Major updates to library architecture and additions to matrix library

This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2023-03-20 10:01:06 +01:00 committed by Nocturn9x
parent 93e71ff336
commit e91869e5ab
4 changed files with 267 additions and 302 deletions

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@ -1,123 +1,41 @@
import nn/network
import nn/util/matrix
import nn/util/tris
import std/tables
import std/math
import std/random
import std/algorithm
import std/strformat
## A bunch of activation functions
func step*(input: float): float = (if input < 0.0: 0.0 else: 1.0)
func sigmoid*(input: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-input))
func silu*(input: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-input))
func relu*(input: float): float = max(0.0, input)
func htan*(input: float): float =
let temp = exp(2 * input)
result = (temp - 1) / (temp + 1)
# Mean squared error
proc mse(a, b: Matrix[float]): float =
result = (b - a).apply(proc (x: float): float = pow(x, 2), axis = -1).sum() / len(a).float
# Derivative of MSE
func dxMSE*(x, y: float): float = 2 * (x - y)
func dx*(x, y: float): float = 0.0
# A bunch of vectorized activation functions
func sigmoid*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
result = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)) , axis = -1)
func softmax*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
var input = input - input.max()
result = input.apply(math.exp, axis = -1) / input.apply(math.exp, axis = -1).sum()
func step*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = (if x < 0.0: 0.0 else: x), axis = -1)
func silu*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = 1 / (1 + exp(-x)), axis= -1)
func relu*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] = input.apply(proc (x: float): float = max(0.0, x), axis = -1)
func htan*(input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
let f = proc (x: float): float =
let temp = exp(2 * x)
result = (temp - 1) / (temp + 1)
input.apply(f, axis = -1)
func ind2sub(n: int, shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): tuple[row, col: int] =
## Converts an absolute index into an x, y pair
return (n div shape.rows, n mod shape.cols)
proc loss(params: TableRef[string, float]): float =
## Our loss function for tris
if params.hasKey("sameMove"):
result = 24 - params["moves"]
result = params["moves"]
if int(params["result"]) ==
result += 6
elif int(params["result"]) ==
result += 12
echo result
proc compareNetworks(a, b: NeuralNetwork): int =
if a.params.len() == 0:
return -1
elif b.params.len() == 0:
return 1
return cmp(loss(a.params), loss(b.params))
proc crossover(a, b: NeuralNetwork): NeuralNetwork =
result = deepCopy(a)
var i = 0
while i < a.layers.len():
# We inherit 50% of our weights and biases from our first
# parent and the other 50% from the other parent
result.layers[i].weights = where(rand[float](a.layers[i].weights.shape) >= 0.5, a.layers[i].weights, b.layers[i].weights)
result.layers[i].biases = where(rand[float](a.layers[i].biases.shape) >= 0.5, a.layers[i].biases, b.layers[i].biases)
# Now we sprinkle some mutations into the inherited weights
# and biases, just to spice things up. If learnRate = 0.02,
# then 2% of our weights and biases will randomly change
result.layers[i].weights = where(rand[float](result.layers[i].weights.shape) < a.learnRate, rand[float](result.layers[i].weights.shape),
result.layers[i].biases = where(rand[float](result.layers[i].biases.shape) < a.learnRate, rand[float](result.layers[i].biases.shape),
result.learnRate = a.learnRate
## Our training program
const Population = 100
const Iterations = 300
const Epochs = 10
const Take = 15
var networks: seq[NeuralNetwork] = @[]
var best: seq[NeuralNetwork] = @[]
for _ in 0..<Population:
networks.add(newNeuralNetwork(@[9, 16, 12, 9], activationFunc=newActivation(sigmoid, func (x, y: float): float = 0.0),
lossFunc=newLoss(loss, func (x, y: float): float = 0.0), weightRange=(-1.0, +1.0), biasRange=(-0.5, 0.5),
var gameOne: TrisGame
var gameTwo: TrisGame
var one: NeuralNetwork
var two: NeuralNetwork
var pos: tuple[row, col: int]
for epoch in 0..<Epochs:
for iteration in 0..<Iterations:
gameOne = newTrisGame()
gameTwo = newTrisGame()
one = sample(networks)
two = sample(networks)
while one == two:
two = sample(networks)
while gameOne.get() == Playing:
pos = ind2sub(one.compute( - 1,, pos.row, pos.col), pos.row, pos.col)
