
2772 lines
113 KiB

# Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import meta/token
import meta/ast
import meta/errors
import ../util/multibyte
import ../util/symbols
import lexer as l
import parser as p
import ../config
import std/tables
import std/strformat
import std/algorithm
import std/parseutils
import std/strutils
import std/sequtils
import std/sets
import std/os
import std/terminal
import std/hashes
export ast
export token
export multibyte
TypeKind = enum
## An enumeration of compile-time
## types
Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32, Float64,
Char, Byte, String, Function, CustomType,
Nil, Nan, Bool, Inf, Typevar, Generic,
Reference, Pointer, Any, All, Union
Type = ref object
## A wrapper around
## compile-time types
case kind: TypeKind:
of Function:
isLambda: bool
isGenerator: bool
isCoroutine: bool
args: seq[tuple[name: string, kind: Type, default: Expression]]
returnType: Type
builtinOp: string
fun: Declaration
retJumps: seq[int]
forwarded: bool
location: int
of CustomType:
fields: TableRef[string, Type]
of Reference, Pointer:
value: Type
of Generic:
# cond represents a type constraint. For
# example, fn foo[T: int & ~uint](...) {...}
# would map to [(true, int), (false, uint)]
cond: seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]]
asUnion: bool # If this is true, the constraint is treated like a type union
name: string
of Union:
types: seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]]
# This way we don't have recursive dependency issues
import meta/bytecode
export bytecode
WarningKind* {.pure.} = enum
## A warning enumeration type
UnreachableCode, UnusedName, ShadowOuterScope,
CompileMode* {.pure.} = enum
## A compilation mode enumeration
Debug, Release
NameKind {.pure.} = enum
## A name enumeration type
None, Module, Argument, Var, Function, CustomType, Enum
Name = ref object
## A name object
# Type of the identifier (NOT of the value!)
case kind: NameKind
of NameKind.Module:
path: string
# The name's identifier
ident: IdentExpr
# Owner of the identifier (module)
owner: Name
# File where the name is declared
file: string
# Scope depth
depth: int
# Is this name private?
isPrivate: bool
# Is this a constant?
isConst: bool
# Can this name's value be mutated?
isLet: bool
# Is this name a generic type?
isGeneric: bool
# The type of the name's associated
# value
valueType: Type
# For functions, this marks where their body's
# code begins. For variables, it represents the
# instruction after which they will be available
# for use. Other name types don't use this value
codePos: int
# The function that owns this name (may be nil!)
belongsTo: Name
# Where is this node declared in its file?
line: int
# Has this name been referenced at least once?
resolved: bool
# The AST node associated with this node. This
# is needed because we compile function and type
# declarations only if, and when, they're actually
# used
node: Declaration
# Who is this name exported to? (Only makes sense if isPrivate
# equals false)
exportedTo: HashSet[Name]
# Has the compiler generates this name internally or
# does it come from user code?
isReal: bool
# Is this name a builtin?
isBuiltin: bool
# The location of this name on the stack.
# Only makes sense for names that actually
# materialize on the call stack at runtime
# (except for functions, where we use it to
# signal where the function's frame starts)
position: int
Loop = object
## A "loop object" used
## by the compiler to emit
## appropriate jump offsets
## for continue and break
## statements
# Position in the bytecode where the loop starts
start: int
# Scope depth where the loop is located
depth: int
# Jump offsets into our bytecode that we need to
# patch. Used for break statements
breakJumps: seq[int]
Compiler* = ref object
## A wrapper around the Peon compiler's state
# The bytecode chunk where we write code to
chunk: Chunk
# The output of our parser (AST)
ast: seq[Declaration]
# The current AST node we're looking at
current: int
# The current file being compiled (used only for
# error reporting)
file: string
# Compile-time "simulation" of the stack at
# runtime to load variables that have stack
# behavior more efficiently
names: seq[Name]
# The current scope depth. If > 0, we're
# in a local scope, otherwise it's global
depth: int
# The current function being compiled
currentFunction: Name
# The current loop being compiled (used to
# keep track of where to jump)
currentLoop: Loop
# Are we in REPL mode? If so, Pop instructions
# for expression statements at the top level are
# swapped for a special instruction that prints
# the result of the expression once it is evaluated
replMode: bool
# The current module being compiled
# (used to restrict access to statically
# defined variables at compile time)
currentModule: Name
# If we're a sub-compiler working on a module
# that is not the main one, we need to know
# where we're coming from so export statements
# work as expected
parentModule: Name
# Each time a defer statement is
# compiled, its code is emitted
# here. Later, if there is any code
# to defer in the current function,
# funDecl will wrap the function's code
# inside an implicit try/finally block
# and add this code in the finally branch.
deferred: seq[uint8]
# List of closed-over variables
closures: seq[Name]
# Compiler procedures called by pragmas
compilerProcs: TableRef[string, CompilerFunc]
# Stores line data for error reporting
lines: seq[tuple[start, stop: int]]
# The source of the current module,
# used for error reporting
source: string
# Currently imported modules
modules: HashSet[Name]
# Stores the position of all jumps
jumps: seq[tuple[patched: bool, offset: int]]
# Metadata about function locations
functions: seq[tuple[start, stop, pos: int, fn: Name]]
# We store these objects to compile modules
lexer: Lexer
parser: Parser
# Are we compiling the main module?
isMainModule: bool
# Stores the call offsets for forward
# declarations so that we can patch them
# later
forwarded: seq[tuple[name: Name, pos: int]]
# List of disabled warnings
disabledWarnings: seq[WarningKind]
# Whether to show detailed info about type
# mismatches when we dispatch with match()
showMismatches: bool
# Are we compiling in debug mode?
mode: CompileMode
# The topmost occupied stack slot
# in the current frame (0-indexed)
stackIndex: int
PragmaKind = enum
## An enumeration of pragma types
CompilerFunc = object
## An internal compiler function called
## by pragmas
kind: PragmaKind
handler: proc (self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name)
CompileError* = ref object of PeonException
node*: ASTNode
function*: Declaration
# Forward declarations
proc compile*(self: Compiler, ast: seq[Declaration], file: string, lines: seq[tuple[start, stop: int]], source: string, chunk: Chunk = nil,
incremental: bool = false, isMainModule: bool = true, disabledWarnings: seq[WarningKind] = @[], showMismatches: bool = false,
mode: CompileMode = Debug): Chunk
proc expression(self: Compiler, node: Expression, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.}
proc statement(self: Compiler, node: Statement)
proc declaration(self: Compiler, node: Declaration)
proc peek(self: Compiler, distance: int = 0): ASTNode
proc identifier(self: Compiler, node: IdentExpr, name: Name = nil, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.}
proc varDecl(self: Compiler, node: VarDecl)
proc match(self: Compiler, name: string, kind: Type, node: ASTNode = nil, allowFwd: bool = true): Name
proc specialize(self: Compiler, typ: Type, args: seq[Expression]): Type {.discardable.}
proc call(self: Compiler, node: CallExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.}
proc getItemExpr(self: Compiler, node: GetItemExpr, compile: bool = true, matching: Type = nil): Type {.discardable.}
proc unary(self: Compiler, node: UnaryExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.}
proc binary(self: Compiler, node: BinaryExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.}
proc infer(self: Compiler, node: LiteralExpr): Type
proc infer(self: Compiler, node: Expression): Type
proc inferOrError(self: Compiler, node: Expression): Type
proc findByName(self: Compiler, name: string): seq[Name]
proc findInModule(self: Compiler, name: string, module: Name): seq[Name]
proc findByType(self: Compiler, name: string, kind: Type): seq[Name]
proc compare(self: Compiler, a, b: Type): bool
proc patchReturnAddress(self: Compiler, pos: int)
proc handleMagicPragma(self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name)
proc handlePurePragma(self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name)
proc handleErrorPragma(self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name)
proc dispatchPragmas(self: Compiler, name: Name)
proc dispatchDelayedPragmas(self: Compiler, name: Name)
proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl, name: Name)
proc compileModule(self: Compiler, module: Name)
proc generateCall(self: Compiler, fn: Name, args: seq[Expression], line: int)
proc prepareFunction(self: Compiler, fn: Name)
proc lambdaExpr(self: Compiler, node: LambdaExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.}
# End of forward declarations
proc newCompiler*(replMode: bool = false): Compiler =
## Initializes a new Compiler object
result.ast = @[]
result.current = 0
result.file = ""
result.names = @[]
result.depth = 0
result.lines = @[]
result.jumps = @[]
result.currentFunction = nil
result.replMode = replMode
result.currentModule = nil
result.compilerProcs = newTable[string, CompilerFunc]()
result.compilerProcs["magic"] = CompilerFunc(kind: Immediate, handler: handleMagicPragma)
result.compilerProcs["pure"] = CompilerFunc(kind: Immediate, handler: handlePurePragma)
result.compilerProcs["error"] = CompilerFunc(kind: Delayed, handler: handleErrorPragma)
result.source = ""
result.lexer = newLexer()
result.parser = newParser()
result.isMainModule = false
result.closures = @[]
result.forwarded = @[]
result.disabledWarnings = @[]
result.functions = @[]
result.stackIndex = 1
## Public getters for nicer error formatting
proc getCurrentNode*(self: Compiler): ASTNode = (if self.current >=
self.ast.len(): self.ast[^1] else: self.ast[self.current - 1])
proc getCurrentFunction*(self: Compiler): Declaration {.inline.} = (if self.currentFunction.isNil(): nil else:
proc getFile*(self: Compiler): string {.inline.} = self.file
proc getSource*(self: Compiler): string = self.source
## Utility functions
proc `$`*(self: Name): string = $(self[])
proc `$`(self: Type): string = $(self[])
proc hash(self: Name): Hash = self.ident.token.lexeme.hash()
