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# Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## An Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) structure for our recursive-descent
## top-down parser. For more info, check out docs/
import strformat
import strutils
import token
NodeKind* = enum
## Enumeration of the AST
## node types, sorted by
## precedence
# Declarations
classDecl = 0u8,
# Statements
forStmt, # Unused for now (for loops are compiled to while loops)
# An expression followed by a semicolon
# Expressions
setItemExpr, # Set expressions like a.b = "c"
getItemExpr, # Get expressions like a.b
# Primary expressions
groupingExpr, # Parenthesized expressions such as (true) and (3 + 4)
identExpr, # Identifier
ASTNode* = ref object of RootObj
## An AST node
kind*: NodeKind
# Regardless of the type of node, we keep the token in the AST node for internal usage.
# This is not shown when the node is printed, but makes it a heck of a lot easier to report
# errors accurately even deep in the compilation pipeline
token*: Token
# Here I would've rather used object variants, and in fact that's what was in
# place before, but not being able to re-declare a field of the same type in
# another case branch is kind of a deal breaker long-term, so until that is
# fixed (check out for more info)
# I'll stick to using inheritance instead
LiteralExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
# Using a string for literals makes it much easier to handle numeric types, as
# there is no overflow nor underflow or float precision issues during parsing.
# Numbers are just serialized as strings and then converted back to numbers
# before being passed to the VM, which also keeps the door open in the future
# to implementing bignum arithmetic that can take advantage of natively supported
# machine types, meaning that if a numeric type fits into a 64 bit signed/unsigned
# int then it is stored in such a type to save space, otherwise it is just converted
# to a bigint. Bigfloats with arbitrary-precision arithmetic would also be nice,
# although arguably less useful (and probably significantly slower than bigints)
literal*: Token
IntExpr* = ref object of LiteralExpr
OctExpr* = ref object of LiteralExpr
HexExpr* = ref object of LiteralExpr
BinExpr* = ref object of LiteralExpr
FloatExpr* = ref object of LiteralExpr
StrExpr* = ref object of LiteralExpr
# There are technically keywords, not literals!
TrueExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
FalseExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
NilExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
NanExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
InfExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
# Although this is *technically* a literal, Nim doesn't
# allow us to redefine fields from supertypes so it's
# a tough luck for us
ListExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
members*: seq[ASTNode]
SetExpr* = ref object of ListExpr
TupleExpr* = ref object of ListExpr
DictExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
keys*: seq[ASTNode]
values*: seq[ASTNode]
IdentExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
name*: Token
GroupingExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
expression*: ASTNode
GetItemExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
obj*: ASTNode
name*: ASTNode
SetItemExpr* = ref object of GetItemExpr
# Since a setItem expression is just
# a getItem one followed by an assignment,
# inheriting it from getItem makes sense
value*: ASTNode
CallExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
callee*: ASTNode # The thing being called
arguments*: tuple[positionals: seq[ASTNode], keyword: seq[tuple[
name: ASTNode, value: ASTNode]]]
UnaryExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
operator*: Token
a*: ASTNode
BinaryExpr* = ref object of UnaryExpr
# Binary expressions can be seen here as unary
# expressions with an extra operand so we just
# inherit from that and add a second operand
b*: ASTNode
YieldExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
expression*: ASTNode
AwaitExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