pos = ind2sub(two.compute( - 1,
if TileKind([pos.row, pos.col]) != Empty:
# We consider this a loss
one.params["result"] = float(Lose)
two.params["result"] = float(Lose)
one.params["sameMove"] = 1.0
two.params["sameMove"] = 1.0
break, pos.row, pos.col), pos.row, pos.col)
if not one.params.hasKey("sameMove"):
one.params["result"] = gameOne.get().float()
two.params["result"] = gameTwo.get().float()
one.params["moves"] = gameOne.moves.float()
two.params["moves"] = gameTwo.moves.float()
best = networks[0..<Take]
while networks.len() < Population:
one = sample(best)
two = sample(best)
while one == two:
two = sample(best)
var mlp = newNeuralNetwork(@[newDenseLayer(2, 3, newActivation(sigmoid, dx)), newDenseLayer(3, 2, newActivation(sigmoid, dx)),
newDenseLayer(2, 3, newActivation(softmax, dx))],
lossFunc=newLoss(mse, dxMSE),
learnRate=0.05, weightRange=(start: -1.0, stop: 1.0), biasRange=(start: -10.0, stop: 10.0),
echo mlp.feedforward(newMatrix[float](@[1.0, 2.0]))

View File

@ -16,7 +16,6 @@ import util/matrix
import std/strformat
import std/tables
import std/random
@ -28,35 +27,35 @@ type
## A generic feed-forward
## neural network
layers*: seq[Layer]
activation: Activation # The activation function along with its derivative
loss: Loss # The cost function along with its derivative
# This parameter has a different meaning depending on
# whether we're learning using backpropagation with gradient
# descent (in which case it is the amount by which we increase
# our input for the next epoch) or using a genetic approach
# (where it will be the rate of mutation for each layer)
loss: Loss # The cost function along with its derivative
# The network's learn rate determines
# the amount of progress that is made
# at each step when performing gradient
# descent
learnRate*: float
# Extra parameters
params*: TableRef[string, float]
# Note: The derivatives of the loss and activation
# function are only meaningful when performing gradient
# descent!
# The momentum serves to speed up convergence
# time when performing SGD: the higher the output
# of the derivative of the cost function, the more
# we nudge our inputs for our next epoch
momentum*: float
Loss* = ref object
## A loss function
function: proc (params: TableRef[string, float]): float
## A loss function and its derivative
function: proc (a, b: Matrix[float]): float
derivative: proc (x, y: float): float {.noSideEffect.}
Activation* = ref object
## An activation function
function: proc (input: float): float {.noSideEffect.}
function: proc (input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] {.noSideEffect.}
derivative: proc (x, y: float): float {.noSideEffect.}
Layer* = ref object
## A generic neural network
## layer
inputSize*: int # The number of inputs we process
outputSize*: int # The number of outputs we produce
inputSize*: int # The number of inputs we process
outputSize*: int # The number of outputs we produce
weights*: Matrix[float] # The weights for each connection (2D)
biases*: Matrix[float] # The biases for each neuron (1D)
gradients: tuple[weights, biases: Matrix[float]] # Gradient coefficients for weights and biases, if using gradient descent
gradients: tuple[weights, biases: Matrix[float]] # Gradient coefficients for weights and biases
activation: Activation # The layer's activation function
proc `$`*(self: Layer): string =
@ -71,64 +70,66 @@ proc `$`*(self: NeuralNetwork): string =
result = &"NeuralNetwork(learnRate={self.learnRate}, layers={self.layers})"
proc newLoss*(function: proc (params: TableRef[string, float]): float, derivative: proc (x, y: float): float {.noSideEffect.}): Loss =
proc newLoss*(function: proc (a, b: Matrix[float]): float, derivative: proc (x, y: float): float {.noSideEffect.}): Loss =
## Creates a new Loss object
result.function = function
result.derivative = derivative
proc newActivation*(function: proc (input: float): float {.noSideEffect.}, derivative: proc (x, y: float): float {.noSideEffect.}): Activation =
proc newActivation*(function: proc (input: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] {.noSideEffect.}, derivative: proc (x, y: float): float {.noSideEffect.}): Activation =
## Creates a new Activation object
result.function = function
result.derivative = derivative
proc newLayer*(inputSize: int, outputSize: int, weightRange, biasRange: tuple[start, stop: float]): Layer =