proc peek(self: Compiler, distance: int = 0): ASTNode =
## Peeks at the AST node at the given distance.
## If the distance is out of bounds, the last
## AST node in the tree is returned. A negative
## distance may be used to retrieve previously
## consumed AST nodes
if self.ast.high() == -1 or self.current + distance > self.ast.high() or self.current + distance < 0:
result = self.ast[^1]
result = self.ast[self.current + distance]
proc done(self: Compiler): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns true if the compiler is done
## compiling, false otherwise
result = self.current > self.ast.high()
proc error(self: Compiler, message: string, node: ASTNode = nil) {.inline.} =
## Raises a CompileError exception
let node = if node.isNil(): self.getCurrentNode() else: node
raise CompileError(msg: message, node: node, line: node.token.line, file: node.file)
proc warning(self: Compiler, kind: WarningKind, message: string, name: Name = nil, node: ASTNode = nil) =
## Raises a warning. Note that warnings are always disabled in REPL mode
if self.replMode or kind in self.disabledWarnings:
var node: ASTNode = node
var fn: Declaration
if name.isNil():
if node.isNil():
node = self.getCurrentNode()
fn = self.getCurrentFunction()
node = name.node
if node.isNil():
node = self.getCurrentNode()
if not name.belongsTo.isNil():
fn = name.belongsTo.node
fn = self.getCurrentFunction()
var file = self.file
if not name.isNil():
file = name.owner.file
var pos = node.getRelativeBoundaries()
if file notin ["<string>", ""]:
file = relativePath(file, getCurrentDir())
stderr.styledWrite(fgYellow, styleBright, "Warning in ", fgRed, &"{file}:{node.token.line}:{pos.start}")
if not fn.isNil() and fn.kind == funDecl:
stderr.styledWrite(fgYellow, styleBright, " in function ", fgRed, FunDecl(fn).name.token.lexeme)
stderr.styledWriteLine(styleBright, fgDefault, ": ", message)
# We try to be as specific as possible with the warning message, pointing to the
# line it belongs to, but since warnings are not always raised from the source
# file they're generated in, we take into account the fact that retrieving the
# exact warning location may fail and bail out silently if it does
let line = readFile(file).splitLines()[node.token.line - 1].strip(chars={'\n'})
stderr.styledWrite(fgYellow, styleBright, "Source line: ", resetStyle, fgDefault, line[0..<pos.start])
stderr.styledWrite(fgYellow, styleUnderscore, line[pos.start..pos.stop])
stderr.styledWriteLine(fgDefault, line[pos.stop + 1..^1])
except IOError:
except OSError:
except IndexDefect:
# Something probably went wrong (wrong line metadata): bad idea to crash!
proc step(self: Compiler): ASTNode {.inline.} =
## Steps to the next node and returns
## the consumed one
result = self.peek()
if not self.done():
self.current += 1
proc emitByte(self: Compiler, byt: OpCode | uint8, line: int) {.inline.} =
## Emits a single byte, writing it to
## the current chunk being compiled
self.chunk.write(uint8 byt, line)
proc emitBytes(self: Compiler, bytarr: openarray[OpCode | uint8], line: int) {.inline.} =
## Handy helper method to write arbitrary bytes into
## the current chunk, calling emitByte on each of its
## elements
for b in bytarr:
self.emitByte(b, line)
proc printRepl(self: Compiler, typ: Type, node: Expression) =
## Emits instruction to print
## peon types in REPL mode
case typ.kind:
of Int64:
self.emitByte(PrintInt64, node.token.line)
of UInt64:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt64, node.token.line)
of Int32:
self.emitByte(PrintInt32, node.token.line)
of UInt32:
self.emitByte(PrintInt32, node.token.line)
of Int16:
self.emitByte(PrintInt16, node.token.line)
of UInt16:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt16, node.token.line)
of Int8:
self.emitByte(PrintInt8, node.token.line)
of UInt8:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt8, node.token.line)
of Float64:
self.emitByte(PrintFloat64, node.token.line)
of Float32:
self.emitByte(PrintFloat32, node.token.line)
of Bool:
self.emitByte(PrintBool, node.token.line)
of Nan:
self.emitByte(PrintNan, node.token.line)
of Inf:
self.emitByte(PrintInf, node.token.line)
of String:
self.emitByte(PrintString, node.token.line)
self.emitByte(PrintHex, node.token.line)
proc makeConstant(self: Compiler, val: Expression, typ: Type): array[3, uint8] =
## Adds a constant to the current chunk's constant table
## and returns its index as a 3-byte array of uint8s
var lit: string
if typ.kind in [UInt8, Int8, Int16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64]:
lit = val.token.lexeme
if "'" in lit:
var idx = lit.high()
while lit[idx] != '\'':
lit = lit[0..^2]
lit = lit[0..^2]
case typ.kind:
of UInt8, Int8:
result = self.chunk.writeConstant([uint8(parseInt(lit))])
of Int16, UInt16:
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(parseInt(lit).toDouble())
of Int32, UInt32:
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(parseInt(lit).toQuad())
of Int64:
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(parseInt(lit).toLong())
of UInt64:
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(parseBiggestUInt(lit).toLong())
of String:
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(val.token.lexeme[1..^1].toBytes())
of Float32:
var f: float = 0.0
discard parseFloat(val.token.lexeme, f)
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(cast[array[4, uint8]](float32(f)))
of Float64:
var f: float = 0.0
discard parseFloat(val.token.lexeme, f)
result = self.chunk.writeConstant(cast[array[8, uint8]](f))
proc emitConstant(self: Compiler, obj: Expression, kind: Type) =
## Emits a constant instruction along
## with its operand
case kind.kind:
of Int64:
self.emitByte(LoadInt64, obj.token.line)
of UInt64:
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, obj.token.line)
of Int32:
self.emitByte(LoadInt32, obj.token.line)
of UInt32:
self.emitByte(LoadUInt32, obj.token.line)
of Int16:
self.emitByte(LoadInt16, obj.token.line)
of UInt16:
self.emitByte(LoadUInt16, obj.token.line)
of Int8:
self.emitByte(LoadInt8, obj.token.line)
of UInt8:
self.emitByte(LoadUInt8, obj.token.line)
of String:
self.emitByte(LoadString, obj.token.line)
let str = LiteralExpr(obj).literal.lexeme
if str.len() >= 16777216:
self.error("string constants cannot be larger than 16777215 bytes")
self.emitBytes((str.len() - 2).toTriple(), obj.token.line)
of Float32:
self.emitByte(LoadFloat32, obj.token.line)
of Float64:
self.emitByte(LoadFloat64, obj.token.line)
discard # TODO
self.emitBytes(self.makeConstant(obj, kind), obj.token.line)
proc setJump(self: Compiler, offset: int, jmp: array[3, uint8]) =
## Sets a jump at the given
## offset to the given value
self.chunk.code[offset + 1] = jmp[0]
self.chunk.code[offset + 2] = jmp[1]
self.chunk.code[offset + 3] = jmp[2]
proc setJump(self: Compiler, offset: int, jmp: seq[uint8]) =
## Sets a jump at the given
## offset to the given value
self.chunk.code[offset + 1] = jmp[0]
self.chunk.code[offset + 2] = jmp[1]
self.chunk.code[offset + 3] = jmp[2]
proc patchJump(self: Compiler, offset: int) =
## Patches a previously emitted relative
## jump using emitJump
var jump: int = self.chunk.code.len() - self.jumps[offset].offset
if jump < 0:
self.error("jump size cannot be negative (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
if jump > 16777215:
# TODO: Emit consecutive jumps using insertAt
self.error("cannot jump more than 16777215 instructions")
if jump > 0:
self.setJump(self.jumps[offset].offset, (jump - 4).toTriple())
self.jumps[offset].patched = true
# TODO: Discard jump of size 0
proc emitJump(self: Compiler, opcode: OpCode, line: int): int =
## Emits a dummy jump offset to be patched later
## and returns a unique identifier for that jump
## to be passed to patchJump
self.emitByte(opcode, line)
self.jumps.add((patched: false, offset: self.chunk.code.high()))
self.emitBytes(0.toTriple(), line)
result = self.jumps.high()
proc fixFunctionOffsets(self: Compiler, where, oldLen: int) =
## Fixes function offsets after the size of our
## bytecode has changed
if oldLen == self.chunk.code.len():
let offset = self.chunk.code.len() - oldLen
var newOffset: array[3, uint8]
var tmp: int
var i = 0
for function in self.functions.mitems():
if function.start >= where:
newOffset = (function.start + offset).toTriple()
self.chunk.functions[function.pos] = newOffset[0]
self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 1] = newOffset[1]
self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 2] = newOffset[2]
tmp = [self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 3], self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 4], self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 5]].fromTriple().int
newOffset = (tmp + offset).toTriple()
self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 3] = newOffset[0]
self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 4] = newOffset[1]
self.chunk.functions[function.pos + 5] = newOffset[2]
function.start += offset
function.stop += offset
proc fixJumps(self: Compiler, where, oldLen: int) =
## Fixes jump offsets after the size
## of our bytecode has changed
if oldLen == self.chunk.code.len():
let offset = self.chunk.code.len() - oldLen
for jump in self.jumps.mitems():
if jump.offset >= where:
