
670 lines
25 KiB

# Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## The Peon runtime environment
{.push checks:off.} # The VM is a critical point where checks are deleterious
import std/monotimes
import std/math
import ../config
import ../frontend/meta/bytecode
import ../util/multibyte
import strutils
when debugVM:
import std/strformat
PeonVM* = ref object
## The Peon Virtual Machine.
## Note how the only data
## type we handle here is
## a 64-bit unsigned integer:
## This is to allow the use
## of unboxed primitive types.
## For more complex types, the
## value represents a pointer to
## some stack- or heap-allocated
## object. The VM has no concept
## of type by itself and it relies
## on the compiler to produce the
## correct results
ip: uint64 # Instruction pointer
chunk: Chunk # Piece of bytecode to execute
calls: seq[uint64] # Our call stack
operands: seq[uint64] # Our operand stack
cache: array[6, uint64] # Singletons cache
frames: seq[uint64] # Stores the bottom of stack frames
closedOver: seq[uint64] # Stores variables that do not have stack semantics
results: seq[uint64] # Stores function's results (return values)
proc initCache*(self: PeonVM) =
## Initializes the VM's
## singletons cache
self.cache[0] = 0x0 # Nil
self.cache[1] = 0x1 # True
self.cache[2] = 0x2 # False
self.cache[3] = 0x3 # Positive inf
self.cache[4] = 0x4 # Negative inf
self.cache[5] = 0x5 # NaN
proc newPeonVM*: PeonVM =
## Initializes a new, blank VM
## for executing Peon bytecode
result.ip = 0
result.frames = @[]
result.calls = newSeq[uint64]()
result.operands = newSeq[uint64]()
# Getters for singleton types (they are cached!)
proc getNil*(self: PeonVM): uint64 {.inline.} = self.cache[2]
proc getBool*(self: PeonVM, value: bool): uint64 {.inline.} =
if value:
return self.cache[1]
return self.cache[0]
proc getInf*(self: PeonVM, positive: bool): uint64 {.inline.} =
if positive:
return self.cache[3]
return self.cache[4]
proc getNan*(self: PeonVM): uint64 {.inline.} = self.cache[5]
# Thanks to nim's *genius* idea of making x !> y a template
# for y < x (which by itself is fine) together with the fact
# that the order of evaluation of templates with the same
# expression is fucking stupid (see
# and and try not to
# bang your head against the nearest wall), we need a custom operator
# that preserves the natural order of evaluation
proc `!>`[T](a, b: T): auto {.inline.} =
b < a
proc `!>=`[T](a, b: T): auto {.inline, used.} =
b <= a
# Stack primitives. Note: all accesses to the call stack
# that go through the getc/setc wrappers is frame-relative,
# meaning that the index is added to the current stack frame's
# bottom to obtain an absolute stack index
{.push inline.}
proc push(self: PeonVM, obj: uint64) =
## Pushes a value object onto the
## operand stack
proc pop(self: PeonVM): uint64 =
## Pops a value off the
## operand stack and
## returns it
return self.operands.pop()
proc peekb(self: PeonVM, distance: BackwardsIndex = ^1): uint64 =
## Returns the value at the
## given (backwards) distance from the top of
## the operand stack without consuming it
return self.operands[distance]
proc peek(self: PeonVM, distance: int = 0): uint64 =
## Returns the value at the
## given distance from the top of
## the operand stack without consuming it
if distance < 0:
return self.peekb(^(-distance))
return self.operands[self.operands.high() + distance]
proc pushc(self: PeonVM, val: uint64) =
## Pushes a value to the
## call stack
proc popc(self: PeonVM): uint64 =
## Pops a value off the call
## stack and returns it
return self.calls.pop()
proc peekc(self: PeonVM, distance: int = 0): uint64 {.used.} =
## Returns the value at the
## given distance from the top of
## the call stack without consuming it
return self.calls[self.calls.high() + distance]
proc getc(self: PeonVM, idx: uint): uint64 =
## Accessor method that abstracts
## indexing our call stack through stack
## frames
return self.calls[idx + self.frames[^1]]
proc setc(self: PeonVM, idx: uint, val: uint64) =
## Setter method that abstracts
## indexing our call stack through stack
## frames
self.calls[idx + self.frames[^1]] = val
# Byte-level primitives to read and decode
# bytecode
proc readByte(self: PeonVM): uint8 =
## Reads a single byte from the
## bytecode and returns it as an
## unsigned 8 bit integer
return self.chunk.code[self.ip - 1]
proc readShort(self: PeonVM): uint16 =
## Reads two bytes from the
## bytecode and returns them
## as an unsigned 16 bit
## integer
return [self.readByte(), self.readByte()].fromDouble()
proc readLong(self: PeonVM): uint32 =