## Creates a new layer with inputSize input
## parameters and outputSize outgoing outputs.
## Weights are initialized with random values
## in the chosen range
proc newDenseLayer*(inputSize: int, outputSize: int, activationFunc: Activation): Layer =
## Creates a new dense layer with inputSize input
## parameters and outputSize outgoing outputs and
## using the chosen activation function.
result.inputSize = inputSize
result.outputSize = outputSize
var biases = newSeqOfCap[float](outputSize)
var biasGradients = newSeqOfCap[float](outputSize)
for _ in 0..<outputSize:
var weights = newSeqOfCap[seq[float]](inputSize * outputSize)
var weightGradients = newSeqOfCap[seq[float]](inputSize * outputSize)
for _ in 0..<outputSize:
for _ in 0..<inputSize:
result.biases = newMatrix[float](biases)
result.weights = newMatrix[float](weights)
result.gradients = (weights: newMatrix[float](weightGradients), biases: newMatrix[float](biasGradients))
proc newNeuralNetwork*(layers: seq[int], activationFunc: Activation, lossFunc: Loss,
learnRate: float, weightRange, biasRange: tuple[start, stop: float]): NeuralNetwork =
## Initializes a new neural network
## with the given layer layout
result.layers = newSeqOfCap[Layer](len(layers))
for i in 0..<layers.high():
result.layers.add(newLayer(layers[i], layers[i + 1], weightRange, biasRange))
result.activation = activationFunc
proc newNeuralNetwork*(topology: seq[Layer], lossFunc: Loss, learnRate: float, momentum: float,
weightRange, biasRange: tuple[start, stop: float]): NeuralNetwork =
## Initializes a new neural network with
## the given topology and iperparameters.
## Weights and biases are initialized with
## random values in the chosen range
result.layers = topology
for layer in result.layers:
var biases = newSeqOfCap[float](layer.outputSize)
var biasGradients = newSeqOfCap[float](layer.outputSize)
for _ in 0..<layer.outputSize:
var weights = newSeqOfCap[float](layer.inputSize * layer.outputSize)
var weightGradients = newSeqOfCap[float](layer.inputSize * layer.outputSize)
for _ in 0..<layer.outputSize:
for _ in 0..<layer.inputSize:
layer.biases = newMatrix[float](biases)
# Why swap outputSize and inputSize in the matrix shape? The reason is simple: this
# spares us from having to transpose it later when we perform the dot product (I get
# that it's a constant time operation, but if we can avoid it altogether, that's even
# better!)
layer.weights = newMatrixFromSeq[float](weights, (layer.outputSize, layer.inputSize))
layer.gradients = (weights: newMatrix[float](weightGradients),
biases: newMatrixFromSeq[float](biasGradients, (layer.outputSize, layer.inputSize)))
result.loss = lossFunc
result.learnRate = learnRate
result.params = newTable[string, float]()
result.momentum = momentum
proc compute*(self: NeuralNetwork, data: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
## Performs a computation and returns a 1D array
## with the output
proc feedforward*(self: NeuralNetwork, data: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
## Feeds the given input through the network and returns
## a 1D array with the output
when not defined(release):
if data.shape.rows > 1:
raise newException(ValueError, "input data must be one-dimensional")
@ -136,5 +137,9 @@ proc compute*(self: NeuralNetwork, data: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
raise newException(ValueError, &"input is of the wrong shape (expecting (1, {self.layers[0].inputSize}), got ({data.shape.rows}, {data.shape.cols}) instead)")
result = data
for layer in self.layers:
result = ( + layer.biases).apply(self.activation.function, axis= -1)
result = layer.activation.function( + layer.biases)
proc backprop(self: NeuralNetwork, x, y: Matrix[float]) {.used.} =
## Performs a single backpropagation step and updates the
## gradients for our weights and biases, layer by layer

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Copyright 2023 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
@ -33,7 +33,13 @@ type
row: int # The row in the matrix to which we point to
proc getSize(shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): int =
# Simple one-line helpers
func len*[T](self: Matrix[T]): int {.inline.} =[].len()
func len*[T](self: MatrixView[T]): int {.inline.} = self.shape.cols
func raw*[T](self: Matrix[T]): ref seq[T] {.inline.} =
