
178 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2022-12-07 18:51:22 +01:00
import linalg
import parsetoml
import math
import strformat
import random
# define types
Particle = object
name: string
pos: Vector
vel: Vector
acc: Vector
mass: float
# read input file
let input = parsetoml.parseString("input.toml".readFile())
# initialize variables based on input file
let config = input["config"]
var t = 0.0 # current time
let dt = config["dt"].getFloat()
let maxt = config["t"].getFloat()
let gravConst = config["G"].getFloat()
let gravAcc = config["g"].getFloat()
let stabilizeMassCentre = config["stab_mass"].getBool()
let stabInterval = config["stab_interval"].getInt()
var stabCounter = 0
let lennardE = config["lennardE"].getFloat()
let lennardS = config["lennardS"].getFloat()
let boundary = config["boundary"].getFloat()
let saveInterval = config["saveInterval"].getInt()
# a thing that runs every 100 frames to move the centre of mass back to the original one
var particles: seq[Particle] = @[]
# process the rest of the input file
for key, val in input.tableVal.pairs:
if key == "config":
elif key == "random":
let count = val["count"].getInt()
let xmin = val["xmin"].getFloat()
let xmax = val["xmax"].getFloat()
let ymin = val["ymin"].getFloat()
let ymax = val["ymax"].getFloat()
let vmax = val["vmax"].getFloat()
for i in 0..count:
block thisPart:
var particle = Particle(name: "random")
var pass = false
var attempt = 0
while not pass:
inc attempt
if attempt > 10:
break thisPart
particle.pos = vector(rand(xmax-xmin)+xmin, rand(ymax-ymin)+ymin)
pass = true
for p in particles:
if (p.pos - particle.pos).len() < lennardS * 2.5:
pass = false
particle.vel = vector(rand(vmax), rand(vmax))
particle.acc = vector(0.0, 0.0)
particle.mass = 1.0
let x: float = val["pos"][0].getFloat()
let y: float = val["pos"][1].getFloat()
let vx: float = val["vel"][0].getFloat()
let vy: float = val["vel"][1].getFloat()
let pos = vector(x, y)
let vel = vector(vx, vy)
let mass = val["mass"].getFloat()
let particle = Particle(name: key, pos: pos, vel: vel, acc: vector(0,0), mass: mass)
# open the output file
let f = open("output.txt", fmWrite)
# do the simulation, writing results to a file (streaming)
f.writeLine("mdsim input file: input.toml")
proc oupStatus =
# output current status
var status: string = ""
for i in 0..particles.high:
status &= &"{particles[i].name} {$particles[i].pos} {$particles[i].vel} "
f.writeLine(&"{t} {status}")
proc getForces(index: int): Vector =
result = vector(0, 0)
let posThis = particles[index].pos
let mThis = particles[index].mass
for i in 0..particles.high:
if i == index:
let diff = particles[i].pos - posThis
let direction = diff.normalize()
let distance = diff.len()
let mThat = particles[i].mass
# gravity between particles
# m2 * C / r^2 (so it's acceleartion, mass of this doesn't apply)
result += direction * (mThat * gravConst / distance / distance)
# Lennard-Jones
# F = 4e (6s^6/r^7 - 12s^12/r^13)
result -= direction * (4f * lennardE * (6.0 * (lennardS^6)/(distance^7) - 12.0 * (lennardS^12)/(distance^13))) / mThis
result += vector(0, gravAcc)
proc keepInside(index: int) =
let posThis = particles[index].pos
let velThis = particles[index].vel
if posThis.x > boundary and velThis.x > 0:
particles[index].vel.x = -velThis.x
if posThis.x < -boundary and velThis.x < 0:
particles[index].vel.x = -velThis.x
if posThis.y > boundary and velThis.y > 0:
particles[index].vel.y = -velThis.y
if posThis.y < -boundary and velThis.y < 0:
particles[index].vel.y = -velThis.y
proc getCentreOfMass(): Vector =
var totMass = 0.0
result = vector(0.0, 0.0)
for i in 0..particles.high:
let part = particles[i]
totMass += part.mass
result += part.pos * part.mass
result = result / totMass
let initCentreOfMass = getCentreOfMass()
proc resetCentreOfMass() =
let cCentre = getCentreOfMass()
let delta = cCentre - initCentreOfMass
for i in 0..particles.high:
particles[i].pos -= delta
var saveCounter = 0
while t < maxt:
block step:
# iterate through particles
for i in 0..particles.high:
let part = particles[i]
particles[i].pos = part.pos + part.vel * dt + dt * dt * 0.5 * part.acc
for i in 0..particles.high:
let part = particles[i]
let newAcc = getForces(i)
let newVel = part.vel + (part.acc + newAcc) * (dt * 0.5)
particles[i].vel = newVel
particles[i].acc = newAcc
# enforce boundary
for i in 0..particles.high:
inc saveCounter
if saveCounter >= saveInterval:
saveCounter = 0
t += dt
inc stabCounter
if stabCounter > stabInterval:
stabCounter = 0
if stabilizeMassCentre:
# cleanup