basic emitter in place

This commit is contained in:
prod2 2022-12-03 11:52:51 +01:00
parent 9986e96309
commit 3405c10b08
6 changed files with 244 additions and 51 deletions

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@ -1,12 +1,14 @@
import ndspkg/vm
import ndspkg/compv2/parser
import ndspkg/compv2/node
import ndspkg/compv2/emitter
import ndspkg/config
when compilerChoice == cmOne:
import ndspkg/compiler/compiler
import ndspkg/compiler/types
import os
import strformat
@ -18,6 +20,18 @@ proc interpret(name: string, source: string): Result =
let parser = newParser(name, source)
let node = parser.parse()
echo $node
elif compilerChoice == cmTwo:
let parser = newParser(name, source)
let node = parser.parse()
if parser.hadError:
return rsCompileError
let emitter = newEmitter(name, node)
of irOK:
of irRuntimeError:
elif compilerChoice == cmOne:
let compiler = newCompiler(name, source)

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@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
# a new bytecode emitter for nds
# emitter: takes AST, emits bytecode. It also binds variables.
import node
import ../chunk
import ../config
import ../types/value
import strformat
Emitter* = ref object
root: Node
chunk*: Chunk
hadError*: bool
line: int
# binding
stackIndex: int
locals: seq[Local]
scopes: seq[Scope]
Local = ref object
name: string
index: int # index in the stack (0 - stack bottom)
depth: int # depth of the local
# -1 if cannot be referenced yet
scope: Scope # innermost scope
captured: bool
Upvalue* = ref object
index: int
isLocal: bool
Scope = ref object
labels: seq[string]
goalStackIndex: int # stack count it started with plus 1
jumps: seq[int] # list of jumps to be patched to the end of the scope
function: bool # if true, it's a function
parentFunction: Scope # if function, itself. Else, the innermost function it's in
upvalues: seq[Upvalue] # for functions, list of upvalues
# helpers
proc newEmitter*(name: string, root: Node): Emitter =
result.root = root
result.chunk = initChunk(name)
result.stackIndex = -1
proc error(em: Emitter, msg: string) =
write stderr, &"[line {em.line}] Error {msg}\n"
em.hadError = true
proc newScope(em: Emitter, funct: bool): Scope =
result.function = funct
result.goalStackIndex = em.stackIndex + 1
if funct:
result.parentFunction = result
elif em.scopes.len() > 0:
result.parentFunction = em.scopes[em.scopes.high()].parentFunction
# chunk writers
proc writeChunk(em: Emitter, dStackIndex: int, ch: OpCode | DoubleUint8 | uint8) =
em.stackIndex += dStackIndex
em.chunk.writeChunk(ch, em.line)
proc writePops(em: Emitter, n: int) =
if n == 0:
elif n > argMax:
em.error("Too many local variables in block.")
elif n == 1:
em.writeChunk(-1, opPop)
elif n < shortArgMax:
em.writeChunk(-n, opPopSA)
em.writeChunk(0, n.uint8)
em.writeChunk(-n, opPopA)
em.writeChunk(0, n.toDU8())
proc writeConstant(em: Emitter, constant: NdValue) =
let index = em.chunk.writeConstant(constant, em.line)
if index >= argMax:
em.error("Too many constants in one chunk.")
# locals helpers
proc addLocal(em: Emitter, name: string, delta: int) =
if em.locals.len >= argMax:
em.error("Too many local variables in function.")
# TODO: check if it can be increased
# if delta is 0 or negative - means that the var is already on stack when addLocal is called
# if delta is +, the first ever value of the local is about to be added
# so it should be -1, (see Local typedef) to indicate that it cannot be referenced yet
let depth = if delta > 0: -1 else: em.scopes.high
Local(name: name, depth: depth, index: em.stackIndex + delta, scope: em.scopes[em.scopes.high()], captured: false)
proc markInitialized(em: Emitter) =
em.locals[em.locals.high()].depth = em.scopes.high()
# node compilers
proc emit(em: Emitter, node: Node) =
em.line = node.line
case node.kind:
of nkFalse:
em.writeChunk(1, opFalse)
of nkTrue:
em.writeChunk(1, opTrue)
of nkNil:
em.writeChunk(1, opNil)
of nkConst:
of nkNegate:
em.writeChunk(0, opNegate)
of nkNot:
em.writeChunk(0, opNot)
of nkLen:
em.writeChunk(0, opLen)
of nkBlockExpr:
# TODO: scopes
for ch in node.children:
of nkExpr:
of nkExprStmt:
of nkPlus, nkMinus, nkMult, nkDiv, nkEq, nkNeq, nkGreater, nkLess, nkGe, nkLe:
case node.kind:
of nkPlus: em.writeChunk(-1, opAdd)
of nkMinus: em.writeChunk(-1, opSubtract)
of nkMult: em.writeChunk(-1, opMultiply)
of nkDiv: em.writeChunk(-1, opDivide)
of nkEq: em.writeChunk(-1, opEqual)
of nkNeq:
em.writeChunk(-1, opEqual)
em.writeChunk(0, opNot)
of nkGreater:
em.writeChunk(-1, opGreater)
of nkLess:
em.writeChunk(-1, opLess)
of nkGe:
em.writeChunk(-1, opLess)
em.writeChunk(0, opNot)
of nkLe:
em.writeChunk(-1, opGreater)
em.writeChunk(0, opNot)
raise newException(Defect, "Misaligned case list.") # unreachable
raise newException(Defect, &"Unsupported node kind: {$node.kind}")
proc emit*(em: Emitter) =
em.writeChunk(0, opReturn) # required for the vm to exit gracefully