proc getSize*(shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): int =
## Helper to get the size required for the
## underlying data array for a matrix of the
## given shape
@ -84,6 +90,16 @@ proc newMatrix*[T](data: seq[seq[T]], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T]
idx = col
proc newMatrixFromSeq*[T](data: seq[T], shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Creates a new matrix of the given shape from a flat
## sequence
new([] = data
result.shape = shape
result.order = order
proc zeros*[T: int | float](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Creates a new matrix of the given shape
## filled with zeros
@ -115,6 +131,7 @@ proc ones*[T: int | float](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = R
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(1.0)
proc rand*[T: int | float](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Creates a new matrix of the given shape
## filled with random values between 0 and
@ -142,13 +159,7 @@ proc asType*[T](self: Matrix[T], kind: typedesc): Matrix[kind] =
result.order = self.order
# Simple one-line helpers and forward declarations
func len*[T](self: Matrix[T]): int {.inline.} =[].len()
func len*[T](self: MatrixView[T]): int {.inline.} = self.shape.cols
func raw*[T](self: Matrix[T]): ref seq[T] {.inline.} =
func getIndex[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): int =
func getIndex*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): int =
## Converts an (x, y) coordinate pair into a single
## integer index into our array, taking the internal
## array order into account
@ -158,6 +169,13 @@ func getIndex[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): int =
result = col * self.shape.rows + row
func ind2sub*(n: int, shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): tuple[row, col: int] =
## Converts an absolute index into an x, y pair
if shape.rows == 0:
return (0, n)
return (n div shape.cols, n mod shape.cols)
proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): T =
## Gets the element the given row and
## column into the matrix
@ -172,8 +190,8 @@ proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row: int): MatrixView[T] =
## Gets a single row in the matrix. No data copies
## occur and a view into the original matrix is
## returned
var idx = self.getIndex(row, 0)
when not defined(release):
var idx = self.getIndex(row, 0)
if idx notin 0..<[].len():
raise newException(IndexDefect, &"row {row} is out of range for matrix of shape ({self.shape.rows}, {self.shape.cols})")
@ -182,7 +200,7 @@ proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row: int): MatrixView[T] =
proc `[]`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int): T =
## Gets the element the given row into
## Gets the element at the given column into
## the matrix view
var idx = self.m.getIndex(self.row, col)
when not defined(release):
@ -202,7 +220,7 @@ proc `[]=`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int, val: T) =
proc `[]=`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int, val: T) =
## Sets the element at the given row
## Sets the element at the given column
## into the matrix view to the value
## val
var idx = self.m.getIndex(0, col)
@ -212,7 +230,6 @@ proc `[]=`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int, val: T) =[idx] = val
# Shape management
proc reshape*[T](self: Matrix[T], shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): Matrix[T] =
## Reshapes the given matrix. No data copies occur
@ -486,6 +503,44 @@ proc `+`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
result = a[0] + b[0]
proc `-`*[T](a, b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Performs the vector sum of the
## given matrix views and returns a new
## vector with the result
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.cols != b.shape.cols: # Basically if their length is different
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for addition")
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[T](result.shape.getSize())
for i in 0..<a.shape.cols:[].add(a[i] - b[i])
proc `-`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.rows > 0 and b.shape.rows > 0 and a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for addition")
elif (a.shape.rows == 0 or b.shape.rows == 0) and a.shape.cols != b.shape.cols:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for addition")
