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2020-10-22 10:19:00 +02:00
from .meta.exceptions import ParseError
from .meta.tokentype import TokenType
from .meta.tokenobject import Token
from typing import List, Union
from .meta.expression import Variable, Assignment, Logical, Call, Binary, Unary, Literal, Grouping, Expression, Get, Set, This, Super
from .meta.statement import StatementExpr, Var, Del, Block, If, While, Break, Function, Return, Class
class Parser(object):
"""A simple recursive-descent top-down parser"""
def __init__(self, tokens: List[Token]):
"""Object constructor"""
self.tokens = tokens
self.current: int = 0
def check(self, token_type):
Helper method for self.match
if self.done():
return False
elif self.peek().kind == token_type:
return True
return False
def throw(self, token: Token, message: str) -> ParseError:
"""Returns ParseError with the given message"""
return ParseError(token, message)
def synchronize(self):
"""Synchronizes the parser's state to recover after
an error occurred while parsing"""
while not self.done():
if self.previous().kind == TokenType.SEMICOLON:
token_type = self.peek().kind
if token_type in (
TokenType.IF, TokenType.CLASS, TokenType.VAR, TokenType.FOR, TokenType.WHILE,
TokenType.RETURN, TokenType.FUN
def peek(self):
Returns a token without consuming it
return self.tokens[self.current]
def previous(self):
Returns the most recently consumed token
return self.tokens[self.current - 1]
def done(self):
Returns True if we reached EOF
return self.peek().kind == TokenType.EOF
def match(self, *types: Union[TokenType, List[TokenType]]):
Checks if the current token matches
any of the given token type(s)
for token_type in types:
if self.check(token_type):
return True
return False
def consume(self, token_type, message: str):
Consumes a token, raises an error
with the given message if the current token
differs from the expected one
if self.check(token_type):
return self.step()
raise self.throw(self.peek(), message)
def primary(self):
"""Parses unary expressions (literals)"""
if self.match(TokenType.FALSE):
return Literal(False)
elif self.match(TokenType.TRUE):
return Literal(True)
elif self.match(TokenType.NIL):
return Literal(None)
elif self.match(TokenType.NUM, TokenType.STR):
return Literal(self.previous().literal)
elif self.match(TokenType.LP):
expr: Expression = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "Unexpected error while parsing parenthesized expression")
return Grouping(expr)
elif self.match(TokenType.ID):
return Variable(self.previous())
elif self.match(TokenType.SUPER):
keyword = self.previous()
self.consume(TokenType.DOT, "Expecting '.' after 'super'")
method = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting superclass method name")
return Super(keyword, method)
elif self.match(TokenType.THIS):
return This(self.previous())
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Invalid syntax")
def finish_call(self, callee):
"""Parses a function call"""
arguments = []
if not self.check(TokenType.RP):
while True:
if len(arguments) >= 255:
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Cannot have more than 255 arguments")
if not self.match(TokenType.COMMA):
paren = self.consume(TokenType.RP, "Unexpected error while parsing call")
return Call(callee, paren, arguments)
def call(self):
"""Parses call expressions"""
expr = self.primary()
while True:
if self.match(TokenType.LP):
expr = self.finish_call(expr)
elif self.match(TokenType.DOT):
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting property after '.'")