# While all already-patched jumps need
# to have their jump offsets fixed, we
# also need to update our internal jumps
# list in cases where we shifted the jump
# instruction itself into the code!
jump.offset += offset
self.setJump(jump.offset, self.chunk.code[jump.offset + 1..jump.offset + 3])
proc fixLines(self: Compiler, where, count: int, added: bool = true) =
## Fixes the line metadatata of our
## bytecode chunk after the size of
## the code segment has changed. The
## "count" argument represents how
## many bytes were added or deleted
## from the code and the "added" argument
## tells fixLines that either count
## instructions were injected (added = true,
## the default) or that count instructions
## were removed (added = false). The where
## argument is the position where the code
## change was performed
if added:
# We don't do any bounds checking here because I doubt
# there's ever going to be even close to int.high()
# instructions on a line :P
inc(self.chunk.lines[self.chunk.getIdx(self.chunk.getLine(where)) + 1], count)
if self.chunk.lines[self.chunk.getIdx(self.chunk.getLine(where)) + 1] > 0:
dec(self.chunk.lines[self.chunk.getIdx(self.chunk.getLine(where)) + 1], count)
proc fixNames(self: Compiler, where, oldLen: int) =
## Fixes the codePos field of our name objects
## after the size of the bytecode has changed
let offset = self.chunk.code.len() - oldLen
for name in self.names:
if name.codePos > where:
name.codePos += offset
if name.valueType.kind == Function:
name.valueType.location += offset
proc insertAt(self: Compiler, where: int, opcode: OpCode, data: openarray[uint8]): int =
## Inserts the given instruction into the
## chunk's code segment and updates internal
## metadata to reflect this change. Returns
## the new location where the code was added
## plus one (useful for consecutive calls)
result = where
let oldLen = self.chunk.code.len()
self.chunk.code.insert(uint8(opcode), where)
for i, item in data:
self.chunk.code.insert(item, where + i + 1)
# Changing the size of our code segment forces us
# to update all metadata that refers to a position
# into it
self.fixJumps(where, oldLen)
self.fixLines(where, self.chunk.code.len() - oldLen, true)
self.fixNames(where, oldLen)
self.fixFunctionOffsets(oldLen, where)
proc resolve(self: Compiler, name: string): Name =
## Traverses all existing namespaces and returns
## the first object with the given name. Returns
## nil when the name can't be found. Note that
## when a type or function declaration is first
## resolved, it is also compiled on-the-fly
for obj in reversed(self.names):
if obj.ident.token.lexeme == name:
if obj.owner != self.currentModule:
# We don't own this name, but we
# may still have access to it
if obj.isPrivate:
# Name is private in its owner
# module, so we definitely can't
# use it
elif self.currentModule in obj.exportedTo:
# The name is public in its owner
# module and said module has explicitly
# exported it to us: we can use it
result = obj
# If the name is public but not exported in
# its owner module, then we act as if it's
# private. This is to avoid namespace pollution
# from imports (i.e. if module A imports modules
# C and D and module B imports module A, then B
# might not want to also have access to C's and D's
# names as they might clash with its own stuff)
if obj.kind == Argument and obj.belongsTo != self.currentFunction:
result = obj
result.resolved = true
proc resolve(self: Compiler, name: IdentExpr): Name =
## Version of resolve that takes Identifier
## AST nodes instead of strings
return self.resolve(name.token.lexeme)
proc resolveOrError[T: IdentExpr | string](self: Compiler, name: T): Name =
## Calls self.resolve() and errors out with an appropriate
## message if it returns nil
result = self.resolve(name)
if result.isNil():
when T is IdentExpr:
self.error(&"reference to undefined name '{name.token.lexeme}'", name)
when T is string:
self.error(&"reference to undefined name '{name}'")
proc compareUnions(self: Compiler, a, b: seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]]): bool =
## Compares type unions between each other
long = a
short = b
if b.len() > a.len():
long = b
short = a
var i = 0
for cond1 in short:
for cond2 in long:
if not, cond2.kind) or cond1.match != cond2.match:
return i >= short.len()
proc compare(self: Compiler, a, b: Type): bool =
## Compares two type objects
## for equality
result = false
# Note: 'All' is a type internal to the peon
# compiler that cannot be generated from user
# code in any way. It's used mostly for matching
# function return types (at least until we don't
# have return type inference) and it matches any
# type, including nil
if a.isNil():
return b.isNil() or b.kind == All
elif b.isNil():
return a.isNil() or a.kind == All
elif a.kind == All or b.kind == All:
return true
elif a.kind == b.kind:
# Here we compare types with the same kind discriminant
case a.kind:
of Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32, Float64,
Char, Byte, String, Nil, Nan, Bool, Inf, Any:
return true
of Union:
return self.compareUnions(a.types, b.types)
of Generic:
return self.compareUnions(a.cond, b.cond)
of Reference, Pointer:
# Here we already know that both
# a and b are of either of the two
# types in this branch, so we just need
# to compare their values
return, b.value)
of Function:
# Functions are a bit trickier to compare
if a.args.len() != b.args.len():
return false
if a.isCoroutine != b.isCoroutine or a.isGenerator != b.isGenerator:
return false
if not, a.returnType):
return false
var i = 0
for (argA, argB) in zip(a.args, b.args):
# When we compare functions with forward
# declarations, or forward declarations
# between each other, we need to be more
# strict (as in: check argument names and
# their default values, any pragma associated
# with the function, and whether they are pure)
if a.forwarded:
if b.forwarded:
if !=
return false
if == "":
# An empty argument name means
# we crafted this type object
# manually, so we don't need
# to match the argument name
if !=
return false
elif b.forwarded:
if a.forwarded:
if !=
return false
if == "":
if !=
return false
if not, argB.kind):
return false
return true
discard # TODO: Custom types, enums
elif a.kind == Union:
for constraint in a.types:
if, b) and constraint.match:
return true
return false
elif b.kind == Union:
for constraint in b.types:
if, a) and constraint.match:
return true
return false
elif a.kind == Generic:
if a.asUnion:
for constraint in a.cond:
if, b) and constraint.match:
return true
return false
for constraint in a.cond:
if not, b) or not constraint.match:
return false
return true
elif b.kind == Generic:
if b.asUnion:
for constraint in b.cond:
if, a) and constraint.match:
return true
return false
for constraint in b.cond:
if not, a) or not constraint.match:
return false
return true
elif a.kind == Any or b.kind == Any:
# Here we already know that neither of
# these types are nil, so we can always
# just return true
return true
return false
proc toIntrinsic(name: string): Type =
## Converts a string to an intrinsic
## type if it is valid and returns nil
## otherwise
if name == "any":
return Type(kind: Any)
elif name in ["int", "int64", "i64"]:
return Type(kind: Int64)
elif name in ["uint64", "u64", "uint"]:
return Type(kind: UInt64)
elif name in ["int32", "i32"]:
return Type(kind: Int32)
elif name in ["uint32", "u32"]:
return Type(kind: UInt32)
elif name in ["int16", "i16", "short"]:
return Type(kind: Int16)
elif name in ["uint16", "u16"]:
return Type(kind: UInt16)
elif name in ["int8", "i8"]:
return Type(kind: Int8)
elif name in ["uint8", "u8"]:
return Type(kind: UInt8)
elif name in ["f64", "float", "float64"]:
return Type(kind: Float64)
elif name in ["f32", "float32"]:
return Type(kind: Float32)
elif name in ["byte", "b"]:
return Type(kind: Byte)
elif name in ["char", "c"]:
return Type(kind: Char)
elif name == "nan":
return Type(kind: Nan)
elif name == "nil":
return Type(kind: Nil)
elif name == "inf":
return Type(kind: Inf)
elif name == "bool":
return Type(kind: Bool)
elif name == "typevar":
return Type(kind: Typevar)
elif name == "string":
return Type(kind: String)
proc infer(self: Compiler, node: LiteralExpr): Type =
## Infers the type of a given literal expression
if node.isNil():
return nil
case node.kind:
of intExpr, binExpr, octExpr, hexExpr:
let size = node.token.lexeme.split("'")
if size.len() == 1:
return Type(kind: Int64)
let typ = size[1].toIntrinsic()
if not, nil):
return typ
self.error(&"invalid type specifier '{size[1]}' for int", node)
of floatExpr:
let size = node.token.lexeme.split("'")
if size.len() == 1:
return Type(kind: Float64)
let typ = size[1].toIntrinsic()
if not typ.isNil():
return typ
self.error(&"invalid type specifier '{size[1]}' for float", node)
of trueExpr:
return Type(kind: Bool)
of falseExpr:
return Type(kind: Bool)
of strExpr:
return Type(kind: String)
discard # Unreachable
proc infer(self: Compiler, node: Expression): Type =
## Infers the type of a given expression and
## returns it
if node.isNil():
return nil
case node.kind:
of NodeKind.identExpr:
result = self.identifier(IdentExpr(node), compile=false)
of NodeKind.unaryExpr:
result = self.unary(UnaryExpr(node), compile=false)
of NodeKind.binaryExpr:
result = self.binary(BinaryExpr(node), compile=false)
of {NodeKind.intExpr, NodeKind.hexExpr, NodeKind.binExpr, NodeKind.octExpr,
NodeKind.strExpr, NodeKind.falseExpr, NodeKind.trueExpr, NodeKind.floatExpr
result = self.infer(LiteralExpr(node))
of NodeKind.callExpr:
result =, compile=false)
of NodeKind.refExpr:
result = Type(kind: Reference, value: self.infer(Ref(node).value))
of NodeKind.ptrExpr:
result = Type(kind: Pointer, value: self.infer(Ptr(node).value))
of NodeKind.groupingExpr:
result = self.infer(GroupingExpr(node).expression)
of NodeKind.getItemExpr:
result = self.getItemExpr(GetItemExpr(node), compile=false)
of NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
result = self.lambdaExpr(LambdaExpr(node), compile=false)
discard # TODO
proc inferOrError(self: Compiler, node: Expression): Type =
## Attempts to infer the type of
## the given expression and raises an
## error with if it fails
result = self.infer(node)
if result.isNil():
self.error("expression has no type", node)
proc stringify(self: Compiler, typ: Type): string =
## Returns the string representation of a
## type object
if typ.isNil():
return "nil"
case typ.kind:
of Int8, UInt8, Int16, UInt16, Int32,
UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Float32, Float64,
Char, Byte, String, Nil, TypeKind.Nan, Bool,
result &= ($typ.kind).toLowerAscii()
of Pointer:
result &= &"ptr {self.stringify(typ.value)}"
of Reference:
result &= &"ref {self.stringify(typ.value)}"
of Function:
result &= "fn ("
for i, (argName, argType, argDefault) in typ.args:
result &= &"{argName}: {self.stringify(argType)}"
if not argDefault.isNil():
result &= &" = {argDefault}"
if i < typ.args.len() - 1:
result &= ", "
result &= ")"
if not typ.returnType.isNil():
result &= &": {self.stringify(typ.returnType)}"
if > 0:
result &= " {"
for i, pragma in
result &= &"{}"
if pragma.args.len() > 0:
result &= ": "
for j, arg in pragma.args:
result &= arg.token.lexeme
if j < pragma.args.high():
result &= ", "
if i <
result &= ", "
result &= "}"
of Any:
return "any"
of Union:
for i, condition in typ.types:
if i > 0:
result &= " | "
if not condition.match:
result &= "~"
result &= self.stringify(condition.kind)
of Generic:
for i, condition in typ.cond:
if i > 0:
result &= " | "
if not condition.match:
result &= "~"
result &= self.stringify(condition.kind)
proc findByName(self: Compiler, name: string): seq[Name] =
## Looks for objects that have been already declared
## with the given name. Returns all objects that apply.
for obj in reversed(self.names):
if obj.ident.token.lexeme == name:
if obj.owner != self.currentModule:
if obj.isPrivate or self.currentModule notin obj.exportedTo:
