
357 lines
14 KiB

import ssl
import sys
from types import TracebackType
from typing import AsyncIterable, AsyncIterator, Iterable, List, Optional, Type
from import AutoBackend
from .._backends.base import SOCKET_OPTION, AsyncNetworkBackend
from .._exceptions import ConnectionNotAvailable, UnsupportedProtocol
from .._models import Origin, Request, Response
from .._synchronization import AsyncEvent, AsyncLock, AsyncShieldCancellation
from .connection import AsyncHTTPConnection
from .interfaces import AsyncConnectionInterface, AsyncRequestInterface
class RequestStatus:
def __init__(self, request: Request):
self.request = request
self.connection: Optional[AsyncConnectionInterface] = None
self._connection_acquired = AsyncEvent()
def set_connection(self, connection: AsyncConnectionInterface) -> None:
assert self.connection is None
self.connection = connection
def unset_connection(self) -> None:
assert self.connection is not None
self.connection = None
self._connection_acquired = AsyncEvent()
async def wait_for_connection(
self, timeout: Optional[float] = None
) -> AsyncConnectionInterface:
if self.connection is None:
await self._connection_acquired.wait(timeout=timeout)
assert self.connection is not None
return self.connection
class AsyncConnectionPool(AsyncRequestInterface):
A connection pool for making HTTP requests.
def __init__(
ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext] = None,
max_connections: Optional[int] = 10,
max_keepalive_connections: Optional[int] = None,
keepalive_expiry: Optional[float] = None,
http1: bool = True,
http2: bool = False,
retries: int = 0,
local_address: Optional[str] = None,
uds: Optional[str] = None,
network_backend: Optional[AsyncNetworkBackend] = None,
socket_options: Optional[Iterable[SOCKET_OPTION]] = None,
) -> None:
A connection pool for making HTTP requests.
ssl_context: An SSL context to use for verifying connections.
If not specified, the default `httpcore.default_ssl_context()`
will be used.
max_connections: The maximum number of concurrent HTTP connections that
the pool should allow. Any attempt to send a request on a pool that
would exceed this amount will block until a connection is available.
max_keepalive_connections: The maximum number of idle HTTP connections
that will be maintained in the pool.
keepalive_expiry: The duration in seconds that an idle HTTP connection
may be maintained for before being expired from the pool.
http1: A boolean indicating if HTTP/1.1 requests should be supported
by the connection pool. Defaults to True.
http2: A boolean indicating if HTTP/2 requests should be supported by
the connection pool. Defaults to False.
retries: The maximum number of retries when trying to establish a
local_address: Local address to connect from. Can also be used to connect
using a particular address family. Using `local_address=""`
will connect using an `AF_INET` address (IPv4), while using
`local_address="::"` will connect using an `AF_INET6` address (IPv6).
uds: Path to a Unix Domain Socket to use instead of TCP sockets.
network_backend: A backend instance to use for handling network I/O.
socket_options: Socket options that have to be included
in the TCP socket when the connection was established.
self._ssl_context = ssl_context
self._max_connections = (
sys.maxsize if max_connections is None else max_connections
self._max_keepalive_connections = (
if max_keepalive_connections is None
else max_keepalive_connections
self._max_keepalive_connections = min(
self._max_connections, self._max_keepalive_connections
self._keepalive_expiry = keepalive_expiry
self._http1 = http1
self._http2 = http2
self._retries = retries
self._local_address = local_address
self._uds = uds
self._pool: List[AsyncConnectionInterface] = []
self._requests: List[RequestStatus] = []
self._pool_lock = AsyncLock()
self._network_backend = (
AutoBackend() if network_backend is None else network_backend
self._socket_options = socket_options
def create_connection(self, origin: Origin) -> AsyncConnectionInterface:
return AsyncHTTPConnection(
def connections(self) -> List[AsyncConnectionInterface]:
Return a list of the connections currently in the pool.
For example:
>>> pool.connections
<AsyncHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, ACTIVE, Request Count: 6]>,
<AsyncHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, IDLE, Request Count: 9]> ,
<AsyncHTTPConnection ['', HTTP/1.1, IDLE, Request Count: 1]>,
return list(self._pool)
async def _attempt_to_acquire_connection(self, status: RequestStatus) -> bool:
Attempt to provide a connection that can handle the given origin.
origin = status.request.url.origin
# If there are queued requests in front of us, then don't acquire a
# connection. We handle requests strictly in order.
waiting = [s for s in self._requests if s.connection is None]
if waiting and waiting[0] is not status:
return False
# Reuse an existing connection if one is currently available.
for idx, connection in enumerate(self._pool):
if connection.can_handle_request(origin) and connection.is_available():
self._pool.insert(0, connection)
return True
# If the pool is currently full, attempt to close one idle connection.
if len(self._pool) >= self._max_connections:
for idx, connection in reversed(list(enumerate(self._pool))):
if connection.is_idle():
await connection.aclose()
# If the pool is still full, then we cannot acquire a connection.
if len(self._pool) >= self._max_connections:
return False
# Otherwise create a new connection.
connection = self.create_connection(origin)
self._pool.insert(0, connection)
return True
async def _close_expired_connections(self) -> None:
Clean up the connection pool by closing off any connections that have expired.
