
54 lines
1.4 KiB

# generate input xyz based on some parameters
import random
import os
import strutils
import strformat
import particle
import linalg
import parsexyz
import forces
if paramCount() != 3:
echo "usage ./genrandom n settingsName"
quit 1
let atomCount = parseInt(paramStr(1))
let filename = paramStr(2)
let settingsName = paramStr(3)
let ff = newForceField("ffs.toml", settingsName)
let boundary = ff.boundary
let lennardS = ff.lennardS
var particles: seq[Particle]
# get particles
for i in 0..atomCount:
block thisPart:
let name = &"c{i}"
var attempt = 0
while true:
# too many attempts: stop trying to spawn this particle
inc attempt
if attempt > 10:
break thisPart
# random position
let pos = vector(rand(2 * boundary)-boundary, rand(2*boundary)-boundary, rand(2*boundary) - boundary)
# check for overlap, go back to start of while if there is one
for p in particles:
if (p.pos - pos).len() < lennardS * 2.5:
# this reached? particle successfully spawned
particles.add(newParticle(name, pos, 1.0))
break thisPart
echo &"{particles.len} particles generated."
# and write them to xyz
var f = open(filename, fmWrite)
appendXyz(f, particles, 0.0)