awaitee*: ASTNode
LambdaExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
body*: ASTNode
arguments*: seq[ASTNode]
# This is, in order, the list of each default argument
# the function takes. It maps 1:1 with self.arguments
# although it may be shorter (in which case this maps
# 1:1 with what's left of self.arguments after all
# positional arguments have been consumed)
defaults*: seq[ASTNode]
isGenerator*: bool
SliceExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
slicee*: ASTNode
ends*: seq[ASTNode]
AssignExpr* = ref object of ASTNode
name*: ASTNode
value*: ASTNode
ExprStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
expression*: ASTNode
ImportStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
moduleName*: ASTNode
FromImportStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
fromModule*: ASTNode
fromAttributes*: seq[ASTNode]
DelStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
name*: ASTNode
AssertStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
expression*: ASTNode
RaiseStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
exception*: ASTNode
BlockStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
code*: seq[ASTNode]
ForStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
discard # Unused
ForEachStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
identifier*: ASTNode
expression*: ASTNode
body*: ASTNode
DeferStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
deferred*: ASTNode
TryStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
body*: ASTNode
handlers*: seq[tuple[body: ASTNode, exc: ASTNode, name: ASTNode]]
finallyClause*: ASTNode
elseClause*: ASTNode
WhileStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
condition*: ASTNode
body*: ASTNode
AwaitStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
awaitee*: ASTNode
BreakStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
ContinueStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
ReturnStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
value*: ASTNode
IfStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
condition*: ASTNode
thenBranch*: ASTNode
elseBranch*: ASTNode
YieldStmt* = ref object of ASTNode
expression*: ASTNode
Declaration* = ref object of ASTNode
owner*: string # Used for determining if a module can access a given field
closedOver*: bool
VarDecl* = ref object of Declaration
name*: ASTNode
value*: ASTNode
isConst*: bool
isStatic*: bool
isPrivate*: bool
FunDecl* = ref object of Declaration
name*: ASTNode
body*: ASTNode
arguments*: seq[ASTNode]
# This is, in order, the list of each default argument
# the function takes. It maps 1:1 with self.arguments
# although it may be shorter (in which case this maps
# 1:1 with what's left of self.arguments after all
# positional arguments have been consumed)
defaults*: seq[ASTNode]
isAsync*: bool
isGenerator*: bool
isStatic*: bool
isPrivate*: bool
ClassDecl* = ref object of Declaration
name*: ASTNode
body*: ASTNode
parents*: seq[ASTNode]
isStatic*: bool
isPrivate*: bool
Expression* = LiteralExpr | ListExpr | GetItemExpr | SetItemExpr | UnaryExpr | BinaryExpr | CallExpr | AssignExpr |
GroupingExpr | IdentExpr | DictExpr | TupleExpr | SetExpr |
TrueExpr | FalseExpr | NilExpr |
NanExpr | InfExpr
Statement* = ExprStmt | ImportStmt | FromImportStmt | DelStmt | AssertStmt | RaiseStmt | BlockStmt | ForStmt | WhileStmt |
ForStmt | BreakStmt | ContinueStmt | ReturnStmt | IfStmt
proc newASTNode*(kind: NodeKind, token: Token): ASTNode =
## Initializes a new generic ASTNode object
result.kind = kind
result.token = token
proc isConst*(self: ASTNode): bool {.inline.} = self.kind in {intExpr, hexExpr, binExpr, octExpr, strExpr,
trueExpr, infExpr,
floatExpr, nilExpr}
proc isLiteral*(self: ASTNode): bool {.inline.} = self.isConst() or self.kind in
{tupleExpr, dictExpr, setExpr, listExpr}
proc newIntExpr*(literal: Token): IntExpr =
result = IntExpr(kind: intExpr)
result.literal = literal
result.token = literal
proc newOctExpr*(literal: Token): OctExpr =
result = OctExpr(kind: octExpr)
result.literal = literal
result.token = literal
proc newHexExpr*(literal: Token): HexExpr =
result = HexExpr(kind: hexExpr)