proc findInModule(self: Compiler, name: string, module: Name): seq[Name] =
## Looks for objects that have been already declared as
## public within the given module with the given name.
## Returns all objects that apply. If the name is an
## empty string, returns all objects within the given
## module, regardless of whether they are exported to
## the current one or not
if name == "":
for obj in reversed(self.names):
if not obj.isPrivate and obj.owner == module:
for obj in self.findInModule("", module):
if obj.ident.token.lexeme == name and self.currentModule in obj.exportedTo:
proc findByType(self: Compiler, name: string, kind: Type): seq[Name] =
## Looks for objects that have already been declared
## with the given name and type. Returns all objects
## that apply
for obj in self.findByName(name):
if, kind):
proc findAtDepth(self: Compiler, name: string, depth: int): seq[Name] {.used.} =
## Looks for objects that have been already declared
## with the given name at the given scope depth.
## Returns all objects that apply
for obj in self.findByName(name):
if obj.depth == depth:
proc check(self: Compiler, term: Expression, kind: Type) {.inline.} =
## Checks the type of term against a known type.
## Raises an error if appropriate and returns
## otherwise
let k = self.inferOrError(term)
if not, kind):
self.error(&"expecting value of type {self.stringify(kind)}, got {self.stringify(k)}", term)
elif k.kind == Any and kind.kind != Any:
self.error(&"any is not a valid type in this context")
proc isAny(typ: Type): bool =
## Returns true if the given type is
## of (or contains) the any type
case typ.kind:
of Any:
return true
of Generic:
for condition in typ.cond:
if condition.kind.isAny():
return true
of Union:
for condition in typ.types:
if condition.kind.isAny():
return true
return false
proc match(self: Compiler, name: string, kind: Type, node: ASTNode = nil, allowFwd: bool = true): Name =
## Tries to find a matching function implementation
## compatible with the given type and returns its
## name object
var impl: seq[Name] = @[]
for obj in self.findByName(name):
if, obj.valueType):
if impl.len() == 0:
let names = self.findByName(name)
var msg = &"failed to find a suitable implementation for '{name}'"
if names.len() > 0:
msg &= &", found {len(names)} potential candidate"
if names.len() > 1:
msg &= "s"
if self.showMismatches:
msg &= ":"
for name in names:
msg &= &"\n - in {relativePath(name.file, getCurrentDir())}:{name.ident.token.line}:{name.ident.token.relPos.start} -> {self.stringify(name.valueType)}"
if name.valueType.kind != Function:
msg &= ": not a callable"
elif kind.args.len() != name.valueType.args.len():
msg &= &": wrong number of arguments (expected {name.valueType.args.len()}, got {kind.args.len()})"
for i, arg in kind.args:
if not, name.valueType.args[i].kind):
msg &= &": first mismatch at position {i + 1}: (expected {self.stringify(name.valueType.args[i].kind)}, got {self.stringify(arg.kind)})"
msg &= " (compile with --showMismatches for more details)"
msg = &"call to undefined function '{name}'"
self.error(msg, node)
elif impl.len() > 1:
# Forward declarations don't count when looking for a function
impl = filterIt(impl, not it.valueType.forwarded)
if impl.len() > 1:
# If it's *still* more than one match, then it's an error
var msg = &"multiple matching implementations of '{name}' found"
if self.showMismatches:
msg &= ":"
for fn in reversed(impl):
msg &= &"\n- in {relativePath(fn.file, getCurrentDir())}, line {fn.line} of type {self.stringify(fn.valueType)}"
msg &= " (compile with --showMismatches for more details)"
self.error(msg, node)
if impl[0].valueType.forwarded and not allowFwd:
self.error(&"expecting an implementation for function '{impl[0].ident.token.lexeme}' declared in module '{impl[0].owner.ident.token.lexeme}' at line {impl[0].ident.token.line} of type '{self.stringify(impl[0].valueType)}'")
result = impl[0]
for (a, b) in zip(result.valueType.args, kind.args):
if not a.kind.isAny() and b.kind.isAny():
self.error("any is not a valid type in this context", node)
proc handleBuiltinFunction(self: Compiler, fn: Type, args: seq[Expression], line: int) =
## Emits instructions for builtin functions
## such as addition or subtraction
if fn.builtinOp notin ["LogicalOr", "LogicalAnd"]:
if len(args) == 2:
elif len(args) == 1:
const codes: Table[string, OpCode] = {"Negate": Negate,
"NegateFloat32": NegateFloat32,
"NegateFloat64": NegateFloat64,
"Add": Add,
"Subtract": Subtract,
"Divide": Divide,
"Multiply": Multiply,
"SignedDivide": SignedDivide,
"AddFloat64": AddFloat64,
"SubtractFloat64": SubtractFloat64,
"DivideFloat64": DivideFloat64,
"MultiplyFloat64": MultiplyFloat64,
"AddFloat32": AddFloat32,
"SubtractFloat32": SubtractFloat32,
"DivideFloat32": DivideFloat32,
"MultiplyFloat32": MultiplyFloat32,
"Pow": Pow,
"SignedPow": SignedPow,
"PowFloat32": PowFloat32,
"PowFloat64": PowFloat64,
"Mod": Mod,
"SignedMod": SignedMod,
"ModFloat32": ModFloat32,
"ModFloat64": ModFloat64,
"Or": Or,
"And": And,
"Xor": Xor,
"Not": Not,
"LShift": LShift,
"RShift": RShift,
"Equal": Equal,
"NotEqual": NotEqual,
"LessThan": LessThan,
"GreaterThan": GreaterThan,
"LessOrEqual": LessOrEqual,
"GreaterOrEqual": GreaterOrEqual,
"SignedLessThan": SignedLessThan,
"SignedGreaterThan": SignedGreaterThan,
"SignedLessOrEqual": SignedLessOrEqual,
"SignedGreaterOrEqual": SignedGreaterOrEqual,
"Float32LessThan": Float32LessThan,
"Float32GreaterThan": Float32GreaterThan,
"Float32LessOrEqual": Float32LessOrEqual,
"Float32GreaterOrEqual": Float32GreaterOrEqual,
"Float64LessThan": Float64LessThan,
"Float64GreaterThan": Float64GreaterThan,
"Float64LessOrEqual": Float64LessOrEqual,
"Float64GreaterOrEqual": Float64GreaterOrEqual,
"PrintString": PrintString,
"SysClock64": SysClock64,
"LogicalNot": LogicalNot,
"NegInf": LoadNInf
if fn.builtinOp == "print":
let typ = self.inferOrError(args[0])
case typ.kind:
of Int64:
self.emitByte(PrintInt64, line)
of Int32:
self.emitByte(PrintInt32, line)
of Int16:
self.emitByte(PrintInt16, line)
of Int8:
self.emitByte(PrintInt8, line)
of UInt64:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt64, line)
of UInt32:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt32, line)
of UInt16:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt16, line)
of UInt8:
self.emitByte(PrintUInt8, line)
of Float64:
self.emitByte(PrintFloat64, line)
of Float32:
self.emitByte(PrintFloat32, line)
of String:
self.emitByte(PrintString, line)
of Bool:
self.emitByte(PrintBool, line)
of Nan:
self.emitByte(PrintNan, line)
of Inf:
self.emitByte(PrintInf, line)
of Function:
self.emitByte(LoadString, line)
var loc: string = typ.location.toHex()
while loc[0] == '0' and loc.len() > 1:
loc = loc[1..^1]
var str: string
if typ.isLambda:
str = &"anonymous function at 0x{loc}"
str = &"function '{FunDecl(}' at 0x{loc}"
self.emitBytes(str.len().toTriple(), line)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(str.toBytes()), line)
self.emitByte(PrintString, line)
self.error(&"invalid type {self.stringify(typ)} for built-in 'print'", args[0])
if fn.builtinOp in codes:
self.emitByte(codes[fn.builtinOp], line)
# Some builtin operations are slightly more complex
# so we handle them separately
case fn.builtinOp:
of "LogicalOr":
let jump = self.emitJump(JumpIfTrue, line)
of "LogicalAnd":
var jump = self.emitJump(JumpIfFalseOrPop, line)
self.error(&"unknown built-in: '{fn.builtinOp}'",
proc beginScope(self: Compiler) =
## Begins a new local scope by incrementing the current
## scope's depth
proc patchForwardDeclarations(self: Compiler) =
## Patches forward declarations and looks
## for their implementations so that calls
## to them work properly
var impl: Name
var pos: array[8, uint8]
for (forwarded, position) in self.forwarded:
impl = self.match(forwarded.ident.token.lexeme, forwarded.valueType, allowFwd=false)
if position == 0:
pos = impl.codePos.toLong()
self.chunk.consts[position] = pos[0]
self.chunk.consts[position + 1] = pos[1]
self.chunk.consts[position + 2] = pos[2]
self.chunk.consts[position + 3] = pos[3]
self.chunk.consts[position + 4] = pos[4]
self.chunk.consts[position + 5] = pos[5]
self.chunk.consts[position + 6] = pos[6]
self.chunk.consts[position + 7] = pos[7]
proc endScope(self: Compiler) =
## Ends the current local scope
if self.depth < 0:
self.error("cannot call endScope with depth < 0 (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
# We keep track both of which names are going out of scope
# and how many actually need to be popped off the call stack
# at runtime (since only variables and function arguments
# actually materialize at runtime)
var names: seq[Name] = @[]
var popCount = 0
for name in self.names:
# We only pop names in scopes deeper than ours
if name.depth > self.depth:
if name.depth == 0 and not self.isMainModule:
# Global names coming from other modules only go out of scope
# when the global scope of the main module is closed (i.e. at
# the end of the whole program)
# Now we have to actually emit the pop instructions. First
# off, we skip the names that will not exist at runtime,
# because there's no need to emit any instructions to pop them
# (we still remove them from the name list later so they can't
# be referenced anymore, of course)
if name.kind notin [NameKind.Var, NameKind.Argument]:
elif name.kind == NameKind.Argument and not name.belongsTo.isNil():
if name.belongsTo.isBuiltin:
# Arguments to builtin functions become temporaries on the
# stack and are popped automatically
if not name.belongsTo.resolved or not name.belongsTo.isReal:
# Function hasn't been compiled yet,
# so we can't get rid of its arguments
# (it may need them later)
if not name.resolved:
case name.kind:
of NameKind.Var:
if not name.ident.token.lexeme.startsWith("_") and name.isPrivate:
self.warning(UnusedName, &"'{name.ident.token.lexeme}' is declared but not used (add '_' prefix to silence warning)", name)
of NameKind.Argument:
if not name.ident.token.lexeme.startsWith("_") and name.isPrivate:
if not name.belongsTo.isNil() and not name.belongsTo.isBuiltin and name.belongsTo.isReal:
# Builtin functions never use their arguments. We also don't emit this
# warning if the function was generated internally by the compiler (for
# example as a result of generic specialization) because such objects do
# not exist in the user's code and are likely duplicated anyway
self.warning(UnusedName, &"argument '{name.ident.token.lexeme}' is unused (add '_' prefix to silence warning)", name)
dec(self.stackIndex, popCount)
if popCount > 1:
# If we're popping more than one variable,
# we emit a bunch of PopN instructions until
# the pop count is greater than zero
while popCount > 0:
self.emitByte(PopN, self.peek().token.line)
self.emitBytes(popCount.toDouble(), self.peek().token.line)
popCount -= popCount.toDouble().fromDouble().int
elif popCount == 1:
# We only emit PopN if we're popping more than one value
self.emitByte(PopC, self.peek().token.line)
# This seems *really* slow, but
# what else should I do? Nim doesn't
# allow the removal of items during
# seq iteration so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
var idx = 0
while idx < self.names.len():
for name in names:
if self.names[idx] == name:
proc unpackGenerics(self: Compiler, condition: Expression, list: var seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]], accept: bool = true) =
## Recursively unpacks a type constraint in a generic type
case condition.kind:
of identExpr:
list.add((accept, self.inferOrError(condition)))
of binaryExpr:
let condition = BinaryExpr(condition)
case condition.operator.lexeme:
of "|":
self.unpackGenerics(condition.a, list)
self.unpackGenerics(condition.b, list)
self.error("invalid type constraint in generic declaration", condition)
of unaryExpr:
let condition = UnaryExpr(condition)
case condition.operator.lexeme:
of "~":
self.unpackGenerics(condition.a, list, accept=false)
self.error("invalid type constraint in generic declaration", condition)
self.error("invalid type constraint in generic declaration", condition)
proc unpackUnion(self: Compiler, condition: Expression, list: var seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]], accept: bool = true) =
## Recursively unpacks a type union
case condition.kind:
of identExpr:
list.add((accept, self.inferOrError(condition)))
of binaryExpr:
let condition = BinaryExpr(condition)
case condition.operator.lexeme:
of "|":
self.unpackUnion(condition.a, list)
self.unpackUnion(condition.b, list)
self.error("invalid type constraint in type union", condition)
of unaryExpr:
let condition = UnaryExpr(condition)
case condition.operator.lexeme:
of "~":
self.unpackUnion(condition.a, list, accept=false)
self.error("invalid type constraint in type union", condition)
self.error("invalid type constraint in type union", condition)
