Fixed garbage collection issue in unmountAllDisks and added nim-to-C wrapper for mount using nim types to avoid dangling pointers in the future

This commit is contained in:
Nocturn9x 2021-12-01 12:13:03 +01:00
parent f6223d43b2
commit e7bd635574
2 changed files with 10 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ WORKDIR /code
# Removes any already existing binary so that when compilation fails the container stops
RUN rm -f /code/nimd
RUN nim -d:release --opt:size --passL:"-static" --gc:markAndSweep c -o:nimd src/main
RUN nim -d:release --opt:size --passL:"-static" c -o:nimd src/main
RUN cp /code/nimd /sbin/nimd
FROM alpine:latest

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@ -29,10 +29,13 @@ const virtualFileSystems: seq[tuple[source: cstring, target: cstring, filesystem
proc parseFileSystemTable*(fstab: string): seq[tuple[source: cstring, target: cstring, filesystemtype: cstring, mountflags: culong, data: cstring]] =
proc parseFileSystemTable*(fstab: string): seq[tuple[source, target, filesystemtype: string, mountflags: uint64, data: string]] =
## Parses the contents of the given file (the contents of /etc/fstab or /etc/mtab
## most of the time, but this is not enforced in any way) and returns a sequence
## of tuples with elements source, target, filesystemtype, mountflags and data
## of tuples with elements source, target, filesystemtype, mountflags and data as
## required by the mount system call.
## The types of these arguments are Nim types to make the garbage collector happy
## and avoid freeing the underlying string object.
## as required by mount/umount/umount2 in sys/mount.h which is wrapped below.
## An improperly formatted fstab will cause this function to error out with an
## IndexDefect exception (when an entry is incomplete) that should be caught by
@ -49,11 +52,14 @@ proc parseFileSystemTable*(fstab: string): seq[tuple[source: cstring, target: cs
# This madness will make sure we only get (hopefully) 6 entries
# in our temporary list
temp = line.split().filterIt(it != "").join(" ").split(maxsplit=6)
result.add((source: cstring(temp[0]), target: cstring(temp[1]), filesystemtype: cstring(temp[2]), mountflags: culong(0), data: cstring(temp[3])))
result.add((source: temp[0], target: temp[1], filesystemtype: temp[2], mountflags: 0u64, data: temp[3]))
# Nim wrappers around C functionality in sys/mount.h on Linux
proc mount*(source: cstring, target: cstring, filesystemtype: cstring,
mountflags: culong, data: pointer): cint {.header: "sys/mount.h", importc.}
proc mount*(source, target, filesystemtype: string, mountflags: uint64, data: string): int = int(mount(cstring(source), cstring(target), cstring(filesystemtype), culong(mountflags), cstring(data)))
proc umount*(target: cstring): cint {.header: "sys/mount.h", importc.}
proc umount2*(target: cstring, flags: cint): cint {.header: "sys/mount.h", importc.}