Reformatted help menu, added -w option. All code can now be disassembled

This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2023-01-26 12:11:29 +01:00
parent ae819daac4
commit 81e10ae1ea
3 changed files with 32 additions and 28 deletions

View File

@ -53,22 +53,21 @@ $ peon file.pbc Run the given Peon bytecode file
-h, --help Show this help text and exits
-v, --version Print the current peon version and exits
-h, --help Show this help text and exit
-v, --version Print the current peon version and exit
-s, --string Execute the passed string as if it was a file
-n, --noDump Don't dump the result of compilation to a file.
Note that no dump is created when using -s/--string
-b, --breakpoints Run the debugger at specific bytecode offsets (comma-separated).
Only available with --backend:bytecode and when compiled with VM
debugging on
-d, --disassemble Disassemble the given bytecode file instead of executing it
(only makes sense with --backend:bytecode)
-d, --disassemble Disassemble the output of compilation (only makes sense with --backend:bytecode)
-m, --mode Set the compilation mode. Acceptable values are 'debug' and
'release'. Defaults to 'debug'
-c, --compile Compile the code, but do not execute it
--warnings Turn warnings on or off (default: on). Acceptable values are
-c, --compile Compile the code, but do not execute it. Useful along with -d
-w, --warnings Turn warnings on or off (default: on). Acceptable values are
yes/on and no/off
--noWarn Disable a specific warning (for example, --noWarn unusedVariable)
--noWarn Disable a specific warning (for example, --noWarn:unusedVariable)
--showMismatches Show all mismatches when function dispatching fails (output is really verbose)
--backend Select the compilation backend (valid values are: 'c', 'cpp' and 'bytecode'). Note
that the REPL always uses the bytecode target. Defaults to 'bytecode'

View File

@ -274,23 +274,6 @@ proc setJump(self: BytecodeCompiler, offset: int, jmp: seq[uint8]) =
self.chunk.code[offset + 1] = jmp[0]
self.chunk.code[offset + 2] = jmp[1]
self.chunk.code[offset + 3] = jmp[2]
proc patchJump(self: BytecodeCompiler, offset: int) =
## Patches a previously emitted relative
## jump using emitJump
var jump: int = self.chunk.code.len() - self.jumps[offset].offset
if jump < 0:
self.error("jump size cannot be negative (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
if jump > 16777215:
# TODO: Emit consecutive jumps using insertAt
self.error("cannot jump more than 16777215 instructions")
if jump > 0:
self.setJump(self.jumps[offset].offset, (jump - 4).toTriple())
self.jumps[offset].patched = true
# TODO: Discard jump of size 0
proc emitJump(self: BytecodeCompiler, opcode: OpCode, line: int): int =
@ -401,6 +384,21 @@ proc insertAt(self: BytecodeCompiler, where: int, opcode: OpCode, data: openarra
self.fixFunctionOffsets(oldLen, where)
proc patchJump(self: BytecodeCompiler, offset: int) =
## Patches a previously emitted relative
## jump using emitJump
var jump: int = self.chunk.code.len() - self.jumps[offset].offset
if jump < 0:
self.error("jump size cannot be negative (This is an internal error and most likely a bug)")
if jump > 16777215:
# TODO: Emit consecutive jumps using insertAt
self.error("cannot jump more than 16777215 instructions")
if jump > 0:
self.setJump(self.jumps[offset].offset, (jump - 4).toTriple())
self.jumps[offset].patched = true
proc handleBuiltinFunction(self: BytecodeCompiler, fn: Type, args: seq[Expression], line: int) =
## Emits instructions for builtin functions
## such as addition or subtraction

View File

@ -179,9 +179,6 @@ proc runFile(f: string, fromString: bool = false, dump: bool = true, breakpoints
if not fromString:
if not f.endsWith(".pn") and not f.endsWith(".pbc"):
f &= ".pn"
if backend == PeonBackend.Bytecode and dis:
debugger.disassembleChunk(serializer.loadFile(f).chunk, f)
input = readFile(f)
input = f
@ -212,7 +209,8 @@ proc runFile(f: string, fromString: bool = false, dump: bool = true, breakpoints
when debugCompiler:
styledEcho fgCyan, "Compilation step:\n"
debugger.disassembleChunk(compiled, f)
echo ""
if dis:
debugger.disassembleChunk(compiled, f)
var path = splitFile(if output.len() > 0: output else: f).dir
if path.len() > 0:
path &= "/"
@ -384,6 +382,15 @@ when isMainModule:
fromString = true
of "n":
dump = false
of "w":
if value.toLowerAscii() in ["yes", "on"]:
warnings = @[]
elif value.toLowerAscii() in ["no", "off"]:
for warning in WarningKind:
stderr.styledWriteLine(fgRed, styleBright, "Error: ", fgDefault, "invalid value for option 'w' (valid options are: yes, on, no, off)")
of "b":
when not debugVM:
stderr.styledWriteLine(fgRed, styleBright, "Error: ", fgDefault, "cannot set breakpoints in release mode")