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@ -12,9 +12,11 @@ type
nkPlus, nkMinus, nkMult, nkDiv, nkEq, nkNeq, nkLess, nkGreater,
nkGe, nkLe,
nkCall, nkColonCall, nkVarDecl, nkProc,
nkVarGet, nkVarSet
nkVarGet, nkVarSet,
nkFalse, nkTrue, nkNil
Node* = ref object
line*: int
case kind*: NodeKind:
of nkBlockExpr:
children*: seq[Node]
@ -63,6 +65,8 @@ type
of nkVarSet:
sVarName*: string
newVal*: Node
of nkFalse, nkTrue, nkNil:
proc `$`*(node: Node): string =
if node == nil:
@ -98,6 +102,8 @@ proc `$`*(node: Node): string =
result = &"(grouping {node.expression})"
of nkExprStmt:
result = &"(exprStmt {node.expression})"
of nkFalse:
result = "(false)"
of nkGe:
result = &"(ge {node.left} {node.right})"
of nkGetIndex:
@ -125,6 +131,8 @@ proc `$`*(node: Node): string =
result = &"(neg {node.argument})"
of nkNeq:
result = &"(!= {node.left} {node.right})"
of nkNil:
result = "(nil)"
of nkNot:
result = &"(! {node.argument})"
of nkOr:
@ -143,6 +151,8 @@ proc `$`*(node: Node): string =
keys &= &"{node.keys[i]}, "
values &= &"{node.values[i]}, "
result = &"(table keys: {keys}, values: {values})"
of nkTrue:
result = "(true)"
of nkVarDecl:
result = &"(varDecl {} = {node.value})"
of nkVarGet:

