Added a rough functions implementation

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2021-03-11 20:02:51 +01:00
parent cd80d3babf
commit 219c5c9ac1
6 changed files with 177 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,27 @@
# NimKalc - A math parsing library
NimKalc is a simple implementation of a recursive-descent top-down parser that can evaluate
mathematical expressions. Notable mentions are support for common mathematical constants (pi, tau, euler's number, etc),
functions (`sin`, `cos`, `tan`...), equation-solving algos using newton's method and scientific notation numbers (such as `2e5`)
mathematical expressions.
__Disclaimer__: This library is __in beta__ and is not fully tested yet. It will be soon, though
- Support for mathematical constants (`pi`, `tau` and `e` right now)
- Supported functions:
- `sin`
- `cos`
- `tan`
- `sqrt`
- `root` (for generic roots, takes the base and the argument)
- `log` (logarithm in base `e`)
- `logN` (logarithm in a given base, second argument)
- Parentheses can be used to enforce different precedence levels
- Easy API for tokenization, parsing and evaluation of AST nodes
## Current limitations
- No functions (coming soon)
- No equation-solving (coming soon)
- The parsing is a bit weird because `2 2` will parse the first 2 and just stop instead of erroring out (FIXME)
- The parsing is a bit weird because something like `2 2` will parse the first 2 and just stop instead of erroring out (FIXME)
## How to use it
@ -18,9 +31,8 @@ NimKalc parses mathematical expressions following this process:
- Generate an AST
- Visit the nodes
Each of these steps can be run separately, but for convenience a wrapper
`eval` procedure has been defined which takes in a string and returns a
single AST node containing the result of the given expression.
Each of these steps can be run separately, but for convenience a wrapper `eval` procedure has been defined which takes in a string
and returns a single AST node containing the result of the given expression.
## Supported operators
@ -28,30 +40,39 @@ Beyond the classical 4 operators (`+`, `-`, `/` and `*`), NimKalc supports:
- `%` for modulo division
- `^` for exponentiation
- unary `-` for negation
- Arbitrarily nested parentheses (__not__ empty ones!) to enforce precedence
## Exceptions
NimKalc defines 2 exceptions:
- `ParseError` is used when the expression is invalid
NimKalc defines various exceptions:
- `NimKalcException` is a generic superclass for all errors
- `ParseError` is used when the expression is syntactically invalid
- `MathError` is used when there is an arithmetical error such as division by 0 or domain errors (e.g. `log(0)`)
- `EvaluationError` is used when the runtime evaluation of an expression fails (e.g. trying to call something that isn't a function)
## Design
NimKalc treats all numerical values as `float` to simplify the implementation of the underlying operators. To tell integers
from floating point numbers the `AstNode` object has a `kind` discriminant which will be equal to `NodeKind.Integer` for ints
and `NodeKind.Float` for decimals. It is advised that you take this into account when using the library
and `NodeKind.Float` for decimals. It is advised that you take this into account when using the library, since integers might
start losing precision when converted from their float counterpart due to the difference of the two types. Everything should
be fine as long as the value doesn't exceed 2 ^ 53, though
__Note__: The string representation of integer nodes won't show the decimal part for clarity
Some other notable design choices (due to the underlying simplicity of the language we parse) are as follows:
- Identifiers are checked when tokenizing, since they're all constant
- Mathematical constants are immediately mapped to their real values when tokenizing with no intermediate steps or tokens
- Type errors (such as trying to call an integer) are detected statically at parse time
## String representations
All of NimKalc's objects implement the `$` operator and are therefore printable. Integer nodes will look like `Integer(x)`, while
floats are represented with `Float(x.x)`. Unary operators print as `Unary(operator, right)`, while binary operators print as `Binary(left, operator, right)`.
Parenthesized expressions print as `Grouping(expr)`, where `expr` is the expression enclosed in parentheses (as an AST node, obviously).
Token objects will print as `Token(kind, lexeme)`: an example for the number 2 would be `Token(Integer, '2')`
Token objects will print as `Token(kind, lexeme)`: an example for the number 2 would be `Token(Integer, '2')`. Function calls print like `Call(name, args)`
where `name` is the function name and `args` is a `seq[AstNode]` representing the function's arguments
## Example
@ -115,14 +136,13 @@ when isMainModule:
__Note__: If you don't need the intermediate representations shown here (tokens, AST) you can just `import nimkalc` and use
__Note__: If you don't need the intermediate representations shown here (tokens/AST) you can just `import nimkalc` and use
the `eval` procedure, which takes in a string and returns the evaluated result as a primary AST node like so:
import nimkalc
echo eval("2+2") # Prints Integer(4)
## Installing

