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Supprted variables for bootstrap script

This list is non-exhastive and may be out of date. The bootstrap script's source code might contains them all.

Variable name description Type
USE_CODE_SERVER Installs code-server to use VS Code in a web browser. Bootstrap flag
USE_GH_SECRETS_MIRROR Use GitHub mirror for the dotfiles-secrets repo, requires the GitHub CLI to be installed for this process. Botstrap flag
USE_NVM Use Node Version Manager to install Node.js instead of NodeSource's way. May require you to install build tools if nvm went to installing from source, especially if you're on i386.
DOTFILES_OS_NAME OS detection mechanisms for various automated steps in the bootstrap script. OS detection system
GOOGLE_CLOUD_SHELL Used to detect Cloud Shell environment OS detectio system
GITLAB_LOGIN GitLab SaaS username for cloning the secrets repo, for validation purposes only. Bootstrap flag
GITLAB_TOKEN GitLab SaaS personal access token for cloning the secrets repo, not needed if USE_GH_SECRETS_MIRROR is being used Bootstrap flag
SKIP_CONFIG_LINKING Skips the process of symlinking config files to their destinations Bootstrap flag
SKIP_DEPENDENCY_INSTAL Skips installation of ShellCheck and other tooling and stuff Bootstrap flag