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ type
current: Token
previous: Option[Token]
next: Option[Token]
line: int
# if there is a next set, advance won't trigger the scanner
# it will use next instead
hold: Node # temporary hold, used to implement ampersand op
@ -59,6 +60,7 @@ proc errorAtCurrent(parser: Parser, msg: string) =
proc advance(parser: Parser) =
parser.previous = some(parser.current)
parser.line = parser.current.line
while true:
parser.current =
@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ proc statement(parser: Parser, inBlock: bool = false): Node
proc exprNonAssign(parser: Parser): Node
proc parseList(parser: Parser): Node =
result = Node(kind: nkList, elems: @[])
result = Node(kind: nkList, elems: @[], line: parser.line)
while not parser.isAtEnd() and not parser.peekMatch(tkRightBracket):
@ -139,7 +141,7 @@ proc parseList(parser: Parser): Node =
discard parser.consume(tkRightBracket, "']' expected after list declaration.")
proc parseTable(parser: Parser): Node =
result = Node(kind: nkTable, keys: @[], values: @[])
result = Node(kind: nkTable, keys: @[], values: @[], line: parser.line)
while not parser.isAtEnd() and not parser.peekMatch(tkRightBrace):
# [key] = syntax
@ -148,7 +150,7 @@ proc parseTable(parser: Parser): Node =
discard parser.consume(tkRightBracket, "']' expected after table key.")
# key = syntax
elif parser.match(tkIdentifier):
result.keys.add(Node(kind: nkConst, constant: parser.previous.get().text.fromNimString()))
result.keys.add(Node(kind: nkConst, constant: parser.previous.get().text.fromNimString(), line: parser.line))
parser.errorAtCurrent("Key expected (have you forgotten to put the key in brackets?).")
discard parser.consume(tkEqual, "'=' expected after key.")
@ -176,10 +178,10 @@ proc parseProcDeclaration(parser: Parser): Node =
let body = parser.expression()
result = Node(kind: nkProc, parameters: params, procBody: body)
result = Node(kind: nkProc, parameters: params, procBody: body, line: parser.line)
proc parseBlock(parser: Parser): Node =
result = Node(kind: nkBlockExpr, children: @[], labels: @[])
result = Node(kind: nkBlockExpr, children: @[], labels: @[], line: parser.line)
while parser.match(tkLabel):
@ -201,19 +203,19 @@ proc parseBlock(parser: Parser): Node =
proc primary(parser: Parser): Node =
if parser.match(tkFalse):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: ndFalse)
return Node(kind: nkFalse, line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkTrue):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: ndTrue)
return Node(kind: nkTrue, line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkNil):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: ndNil)
return Node(kind: nkNil, line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkNumber):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: fromFloat(parseFloat(parser.previous.get().text)))
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: fromFloat(parseFloat(parser.previous.get().text)), line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkString):
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: fromNimString(parser.previous.get().text[1..^2]))
return Node(kind: nkConst, constant: fromNimString(parser.previous.get().text[1..^2]), line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkLeftParen):
let grouped = parser.expression()
discard parser.consume(tkRightParen, "Expect ')' after expression.")
return Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: grouped)
return Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: grouped, line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkLeftBrace):
return parser.parseBlock()
if parser.match(tkStartList):
@ -221,7 +223,7 @@ proc primary(parser: Parser): Node =
if parser.match(tkStartTable):
return parser.parseTable()
if parser.match(tkIdentifier):
return Node(kind: nkVarGet, gVarName: parser.previous.get().text)
return Node(kind: nkVarGet, gVarName: parser.previous.get().text, line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkAmpersand):
result = parser.hold
parser.hold = nil
@ -253,31 +255,31 @@ proc parseIndex(parser: Parser): Node =
let index = parser.expression()
if not parser.consume(tkRightBracket, "']' after index."):
result = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: index)
result = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: index, line: parser.line)
elif parser.previous.get().tokenType == tkIdentifier:
let identText = parser.previous.get().text
if identText[0] != ':':
parser.errorAtCurrent("';' expected after expression statement.")
# update this with whatever the original error when two idents follow eachother is
let ident = Node(kind: nkConst, constant: identText[1..^1].fromNimString())
let ident = Node(kind: nkConst, constant: identText[1..^1].fromNimString(), line: parser.line)
