Improve test suite with outcome management

This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2024-02-19 18:45:41 +01:00
parent 41abf59395
commit 40cbed2b19
Signed by: nocturn9x
GPG Key ID: 8270F9F467971E59
4 changed files with 115 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -401,7 +401,10 @@ proc parseString(self: Lexer, delimiter: string, mode: string = "single") =
if mode == "multi":
self.error("unexpected EOL while parsing string literal")
if delimiter == "'":
self.error("unexpected EOL while parsing character literal")
self.error("unexpected EOL while parsing string literal")
if mode in ["raw", "multi"]:
discard self.step()
elif self.match("\\"):

View File

@ -12,12 +12,15 @@
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Utilities to print formatted error messages to stderr
## Utilities to format peon exceptions into human-readable error messages
## and print them
import frontend/compiler/typechecker
import frontend/parsing/parser
import frontend/parsing/lexer
import errors
export errors
import std/os
import std/terminal
@ -25,24 +28,26 @@ import std/strutils
import std/strformat
proc printError(file, line: string, lineNo: int, pos: tuple[start, stop: int], fn: Declaration, msg: string) =
## Internal helper to print a formatted error message
## to stderr
stderr.styledWrite(fgRed, styleBright, "Error in ", fgYellow, &"{file}:{lineNo}:{pos.start}")
proc formatError*(outFile = stderr, file, line: string, lineNo: int, pos: tuple[start, stop: int], fn: Declaration, msg: string, includeSource = true) =
## Helper to write a formatted error message to the given file object
outFile.styledWrite(fgRed, styleBright, "Error in ", fgYellow, &"{file}:{lineNo}:{pos.start}")
if not fn.isNil() and fn.kind == funDecl:
# Error occurred inside a (named) function
stderr.styledWrite(fgRed, styleBright, " in function ", fgYellow, FunDecl(fn).name.token.lexeme)
stderr.styledWriteLine(styleBright, fgDefault, ": ", msg)
if line.len() > 0:
stderr.styledWrite(fgRed, styleBright, "Source line: ", resetStyle, fgDefault, line[0..<pos.start])
outFile.styledWriteLine(styleBright, fgDefault, ": ", msg)
if line.len() > 0 and includeSource:
# Print the line where the error occurred and underline the exact node that caused
# the error. Might be inaccurate, but definitely better than nothing
outFile.styledWrite(fgRed, styleBright, "Source line: ", resetStyle, fgDefault, line[0..<pos.start])
if pos.stop == line.len():
stderr.styledWrite(fgRed, styleUnderscore, line[pos.start..<pos.stop])
stderr.styledWriteLine(fgDefault, line[pos.stop..^1])
outFile.styledWrite(fgRed, styleUnderscore, line[pos.start..<pos.stop])
outFile.styledWriteLine(fgDefault, line[pos.stop..^1])
stderr.styledWrite(fgRed, styleUnderscore, line[pos.start..pos.stop])
stderr.styledWriteLine(fgDefault, line[pos.stop + 1..^1])
outFile.styledWrite(fgRed, styleUnderscore, line[pos.start..pos.stop])
outFile.styledWriteLine(fgDefault, line[pos.stop + 1..^1])
proc print*(exc: TypeCheckError) =
proc print*(exc: TypeCheckError, includeSource = true) =
## Prints a formatted error message
## for type checking errors to stderr
var file = exc.file
@ -51,10 +56,10 @@ proc print*(exc: TypeCheckError) =
of -1: discard
of 0: contents = exc.instance.getSource().strip(chars={'\n'}).splitLines()[exc.line]
else: contents = exc.instance.getSource().strip(chars={'\n'}).splitLines()[exc.line - 1]
printError(file, contents, exc.line, exc.node.getRelativeBoundaries(), exc.function, exc.msg)
formatError(stderr, file, contents, exc.line, exc.node.getRelativeBoundaries(), exc.function, exc.msg, includeSource)
proc print*(exc: ParseError) =
proc print*(exc: ParseError, includeSource = true) =
## Prints a formatted error message
## for parsing errors to stderr
var file = exc.file
@ -65,10 +70,10 @@ proc print*(exc: ParseError) =
contents = exc.parser.getSource().strip(chars={'\n'}).splitLines()[exc.line - 1]
contents = ""
printError(file, contents, exc.line, exc.token.relPos, nil, exc.msg)
formatError(stderr, file, contents, exc.line, exc.token.relPos, nil, exc.msg, includeSource)
proc print*(exc: LexingError) =
proc print*(exc: LexingError, includeSource = true) =
## Prints a formatted error message
## for lexing errors to stderr
var file = exc.file
@ -79,5 +84,5 @@ proc print*(exc: LexingError) =
contents = exc.lexer.getSource().strip(chars={'\n'}).splitLines()[exc.line - 1]
contents = ""
printError(file, contents, exc.line, exc.pos, nil, exc.msg)
formatError(stderr, file, contents, exc.line, exc.pos, nil, exc.msg, includeSource)