## Reads three bytes from the
## bytecode and returns them
## as an unsigned 32 bit
## integer. Note however that
## the boundary is capped at
## 24 bits instead of 32
return uint32([self.readByte(), self.readByte(), self.readByte()].fromTriple())
proc readUInt(self: PeonVM): uint32 =
## Reads three bytes from the
## bytecode and returns them
## as an unsigned 32 bit
## integer
return uint32([self.readByte(), self.readByte(), self.readByte(), self.readByte()].fromQuad())
# Functions to read primitives from the chunk's
# constants table
proc constReadInt64(self: PeonVM, idx: int): int64 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an int64
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 2], self.chunk.consts[idx + 3],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 4], self.chunk.consts[idx + 5],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 6], self.chunk.consts[idx + 7],
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadUInt64(self: PeonVM, idx: int): uint64 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an uint64
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 2], self.chunk.consts[idx + 3],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 4], self.chunk.consts[idx + 5],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 6], self.chunk.consts[idx + 7],
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadUInt32(self: PeonVM, idx: int): uint32 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an int32
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 2], self.chunk.consts[idx + 3]]
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadInt32(self: PeonVM, idx: int): int32 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an uint32
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 2], self.chunk.consts[idx + 3]]
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadInt16(self: PeonVM, idx: int): int16 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an int16
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1]]
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadUInt16(self: PeonVM, idx: int): uint16 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an uint16
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1]]
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadInt8(self: PeonVM, idx: int): int8 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an int8
result = int8(self.chunk.consts[idx])
proc constReadUInt8(self: PeonVM, idx: int): uint8 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as an uint8
result = self.chunk.consts[idx]
proc constReadFloat32(self: PeonVM, idx: int): float32 =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as a float32
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 2], self.chunk.consts[idx + 3]]
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc constReadFloat64(self: PeonVM, idx: int): float =
## Reads a constant from the
## chunk's constant table and
## returns it as a float
var arr = [self.chunk.consts[idx], self.chunk.consts[idx + 1],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 2], self.chunk.consts[idx + 3],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 4], self.chunk.consts[idx + 5],
self.chunk.consts[idx + 6], self.chunk.consts[idx + 7]]
copyMem(result.addr, arr.addr, sizeof(arr))
proc dispatch*(self: PeonVM) =
## Main bytecode dispatch loop
var instruction {.register.}: OpCode
while true:
{.computedgoto.} #
when debugVM:
echo &"IP: {self.ip}"
echo &"Instruction: {OpCode(self.chunk.code[self.ip])}"
if self.calls.len() !> 0:
echo &"Call Stack: {self.calls}"
if self.operands.len() !> 0:
echo &"Operand Stack: {self.operands}"
if self.frames.len() !> 0:
echo &"Current Frame: {self.calls[self.frames[^1]..^1]}"
echo &"Frames: {self.frames}"
if self.closedOver.len() !> 0:
echo &"Closure Array: {self.closedOver}"
if self.results.len() !> 0:
echo &"Results: {self.results}"
discard readLine stdin
instruction = OpCode(self.readByte())
case instruction:
# Constant loading instructions
of LoadTrue:
of LoadFalse:
of LoadNan:
of LoadNil:
of LoadInf:
of LoadInt64:
of LoadUInt64:
of LoadUInt32:
of LoadInt32:
of LoadInt16:
of LoadUInt16:
of LoadInt8:
of LoadUInt8:
of LoadString:
# TODO: Use constReadString with own memory manager
# Strings are broken rn!!
let size = int(self.readLong())
let idx = int(self.readLong())
var str = self.chunk.consts[idx..<idx + size].fromBytes()
# We cast instead of converting because, unlike with integers,
# we don't want nim to touch any of the bits of the underlying
# value!
of LoadFloat32:
of LoadFloat64:
of LoadFunction:
# Loads a function address onto the operand stack
of LoadReturnAddress:
# Loads a 32-bit unsigned integer onto the operand stack.
# Used to load function return addresses
of Call:
# Calls a peon function. The calling convention here
# is pretty simple: the first value in the frame is
# the new instruction pointer to jump to, then a
# 32-bit return address follows. After that, all
# arguments and locals follow. Note that, due to
# how the stack works, all arguments before the call
# are in the reverse order in which they are passed
# to the function
var argc {.used.} = self.readLong().int
let retAddr = self.peek(-argc - 1) # Return address
let jmpAddr = self.peek(-argc - 2) # Function address
self.ip = jmpAddr
# Creates a new result slot for the
# function's return value
# Creates a new call frame
self.frames.add(uint64(self.calls.len() - 2))
# Loads the arguments onto the stack
for _ in 0..<argc:
# Pops the function and return address
# off the operand stack since they're
# not needed there anymore
discard self.pop()
discard self.pop()
# TODO: Use the frame's initial size once
# we have more control over the
# memory
#[while argc !> 0:
of Return:
# Returns from a function.
# Every peon program is wrapped
# in a hidden function, so this
# will also exit the VM if we're
# at the end of the program
while self.calls.len().uint64 !> self.frames[^1] + 2'u64:
# Discards the function's local variables,
# if there is any
discard self.popc()
let ret = self.popc() # Return address
discard self.popc() # Function address
if self.readByte() == 1:
# Function is non-void!
discard self.results.pop()
# Discard the topmost stack frame
discard self.frames.pop()
if self.frames.len() == 0:
# End of the program!
self.ip = ret.uInt
of SetResult:
# Sets the result of the
# current function. A Return
# instruction will pop this
# off the results array and
# onto the operand stack when
# the current function exits.
self.results[self.frames.high()] = self.pop()
of StoreVar:
# Stores the value at the top of the operand stack
# into the given call stack index
let idx = self.readLong()
when debugVM:
assert - self.calls.high() <= 1, "StoreVar index is bigger than the length of the call stack"
if idx + self.frames[^1] <= self.calls.high().uint:
self.setc(idx, self.pop())
of StoreClosure:
# Stores/updates the value of a closed-over
# variable
let idx = self.readLong().int
if idx !> self.closedOver.high():
# Note: we *peek* the stack, but we
# don't pop!
self.closedOver[idx] = self.peek()
of LoadClosure:
# Loads a closed-over variable onto the
# stack
of LoadVar:
# Pushes a variable onto the operand
# stack
of NoOp:
# Does nothing
of PopC:
# Pops a value off the call stack
discard self.popc()
of Pop:
# Pops a value off the operand stack
discard self.pop()
of PushC:
# Pushes a value from the operand stack
# onto the call stack
of PopRepl:
# Pops a peon object off the
# operand stack and prints it.
# Used in interactive REPL mode
if self.frames.len() !> 1:
discard self.pop()
echo self.pop()
of PopN:
# Pops N elements off the call stack
for _ in 0..<int(self.readShort()):
discard self.popc()
# Jump opcodes
of Jump:
# Absolute jump
self.ip = self.readLong()
of JumpForwards:
# Relative, forward-jump
self.ip += self.readLong()
of JumpBackwards:
# Relative, backward-jump
self.ip -= self.readLong()
of JumpIfFalse:
# Conditional positive jump
if not self.peek().bool:
self.ip += self.readLong()
of JumpIfTrue:
# Conditional positive jump
if self.peek().bool:
self.ip += self.readLong()
of JumpIfFalsePop:
let ip = self.readLong()
if not self.peek().bool:
self.ip += ip
discard self.pop()
of JumpIfFalseOrPop:
if not self.peek().bool:
self.ip += self.readLong()
discard self.pop()