# ident removes the : from it
var args: seq[Node] = @[]
if parser.match(tkLeftParen):
args = parser.parseArgList()
let funct = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: ident)
result = Node(kind: nkColonCall, arguments: args, function: funct)
let funct = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: ident, line: parser.line)
result = Node(kind: nkColonCall, arguments: args, function: funct, line: parser.line)
# dot
if not parser.consume(tkIdentifier, "Identifier expected after '.' index operator."):
result = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: Node(kind: nkConst, constant: parser.previous.get().text.fromNimString()))
result = Node(kind: nkGetIndex, gCollection: result, gIndex: Node(kind: nkConst, constant: parser.previous.get().text.fromNimString()), line: parser.line)
proc parseCall(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseIndex()
if parser.match(tkLeftParen):
let args = parser.parseArgList()
result = Node(kind: nkCall, arguments: args, function: result)
result = Node(kind: nkCall, arguments: args, function: result, line: parser.line)
proc parseIf(parser: Parser): Node =
@ -286,7 +288,7 @@ proc parseIf(parser: Parser): Node =
discard parser.consume(tkRightParen, "')' expected after condition.")
let body = parser.expression()
result = Node(kind: nkIf, ifCondition: cond, ifBody: body)
result = Node(kind: nkIf, ifCondition: cond, ifBody: body, line: parser.line)
if parser.match(tkElse):
result.elseBody = parser.expression()
@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ proc parseWhile(parser:Parser): Node =
discard parser.consume(tkRightParen, "')' expected after condition.")
let body = parser.expression()
result = Node(kind: nkWhile, whileCondition: cond, whileBody: body)
result = Node(kind: nkWhile, whileCondition: cond, whileBody: body, line: parser.line)
proc unary(parser: Parser): Node =
# unary level for unary operators, plus some control flow is here too
@ -306,13 +308,13 @@ proc unary(parser: Parser): Node =
case op.tokenType:
of tkBang:
let right = parser.unary()
return Node(kind: nkNot, argument: right)
return Node(kind: nkNot, argument: right, line: parser.line)
of tkMinus:
let right = parser.unary()
return Node(kind: nkNegate, argument: right)
return Node(kind: nkNegate, argument: right, line: parser.line)
of tkHashtag:
let right = parser.unary()
return Node(kind: nkLen, argument: right)
return Node(kind: nkLen, argument: right, line: parser.line)
of tkIf:
return parser.parseIf()
of tkWhile:
@ -328,9 +330,9 @@ proc factor(parser: Parser): Node =
let op = parser.previous.get()
let right = parser.unary()
if op.tokenType == tkSlash:
result = Node(kind: nkDiv, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkDiv, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
result = Node(kind: nkMult, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkMult, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
proc term(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.factor()
@ -339,9 +341,9 @@ proc term(parser: Parser): Node =
let op = parser.previous.get()
let right = parser.factor()
if op.tokenType == tkMinus:
result = Node(kind: nkMinus, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkMinus, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
result = Node(kind: nkPlus, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkPlus, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
proc comparison(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.term()
@ -351,13 +353,13 @@ proc comparison(parser: Parser): Node =
let right = parser.term()
case op.tokenType:
of tkGreater:
result = Node(kind: nkGreater, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkGreater, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
of tkGreaterEqual:
result = Node(kind: nkGe, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkGe, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
of tkLess:
result = Node(kind: nkLess, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkLess, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
of tkLessEqual:
result = Node(kind: nkLe, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkLe, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
parser.errorAtCurrent("invalid state in comparison: case and set don't match up.")
@ -368,9 +370,9 @@ proc equality(parser: Parser): Node =
let op = parser.previous.get()
let right = parser.comparison()
if op.tokenType == tkBangEqual:
result = Node(kind: nkNeq, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkNeq, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
result = Node(kind: nkEq, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkEq, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
proc parseAnd(parser: Parser): Node =
@ -378,14 +380,14 @@ proc parseAnd(parser: Parser): Node =
while parser.match(tkAnd):
let right = parser.equality()