# Close any connections that have expired their keep-alive time.
for idx, connection in reversed(list(enumerate(self._pool))):
if connection.has_expired():
await connection.aclose()
# If the pool size exceeds the maximum number of allowed keep-alive connections,
# then close off idle connections as required.
pool_size = len(self._pool)
for idx, connection in reversed(list(enumerate(self._pool))):
if connection.is_idle() and pool_size > self._max_keepalive_connections:
await connection.aclose()
pool_size -= 1
async def handle_async_request(self, request: Request) -> Response:
Send an HTTP request, and return an HTTP response.
This is the core implementation that is called into by `.request()` or `.stream()`.
scheme = request.url.scheme.decode()
if scheme == "":
raise UnsupportedProtocol(
"Request URL is missing an 'http://' or 'https://' protocol."
if scheme not in ("http", "https", "ws", "wss"):
raise UnsupportedProtocol(
f"Request URL has an unsupported protocol '{scheme}://'."
status = RequestStatus(request)
async with self._pool_lock:
await self._close_expired_connections()
await self._attempt_to_acquire_connection(status)
while True:
timeouts = request.extensions.get("timeout", {})
timeout = timeouts.get("pool", None)
connection = await status.wait_for_connection(timeout=timeout)
except BaseException as exc:
# If we timeout here, or if the task is cancelled, then make
# sure to remove the request from the queue before bubbling
# up the exception.
async with self._pool_lock:
# Ensure only remove when task exists.
if status in self._requests:
raise exc
response = await connection.handle_async_request(request)
except ConnectionNotAvailable:
# The ConnectionNotAvailable exception is a special case, that
# indicates we need to retry the request on a new connection.
# The most common case where this can occur is when multiple
# requests are queued waiting for a single connection, which
# might end up as an HTTP/2 connection, but which actually ends
# up as HTTP/1.1.
async with self._pool_lock:
# Maintain our position in the request queue, but reset the
# status so that the request becomes queued again.
await self._attempt_to_acquire_connection(status)
except BaseException as exc:
with AsyncShieldCancellation():
await self.response_closed(status)
raise exc
# When we return the response, we wrap the stream in a special class
# that handles notifying the connection pool once the response
# has been released.
assert isinstance(, AsyncIterable)
return Response(
content=ConnectionPoolByteStream(, self, status),
async def response_closed(self, status: RequestStatus) -> None:
This method acts as a callback once the request/response cycle is complete.
It is called into from the `ConnectionPoolByteStream.aclose()` method.
assert status.connection is not None
connection = status.connection
async with self._pool_lock:
# Update the state of the connection pool.
if status in self._requests:
if connection.is_closed() and connection in self._pool:
# Since we've had a response closed, it's possible we'll now be able
# to service one or more requests that are currently pending.
for status in self._requests:
if status.connection is None:
acquired = await self._attempt_to_acquire_connection(status)
# If we could not acquire a connection for a queued request
# then we don't need to check anymore requests that are
# queued later behind it.
if not acquired:
# Housekeeping.
await self._close_expired_connections()
async def aclose(self) -> None:
Close any connections in the pool.
async with self._pool_lock:
for connection in self._pool:
await connection.aclose()
self._pool = []
self._requests = []
async def __aenter__(self) -> "AsyncConnectionPool":
return self
async def __aexit__(
exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]] = None,
exc_value: Optional[BaseException] = None,
traceback: Optional[TracebackType] = None,
) -> None:
await self.aclose()
class ConnectionPoolByteStream:
A wrapper around the response byte stream, that additionally handles
notifying the connection pool when the response has been closed.
def __init__(
stream: AsyncIterable[bytes],
pool: AsyncConnectionPool,
status: RequestStatus,
) -> None:
self._stream = stream
self._pool = pool
self._status = status
async def __aiter__(self) -> AsyncIterator[bytes]:
async for part in self._stream:
yield part
async def aclose(self) -> None:
if hasattr(self._stream, "aclose"):
await self._stream.aclose()
with AsyncShieldCancellation():
await self._pool.response_closed(self._status)