View File

@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ type
# error field indicates whether the test errored out
# or not. If exc is non-null and error is false, this
# means the error was expected behavior
TestOutcome = tuple[error: bool, exc: ref Exception]
TestOutcome = tuple[error: bool, exc: ref Exception, line: int, location: tuple[start, stop: int]]
Test* {.inheritable.} = ref object
## A generic test object
@ -63,20 +63,13 @@ type
## upon tokenization failure
message: string
location: tuple[start, stop: int]
line: int
lexer: Lexer
TestSuite* = ref object
## A suite of tests
tests*: seq[Test]
proc `$`(self: tuple[error: bool, exc: ref Exception]): string =
if self.exc.isNil():
result = &"Outcome(error={self.error}, exc=nil)"
var name = ($":")[0]
result = &"Outcome(error={self.error}, exc=Error(name='{name}', msg='{self.exc.msg}')"
proc `$`(self: tuple[start, stop: int]): string =
if self == (-1, -1):
result = "none"
@ -84,26 +77,40 @@ proc `$`(self: tuple[start, stop: int]): string =
result = &"Location(start={self.start}, stop={self.stop})"
proc `$`(self: TestOutcome): string =
result &= "Outcome(error={self.error}"
if self.exc.isNil():
result &= &", exc=nil"
var name = ($":")[0]
result = &"exc=Error(name='{name}', msg='{self.exc.msg}'"
if self.line != -1:
result &= &", line={self.line}"
result &= &", location={self.location})"
proc `$`*(self: Test): string =
case self.kind:
of Tokenizer:
var self = TokenizerTest(self)
return &"TokenizerTest(name='{}', status={self.status}, outcome={self.outcome}, source='{self.source}', location={self.location}, message='{self.message}')"
return &"TokenizerTest(name='{}', status={self.status}, outcome={self.outcome}, source='{self.source.escape()}', location={self.location}, message='{self.message}')"
return ""
proc createLexer: Lexer =
result = newLexer()
proc setup(self: TokenizerTest) =
self.lexer = newLexer()
proc tokenizeSucceedsRunner(suite: TestSuite, test: Test) =
## Runs a tokenitazion test that is expected to succeed
var test = TokenizerTest(test)
var tokenizer = createLexer()
discard tokenizer.lex(test.source, "<string>")
discard test.lexer.lex(test.source,
except LexingError:
test.status = Failed
test.outcome.error = true
@ -119,14 +126,16 @@ proc tokenizeSucceedsRunner(suite: TestSuite, test: Test) =
proc tokenizeFailsRunner(suite: TestSuite, test: Test) =
## Runs a tokenitazion test that is expected to fail
## and checks that it fails in the way we expect
## and checks that it does so in the way we expect
var test = TokenizerTest(test)
var tokenizer = createLexer()
discard tokenizer.lex(test.source, "<string>")
discard test.lexer.lex(test.source,
except LexingError:
var exc = LexingError(getCurrentException())
if exc.pos == test.location and exc.msg == test.message:
test.outcome.location = exc.pos
test.outcome.line = exc.line
if exc.pos == test.location and exc.line == test.line and exc.msg == test.message:
test.status = Success
test.status = Failed
@ -175,25 +184,29 @@ proc newTokenizeTest(name, source: string, skip = false): TokenizerTest =
result.status = Init
result.source = source
result.skip = skip
result.line = -1
result.location = (-1, -1)
result.message = ""
proc testTokenizeSucceeds*(name, source: string, skip = false): Test =
## Creates a new tokenizer test that is expected to succeed
var test = newTokenizeTest(name, source, skip)
test.runnerFunc = tokenizeSucceedsRunner
test.message = ""
test.location = (-1 , -1)
result = Test(test)
result.expected = Success
proc testTokenizeFails*(name, source: string, message: string, location: tuple[start, stop: int], skip = false): Test =
proc testTokenizeFails*(name, source: string, message: string, line: int, location: tuple[start, stop: int], skip = false): Test =
## Creates a new tokenizer test that is expected to fail with the
## given error message and at the given location
var test = newTokenizeTest(name, source, skip)
test.runnerFunc = tokenizeFailsRunner
test.message = message
test.location = location
test.line = line
result = Test(test)
result.expected = Failed
proc run*(self: TestSuite) =
@ -216,4 +229,33 @@ proc successful*(self: TestSuite): bool =
if test.status in [Skipped, Success]:
result = false
proc getExpectedException(self: TokenizerTest): ref Exception =
## Gets the exception that we expect to be
## raised by the test. Could be nil if we
## expect no errors
if self.expected == Success:
return nil
return LexingError(msg: self.message, line: self.line, file:, lexer: self.lexer, pos: self.location)
proc getExpectedOutcome(self: TokenizerTest): TestOutcome =
## Gets the expected outcome of a tokenization test
if self.expected == Success:
return (false, self.getExpectedException(), -1, (-1, -1))
return (false, self.getExpectedException, self.line, self.location)
proc getExpectedOutcome*(self: Test): TestOutcome =
## Returns the expected outcome of a test
doAssert self.expected in [Success, Failed], "expected outcome is neither Success nor Failed: wtf?"
case self.kind:
of Tokenizer:
return TokenizerTest(self).getExpectedOutcome()