result = Node(kind: nkAnd, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkAnd, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
proc parseOr(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseAnd()
while parser.match(tkOr):
let right = parser.parseAnd()
result = Node(kind: nkOr, left: result, right: right)
result = Node(kind: nkOr, left: result, right: right, line: parser.line)
proc parsePipeCall(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseOr()
@ -403,7 +405,7 @@ proc parsePipeCall(parser: Parser): Node =
result = right
# else: right val is a function which we call
result = Node(kind: nkCall, arguments: @[result], function: right)
result = Node(kind: nkCall, arguments: @[result], function: right, line: parser.line)
proc exprNonAssign(parser: Parser): Node =
@ -421,15 +423,15 @@ proc parseAssign(parser: Parser): Node =
parser.errorAtCurrent("Attempt to assign to invalid target.")
if result.kind == nkVarGet:
result = Node(kind: nkVarSet, sVarName: result.gVarName, newVal: right)
result = Node(kind: nkVarSet, sVarName: result.gVarName, newVal: right, line: parser.line)
# nkGetIndex
result = Node(kind: nkSetIndex, sCollection: result.gCollection, sIndex: result.gIndex, sValue: right)
result = Node(kind: nkSetIndex, sCollection: result.gCollection, sIndex: result.gIndex, sValue: right, line: parser.line)
proc parseAmpersand(parser: Parser): Node =
result = parser.parseAssign()
if parser.match(tkAmpersand):
parser.hold = Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: result)
parser.hold = Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: result, line: parser.line)
return parser.parseAmpersand()
@ -440,11 +442,11 @@ proc expression(parser: Parser): Node =
proc exprStatement(parser: Parser, inBlock: bool): Node =
let expression = parser.expression()
if expression != nil:
result = Node(kind: nkExprStmt, expression: expression)
result = Node(kind: nkExprStmt, expression: expression, line: parser.line)
parser.errorAtCurrent("Expression expected.")
if parser.peekMatch(tkRightBrace) and inBlock:
result = Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: result.expression) # block should also check if it is the last expr.
result = Node(kind: nkExpr, expression: result.expression, line: parser.line) # block should also check if it is the last expr.
discard parser.consume(tkSemicolon, "';' expected after expression statement.")
@ -463,22 +465,22 @@ proc statement(parser: Parser, inBlock: bool = false): Node =
let varname = parser.previous.get().text
discard parser.consume(tkLeftParen, "'(' expected after procedure name.")
let funct = parser.parseProcDeclaration()
result = Node(kind: nkVarDecl, name: varname, value: funct)
result = Node(kind: nkVarDecl, name: varname, value: funct, line: parser.line)
discard parser.consume(tkSemicolon, "';' expected after procedure declaration.")
elif parser.match(tkBreak):
if parser.match(tkLabel):
result = Node(kind: nkBreak, label: parser.previous.get().text[1..^1])
result = Node(kind: nkBreak, label: parser.previous.get().text[1..^1], line: parser.line)
result = Node(kind: nkBreak, label: "")
result = Node(kind: nkBreak, label: "", line: parser.line)
discard parser.consume(tkSemicolon, "';' expected after break statement.")
elif parser.match(tkVar):
discard parser.consume(tkIdentifier, "Identifier expected after 'var'.")
let name = parser.previous.get().text
if parser.match(tkEqual):
let val = parser.expression()
result = Node(kind: nkVarDecl, name: name, value: val)
result = Node(kind: nkVarDecl, name: name, value: val, line: parser.line)
result = Node(kind: nkVarDecl, name: name, value: nil)
result = Node(kind: nkVarDecl, name: name, value: nil, line: parser.line)
discard parser.consume(tkSemicolon, "';' expected after variable declaration.")
result = parser.exprStatement(inBlock)
@ -488,7 +490,7 @@ proc statement(parser: Parser, inBlock: bool = false): Node =
proc parse*(parser: Parser): Node =
parser.scanner = newScanner(parser.source)
result = Node(kind: nkBlockExpr, children: @[])
result = Node(kind: nkBlockExpr, children: @[], line: parser.line)
while not parser.isAtEnd():

View File

@ -16,11 +16,12 @@ const profileInstructions* = defined(ndsprofile) # if true, the time spent on ev
const debugClosures* = defined(debug) # specific closure debug switches
type compMode* = enum
cmOne, cmAst
const compilerChoice* = cmAst
cmOne, cmAst, cmTwo
const compilerChoice* = cmTwo
# choose a compiler: cmOne - version 1, deprecated
# cmAst - version 2, but only use parser and print AST produced
# cmOne will be removed once compv2 is done
# cmTwo - compv2 + execute
# choose a line editor for the repl
const lineEditor = leRdstdin

View File

@ -164,7 +164,7 @@ proc run*(chunk: Chunk): InterpretResult =
disassembleInstruction(chunk, ii, ll)
write stdout, " "
echo ""
when profileInstructions:
let startTime = getMonoTime()