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BotBase - Methods overview

BotBase has a builtin collection of wrappers around Pyrogram methods that make it even easier to use them properly.

DISCLAIMER: These methods are just wrappers around Pyrogram's ones and behave exactly the same. Every method listed here takes 2 extra positional arguments, namely a Client/CallbackQuery instance and a boolean parameter (read below)

All other arguments, including keyword ones, are passed to pyrogram directly.

The methods are wrapped in try/except blocks and log automatically all errors to the console. Also, if sleep=True (which is by default) if the method raises a FloodWait exception, the wrapper will sleep the required amount of time and then return the FloodWait exception. If sleep=False the exception is returned immediately. All other exceptions are catched under RPCError and are returned if they get raised, too. If no exception occurs the wrapper will return whatever the corresponding pyrogram method returns.

Methods - Safe send

List of the available functions in BotBase.methods.safe_send

- `send_message`
- `send_photo`
- `send_audio`
- `send_animation`
- `send_sticker`

These are the exact names that pyrogram uses, to see their docs refer to pyrogram docs

Methods - Safe edit

List of the available functions in BotBase.methods.safe_edit

- `edit_message_text`
- `edit_message_media`
- `edit_message_caption`

Methods - Various

List of the available functions in BotBase.methods.various

- `answer` (for `CallbackQuery` objects)
- `delete_messages`