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@ -19,13 +19,16 @@ import error
import strformat
import tables
import math
import strutils
NodeKind* {.pure.} = enum
# An enum for all kinds of AST nodes
Grouping, Unary, Binary, Integer,
Float, Call, Ident
AstNode* = ref object
# An AST node object
case kind*: NodeKind
of NodeKind.Grouping:
expr*: AstNode
@ -42,6 +45,11 @@ type
# using a double precision float for everything
# is just easier
value*: float64
of NodeKind.Ident:
name*: string
of NodeKind.Call:
arguments*: seq[AstNode]
function*: AstNode
NodeVisitor* = ref object
# A node visitor object
@ -64,35 +72,10 @@ proc `$`*(self: AstNode): string =
result = &"Integer({$int(self.value)})"
of NodeKind.Float:
result = &"Float({$self.value})"
# Forward declarations
proc visit_literal(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_unary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_binary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_grouping(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc accept(self: AstNode, visitor: NodeVisitor): AstNode =
case self.kind:
of NodeKind.Integer, NodeKind.Float:
result = visitor.visit_literal(self)
of NodeKind.Binary:
result = visitor.visit_binary(self)
of NodeKind.Unary:
result = visitor.visit_unary(self)
of NodeKind.Grouping:
result = visitor.visit_grouping(self)
proc eval*(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Evaluates an AST node
result = node.accept(self)
proc visit_literal(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Visits a literal AST node (such as integers)
result = node # Not that we can do anything else after all, lol
of NodeKind.Call:
result = &"Call({}, {self.arguments})"
of NodeKind.Ident:
result = &"Identifier({})"
template handleBinary(left, right: AstNode, operator: untyped): AstNode =
@ -106,18 +89,14 @@ template handleBinary(left, right: AstNode, operator: untyped): AstNode =
AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Float, value: r)
template rightOpNonZero(node: AstNode, opType: string) =
## Handy template to make sure that the given AST node matches
## a condition from
template ensureNonZero(node: AstNode) =
## Handy template to ensure that a given node's value is not 0
if node.value == 0.0:
case node.kind:
of NodeKind.Float:
raise newException(MathError, "float " & opType & " by 0")
of NodeKind.Integer:
raise newException(MathError, "integer " & opType & " by 0")
of NodeKind.Float, NodeKind.Integer:
raise newException(MathError, &"{($node.kind).toLowerAscii()} can't be zero")
raise newException(CatchableError, &"invalid node kind '{node.kind}' for rightOpNonZero")
raise newException(CatchableError, &"invalid node kind '{node.kind}' for ensureNonZero")
template ensureIntegers(left, right: AstNode) =
@ -126,6 +105,73 @@ template ensureIntegers(left, right: AstNode) =
raise newException(MathError, "an integer is required")
# Forward declarations
proc visit_literal(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_unary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_binary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_grouping(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc visit_call(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode
proc accept(self: AstNode, visitor: NodeVisitor): AstNode =
## Implements the accept part of the visitor pattern
## for our AST visitor
case self.kind:
of NodeKind.Integer, NodeKind.Float, NodeKind.Ident:
result = visitor.visit_literal(self)
of NodeKind.Binary:
result = visitor.visit_binary(self)
of NodeKind.Unary:
result = visitor.visit_unary(self)
of NodeKind.Grouping:
result = visitor.visit_grouping(self)
of NodeKind.Call:
result = visitor.visit_call(self)
proc eval*(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Evaluates an AST node
result = node.accept(self)
proc visit_literal(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Visits a literal AST node (such as integers)
result = node # Not that we can do anything else after all, lol
proc visit_call(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Visits function call expressions
var args: seq[AstNode] = @[]
for arg in node.arguments:
if == "sin":
let r = sin(args[0].value)
if r is float:
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Float, value: r)
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Integer, value: float(r))
if == "cos":
let r = cos(args[0].value)
if r is float:
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Float, value: r)
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Integer, value: float(r))
if == "tan":
let r = tan(args[0].value)
if r is float:
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Float, value: r)
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Integer, value: float(r))
proc visit_grouping(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Visits grouping (i.e. parenthesized) expressions. Parentheses
## have no other meaning than to allow a lower-precedence expression
## where a higher-precedence one is expected so that 2 * (3 + 1) is
## different from 2 * 3 + 1
return self.eval(node.expr)
proc visit_binary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Visits a binary AST node and evaluates it
let right = self.eval(node.right)
@ -136,11 +182,11 @@ proc visit_binary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
of TokenType.Minus:
result = handleBinary(left, right, `-`)
of TokenType.Div:
rightOpNonZero(right, "division")
result = handleBinary(left, right, `/`)
of TokenType.Modulo:
# Modulo is a bit special since we must have integers
rightOpNonZero(right, "modulo")
ensureIntegers(left, right)
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Integer, value: float(int(left.value) mod int(right.value)))
of TokenType.Exp:
@ -165,11 +211,3 @@ proc visit_unary(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
discard # Unreachable
discard # Unreachable
proc visit_grouping(self: NodeVisitor, node: AstNode): AstNode =
## Visits grouping (i.e. parenthesized) expressions. Parentheses
## have no other meaning than to allow a lower-precedence expression
## where a higher-precedence one is expected so that 2 * (3 + 1) is
## different from 2 * 3 + 1
return self.eval(node.expr)