proc declare(self: Compiler, node: ASTNode): Name {.discardable.} =
## Statically declares a name into the current scope.
## "Declaring" a name only means updating our internal
## list of identifiers so that further calls to resolve()
## correctly return them. There is no code to actually
## declare a variable at runtime: the value is already
## on the stack
var declaredName: string = ""
var n: Name
if self.names.high() > 16777215:
# If someone ever hits this limit in real-world scenarios, I swear I'll
# slap myself 100 times with a sign saying "I'm dumb". Mark my words
self.error("cannot declare more than 16777215 names at a time")
case node.kind:
of NodeKind.varDecl:
var node = VarDecl(node)
declaredName =
# Creates a new Name entry so that self.identifier emits the proper stack offset
self.names.add(Name(depth: self.depth,
isPrivate: node.isPrivate,
owner: self.currentModule,
file: self.file,
isConst: node.isConst,
valueType: nil, # Done later
isLet: node.isLet,
line: node.token.line,
belongsTo: self.currentFunction,
kind: NameKind.Var,
node: node,
isReal: true
n = self.names[^1]
of NodeKind.funDecl:
var node = FunDecl(node)
declaredName =
var fn = Name(depth: self.depth,
isPrivate: node.isPrivate,
isConst: false,
owner: self.currentModule,
file: self.file,
valueType: Type(kind: Function,
returnType: nil, # We check it later
args: @[],
fun: node,
forwarded: node.body.isNil()),
node: node,
isLet: false,
line: node.token.line,
kind: NameKind.Function,
belongsTo: self.currentFunction,
isReal: true)
n = fn
if node.generics.len() > 0:
fn.isGeneric = true
of NodeKind.importStmt:
var node = ImportStmt(node)
# We change the name of the module internally so that
# if you import /path/to/mod, then doing mod.f() will
# still work without any extra work on our end. Note how
# we don't change the metadata about the identifier's
# position so that error messages still highlight the
# full path
let path = node.moduleName.token.lexeme
node.moduleName.token.lexeme = node.moduleName.token.lexeme.extractFilename()
self.names.add(Name(depth: self.depth,
owner: self.currentModule,
file: "", # The file of the module isn't known until it's compiled!
path: path,
ident: node.moduleName,
line: node.moduleName.token.line,
kind: NameKind.Module,
isPrivate: false,
isReal: true
n = self.names[^1]
declaredName = self.names[^1].ident.token.lexeme
of NodeKind.typeDecl:
var node = TypeDecl(node)
self.names.add(Name(kind: NameKind.CustomType,
depth: self.depth,
owner: self.currentModule,
node: node,
line: node.token.line,
isPrivate: node.isPrivate,
isReal: true,
belongsTo: self.currentFunction
n = self.names[^1]
declaredName =
if node.value.isNil():
discard # TODO: Fields
case node.value.kind:
of identExpr:
n.valueType = self.inferOrError(node.value)
of binaryExpr:
# Type union
n.valueType = Type(kind: Union, types: @[])
self.unpackUnion(node.value, n.valueType.types)
discard # TODO: enums
if not n.isNil():
case n.kind:
of NameKind.Function:
for name in self.findByName(declaredName):
if name == n:
# We don't check for name clashes with functions because self.match() does that
if name.kind in [NameKind.Var, NameKind.Module, NameKind.CustomType, NameKind.Enum] and name.depth == n.depth and name.owner == n.owner:
self.error(&"re-declaration of {declaredName} is not allowed (previously declared in {name.owner.ident.token.lexeme}:{name.ident.token.line}:{name.ident.token.relPos.start})")
for name in self.names:
if name == n:
if name.ident.token.lexeme != declaredName:
if name.owner != n.owner and (name.isPrivate or n.owner notin name.exportedTo):
if name.kind in [NameKind.Var, NameKind.Module, NameKind.CustomType, NameKind.Enum]:
if name.depth < n.depth:
self.warning(WarningKind.ShadowOuterScope, &"'{declaredName}' shadows a name from an outer scope ({name.owner.file}.pn:{name.ident.token.line}:{name.ident.token.relPos.start})", n)
elif name.owner != n.owner:
self.warning(WarningKind.ShadowOuterScope, &"'{declaredName}' shadows a name from an outer module ({name.owner.file}.pn:{name.ident.token.line}:{name.ident.token.relPos.start})", n)
return n
proc emitLoop(self: Compiler, begin: int, line: int) =
## Emits a JumpBackwards instruction with the correct
## jump offset
let offset = self.chunk.code.high() - begin + 4
if offset > 16777215:
# TODO: Emit consecutive jumps?
self.error("cannot jump more than 16777215 bytecode instructions")
self.emitByte(JumpBackwards, line)
self.emitBytes(offset.toTriple(), line)
proc patchBreaks(self: Compiler) =
## Patches the jumps emitted by
## breakStmt. This is needed
## because the size of code
## to skip is not known before
## the loop is fully compiled
for brk in self.currentLoop.breakJumps:
proc handleMagicPragma(self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name) =
## Handles the "magic" pragma. Assumes the given name is already
## declared
if pragma.args.len() != 1:
self.error("'magic' pragma: wrong number of arguments")
elif pragma.args[0].kind != strExpr:
self.error("'magic' pragma: wrong type of argument (constant string expected)")
elif name.node.kind == NodeKind.funDecl:
name.isBuiltin = true
name.valueType.builtinOp = pragma.args[0].token.lexeme[1..^2]
elif name.node.kind == NodeKind.typeDecl:
name.valueType = pragma.args[0].token.lexeme[1..^2].toIntrinsic()
if name.valueType.isNil():
self.error("'magic' pragma: wrong argument value", pragma.args[0])
if name.valueType.kind == All:
self.error("don't even think about it (compiler-chan is angry at you)", pragma)
name.isBuiltin = true
self.error("'magic' pragma is not valid in this context")
proc handleErrorPragma(self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name) =
## Handles the "error" pragma
if pragma.args.len() != 1:
self.error("'error' pragma: wrong number of arguments")
elif pragma.args[0].kind != strExpr:
self.error("'error' pragma: wrong type of argument (constant string expected)")
elif not name.isNil() and name.node.kind != NodeKind.funDecl:
self.error("'error' pragma is not valid in this context")
proc handlePurePragma(self: Compiler, pragma: Pragma, name: Name) =
## Handles the "pure" pragma
case name.node.kind:
of NodeKind.funDecl:
FunDecl(name.node).isPure = true
of NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
LambdaExpr(name.node).isPure = true
self.error("'pure' pragma is not valid in this context")
proc dispatchPragmas(self: Compiler, name: Name) =
## Dispatches pragmas bound to objects
if name.node.isNil():
var pragmas: seq[Pragma] = @[]
case name.node.kind:
of NodeKind.funDecl, NodeKind.typeDecl, NodeKind.varDecl:
pragmas = Declaration(name.node).pragmas
of NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
pragmas = LambdaExpr(name.node).pragmas
discard # Unreachable
var f: CompilerFunc
for pragma in pragmas:
if notin self.compilerProcs:
self.error(&"unknown pragma '{}'")
f = self.compilerProcs[]
if f.kind != Immediate:
f.handler(self, pragma, name)
proc dispatchDelayedPragmas(self: Compiler, name: Name) =
## Dispatches pragmas bound to objects once they
## are called. Only applies to functions
if name.node.isNil():
var pragmas: seq[Pragma] = @[]
pragmas = Declaration(name.node).pragmas
var f: CompilerFunc
for pragma in pragmas:
if notin self.compilerProcs:
self.error(&"unknown pragma '{}'")
f = self.compilerProcs[]
if f.kind == Immediate:
f.handler(self, pragma, name)
proc patchReturnAddress(self: Compiler, pos: int) =
## Patches the return address of a function
## call
let address = self.chunk.code.len().toLong()
self.chunk.consts[pos] = address[0]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 1] = address[1]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 2] = address[2]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 3] = address[3]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 4] = address[4]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 5] = address[5]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 6] = address[6]
self.chunk.consts[pos + 7] = address[7]
proc terminateProgram(self: Compiler, pos: int) =
## Utility to terminate a peon program
self.emitByte(OpCode.Return, self.peek().token.line)
self.emitByte(0, self.peek().token.line) # Entry point has no return value (TODO: Add easter eggs, cuz why not)
proc beginProgram(self: Compiler): int =
## Utility to begin a peon program's
## bytecode. Returns the position of
## a dummy return address of the program's
## entry point to be patched by terminateProgram
if self.currentModule.isNil():
# We declare the program's main module
var mainModule = Name(kind: NameKind.Module,
depth: 0,
isPrivate: true,
isConst: false,
isLet: false,
owner: nil,
file: self.file,
path: self.file,
codePos: 0,
ident: newIdentExpr(Token(lexeme: self.file, kind: Identifier)),
resolved: true,
line: 1)
