], k: int = 0): Matrix[T] =
## Returns the kth diagonal of
## the given matrix if a is 2-D
## Returns the kth diagonal of
## the given matrix if a is 2-D
## or a 2-D matrix with a on its
## kth diagonal if it is 1-D
if a.shape.rows > 0:
@ -686,6 +686,12 @@ proc diag*[T](a: Matrix[T], k: int = 0): Matrix[T] =
proc diagflat*[T](a: Matrix[T], k: int = 0): Matrix[T] =
## Create a 2-D array with the flattened
## input as a diagonal
result = a.flatten().diag(k)
proc fliplr*[T](self: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Flips each row in the matrix left
## to right. A copy is returned
@ -937,7 +943,9 @@ proc dot*[T](self, other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x, y: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Behaves like numpy.where()
## Return elements chosen from x or y depending on cond
## Where cond is true, take elements from x, otherwise
## take elements from y
when not defined(release):
if not (x.shape == y.shape and y.shape == cond.shape):
raise newException(ValueError, &"all inputs must be of equal shape for where()")
@ -960,7 +968,9 @@ proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x, y: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x: Matrix[T], y: T): Matrix[T] =
## Behaves like numpy.where, but with a constant
## Behaves like where but with a constant instead of
## an array. When cond is true, take elements from x,
## otherwise take y
when not defined(release):
if not (x.shape == cond.shape):
raise newException(ValueError, &"all inputs must be of equal shape for where()")
@ -1072,4 +1082,6 @@ when isMainModule:
doAssert all(j.diag(1) == newMatrix[int](@[2, 4]))
doAssert all(j.diag(2) == newMatrix[int](@[1]))
var o = newMatrix[int](@[1, 2, 3])
doAssert all(o.diag() == newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 0, 0], @[0, 2, 0], @[0, 0, 3]]))
doAssert all(o.diag() == newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 0, 0], @[0, 2, 0], @[0, 0, 3]]))
var n = newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 2], @[3, 4]])
doAssert all(n.diagflat() == newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 0, 0, 0], @[0, 2, 0, 0], @[0, 0, 3, 0], @[0, 0, 0, 4]]))