
113 lines
2.7 KiB

import strutils
import bitops # needed for value
import ../scanner
import ../chunk
import ../types/value
import ../config
import types
import utils
import precedence
proc number(comp: Compiler) =
# assume the number is already advanced through
let value = comp.previous.text.parseFloat.fromFloat()
when debugCompiler:
debugEcho &"Written constant (type: {value.ndType}, str repr: {$value}) to chunk"
tkNumber.genRule(number, nop, pcNone)
proc expFalse(comp: Compiler) =
comp.writeChunk(1, opFalse)
tkFalse.genRule(expFalse, nop, pcNone)
proc expTrue(comp: Compiler) =
comp.writeChunk(1, opTrue)
tkTrue.genRule(expTrue, nop, pcNone)
proc expNil(comp: Compiler) =
comp.writeChunk(1, opNil)
tkNil.genRule(expNil, nop, pcNone)
proc expString(comp: Compiler) =
let value = comp.previous.text[1..^2].fromNimString()
when debugCompiler:
debugEcho &"Written constant (type: {value.ndType}, str repr: {$value}) to chunk"
tkString.genRule(expString, nop, pcNone)
proc unary(comp: Compiler) =
let opType = comp.previous.tokenType
case opType:
of tkMinus:
comp.writeChunk(0, opNegate)
of tkBang:
comp.writeChunk(0, opNot)
discard # unreachable
tkBang.genRule(unary, nop, pcNone)
proc binary(comp: Compiler) =
let opType = comp.previous.tokenType
# safety checked in parsePrecedence
let rule = opType.getRule()
case opType:
of tkPlus:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opAdd)
of tkMinus:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opSubtract)
of tkStar:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opMultiply)
of tkSlash:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opDivide)
of tkEqualEqual:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opEqual)
of tkBangEqual:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opEqual)
comp.writeChunk(0, opNot)
of tkGreater:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opGreater)
of tkLess:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opLess)
of tkGreaterEqual:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opLess)
comp.writeChunk(0, opNot)
of tkLessEqual:
comp.writeChunk(-1, opGreater)
comp.writeChunk(0, opNot)
return # unreachable
tkMinus.genRule(unary, binary, pcTerm)
tkPlus.genRule(nop, binary, pcTerm)
tkSlash.genRule(nop, binary, pcFactor)
tkStar.genRule(nop, binary, pcFactor)
tkEqualEqual.genRule(nop, binary, pcEquality)
tkBangEqual.genRule(nop, binary, pcEquality)
tkGreater.genRule(nop, binary, pcComparison)
tkGreaterEqual.genRule(nop, binary, pcComparison)
tkLess.genRule(nop, binary, pcComparison)
tkLessEqual.genRule(nop, binary, pcComparison)
proc parseAmpersand(comp: Compiler) =
# just a simple expression separator
tkAmpersand.genRule(nop, parseAmpersand, pcAmpersand)