self.currentModule = mainModule
# Every peon program has a hidden entry point in
# which user code is wrapped. Think of it as if
# peon is implicitly writing the main() function
# of your program and putting all of your code in
# there. While we call our entry point just like
# any regular peon function, we can't use our handy
# helper generateCall() because we need to keep track
# of where our program ends (which we don't know yet).
# To fix this, we emit dummy offsets and patch them
# later, once we know the boundaries of our hidden main()
var main = Name(depth: 0,
isPrivate: true,
isConst: false,
isLet: false,
owner: self.currentModule,
file: self.file,
valueType: Type(kind: Function,
returnType: nil,
args: @[],
codePos: self.chunk.code.len() + 12,
ident: newIdentExpr(Token(lexeme: "", kind: Identifier)),
kind: NameKind.Function,
resolved: true,
line: 1)
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, 1)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(main.codePos.toLong()), 1)
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, 1)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(0.toLong()), 1)
result = self.chunk.consts.len() - 8
self.emitByte(Call, 1)
self.emitBytes(0.toTriple(), 1)
## End of utility functions
proc literal(self: Compiler, node: ASTNode, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Emits instructions for literals such
## as singletons, strings and numbers
case node.kind:
of trueExpr:
result = Type(kind: Bool)
if compile:
self.emitByte(LoadTrue, node.token.line)
of falseExpr:
result = Type(kind: Bool)
if compile:
self.emitByte(LoadFalse, node.token.line)
of strExpr:
result = Type(kind: String)
if compile:
self.emitConstant(LiteralExpr(node), Type(kind: String))
of intExpr:
let y = IntExpr(node)
let kind = self.infer(y)
result = kind
if kind.kind in [Int64, Int32, Int16, Int8]:
var x: int
discard parseInt(y.literal.lexeme, x)
except ValueError:
self.error("integer value out of range")
var x: uint64
discard parseBiggestUInt(y.literal.lexeme, x)
except ValueError:
self.error("integer value out of range")
if compile:
self.emitConstant(y, kind)
of hexExpr:
var x: int
var y = HexExpr(node)
result = self.infer(y)
discard parseHex(y.literal.lexeme, x)
except ValueError:
self.error("integer value out of range")
let node = newIntExpr(Token(lexeme: $x, line: y.token.line,
pos: (start: y.token.pos.start,
stop: y.token.pos.start + len($x)),
relPos: (start: y.token.relPos.start, stop: y.token.relPos.start + len($x))
if compile:
self.emitConstant(node, result)
of binExpr:
var x: int
var y = BinExpr(node)
result = self.infer(y)
discard parseBin(y.literal.lexeme, x)
except ValueError:
self.error("integer value out of range")
let node = newIntExpr(Token(lexeme: $x, line: y.token.line,
pos: (start: y.token.pos.start,
stop: y.token.pos.start + len($x)),
relPos: (start: y.token.relPos.start, stop: y.token.relPos.start + len($x))
if compile:
self.emitConstant(node, result)
of octExpr:
var x: int
var y = OctExpr(node)
result = self.infer(y)
discard parseOct(y.literal.lexeme, x)
except ValueError:
self.error("integer value out of range")
let node = newIntExpr(Token(lexeme: $x, line: y.token.line,
pos: (start: y.token.pos.start,
stop: y.token.pos.start + len($x)),
relPos: (start: y.token.relPos.start, stop: y.token.relPos.start + len($x))
if compile:
self.emitConstant(node, result)
of floatExpr:
var x: float
var y = FloatExpr(node)
result = self.infer(y)
discard parseFloat(y.literal.lexeme, x)
except ValueError:
self.error("floating point value out of range")
if compile:
self.emitConstant(y, result)
of awaitExpr:
discard # TODO
self.error(&"invalid AST node of kind {node.kind} at literal(): {node} (This is an internal error and most likely a bug!)")
proc unary(self: Compiler, node: UnaryExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles all unary expressions
var default: Expression
let fn = Type(kind: Function,
returnType: Type(kind: Any),
args: @[("", self.inferOrError(node.a), default)])
let impl = self.match(node.token.lexeme, fn, node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, @[node.a])
result = result.returnType
if compile:
self.generateCall(impl, @[node.a], impl.line)
proc binary(self: Compiler, node: BinaryExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles all binary expressions
var default: Expression
let fn = Type(kind: Function, returnType: Type(kind: Any), args: @[("", self.inferOrError(node.a), default), ("", self.inferOrError(node.b), default)])
let impl = self.match(node.token.lexeme, fn, node)
result = impl.valueType.returnType
if compile:
self.generateCall(impl, @[node.a, node.b], impl.line)
proc identifier(self: Compiler, node: IdentExpr, name: Name = nil, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles access to identifiers
var s = name
if s.isNil():
s = self.resolveOrError(node)
result = s.valueType
if not compile:
var node = s.ident
if s.isConst:
# Constants are always emitted as Load* instructions
# no matter the scope depth
self.emitConstant(VarDecl(s.node).value, self.infer(node))
elif s.kind == NameKind.Function:
# Functions have no runtime representation, they're just
# a location to jump to, but we pretend they aren't and
# resolve them to their address into our bytecode when
# they're referenced
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, node.token.line)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(s.valueType.location.toLong()), node.token.line)
elif s.isBuiltin:
case s.ident.token.lexeme:
of "nil":
self.emitByte(LoadNil, node.token.line)
of "nan":
self.emitByte(LoadNan, node.token.line)
of "inf":
self.emitByte(LoadInf, node.token.line)
discard # Unreachable
# Loads a regular variable from the current frame
self.emitByte(LoadVar, s.ident.token.line)
# No need to check for -1 here: we already did a nil check above!
self.emitBytes(s.position.toTriple(), s.ident.token.line)
proc assignment(self: Compiler, node: ASTNode, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles assignment expressions
case node.kind:
of assignExpr:
let node = AssignExpr(node)
let name = IdentExpr(
var r = self.resolveOrError(name)
if r.isConst:
self.error(&"cannot assign to '{name.token.lexeme}' (value is a constant)", name)
elif r.isLet:
self.error(&"cannot reassign '{name.token.lexeme}' (value is immutable)", name)
self.check(node.value, r.valueType)
var position = r.position
if r.depth < self.depth:
self.warning(WarningKind.MutateOuterScope, &"mutation of '{r.ident.token.lexeme}' declared in outer scope ({r.owner.file}.pn:{r.ident.token.line}:{r.ident.token.relPos.start})", nil, node)
result = r.valueType
if not compile:
self.emitByte(StoreVar, node.token.line)
self.emitBytes(position.toTriple(), node.token.line)
of setItemExpr:
let node = SetItemExpr(node)
let name = IdentExpr(
var r = self.resolveOrError(name)
if r.isConst:
self.error(&"cannot assign to '{name.token.lexeme}' (value is a constant)", name)
elif r.isLet:
self.error(&"cannot reassign '{name.token.lexeme}' (value is immutable)", name)
if r.valueType.kind != CustomType:
self.error("only types have fields", node)
self.error(&"invalid AST node of kind {node.kind} at assignment(): {node} (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
proc blockStmt(self: Compiler, node: BlockStmt) =
## Compiles block statements, which create
## a new local scope
var last: Declaration
for decl in node.code:
if not last.isNil():
case last.kind:
of breakStmt, continueStmt:
self.warning(UnreachableCode, &"code after '{last.token.lexeme}' statement is unreachable", nil, last)
last = decl
proc ifStmt(self: Compiler, node: IfStmt) =
## Compiles if/else statements for conditional
## execution of code
self.check(node.condition, Type(kind: Bool))
let jump = self.emitJump(JumpIfFalsePop, node.token.line)
let jump2 = self.emitJump(JumpForwards, node.token.line)
if not node.elseBranch.isNil():
proc whileStmt(self: Compiler, node: WhileStmt) =
## Compiles C-style while loops and
## desugared C-style for loops
self.check(node.condition, Type(kind: Bool))
let start = self.chunk.code.high()
let jump = self.emitJump(JumpIfFalsePop, node.token.line)
self.emitLoop(start, node.token.line)
proc generateCall(self: Compiler, fn: Type, args: seq[Expression], line: int) {.used.} =
## Version of generateCall that takes Type objects
## instead of Name objects (used for lambdas and
## consequent calls). The function's address is
## assumed to be on the stack
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, line)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(0.toLong()), line)
let pos = self.chunk.consts.len() - 8
for i, argument in reversed(args):
# We pass the arguments in reverse
# because of how stacks work. They'll
# be reversed again at runtime
self.check(argument, fn.args[^(i + 1)].kind)
# Creates a new call frame and jumps
# to the function's first instruction
# in the code
self.emitByte(Call, line)
self.emitBytes(args.len().toTriple(), line)