expr = Get(expr, name)
return expr
def unary(self):
"""Parses unary expressions"""
if self.match(TokenType.NEG, TokenType.MINUS):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.unary()
return Unary(operator, right)
return self.call()
def pow(self):
"""Parses pow expressions"""
expr: Expression = self.unary()
while self.match(TokenType.POW):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.unary()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def multiplication(self):
Parses multiplications and divisions
expr: Expression = self.pow()
while self.match(TokenType.STAR, TokenType.SLASH, TokenType.MOD):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.pow()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def addition(self):
Parses additions and subtractions
expr: Expression = self.multiplication()
while self.match(TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.multiplication()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def comparison(self):
Parses comparison expressions
expr: Expression = self.addition()
while self.match(TokenType.GT, TokenType.GE, TokenType.LT, TokenType.LE, TokenType.NE):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.addition()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def equality(self):
Parses equality expressions
expr: Expression = self.comparison()
while self.match(TokenType.NEG, TokenType.DEQ):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.comparison()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def logical_and(self):
"""Parses a logical and expression"""
expr = self.equality()
while self.match(TokenType.AND):
operator = self.previous()
right = self.equality()
expr = Logical(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def logical_or(self):
"""Parses a logical or expression"""
expr = self.logical_and()
while self.match(TokenType.OR):
operator = self.previous()
right = self.logical_and()
expr = Logical(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def assignment(self):
Parses an assignment expression
expr = self.logical_or()
if self.match(TokenType.EQ):
eq = self.previous()
value = self.assignment()
if isinstance(expr, Variable):
name = expr.name
return Assignment(name, value)
elif isinstance(expr, Get):
return Set(expr.object, expr.name, value)
raise self.throw(eq, "Invalid syntax")
return expr
def expression(self):
Parses an expression
return self.assignment()
def step(self):
"""Steps 1 token forward"""
if not self.done():
self.current += 1
return self.previous()
def del_statement(self):
"""Returns a del AST node"""
value = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after statement")
return Del(value)
def expression_statement(self):
"""Returns a StatemenrExpr AST node"""
value = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after statement")
return StatementExpr(value)
def block(self):
"""Returns a new environment to enable block scoping"""
statements = []
while not self.check(TokenType.RB) and not self.done():
self.consume(TokenType.RB, "Unexpected end of block")
return statements
def if_statement(self):
"""Parses an IF statement"""
self.consume(TokenType.LP, "The if condition must be parenthesized")
cond = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "The if condition must be parenthesized")
then_branch = self.statement()
else_branch = None
if self.match(TokenType.ELSE):
else_branch = self.statement()
return If(cond, then_branch, else_branch)
def while_statement(self):
"""Parses a while statement"""
self.consume(TokenType.LP, "The while condition must be parenthesized")
cond = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "The while condition must be parenthesized")
body = self.statement()
return While(cond, body)
def for_statement(self):
"""Parses a for statement"""
self.consume(TokenType.LP, "The for condition must be parenthesized")
if self.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
init = None
elif self.match(TokenType.VAR):
init = self.var_declaration()
init = self.expression_statement()
condition = None
if not self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
condition = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after loop condition")
incr = None
if not self.check(TokenType.RP):
incr = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "The for condition must be parenthesized")
body = self.statement()
if incr:
body = Block([body, StatementExpr(incr)])
if not condition:
condition = Literal(True)
body = While(condition, body)
if init:
body = Block([init, body])
return body
def break_statement(self):
"""Parses a break statement"""
if self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
return self.step()
raise ParseError(self.peek(), "Invalid syntax")
def return_statement(self):
"""Parses a return statement"""
keyword = self.previous()
value = None
if not self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
value = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after statement")
return Return(keyword, value)
def statement(self):
"""Parses a statement"""
if self.match(TokenType.IF):
return self.if_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.RETURN):
return self.return_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.FOR):
return self.for_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.WHILE):
return self.while_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.BREAK):
return Break(self.break_statement())
elif self.match(TokenType.LB):
return Block(self.block())
elif self.match(TokenType.DEL):
return self.del_statement()
return self.expression_statement()
def var_declaration(self):
"""Parses a var declaration"""
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting a variable name")
init = None
if self.match(TokenType.EQ):
init = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after declaration")
return Var(name, init)
def function(self, kind: str):
"""Parses a function declaration"""
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, f"Expecting {kind} name")
self.consume(TokenType.LP, f"Expecting parenthesis after {kind} name")
parameters = []
if not self.check(TokenType.RP):
while True:
if len(parameters) >= 255:
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Cannot have more than 255 arguments")
parameter = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting parameter name")
if parameter in parameters:
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Multiple parameters with the same name in function declaration are not allowed")
if not self.match(TokenType.COMMA):
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "Unexpected error while parsing function declaration")
self.consume(TokenType.LB, f"Expecting '{{' before {kind} body")
body = self.block()
return Function(name, parameters, body)
def class_declaration(self):
"""Parses a class declaration"""
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting class name")
superclass = None
if self.match(TokenType.LT):
self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting superclass name")
superclass = Variable(self.previous())
self.consume(TokenType.LB, "Expecting '{' before class body")
methods = []
while not self.check(TokenType.RB) and not self.done():
self.consume(TokenType.RB, "Expecting '}' after class body")
return Class(name, methods, superclass)
def declaration(self):
"""Parses a declaration"""
if self.match(TokenType.CLASS):
return self.class_declaration()
elif self.match(TokenType.FUN):
return self.function("function")
elif self.match(TokenType.VAR):
return self.var_declaration()
return self.statement()
except ParseError:
def parse(self):
Starts to parse
statements = []
while not self.done():
return statements