result.literal = literal
result.token = literal
proc newBinExpr*(literal: Token): BinExpr =
result = BinExpr(kind: binExpr)
result.literal = literal
result.token = literal
proc newFloatExpr*(literal: Token): FloatExpr =
result = FloatExpr(kind: floatExpr)
result.literal = literal
result.token = literal
proc newTrueExpr*(token: Token): LiteralExpr = LiteralExpr(kind: trueExpr, token: token)
proc newFalseExpr*(token: Token): LiteralExpr = LiteralExpr(kind: falseExpr, token: token)
proc newNaNExpr*(token: Token): LiteralExpr = LiteralExpr(kind: nanExpr, token: token)
proc newNilExpr*(token: Token): LiteralExpr = LiteralExpr(kind: nilExpr, token: token)
proc newInfExpr*(token: Token): LiteralExpr = LiteralExpr(kind: infExpr, token: token)
proc newStrExpr*(literal: Token): StrExpr =
result = StrExpr(kind: strExpr)
result.literal = literal
result.token = literal
proc newIdentExpr*(name: Token): IdentExpr =
result = IdentExpr(kind: identExpr) = name
result.token = name
proc newGroupingExpr*(expression: ASTNode, token: Token): GroupingExpr =
result = GroupingExpr(kind: groupingExpr)
result.expression = expression
result.token = token
proc newLambdaExpr*(arguments, defaults: seq[ASTNode], body: ASTNode,
isGenerator: bool, token: Token): LambdaExpr =
result = LambdaExpr(kind: lambdaExpr)
result.body = body
result.arguments = arguments
result.defaults = defaults
result.isGenerator = isGenerator
result.token = token
proc newGetItemExpr*(obj: ASTNode, name: ASTNode, token: Token): GetItemExpr =
result = GetItemExpr(kind: getItemExpr)
result.obj = obj = name
result.token = token
proc newListExpr*(members: seq[ASTNode], token: Token): ListExpr =
result = ListExpr(kind: listExpr)
result.members = members
result.token = token
proc newSetExpr*(members: seq[ASTNode], token: Token): SetExpr =
result = SetExpr(kind: setExpr)
result.members = members
result.token = token
proc newTupleExpr*(members: seq[ASTNode], token: Token): TupleExpr =
result = TupleExpr(kind: tupleExpr)
result.members = members
result.token = token
proc newDictExpr*(keys, values: seq[ASTNode], token: Token): DictExpr =
result = DictExpr(kind: dictExpr)
result.keys = keys
result.values = values
result.token = token
proc newSetItemExpr*(obj, name, value: ASTNode, token: Token): SetItemExpr =
result = SetItemExpr(kind: setItemExpr)
result.obj = obj = name
result.value = value
result.token = token
proc newCallExpr*(callee: ASTNode, arguments: tuple[positionals: seq[ASTNode],
keyword: seq[tuple[name: ASTNode, value: ASTNode]]],
token: Token): CallExpr =
result = CallExpr(kind: callExpr)
result.callee = callee
result.arguments = arguments
result.token = token
proc newSliceExpr*(slicee: ASTNode, ends: seq[ASTNode],
token: Token): SliceExpr =
result = SliceExpr(kind: sliceExpr)
result.slicee = slicee
result.ends = ends
result.token = token
proc newUnaryExpr*(operator: Token, a: ASTNode): UnaryExpr =
result = UnaryExpr(kind: unaryExpr)
result.operator = operator
result.a = a
result.token = result.operator
proc newBinaryExpr*(a: ASTNode, operator: Token, b: ASTNode): BinaryExpr =
result = BinaryExpr(kind: binaryExpr)
result.operator = operator
result.a = a
result.b = b
result.token = operator
proc newYieldExpr*(expression: ASTNode, token: Token): YieldExpr =
result = YieldExpr(kind: yieldExpr)
result.expression = expression
result.token = token
proc newAssignExpr*(name, value: ASTNode, token: Token): AssignExpr =
result = AssignExpr(kind: assignExpr) = name
result.value = value
result.token = token
proc newAwaitExpr*(awaitee: ASTNode, token: Token): AwaitExpr =
result = AwaitExpr(kind: awaitExpr)
result.awaitee = awaitee
result.token = token
proc newExprStmt*(expression: ASTNode, token: Token): ExprStmt =
result = ExprStmt(kind: exprStmt)
result.expression = expression
result.token = token
proc newImportStmt*(moduleName: ASTNode, token: Token): ImportStmt =
result = ImportStmt(kind: importStmt)
result.moduleName = moduleName
result.token = token
proc newFromImportStmt*(fromModule: ASTNode, fromAttributes: seq[ASTNode],
token: Token): FromImportStmt =
result = FromImportStmt(kind: fromImportStmt)
result.fromModule = fromModule