proc prepareFunction(self: Compiler, fn: Name) =
## "Prepares" a function declaration by declaring
## its arguments and typechecking it
# First we declare the function's generics, if it has any.
# This is because the function's return type may in itself
# be a generic, so it needs to exist first
var constraints: seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]] = @[]
for gen in fn.node.generics:
self.unpackGenerics(gen.cond, constraints)
self.names.add(Name(depth: fn.depth + 1,
isPrivate: true,
valueType: Type(kind: Generic, name:, cond: constraints),
codePos: 0,
isLet: false,
line: fn.node.token.line,
belongsTo: fn,
owner: self.currentModule,
file: self.file))
constraints = @[]
# We now declare and typecheck the function's
# arguments
let idx = self.stackIndex
self.stackIndex = 1
var default: Expression
var i = 0
var node = FunDecl(fn.node)
for argument in node.arguments:
if self.names.high() > 16777215:
self.error("cannot declare more than 16777215 variables at a time")
self.names.add(Name(depth: fn.depth + 1,
isPrivate: true,
owner: fn.owner,
file: fn.file,
isConst: false,
valueType: self.inferOrError(argument.valueType),
codePos: 0,
isLet: false,
belongsTo: fn,
kind: NameKind.Argument,
position: self.stackIndex
if node.arguments.high() - node.defaults.high() <= node.arguments.high():
# There's a default argument!
fn.valueType.args.add((self.names[^1].ident.token.lexeme, self.names[^1].valueType, node.defaults[i]))
# This argument has no default
fn.valueType.args.add((self.names[^1].ident.token.lexeme, self.names[^1].valueType, default))
# The function needs a return type too!
if not FunDecl(fn.node).returnType.isNil():
fn.valueType.returnType = self.inferOrError(FunDecl(fn.node).returnType)
fn.position = self.stackIndex
self.stackIndex = idx
proc generateCall(self: Compiler, fn: Name, args: seq[Expression], line: int) =
## Small wrapper that abstracts emitting a call instruction
## for a given function
if fn.isBuiltin:
self.handleBuiltinFunction(fn.valueType, args, line)
case fn.kind:
of NameKind.Var:
of NameKind.Function:
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, line)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(fn.codePos.toLong()), line)
discard # Unreachable
if fn.valueType.forwarded:
self.forwarded.add((fn, self.chunk.consts.high() - 7))
self.emitByte(LoadUInt64, line)
self.emitBytes(self.chunk.writeConstant(0.toLong()), line)
let pos = self.chunk.consts.len() - 8
for arg in reversed(args):
# Creates a new call frame and jumps
# to the function's first instruction
# in the code
self.emitByte(Call, line)
self.emitBytes(args.len().toTriple(), line)
proc specialize(self: Compiler, typ: Type, args: seq[Expression]): Type {.discardable.} =
## Specializes a generic type.
## Used for typechecking at the
## call site
var mapping: TableRef[string, Type] = newTable[string, Type]()
var kind: Type
result = deepCopy(typ)
case result.kind:
of TypeKind.Function:
# This first loop checks if a user tries to reassign a generic's
# name to a different type
for i, (name, typ, default) in result.args:
if typ.kind != Generic:
kind = self.inferOrError(args[i])
if in mapping and not, mapping[]):
self.error(&"expecting generic argument '{}' to be of type {self.stringify(mapping[])}, got {self.stringify(kind)}")
mapping[] = kind
result.args[i].kind = kind
if not result.returnType.isNil() and result.returnType.kind == Generic:
if in mapping:
result.returnType = mapping[]
self.error(&"unknown generic argument name '{}'",
discard # TODO: Custom user-defined types
proc call(self: Compiler, node: CallExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles code to call a chain of function calls
var args: seq[tuple[name: string, kind: Type, default: Expression]] = @[]
var argExpr: seq[Expression] = @[]
var default: Expression
var kind: Type
for i, argument in node.arguments.positionals:
kind = self.infer(argument) # We don't use inferOrError so that we can raise a more appropriate error message
if kind.isNil():
if argument.kind == NodeKind.identExpr:
self.error(&"reference to undefined name '{argument.token.lexeme}'", argument)
self.error(&"positional argument {i + 1} in function call has no type", argument)
args.add(("", kind, default))
for i, argument in node.arguments.keyword:
kind = self.infer(argument.value)
if kind.isNil():
if argument.value.kind == NodeKind.identExpr:
self.error(&"reference to undefined name '{argument.value.token.lexeme}'", argument.value)
self.error(&"keyword argument '{}' in function call has no type", argument.value)
args.add((, kind, default))
case node.callee.kind:
of NodeKind.identExpr:
# Calls like hi()
let impl = self.match(IdentExpr(node.callee).name.lexeme, Type(kind: Function, returnType: Type(kind: All), args: args), node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, argExpr)
result = result.returnType
if compile:
# Now we call it
self.generateCall(impl, argExpr, node.token.line)
of NodeKind.callExpr:
# Calling a call expression, like hello()()
var node: Expression = node
var all: seq[CallExpr] = @[]
# Since there can be as many consecutive calls as
# the user wants, we need to "extract" all of them
while CallExpr(node).callee.kind == callExpr:
node = CallExpr(node).callee
# Now that we know how many call expressions we
# need to compile, we start from the outermost
# one and work our way to the innermost call
for exp in all:
result =, compile)
if compile and result.kind == Function:
self.generateCall(result, argExpr, node.token.line)
result = result.returnType
of NodeKind.getItemExpr:
var node = GetItemExpr(node.callee)
let impl = self.match(,
self.getItemExpr(node, compile=false, matching=Type(kind: Function, args: args, returnType: Type(kind: All))), node)
result = impl.valueType
if impl.isGeneric:
result = self.specialize(result, argExpr)
result = result.returnType
if compile:
self.generateCall(impl, argExpr, node.token.line)
# TODO: Calling lambdas on-the-fly (i.e. on the same line)
let typ = self.infer(node)
if typ.isNil():
self.error(&"expression has no type", node)
self.error(&"object of type '{self.stringify(typ)}' is not callable", node)
proc getItemExpr(self: Compiler, node: GetItemExpr, compile: bool = true, matching: Type = nil): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles accessing to fields of a type or
## module namespace. If the compile flag is set
## to false, no code is generated for resolving
## the attribute. Returns the type of the object
## that is resolved
case node.obj.kind:
of identExpr:
let name = self.resolveOrError(IdentExpr(node.obj))
case name.kind:
of NameKind.Module:
var values = self.findInModule(, name)
if len(values) == 0:
self.error(&"reference to undefined name '{}' in module '{name.ident.token.lexeme}'")
elif len(values) > 1 and matching.isNil():
self.error(&"ambiguous reference for '{}' in module '{name.ident.token.lexeme}'")
if not matching.isNil():
for name in values:
if, matching):
result = name.valueType
if len(values) == 1:
result = values[0].valueType
self.error(&"ambiguous reference for '{}' in module '{name.ident.token.lexeme}'")
if compile:
self.identifier(nil, values[0])
self.error("invalid syntax", node.obj)
self.error("invalid syntax", node)
proc lambdaExpr(self: Compiler, node: LambdaExpr, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles lambda functions as expressions
result = Type(kind: Function, isLambda: true, fun: node, location: self.chunk.code.high())
var constraints: seq[tuple[match: bool, kind: Type]] = @[]
for gen in node.generics:
self.unpackGenerics(gen.cond, constraints)
self.names.add(Name(depth: self.depth,
isPrivate: true,
valueType: Type(kind: Generic, name:, cond: constraints),
codePos: 0,
isLet: false,
line: node.token.line,
belongsTo: nil, # TODO
owner: self.currentModule,
file: self.file))
constraints = @[]
var default: Expression
var i = 0
for argument in node.arguments:
if self.names.high() > 16777215:
self.error("cannot declare more than 16777215 variables at a time")
self.names.add(Name(depth: self.depth,
isPrivate: true,
owner: self.currentModule,
file: self.currentModule.file,
isConst: false,
valueType: self.inferOrError(argument.valueType),
codePos: 0,
isLet: false,
belongsTo: nil, # TODO
kind: NameKind.Argument,
if node.arguments.high() - node.defaults.high() <= node.arguments.high():
# There's a default argument!
result.args.add((self.names[^1].ident.token.lexeme, self.names[^1].valueType, node.defaults[i]))
# This argument has no default
result.args.add((self.names[^1].ident.token.lexeme, self.names[^1].valueType, default))
# The function needs a return type too!
if not node.returnType.isNil():
result.returnType = self.inferOrError(node.returnType)
if not compile:
proc expression(self: Compiler, node: Expression, compile: bool = true): Type {.discardable.} =
## Compiles all expressions
case node.kind:
of NodeKind.callExpr:
return, compile)
of NodeKind.getItemExpr:
return self.getItemExpr(GetItemExpr(node), compile)
of NodeKind.pragmaExpr:
discard # TODO
# Note that for setItem and assign we don't convert
# the node to its true type because that type information
# would be lost in the call anyway. The differentiation
# happens in self.assignment()
of NodeKind.setItemExpr, NodeKind.assignExpr:
return self.assignment(node, compile)
of NodeKind.identExpr:
return self.identifier(IdentExpr(node), compile=compile)
of NodeKind.unaryExpr:
# Unary expressions such as ~5 and -3
return self.unary(UnaryExpr(node), compile)
of NodeKind.groupingExpr:
# Grouping expressions like (2 + 1)
return self.expression(GroupingExpr(node).expression, compile)
of NodeKind.binaryExpr:
# Binary expressions such as 2 ^ 5 and 0.66 * 3.14
return self.binary(BinaryExpr(node))
of NodeKind.intExpr, NodeKind.hexExpr, NodeKind.binExpr, NodeKind.octExpr,
NodeKind.strExpr, NodeKind.falseExpr, NodeKind.trueExpr, NodeKind.floatExpr:
# Since all of these AST nodes share the
# same overall structure and the kind
# field is enough to tell one from the
# other, why bother with specialized
# cases when one is enough?
return self.literal(node, compile)
of NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
return self.lambdaExpr(LambdaExpr(node), compile)
self.error(&"invalid AST node of kind {node.kind} at expression(): {node} (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
proc awaitStmt(self: Compiler, node: AwaitStmt) =
## Compiles await statements
proc deferStmt(self: Compiler, node: DeferStmt) =
## Compiles defer statements
proc yieldStmt(self: Compiler, node: YieldStmt) =
## Compiles yield statements
proc raiseStmt(self: Compiler, node: RaiseStmt) =
## Compiles raise statements
proc assertStmt(self: Compiler, node: AssertStmt) =
## Compiles assert statements
proc forEachStmt(self: Compiler, node: ForEachStmt) =
## Compiles foreach loops
proc returnStmt(self: Compiler, node: ReturnStmt) =
## Compiles return statements
if self.currentFunction.valueType.returnType.isNil() and not node.value.isNil():
self.error("cannot return a value from a void function", node.value)
elif not self.currentFunction.valueType.returnType.isNil() and node.value.isNil():
self.error("bare return statement is only allowed in void functions", node)
if not node.value.isNil():
self.emitByte(OpCode.SetResult, node.token.line)
# Since the "set result" part and "exit the function" part
# of our return mechanism are already decoupled into two
# separate opcodes, we perform the former and then jump to
# the function's last return statement, which is always emitted
# by funDecl() at the end of the function's lifecycle, greatly
# simplifying the design, since now there's just one return
# instruction to jump to instead of many potential points
# where the function returns from. Note that depending on whether
# the function has any local variables or not, this jump might be
# patched to jump to the function's PopN/PopC instruction(s) rather
# than straight to the return statement
self.currentFunction.valueType.retJumps.add(self.emitJump(JumpForwards, node.token.line))
proc continueStmt(self: Compiler, node: ContinueStmt) =
## Compiles continue statements. A continue statement
## jumps to the next iteration in a loop
if self.currentLoop.start > 16777215:
self.error("too much code to jump over in continue statement")
self.emitByte(Jump, node.token.line)
self.emitBytes(self.currentLoop.start.toTriple(), node.token.line)
proc breakStmt(self: Compiler, node: BreakStmt) =
## Compiles break statements. A break statement
## jumps to the end of the loop
self.currentLoop.breakJumps.add(self.emitJump(OpCode.JumpForwards, node.token.line))
if self.currentLoop.depth > self.depth:
# Breaking out of a loop closes its scope
proc importStmt(self: Compiler, node: ImportStmt) =
## Imports a module at compile time
var module = self.names[^1]
# Importing a module automatically exports
# its public names to us
for name in self.findInModule("", module):
except IOError:
self.error(&"could not import '{module.ident.token.lexeme}': {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}")
except OSError:
self.error(&"could not import '{module.ident.token.lexeme}': {getCurrentExceptionMsg()} [errno {osLastError()}]")
proc exportStmt(self: Compiler, node: ExportStmt) =
## Exports a name at compile time to
## all modules importing us
var name = self.resolveOrError(
if name.isPrivate:
self.error("cannot export private names")
case name.kind:
of NameKind.Module:
# We need to export everything
# this module defines!
for name in self.findInModule("", name):
of NameKind.Function:
for name in self.findByName(name.ident.token.lexeme):
if name.kind != NameKind.Function:
proc statement(self: Compiler, node: Statement) =
## Compiles all statements
case node.kind:
of exprStmt:
let expression = ExprStmt(node).expression
let kind = self.infer(expression)
if kind.isNil():
# The expression has no type and produces no value,
# so we don't have to pop anything
elif self.replMode:
self.printRepl(kind, expression)
self.emitByte(Pop, node.token.line)
of NodeKind.ifStmt:
of NodeKind.assertStmt:
of NodeKind.raiseStmt:
of NodeKind.breakStmt:
of NodeKind.continueStmt:
of NodeKind.returnStmt:
of NodeKind.importStmt:
of NodeKind.exportStmt:
of NodeKind.whileStmt:
# Note: Our parser already desugars
# for loops to while loops
let loop = self.currentLoop
self.currentLoop = Loop(start: self.chunk.code.len(),
depth: self.depth, breakJumps: @[])
self.currentLoop = loop
of NodeKind.forEachStmt:
of NodeKind.blockStmt:
of NodeKind.yieldStmt:
of NodeKind.awaitStmt:
of NodeKind.deferStmt:
of NodeKind.tryStmt:
proc varDecl(self: Compiler, node: VarDecl) =
## Compiles variable declarations
# Our parser guarantees that the variable declaration
# will have a type declaration or a value (or both)
var typ: Type
if node.value.isNil():
# Variable has no value: the type declaration
# takes over
typ = self.inferOrError(node.valueType)
elif node.valueType.isNil:
# Variable has no type declaration: the type
# of its value takes over
typ = self.inferOrError(node.value)
# Variable has both a type declaration and
# a value: the value's type must match the
# type declaration
let expected = self.inferOrError(node.valueType)
self.check(node.value, expected)
# If this doesn't fail, then we're good
typ = expected
self.emitByte(AddVar, node.token.line)
var name = self.names[^1]
name.position = self.stackIndex
name.valueType = typ
proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl, name: Name) =
## Compiles function declarations
if node.token.kind == Operator and in [".", "="]:
self.error(&"Due to compiler limitations, the '{}' operator cannot be currently overridden",
var node = node
var jmp: int
# We store the current function
let function = self.currentFunction
if node.body.isNil():
# We ignore forward declarations
self.forwarded.add((name, 0))
name.valueType.forwarded = true
self.currentFunction = function
self.currentFunction = name
if self.currentFunction.isBuiltin:
self.currentFunction = function
let stackIdx = self.stackIndex
self.stackIndex = name.position
# A function's code is just compiled linearly
# and then jumped over
jmp = self.emitJump(JumpForwards, node.token.line)
name.codePos = self.chunk.code.len()
name.valueType.location = name.codePos
# We let our debugger know this function's boundaries
self.functions.add((start: self.chunk.code.len(), stop: 0, pos: self.chunk.functions.len() - 3, fn: name))
var offset = self.functions[^1]
let idx = self.chunk.functions.len()
self.chunk.functions.add(0.toTriple()) # Patched it later
if not
var s = name.ident.token.lexeme
if s.len() >= uint16.high().int:
s =[0..uint16.high()]
if BlockStmt(node.body).code.len() == 0:
self.error("cannot declare function with empty body")
# Since the deferred array is a linear
# sequence of instructions and we want
# to keep track to whose function's each
# set of deferred instruction belongs,
# we record the length of the deferred
# array before compiling the function
# and use this info later to compile
# the try/finally block with the deferred
# code
var deferStart = self.deferred.len()
var last: Declaration
for decl in BlockStmt(node.body).code:
if not last.isNil():
if last.kind == returnStmt:
self.warning(UnreachableCode, "code after 'return' statement is unreachable")
last = decl
let typ = self.currentFunction.valueType.returnType
var hasVal: bool = false
of NodeKind.funDecl:
hasVal = FunDecl(
of NodeKind.lambdaExpr:
hasVal = LambdaExpr(
discard # Unreachable
if not hasVal and not typ.isNil():
# There is no explicit return statement anywhere in the function's
# body: while this is not a tremendously useful piece of information
# (since the presence of at least one doesn't mean all control flow
# cases are covered), it definitely is an error worth reporting
self.error("function has an explicit return type, but no return statement was found", node)
hasVal = hasVal and not typ.isNil()
for jump in self.currentFunction.valueType.retJumps:
# Terminates the function's context
self.emitByte(OpCode.Return, self.peek().token.line)
if hasVal:
self.emitByte(1, self.peek().token.line)
self.emitByte(0, self.peek().token.line)
# Currently defer is not functional, so we
# just pop the instructions
for _ in deferStart..self.deferred.high():
discard self.deferred.pop()
let stop = self.chunk.code.len().toTriple()
self.chunk.functions[idx] = stop[0]
self.chunk.functions[idx + 1] = stop[1]
self.chunk.functions[idx + 2] = stop[2]
offset.stop = self.chunk.code.len()
# Well, we've compiled everything: time to patch
# the jump offset
# Restores the enclosing function (if any).
# Makes nested calls work (including recursion)
self.currentFunction = function
self.stackIndex = stackIdx
proc declaration(self: Compiler, node: Declaration) =
## Compiles declarations, statements and expressions
## recursively
case node.kind:
of NodeKind.funDecl:
var name = self.declare(node)
self.funDecl(FunDecl(node), name)
if name.isGeneric:
# After we're done compiling a generic
# function, we pull a magic trick: since,
# from here on, the user will be able to
# call this with any of the types in the
# generic constraint, we switch every generic
# to a type union (which, conveniently, have an
# identical layout) so that the compiler will
# typecheck the function as if its arguments
# were all types of the constraint at once,
# while still allowing the user to call it with
# any type in said constraint
for i, argument in name.valueType.args:
if argument.kind.kind != Generic:
argument.kind.asUnion = true
if not name.valueType.returnType.isNil() and name.valueType.returnType.kind == Generic:
name.valueType.returnType.asUnion = true
of NodeKind.typeDecl:
of NodeKind.varDecl:
# We compile this immediately because we
# need to keep the stack in the right state
# at runtime
proc compile*(self: Compiler, ast: seq[Declaration], file: string, lines: seq[tuple[start, stop: int]], source: string, chunk: Chunk = nil,
incremental: bool = false, isMainModule: bool = true, disabledWarnings: seq[WarningKind] = @[], showMismatches: bool = false,
mode: CompileMode = Debug): Chunk =
## Compiles a sequence of AST nodes into a chunk
## object
if chunk.isNil():
self.chunk = newChunk()
self.chunk = chunk
self.ast = ast
self.file = file
self.depth = 0
self.currentFunction = nil
self.current = 0
self.lines = lines
self.source = source
self.isMainModule = isMainModule
self.disabledWarnings = disabledWarnings
self.showMismatches = showMismatches
self.mode = mode
self.stackIndex = 1
if not incremental:
self.jumps = @[]
let pos = self.beginProgram()
while not self.done():
# TODO: REPL is broken, we need a new way to make
# incremental compilation resume from where it stopped!
result = self.chunk
proc compileModule(self: Compiler, module: Name) =
## Compiles an imported module into an existing chunk
## using the compiler's internal parser and lexer objects
var path = ""
var moduleName = module.path & ".pn"
for i, searchPath in moduleLookupPaths:
if searchPath == "":
path = absolutePath(joinPath(splitPath(self.file).head, moduleName))
path = joinPath(searchPath, moduleName)
if fileExists(path):
elif i == searchPath.high():
self.error(&"""could not import '{path}': module not found""")
if self.modules.contains(module):
let source = readFile(path)
let current = self.current
let ast = self.ast
let file = self.file
let lines = self.lines
let src = self.source
let currentModule = self.currentModule
let mainModule = self.isMainModule
let parentModule = self.parentModule
self.parentModule = currentModule
self.currentModule = module
discard self.compile(self.parser.parse(self.lexer.lex(source, path),
path, self.lexer.getLines(),
self.lexer.getSource(), persist=true),
path, self.lexer.getLines(), self.lexer.getSource(), chunk=self.chunk, incremental=true,
isMainModule=false, self.disabledWarnings, self.showMismatches, self.mode)
module.file = path
# No need to save the old scope depth: import statements are
# only allowed at the top level!
self.depth = 0
self.current = current
self.ast = ast
self.file = file
self.currentModule = currentModule
self.isMainModule = mainModule
self.parentModule = parentModule
self.lines = lines
self.source = src