View File

@ -15,6 +15,9 @@
ParseError* = object of CatchableError
NimKalcException* = object of CatchableError
ParseError* = object of NimKalcException
## A parsing exception
MathError* = object of ArithmeticDefect
MathError* = object of NimKalcException
## An arithmetic error
EvaluationError* = object of NimKalcException

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@ -22,8 +22,10 @@ type
# Operators
Plus, Minus, Div, Exp, Modulo,
Mul, RightParen, LeftParen,
# Identifiers
# Other
Eof, Comma
Token* = object
# A token object
lexeme*: string

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@ -27,15 +27,18 @@ const tokens = to_table({
'(': TokenType.LeftParen, ')': TokenType.RightParen,
'-': TokenType.Minus, '+': TokenType.Plus,
'*': TokenType.Mul, '/': TokenType.Div,
'%': TokenType.Modulo, '^': TokenType.Exp})
'%': TokenType.Modulo, '^': TokenType.Exp,
',': TokenType.Comma})
# All the identifiers and constants (such as PI)
# Since they're constant we don't even need to bother adding another
# AST node kind, we can just map the name to a float literal ;)
const identifiers = to_table({
const constants = to_table({
"pi": Token(kind: TokenType.Float, lexeme: "3.141592653589793"),
"e": Token(kind: TokenType.Float, lexeme: "2.718281828459045"),
"tau": Token(kind: TokenType.Float, lexeme: "6.283185307179586")
# Since also math functions are hardcoded, we can use an array
const functions = ["sin", "cos", "tan"]
@ -88,6 +91,8 @@ func createToken(self: Lexer, tokenType: TokenType): Token =
proc parseNumber(self: Lexer) =
## Parses numeric literals
var kind = TokenType.Int
var scientific: bool = false
var sign: bool = false
while true:
if self.peek().isDigit():
discard self.step()
@ -99,6 +104,11 @@ proc parseNumber(self: Lexer) =
# Scientific notation
kind = TokenType.Float
discard self.step()
scientific = true
elif self.peek().toLowerAscii() in {'-', '+'} and scientific and not sign:
# So we can parse stuff like 2e-5
sign = true
discard self.step()
@ -111,8 +121,10 @@ proc parseIdentifier(self: Lexer) =
while self.peek().isAlphaNumeric() or self.peek() in {'_', }:
discard self.step()
var text: string = self.source[self.start..<self.current]
if text.toLowerAscii() in identifiers:
if text.toLowerAscii() in constants:
elif text.toLowerAscii() in functions:
raise newException(ParseError, &"Unknown identifier '{text}'")
@ -138,6 +150,8 @@ proc lex*(self: Lexer, source: string): seq[Token] =
## Lexes a source string, converting a stream
## of characters into a series of tokens
self.source = source
self.tokens = @[]
self.current = 0
while not self.done():
self.start = self.current

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@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ import ../objects/error
import parseutils
import strformat
import tables
{.experimental: "implicitDeref".}
@ -31,6 +32,9 @@ type
current: int
const arities = to_table({"sin": 1, "cos": 1, "tan": 1})
proc initParser*(): Parser =
result.current = 0
@ -134,17 +138,39 @@ proc primary(self: Parser): AstNode =
let expression = self.binary()
self.expect(TokenType.RightParen, "unexpected EOL")
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Grouping, expr: expression)
of TokenType.Ident:
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Ident, name: value.lexeme)
self.error(&"invalid token of kind '{value.kind}' in primary expression")
proc call(self: Parser): AstNode =
## Parses function calls such as sin(2)
var expression = self.primary()
if self.match(TokenType.LeftParen):
if expression.kind != NodeKind.Ident:
self.error(&"object of type '{expression.kind}' is not callable")
var arguments: seq[AstNode] = @[]
if not self.check(TokenType.RightParen):
while self.match(TokenType.Comma):
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Call, arguments: arguments, function: expression)
if len(arguments) != arities[]:
self.error(&"Wrong number of arguments supplied to function '{}': expected {arities[]}, got {len(arguments)}")
self.expect(TokenType.RightParen, "unclosed function call")
result = expression
proc unary(self: Parser): AstNode =
## Parses unary expressions such as -1
case self.step().kind:
of TokenType.Minus:
result = AstNode(kind: NodeKind.Unary, unOp: self.previous(), operand: self.unary())
result = self.primary()
result =
proc pow(self: Parser): AstNode =
@ -181,10 +207,10 @@ proc binary(self: Parser): AstNode =
result = self.addition()
proc parse*(self: Parser, tokens: seq[Token]): AstNode =
## Parses a list of tokens into an AST tree
self.tokens = tokens
self.current = 0
result = self.binary()