result.fromAttributes = fromAttributes
result.token = token
proc newDelStmt*(name: ASTNode, token: Token): DelStmt =
result = DelStmt(kind: delStmt) = name
result.token = token
proc newYieldStmt*(expression: ASTNode, token: Token): YieldStmt =
result = YieldStmt(kind: yieldStmt)
result.expression = expression
result.token = token
proc newAwaitStmt*(awaitee: ASTNode, token: Token): AwaitExpr =
result = AwaitExpr(kind: awaitExpr)
result.awaitee = awaitee
result.token = token
proc newAssertStmt*(expression: ASTNode, token: Token): AssertStmt =
result = AssertStmt(kind: assertStmt)
result.expression = expression
result.token = token
proc newDeferStmt*(deferred: ASTNode, token: Token): DeferStmt =
result = DeferStmt(kind: deferStmt)
result.deferred = deferred
result.token = token
proc newRaiseStmt*(exception: ASTNode, token: Token): RaiseStmt =
result = RaiseStmt(kind: raiseStmt)
result.exception = exception
result.token = token
proc newTryStmt*(body: ASTNode, handlers: seq[tuple[body: ASTNode, exc: ASTNode, name: ASTNode]],
finallyClause: ASTNode,
elseClause: ASTNode, token: Token): TryStmt =
result = TryStmt(kind: tryStmt)
result.body = body
result.handlers = handlers
result.finallyClause = finallyClause
result.elseClause = elseClause
result.token = token
proc newBlockStmt*(code: seq[ASTNode], token: Token): BlockStmt =
result = BlockStmt(kind: blockStmt)
result.code = code
result.token = token
proc newWhileStmt*(condition: ASTNode, body: ASTNode, token: Token): WhileStmt =
result = WhileStmt(kind: whileStmt)
result.condition = condition
result.body = body
result.token = token
proc newForEachStmt*(identifier: ASTNode, expression, body: ASTNode,
token: Token): ForEachStmt =
result = ForEachStmt(kind: forEachStmt)
result.identifier = identifier
result.expression = expression
result.body = body
result.token = token
proc newBreakStmt*(token: Token): BreakStmt =
result = BreakStmt(kind: breakStmt)
result.token = token
proc newContinueStmt*(token: Token): ContinueStmt =
result = ContinueStmt(kind: continueStmt)
result.token = token
proc newReturnStmt*(value: ASTNode, token: Token): ReturnStmt =
result = ReturnStmt(kind: returnStmt)
result.value = value
result.token = token
proc newIfStmt*(condition: ASTNode, thenBranch, elseBranch: ASTNode,
token: Token): IfStmt =
result = IfStmt(kind: ifStmt)
result.condition = condition
result.thenBranch = thenBranch
result.elseBranch = elseBranch
result.token = token
proc newVarDecl*(name: ASTNode, value: ASTNode = newNilExpr(Token()),
isStatic: bool = true, isConst: bool = false,
isPrivate: bool = true, token: Token, owner: string,
closedOver: bool): VarDecl =
result = VarDecl(kind: varDecl) = name
result.value = value
result.isConst = isConst
result.isStatic = isStatic
result.isPrivate = isPrivate
result.token = token
result.owner = owner
proc newFunDecl*(name: ASTNode, arguments, defaults: seq[ASTNode],
body: ASTNode, isStatic: bool = true, isAsync,
isGenerator: bool, isPrivate: bool = true, token: Token,
owner: string, closedOver: bool): FunDecl =
result = FunDecl(kind: funDecl) = name
result.arguments = arguments
result.defaults = defaults
result.body = body
result.isAsync = isAsync
result.isGenerator = isGenerator
result.isStatic = isStatic
result.isPrivate = isPrivate
result.token = token
result.owner = owner
result.closedOver = closedOver
proc newClassDecl*(name: ASTNode, body: ASTNode,
parents: seq[ASTNode], isStatic: bool = true,
isPrivate: bool = true, token: Token,
owner: string, closedOver: bool): ClassDecl =
result = ClassDecl(kind: classDecl) = name
result.body = body
result.parents = parents
result.isStatic = isStatic
result.isPrivate = isPrivate
result.token = token
result.owner = owner
result.closedOver = closedOver
proc `$`*(self: ASTNode): string =
if self == nil:
return "nil"
case self.kind:
of intExpr, floatExpr, hexExpr, binExpr, octExpr, strExpr, trueExpr,
falseExpr, nanExpr, nilExpr, infExpr:
if self.kind in {trueExpr, falseExpr, nanExpr, nilExpr, infExpr}:
result &= &"Literal({($self.kind)[0..^5]})"
elif self.kind == strExpr:
result &= &"Literal({LiteralExpr(self).literal.lexeme[1..^2].escape()})"
result &= &"Literal({LiteralExpr(self).literal.lexeme})"
