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2020-10-22 10:19:00 +02:00
# japl
JAPL is an interpreted, dynamically-typed, garbage-collected and minimalistic programming language with C- and Java-like syntax.
# J.. what?
You may wonder what's the meaning of JAPL: well, it turns out to be an acronym
for __Just Another Programming Language__, but beware! Despite the name, the pronounciation is actually the same as "JPL".
## Some backstory
JAPL is born thanks to the amazing work of Bob Nystrom that wrote a book available completely for free
at [this](https://craftinginterpreters.com) link, where he describes the implementation of a simple language called Lox.
### What has been (or will be) added from Lox
- Possibility to delete variables with the `del` statement (Currently being reworked)
- `break` statement
- `continue` statement
- Multi-line comments (`/* like this */`)
- Nested comments
- Modulo division (`%`) and exponentiation (`**`)
- `OP_CONSTANT_LONG` is implemented
- Differentiation between integers and floating point numbers
- `inf` and `nan` types
- Possibility to have more than 255 locals in scope at any given time
- String slicing, with start:end syntax as well
- Strings are not interned (may change in the future)
- All entities are actually objects, even builtins
- Bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT)
- Functions default and keyword arguments (__WIP__)
- A proper import system (__Coming soon__)
- Native asynchronous (`await`/`async fun`) support (__Coming soon__)
- Multiple inheritance (__Coming Soon__)
- Bytecode optimizations such as constant folding and stack caching (__Coming Soon__)
- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic (__Coming soon__)
- Generators (__Coming soon__)
- A standard library with collections, I/O utilities, scientific modules, etc (__Coming soon__)
- Multithreading and multiprocessing support with a global VM Lock like CPython (__Coming soon__)
- Multiple GC implementations which can be chosen at runtime or via CLI: bare refcount, refcount + generational GC, M&S (__Coming soon__)
- Exceptions (__Coming soon__)
- Optional JIT Compilation (__Coming soon__)
- Some syntax changes (maybe), e.g. get rid of semicolons
- Prototypes based system instead of classes (maybe)
Other than that, JAPL features closures, function definitions, classes, inheritance and static scoping. You can check
the provided example `.jpl` files in the repo to find out more about its syntax.
### Disclaimer
This project is currently a WIP (Work in Progress) and is not optimized nor complete.
The first version of the interpreter is written in Python, but a bytecode stack-based VM written in nim is being developed right now.
Also, the design of the language may change at any moment and all the source inside this repo
is alpha code quality, for now.
For other useful information, check the LICENSE file in this repo.
### Contributing
If you want to contribute, feel free to send a PR!
Right now there are some major issues with the virtual machine which need to be addressed
before the development can proceed, and some help is ~~desperately needed~~ greatly appreciated!
You can also contact me using the information available [here](https://github.com/nocturn9x)