Fixed issues with returning/calling function objects

This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2022-06-13 15:44:53 +02:00
parent 02f1f8a54d
commit e3ab2fbdb6
5 changed files with 11 additions and 8 deletions

View File

@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ when len(PEON_COMMIT_HASH) != 40:
const PEON_BRANCH* = "master"
when len(PEON_BRANCH) > 255:
{.fatal: "The git branch name's length must be less than or equal to 255 characters".}
const DEBUG_TRACE_VM* = false # Traces VM execution
const DEBUG_TRACE_VM* = true # Traces VM execution
const DEBUG_TRACE_GC* = false # Traces the garbage collector (TODO)
const DEBUG_TRACE_ALLOCATION* = false # Traces memory allocation/deallocation
const DEBUG_TRACE_COMPILER* = false # Traces the compiler

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@ -799,7 +799,7 @@ proc matchImpl(self: Compiler, name: string, kind: Type): Name =
proc emitFunction(self: Compiler, name: Name) =
## Wrapper to emit LoadFunction instructions
self.emitBytes((name.codePos + 4).toTriple())
proc generateCall(self: Compiler, fn: Name, args: seq[Expression]) =
@ -1526,8 +1526,8 @@ proc funDecl(self: Compiler, node: FunDecl) =
let fn = self.names[^(node.arguments.len() + 1)]
fn.codePos = self.chunk.code.len()
let jmp = self.emitJump(JumpForwards)
fn.codePos = self.chunk.code.len()
for argument in node.arguments:
if not node.returnType.isNil() and self.inferType(node.returnType).isNil():

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@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ const simpleInstructions* = {Return, LoadNil,
BeginTry, FinishTry, Yield,
Await, NoOp, PopClosure,
SetResult, LoadArgument,
PopC, LoadFunctionObj, PushC}
PopC, PushC}
# Constant instructions are instructions that operate on the bytecode constant table
const constantInstructions* = {LoadInt64, LoadUInt64,
@ -153,7 +153,7 @@ const constantInstructions* = {LoadInt64, LoadUInt64,
# Stack triple instructions operate on the stack at arbitrary offsets and pop arguments off of it in the form
# of 24 bit integers
const stackTripleInstructions* = {StoreVar, LoadVar, LoadCLosure, StoreClosure}
const stackTripleInstructions* = {StoreVar, LoadVar, LoadCLosure, StoreClosure, }
# Stack double instructions operate on the stack at arbitrary offsets and pop arguments off of it in the form
# of 16 bit integers
@ -163,7 +163,7 @@ const stackDoubleInstructions* = {}
const argumentDoubleInstructions* = {PopN, }
# Argument double argument instructions take hardcoded arguments as 24 bit integers
const argumentTripleInstructions* = {}
const argumentTripleInstructions* = {LoadFunctionObj, }
# Instructions that call functions
const callInstructions* = {Call, }

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@ -76,7 +76,10 @@ proc repl(vm: PeonVM = newPeonVM()) =
elif current == "#clear":
input &= &"\n{current}\n"
elif current == "#showInput":
echo input
input &= &"{current}\n"
tokens = tokenizer.lex(input, "stdin")
if tokens.len() == 0:

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@ -127,7 +127,7 @@ proc argumentTripleInstruction(self: Debugger, instruction: OpCode) =
## Debugs instructions that operate on a hardcoded value on the stack using a 24-bit operand
var slot = [self.chunk.code[self.current + 1], self.chunk.code[self.current + 2], self.chunk.code[self.current + 3]].fromTriple()
stdout.styledWrite(fgGreen, ", has argument ", fgYellow, $slot)
stdout.styledWriteLine(fgGreen, ", has argument ", fgYellow, $slot)
self.current += 4