of identExpr:
result &= &"Identifier('{IdentExpr(self).name.lexeme}')"
of groupingExpr:
result &= &"Grouping({GroupingExpr(self).expression})"
of getItemExpr:
var self = GetItemExpr(self)
result &= &"GetItem(obj={self.obj}, name={})"
of setItemExpr:
var self = SetItemExpr(self)
result &= &"SetItem(obj={self.obj}, name={self.value}, value={self.value})"
of callExpr:
var self = CallExpr(self)
result &= &"""Call({self.callee}, arguments=(positionals=[{self.arguments.positionals.join(", ")}], keyword=[{self.arguments.keyword.join(", ")}]))"""
of unaryExpr:
var self = UnaryExpr(self)
result &= &"Unary(Operator('{self.operator.lexeme}'), {self.a})"
of binaryExpr:
var self = BinaryExpr(self)
result &= &"Binary({self.a}, Operator('{self.operator.lexeme}'), {self.b})"
of assignExpr:
var self = AssignExpr(self)
result &= &"Assign(name={}, value={self.value})"
of exprStmt:
var self = ExprStmt(self)
result &= &"ExpressionStatement({self.expression})"
of breakStmt:
result = "Break()"
of importStmt:
var self = ImportStmt(self)
result &= &"Import({self.moduleName})"
of fromImportStmt:
var self = FromImportStmt(self)
result &= &"""FromImport(fromModule={self.fromModule}, fromAttributes=[{self.fromAttributes.join(", ")}])"""
of delStmt:
var self = DelStmt(self)
result &= &"Del({})"
of assertStmt:
var self = AssertStmt(self)
result &= &"Assert({self.expression})"
of raiseStmt:
var self = RaiseStmt(self)
result &= &"Raise({self.exception})"
of blockStmt:
var self = BlockStmt(self)
result &= &"""Block([{self.code.join(", ")}])"""
of whileStmt:
var self = WhileStmt(self)
result &= &"While(condition={self.condition}, body={self.body})"
of forEachStmt:
var self = ForEachStmt(self)
result &= &"ForEach(identifier={self.identifier}, expression={self.expression}, body={self.body})"
of returnStmt:
var self = ReturnStmt(self)
result &= &"Return({self.value})"
of yieldExpr:
var self = YieldExpr(self)
result &= &"Yield({self.expression})"
of awaitExpr:
var self = AwaitExpr(self)
result &= &"Await({self.awaitee})"
of ifStmt:
var self = IfStmt(self)
if self.elseBranch == nil:
result &= &"If(condition={self.condition}, thenBranch={self.thenBranch}, elseBranch=nil)"
result &= &"If(condition={self.condition}, thenBranch={self.thenBranch}, elseBranch={self.elseBranch})"
of yieldStmt:
var self = YieldStmt(self)
result &= &"YieldStmt({self.expression})"
of awaitStmt:
var self = AwaitStmt(self)
result &= &"AwaitStmt({self.awaitee})"
of varDecl:
var self = VarDecl(self)
result &= &"Var(name={}, value={self.value}, const={self.isConst}, static={self.isStatic}, private={self.isPrivate})"
of funDecl:
var self = FunDecl(self)
result &= &"""FunDecl(name={}, body={self.body}, arguments=[{self.arguments.join(", ")}], defaults=[{self.defaults.join(", ")}], async={self.isAsync}, generator={self.isGenerator}, static={self.isStatic}, private={self.isPrivate})"""
of classDecl:
var self = ClassDecl(self)
result &= &"""Class(name={}, body={self.body}, parents=[{self.parents.join(", ")}], static={self.isStatic}, private={self.isPrivate})"""
of tupleExpr:
var self = TupleExpr(self)
result &= &"""Tuple([{self.members.join(", ")}])"""
of setExpr:
var self = SetExpr(self)
result &= &"""Set([{self.members.join(", ")}])"""
of listExpr:
var self = ListExpr(self)
result &= &"""List([{self.members.join(", ")}])"""
of dictExpr:
var self = DictExpr(self)
result &= &"""Dict(keys=[{self.keys.join(", ")}], values=[{self.values.join(", ")}])"""
of lambdaExpr:
var self = LambdaExpr(self)
result &= &"""Lambda(body={self.body}, arguments=[{self.arguments.join(", ")}], defaults=[{self.defaults.join(", ")}], generator={self.isGenerator})"""
of deferStmt:
var self = DeferStmt(self)
result &= &"Defer({self.deferred})"
of sliceExpr:
var self = SliceExpr(self)
result &= &"""Slice({self.slicee}, ends=[{self.ends.join(", ")}])"""
of tryStmt:
var self = TryStmt(self)
result &= &"TryStmt(body={self.body}, handlers={self.handlers}"
if self.finallyClause != nil:
result &= &", finallyClause={self.finallyClause}"
result &= ", finallyClause=nil"
if self.elseClause != nil:
result &= &", elseClause={self.elseClause}"
result &= ", elseClause=nil"
result &= ")"