# Built-in operations on primitive types.
# Note: for operations where the order of
# the operands matters, we don't need to
# swap the order of the calls to pop: this
# is because operators are handled like peon
# functions, which means the arguments are
# already reversed on the stack when we
# execute the instruction
of Negate:
of NegateFloat64:
of NegateFloat32:
of Add:
self.push(self.pop() + self.pop())
of Subtract:
self.push(self.pop() - self.pop())
of Multiply:
self.push(self.pop() * self.pop())
of Divide:
self.push(self.pop() div self.pop())
of SignedDivide:
self.push(uint64(int64(self.pop()) div int64(self.pop())))
of AddFloat64:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float](self.pop()) + cast[float](self.pop())))
of SubtractFloat64:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float](self.pop()) - cast[float](self.pop())))
of MultiplyFloat64:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float](self.pop()) * cast[float](self.pop())))
of DivideFloat64:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float](self.pop()) / cast[float](self.pop())))
of AddFloat32:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float32](self.pop()) + cast[float32](self.pop())))
of SubtractFloat32:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float32](self.pop()) - cast[float32](self.pop())))
of MultiplyFloat32:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float32](self.pop()) * cast[float32](self.pop())))
of DivideFloat32:
self.push(cast[uint64](cast[float32](self.pop()) / cast[float32](self.pop())))
of Pow:
self.push(uint64(self.pop() ^ self.pop()))
of SignedPow:
self.push(uint64(int64(self.pop()) ^ int64(self.pop())))
of PowFloat64:
self.push(cast[uint64](pow(cast[float](self.pop()), cast[float](self.pop()))))
of PowFloat32:
self.push(cast[uint64](pow(cast[float](self.pop()), cast[float](self.pop()))))
of Mod:
self.push(uint64(self.pop() mod self.pop()))
of SignedMod:
self.push(uint64(int64(self.pop()) mod int64(self.pop())))
of ModFloat64:
self.push(cast[uint64](floorMod(cast[float](self.pop()), cast[float](self.pop()))))
of ModFloat32:
self.push(cast[uint64](floorMod(cast[float](self.pop()), cast[float](self.pop()))))
of LShift:
self.push(self.pop() shl self.pop())
of RShift:
self.push(self.pop() shr self.pop())
of Xor:
self.push(self.pop() xor self.pop())
of Not:
self.push(not self.pop())
of And:
self.push(self.pop() and self.pop())
of Equal:
self.push(self.getBool(self.pop() == self.pop()))
of NotEqual:
self.push(self.getBool(self.pop() != self.pop()))
of GreaterThan:
self.push(self.getBool(self.pop() !> self.pop()))
of LessThan:
self.push(self.getBool(self.pop() < self.pop()))
of GreaterOrEqual:
self.push(self.getBool(self.pop() !>= self.pop()))
of LessOrEqual:
self.push(self.getBool(self.pop() <= self.pop()))
of PrintInt64:
# Prints the value at the top of the stack
# as an int64
echo int64(self.pop())
of PrintUInt64:
# Prints the value at the top of the stack
echo self.pop()
of PrintInt32:
echo int32(self.pop())
of PrintUInt32:
echo uint32(self.pop())
of PrintInt16:
echo int16(self.pop())
of PrintUInt16:
echo uint16(self.pop())
of PrintInt8:
echo int8(self.pop())
of PrintUInt8:
echo uint8(self.pop())
of PrintFloat32:
echo cast[float32](self.pop())
of PrintFloat64:
echo cast[float](self.pop())
of PrintHex:
# Prints the value at the top of the stack
# as a hexadecimal integer
echo "0x" & self.pop().toHex().strip(chars={'0'})
of PrintBool:
if self.pop().bool:
echo "true"
echo "false"
of PrintInf:
if self.pop() == 0x3:
echo "-inf"
echo "inf"
of PrintNan:
echo "nan"
of PrintString:
echo cast[ptr string](self.pop())[] # TODO
of SysClock64:
# Pushes the value of a monotonic clock
# onto the operand stack. This can be used
# to track system time accurately, but it
# cannot be converted to a date. The number
# is in seconds
self.push(cast[uint64](getMonoTime().ticks().float() / 1_000_000_000))
proc run*(self: PeonVM, chunk: Chunk) =
## Executes a piece of Peon bytecode
self.chunk = chunk
self.frames = @[]
self.calls = @[]
self.operands = @[]
self.ip = 0