if a.shape.rows == 0 and b.shape.rows == 0:
return a[0] + b[0]
new([] = newSeqOfCap[T](result.shape.getSize())
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor
if result.shape.rows > 1:
for row in 0..<result.shape.rows:
for m in a[row] - b[row]:
for element in m:[].add(element)
result = a[0] - b[0]
proc `*`*[T](a, b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Performs the vector product of the
## given matrix views and returns a new
@ -606,29 +661,32 @@ proc `==`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[bool] =
return a[0] == b
proc diag*[T](a: Matrix[T], diagonal: int): Matrix[T] =
## Returns the chosen diagonal of the given
## matrix as a linear array. Diagonal 0 means left,
## 1 means right
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.rows != a.shape.cols:
raise newException(ValueError, "only square matrices have diagonals")
proc diag*[T](a: Matrix[T], offset: int = 0): Matrix[T] =
## Returns the diagonal of the given
## matrix starting at the given offset
if offset >= a.shape.cols:
return newMatrix[T](@[])
var current = offset.ind2sub(a.shape)
var res = newSeqOfCap[T](a.shape.getSize())
case diagonal:
of 0:
for i in 0..<a.shape.rows:
res.add(a[i, i])
of 1:
for i in 0..<a.shape.rows:
res.add(a[i, a.shape.rows - i])
when not defined(release):
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid diagonal {diagonal} for matrix")
while current.row < a.shape.rows and current.col < a.shape.cols:
res.add([a.getIndex(current.row, current.col)])
result = newMatrix(res)
proc fliplr*[T](self: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Flips each row in the matrix left
## to right. A copy is returned
result.shape = self.shape
result.order = self.order
new([] = newSeqOfCap[T](self.shape.getSize())
for row in self:
for i in countdown(row.len() - 1, 0, 1):[].add(row[i])
proc `==`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
@ -646,6 +704,22 @@ proc `==`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =[].add(a[r, c] == b[r, c])
proc `!=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, "can't compare matrices of different shapes")
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[bool](result.shape.getSize())
if a.shape.rows == 0:
result = a[0] == b[0]
for r in 0..<a.shape.rows:
for c in 0..<a.shape.cols:[].add(a[r, c] != b[r, c])
proc `>`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape != b.shape:
@ -710,14 +784,22 @@ proc any*(a: Matrix[bool]): bool =
return false
proc index*[T](self: Matrix[T], x: T): tuple[row, col: int] =
## Returns the location of the given
## item in the matrix. A tuple of (-1, -1)
## is returned if the item is not found
for i, row in self:
for j, e in row:
if e == x:
return (i, j)
return (-1, -1)
# Specular definitions of commutative operators
proc `<`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = b > a
proc `!=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = not a == b
proc `*`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] = b * a
proc `==`*[T](a: T, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = b == a
proc `==`*[T](a: MatrixView[T], b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = b == a
proc `!=`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: T): Matrix[bool] = not a == b
proc `!=`*[T](a: T, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = not b == a
proc toRowMajor*[T](self: Matrix[T], copy: bool = true): Matrix[T] =
@ -762,15 +844,17 @@ proc toColumnMajor*[T](self: Matrix[T], copy: bool = true): Matrix[T] =
# Matrices and matrix views are iterable!
iterator items*[T](self: Matrix[T]): MatrixView[T] =
for row in 0..<self.shape.rows:
yield self[row]
if self.shape.rows == 0:
yield self[0]
if self.len() > 0:
for row in 0..<self.shape.rows:
yield self[row]
if self.shape.rows == 0:
yield self[0]
iterator items*[T](self: MatrixView[T]): T =
for column in 0..<self.shape.cols:
yield self[column]
if self.len() > 0:
for column in 0..<self.shape.cols:
yield self[column]
iterator pairs*[T](self: Matrix[T]): tuple[i: int, val: MatrixView[T]] =
@ -799,7 +883,7 @@ proc `$`*[T](self: MatrixView[T]): string =
proc `$`*[T](self: Matrix[T]): string =
## Stringifies the matrix
if self.shape.rows == 0:
if self.shape.rows == 0 and self.len() > 0:
return $(self[0])
