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2024-05-10 15:12:59 +02:00
# Copyright 2024 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Implementation of Static Exchange Evaluation
import std/algorithm
import position
import pieces
import board
func getStaticPieceScore*(kind: PieceKind): int =
## Returns a static score for the given piece
## type to be used inside SEE. This makes testing
## as well as general usage of SEE much more
## sane, because if SEE(move) == 0 then we know
## the capture sequence is balanced
case kind:
of Pawn:
return 100
of Knight:
return 450
of Bishop:
return 450
of Rook:
return 650
of Queen:
return 1250
of King:
# The king has a REALLY large value so
# that capturing it is always losing
return 100000
return 0
func getStaticPieceScore*(piece: Piece): int {.inline.} =
## Returns a static score for the given piece
## to be used inside SEE. This makes testing
## as well as general usage of SEE much more
## sane, because if SEE(move) == 0 then we know
## the capture sequence is balanced
return piece.kind.getStaticPieceScore()
proc pickLeastValuableAttacker(position: Position, attackers: Bitboard): Square =
## Returns the square in the given position containing the lowest
## value piece in the given attackers bitboard
if attackers == 0:
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return nullSquare()
var attacks: seq[tuple[score: int, square: Square]] = @[]
for attacker in attackers:
attacks.add((position.getPiece(attacker).getStaticPieceScore(), attacker))
proc orderer(a, b: tuple[score: int, square: Square]): int {.closure.} =
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return cmp(a.score, b.score)
return attacks[0].square
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proc see(position: Position, square: Square): int =
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## Recursive implementation of static exchange evaluation
# Keeping the position updated is way too much trouble, we just
# copy it and modify the local copy instead. Waaay easier
var position = position
let sideToMove = position.sideToMove
let attackers = position.getAttacksTo(square, sideToMove)
if attackers == 0:
return 0
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attacker = position.pickLeastValuableAttacker(attackers)
attackerPiece = position.getPiece(attacker)
victimPiece = position.getPiece(square)
victim = victimPiece.getStaticPieceScore()
if victimPiece != nullPiece():
position.movePiece(attacker, square)
# En passant capture
if attackerPiece.kind == Pawn and square == position.enPassantSquare:
epTarget = position.enPassantSquare.toBitboard()
epPawn = epTarget.backwardRelativeTo(sideToMove).toSquare()
if position.getPiece(epPawn) != nullPiece():
victimPiece = position.getPiece(epPawn)
victim = victimPiece.getStaticPieceScore()
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# Capture with promotion
if attackerPiece.kind == Pawn and getRankMask(rankFromSquare(square)) == attackerPiece.color.getLastRank():
# SEE is meant to simulate the best possible sequence of moves, so we always
# promote to a queen
position.spawnPiece(square, Piece(kind: Queen, color: sideToMove))
result = Queen.getStaticPieceScore() - Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()
position.sideToMove = position.sideToMove.opposite()
# We don't want to lose material, so the maximum score is
# zero
result = max(0, result + victim - position.see(square))
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proc see*(position: Position, move: Move): int =
## Statically evaluates a sequence of exchanges
## starting from the given one
var position = position
var capturedPiece = position.getPiece(move.targetSquare)
if move.isCapture():
if move.isEnPassant():
epTarget = position.enPassantSquare.toBitboard()
epPawn = epTarget.backwardRelativeTo(position.sideToMove).toSquare()
capturedPiece = Piece(kind: Pawn, color: position.sideToMove.opposite())
if move.isPromotion():
var promoted = Piece(color: position.sideToMove)
case move.getPromotionType():
of PromoteToKnight:
promoted.kind = Knight
of PromoteToBishop:
promoted.kind = Bishop
of PromoteToRook:
promoted.kind = Rook
of PromoteToQueen:
promoted.kind = Queen
discard # Unreachable
position.spawnPiece(move.targetSquare, promoted)
result += promoted.getStaticPieceScore() - Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()
if position.getPiece(move.targetSquare) == nullPiece():
position.movePiece(move.startSquare, move.targetSquare)
position.sideToMove = position.sideToMove.opposite()
result += capturedPiece.getStaticPieceScore() - position.see(move.targetSquare)