View File

@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
import util/testing
import util/fmterr
import frontend/parsing/lexer
import std/strformat
import std/strutils
when isMainModule:
@ -9,18 +13,30 @@ when isMainModule:
testTokenizeSucceeds("emptyFile", ""),
testTokenizeFails("unterminatedChar", "'", "unexpected EOF while parsing character literal", (0, 0)),
testTokenizeFails("emptyChar", "''", "character literal cannot be of length zero", (0, 1)),
testTokenizeFails("unterminatedString", "\"", "unexpected EOF while parsing string literal", (0, 0)),
testTokenizeSucceeds("emptyString", "\"\"")
testTokenizeSucceeds("newLine", "\n"),
testTokenizeSucceeds("emptyString", "\"\""),
testTokenizeFails("unterminatedChar", "'", "unexpected EOF while parsing character literal", line=1, location=(0, 0)),
testTokenizeFails("emptyChar", "''", "character literal cannot be of length zero", line=1, location=(0, 1)),
testTokenizeFails("unterminatedString", "\"", "unexpected EOF while parsing string literal", line=1, location=(0, 0)),
testTokenizeFails("unterminatedCharWithExtraContent", "'\n;", "unexpected EOL while parsing character literal", line=1, location=(0, 1)),
testTokenizeFails("unterminatedStringWithExtraContent", "\"\n;", "unexpected EOL while parsing string literal", line=1, location=(0, 1)),
echo "Tokenization test results: "
for test in suite.tests:
echo &" - {} -> {test.status}"
if test.status != Success:
echo &" Details: {test}"
if test.status in [Failed, Crashed]:
echo &" Details:"
echo &" - Source: {test.source.escape()}"
echo &" - Outcome: {test.outcome}"
echo &" - Expected state: {test.expected} "
echo &" - Expected outcome: {test.getExpectedOutcome()}"
if not test.outcome.exc.isNil():
echo &"\n Formatted error message follows\n"
echo "\n Formatted error message ends here\n"
if suite.successful():