result &= "["
for i, row in self:
@ -864,8 +948,32 @@ proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x, y: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
col = 0
proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x: Matrix[T], y: T): Matrix[T] =
## Behaves like numpy.where, but with a constant
when not defined(release):
if not (x.shape == cond.shape):
raise newException(ValueError, &"all inputs must be of equal shape for where()")
result = x.copy()
row = 0
col = 0
if cond.shape.rows == 0:
while col < cond.shape.cols:
if not cond[0, col]:
result[0, col] = y
while row < cond.shape.rows:
while col < cond.shape.cols:
if not cond[row, col]:
result[row, col] = y
col = 0
# Just a helper to avoid mistakes and so that x.where(x > 10, y) works as expected
proc where*[T](self: Matrix[T], cond: Matrix[bool], other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] = cond.where(self, other)
proc where*[T](self: Matrix[T], cond: Matrix[bool], other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] {.inline.} = cond.where(self, other)
proc where*[T](self: Matrix[T], cond: Matrix[bool], other: T): Matrix[T] {.inline.} = cond.where(self, other)
proc max*[T](self: Matrix[T]): T =
@ -899,7 +1007,7 @@ proc argmax*[T](self: Matrix[T]): int =
proc contains*[T](self: Matrix[T], e: T): bool =
## Returns wherher the matrix contains
## Returns whether the matrix contains
## the element e
for row in self:
for element in row:
@ -908,6 +1016,15 @@ proc contains*[T](self: Matrix[T], e: T): bool =
return false
proc count*[T](self: Matrix[T], e: T): int =
## Returns the number of occurrences
## of e in self
for row in self:
for k in row:
if k == e:
when isMainModule:
import math
@ -932,6 +1049,14 @@ when isMainModule:
assert (x < 5).where(x, x * 10).sum() == 360, "where mismatch"
assert all((x < 5).where(x, x * 10) == x.where(x < 5, x * 10)), "where mismatch"
assert x.max() == 9, "max mismatch"
assert x.argmax() == 9, "argmax mismatch"
discard newMatrix[int](@[12, 23]).dot(newMatrix[int](@[@[11, 22], @[33, 44]]))
discard newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 2, 3], @[2, 3, 4]]).dot(newMatrix[int](@[1, 2, 3]))
assert x.argmax() == 10, "argmax mismatch"
assert all(newMatrix[int](@[12, 23]).dot(newMatrix[int](@[@[11, 22], @[33, 44]])) == newMatrix[int](@[891, 1276]))
assert all(newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 2, 3], @[2, 3, 4]]).dot(newMatrix[int](@[1, 2, 3])) == newMatrix[int](@[14, 20]))
assert all(m.diag() == newMatrix[int](@[1, 5]))
assert all(m.diag(1) == newMatrix[int](@[2, 6]))
assert all(m.diag(2) == newMatrix[int](@[3]))
assert m.diag(3).len() == 0
var j = m.fliplr()
assert all(j.diag() == newMatrix[int](@[3, 5]))
assert all(j.diag(1) == newMatrix[int](@[2, 4]))
assert all(j.diag(2) == newMatrix[int](@[1]))

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@ -1,83 +0,0 @@
import matrix
TileKind* = enum
## A tile enumeration kind
Empty = 0,
GameStatus* = enum
## A game status enumeration
TrisGame* = ref object
map*: Matrix[int]
moves*: int
proc newTrisGame*: TrisGame =
## Creates a new TrisGame object
new(result) = zeros[int]((3, 3))
result.moves = 0
proc get*(self: TrisGame): GameStatus =
## Returns the game status
# Checks for rows
for _, row in
if all(row == newMatrix[int](@[1, 1, 1])):
return Win
elif all(row == newMatrix[int](@[2, 2, 2])):
return Lose
# Checks for columns
for _, col in
if all(col == newMatrix[int](@[1, 1, 1])):
return Win
elif all(col == newMatrix[int](@[2, 2, 2])):
return Lose
# Checks for diagonals
for i in 0..<2:
if all( == newMatrix[int](@[1, 1, 1])):
return Win
elif all( == newMatrix[int](@[2, 2, 2])):
return Lose
# No check was successful and there's no empty slots: draw!
if not any( == 0):
return Draw
# There are empty slots and no one won yet, we're still in game!
return Playing
proc `$`*(self: TrisGame): string =
## Stringifies self
return $
proc place*(self: TrisGame, tile: TileKind, x, y: int) =
## Places a tile onto the playing board
if TileKind([x, y]) == Empty:[x, y] = int(tile)
if tile == Self:
when isMainModule:
var game = newTrisGame(), 0, 0), 0, 1)
assert game.get() == Playing, 0, 2)
assert game.get() == Lose, 0, 2)
assert game.get() == Playing, 1, 1), 2, 2)
assert game.get() == Lose, 2, 2)
assert game.get() == Playing, 1, 2)
assert game.get() == Win