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# Copyright 2021 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import strutils
import sequtils
import strformat
import posix
import os
import ../util/[logging, misc]
import shutdown
# Nim wrappers around C functionality in sys/mount.h on Linux
proc mount*(source: cstring, target: cstring, fstype: cstring,
mountflags: culong, data: pointer): cint {.header: "sys/mount.h", importc.}
# Since cstrings are weak references, we need to convert nim strings to cstrings only
# when we're ready to use them and only when we're sure the underlying nim string is
# in scope, otherwise garbage collection madness happens
proc mount*(source, target, fstype: string, mountflags: uint64, data: string): int = int(mount(cstring(source), cstring(target), cstring(fstype), culong(mountflags), cstring(data)))
proc umount*(target: cstring): cint {.header: "sys/mount.h", importc.}
proc umount2*(target: cstring, flags: cint): cint {.header: "sys/mount.h", importc.}
# These 2 wrappers silent the CStringConv warning
# (implicit conversion to 'cstring' from a non-const location)
proc umount*(target: string): int = int(umount(cstring(target)))
proc umount2*(target: string, flags: int): int = int(umount2(cstring(target), cint(flags)))
## Our Nim API
Directory* = ref object
path: string
permissions: uint64
Symlink* = ref object
## A symbolic link
source: string
dest: string
Filesystem* = ref object
## A filesystem
## (real or virtual)
source: string
target: string
fstype: string
mountflags: uint64
data: string
dump: uint8
pass: uint8
proc newFilesystem*(source, target, fstype: string, mountflags: uint64 = 0, data: string = "", dump: uint8 = 0, pass: uint8 = 0): Filesystem =
## Initializes a new filesystem object
result = Filesystem(source: source, target: target, fstype: fstype, mountflags: mountflags, data: data, dump: dump, pass: pass)
proc newSymlink*(source, dest: string): Symlink =
## Initializes a new symlink object
result = Symlink(source: source, dest: dest)
proc newDirectory*(path: string, permissions: uint64): Directory =
## Initializes a new directory object
result = Directory(path: path, permissions: permissions)
# Stores VFS entries to be mounted upon boot (usually /proc, /sys, etc). You could
# do this with a oneshot service, but it's a simple enough feature to have it built-in
# into the init itself (especially since it makes error handling a heck of a lot easier)
var virtualFileSystems: seq[Filesystem] = @[]
# Since creating symlinks is a pretty typical operation for an init, NimD
# provides a straightforward way to create them on boot without creating
# full fledged oneshot services
var symlinks: seq[Symlink ] = @[]
# Stores directories to be created on boot. Again, this is achievable trough oneshots,
# but having a builtin API is a nice option IMHO
var directories: seq[Directory] = @[]
proc addVFS*(filesystem: FileSystem) =
## Adds a virtual filesystem to be mounted upon boot
proc removeVFS*(filesystem: Filesystem) =
## Removes a virtual filesystem. Note
## this has no effect if executed after
## the VFSs have been mounted (i.e. after
## a call to mountVirtualDisks)
for i, f in virtualFileSystems:
if f == filesystem:
iterator getAllVFSPaths: string =
## Yields all of the mount points of
## the currently registered virtual
## filesystems
for vfs in virtualFileSystems:
iterator getAllVFSNames: string =
## This is similar to what
## getAllVFSPaths does, except
## it yields the VFS' source
## instead of the mount point
## (which in this case is just
## an alias, hence the "names" part)
for vfs in virtualFileSystems:
yield vfs.source
proc addSymlink*(symlink: Symlink) =
## Adds a symlink to be created
## upon boot (check createSymlinks)
proc removeSymlink*(symlink: Symlink) =
## Removes a symlink. This has no
## effect after createSymlinks has
## been executed
for i, sym in symlinks:
if sym == symlink:
proc addDirectory*(directory: Directory) =
## Adds a directory to be created upon
## boot (check createDirectories)
proc removeDirectory*(directory: Directory) =
## Removes a directory. This has no
## effect after createDirectories has
## been executed
for i, dir in directories:
if dir == directory:
proc parseFileSystemTable*(fstab: string): seq[Filesystem] =
## Parses the contents of the given filesystem table and returns a Filesystem object.
## An improperly formatted or semantically invalid fstab will cause this function to
## error out with a ValueError exception that should be caught by the caller.
## No other checks other than very basic syntax are performed, as that job
## is delegated to the operating system. Missing dump/pass entries are interpreted
## as if they were set to 0, following the way Linux does it. Note that this function
## automatically converts UUID/LABEL/PARTUUID/ID directives to their corresponding
## /dev/disk/by-XXX/YYY symlink just like the mount command would do on a Linux system.
var temp: seq[string] = @[]
var dump: int
var pass: int
var line: string = ""
var s: seq[string] = @[]
for l in fstab.splitlines():
line = l.strip().replace("\t", " ")
if line.startswith("#") or line.isEmptyOrWhitespace():
# This madness will make sure we only get (hopefully) 6 entries
# in our temporary list
temp = line.split().filterIt(it != "").join(" ").split(maxsplit=6)
if len(temp) < 6:
if len(temp) < 4:
# Not enough columns!
raise newException(ValueError, "improperly formatted filesystem table")
elif len(temp) == 4:
dump = 0
pass = 0
elif len(temp) == 5:
dump = 0
dump = parseInt(temp[4])
except ValueError:
raise newException(ValueError, &"improperly formatted filesystem table -> invalid value ({dump}) for dump")
pass = parseInt(temp[5])
except ValueError:
raise newException(ValueError, &"improperly formatted filesystem table -> invalid value ({pass}) for pass")
if dump notin 0..1:
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid value in filesystem table -> invalid value ({dump}) for dump")
if pass < 0:
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid value in filesystem table -> invalid value ({pass}) for pass")
s = temp[0].split("=", maxsplit=2)
if temp[0].toLowerAscii().startswith("id="):
if len(s) < 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "improperly formatted filesystem table")
temp[0] = &"""/dev/disk/by-id/{s[1]}"""
if temp[0].toLowerAscii().startswith("label="):
if len(s) < 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "improperly formatted filesystem table")
temp[0] = &"""/dev/disk/by-label/{s[1]}"""
if temp[0].toLowerAscii().startswith("uuid="):
if len(s) < 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "improperly formatted filesystem table")
temp[0] = &"""/dev/disk/by-uuid/{s[1]}"""
if temp[0].toLowerAscii().startswith("partuuid="):
if len(s) < 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "improperly formatted filesystem table")
temp[0] = &"""/dev/disk/by-partuuid/{s[1]}"""
result.add(newFilesystem(source=temp[0], target=temp[1], fstype=temp[2], mountflags=0u64, data=temp[3], dump=uint8(dump), pass=uint8(pass)))
proc checkDiskIsMounted(search: Filesystem, expand: bool = false): bool =
## Returns true if a disk is already mounted. If expand is true,
## symlinks are expanded and checked instead of doing a simple
## string comparison of the source entry point. This should be
## true when mounting real filesystems. Returns false if
## /proc/mounts does not exist (usually happens when /proc has
## not been mounted yet)
if not fileExists("/proc/mounts"):
return false
for entry in parseFileSystemTable(readFile("/proc/mounts")):
if expand:
if exists(entry.source) and exists(search.source) and sameFile(entry.source, search.source):
return true
elif entry.source == search.source:
return true
return false
proc mountRealDisks*(logger: Logger, fstab: string = "/etc/fstab") =
## Mounts real disks from /etc/fstab
var retcode = 0
logger.debug(&"Reading disk entries from {fstab}")
for entry in parseFileSystemTable(readFile(fstab)):
if checkDiskIsMounted(entry, expand=true):
logger.debug(&"Skipping mounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) at {}: already mounted")
logger.debug(&"Mounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) at {} with mount option(s) {}")
logger.trace(&"Calling mount('{entry.source}', '{}', '{entry.fstype}', {entry.mountflags}, '{}')")
retcode = mount(entry.source,, entry.fstype, entry.mountflags,
logger.trace(&"mount('{entry.source}', '{}', '{entry.fstype}', {entry.mountflags}, '{}') returned {retcode}")
if retcode == -1:
logger.error(&"Mounting {entry.source} at {} has failed with error {posix.errno}: {posix.strerror(posix.errno)}")
# Resets the error code
posix.errno = cint(0)
logger.debug(&"Mounted {entry.source} at {}")
except ValueError: # Check parseFileSystemTable for more info on this catch block
logger.fatal("Improperly formatted fstab, exiting")
nimDExit(logger, 131)
proc mountVirtualDisks*(logger: Logger) =
## Mounts POSIX virtual filesystems/partitions,
## such as /proc and /sys
var retcode = 0
for entry in virtualFileSystems:
if checkDiskIsMounted(entry):
logger.debug(&"Skipping mounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) at {}: already mounted")
logger.debug(&"Mounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) at {} with mount option(s) {}")
logger.trace(&"Calling mount('{entry.source}', '{}', '{entry.fstype}', {entry.mountflags}, '{}')")
retcode = mount(entry.source,, entry.fstype, entry.mountflags,
logger.trace(&"mount('{entry.source}', '{}', '{entry.fstype}', {entry.mountflags}, '{}') returned {retcode}")
if retcode == -1:
logger.error(&"Mounting disk {entry.source} at {} has failed with error {posix.errno}: {posix.strerror(posix.errno)}")
# Resets the error code
posix.errno = cint(0)
logger.fatal("Failed mounting vital system disk partition, system is likely corrupted, booting cannot continue")
nimDExit(logger, 131) # ENOTRECOVERABLE - State not recoverable
logger.debug(&"Mounted {entry.source} at {}")
proc unmountAllDisks*(logger: Logger, code: int) =
## Unmounts all currently mounted disks, including the ones that
## were not mounted trough fstab but excluding virtual filesystems
var isVFS: bool = false
var retcode = 0
try:"Detaching real filesystems")
logger.debug(&"Reading disk entries from /proc/mounts")
for entry in parseFileSystemTable(readFile("/proc/mounts")):
# We don't detach the virtual filesystems because they are a software-level abstraction
# that exists purely in memory, and unmounting them while keeping the system stable during
# shutdown is a headache I don't wanna deal with.
# All of these checks seem excessive, but they make absolutely sure we don't unmount them,
# as they are critical system components (especially /proc): maybe we should use stat()
# instead and make a generic check, but adding a system call into the mix seems overkill given
# we alredy have all the info we need
if entry in virtualFileSystems:
for source in getAllVFSNames():
if entry.source == source:
isVFS = true
for path in getAllVFSPaths():
isVFS = true
if isVFS:
isVFS = false
logger.trace(&"Skipping unmounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) from {} as it is a virtual filesystem")
if not checkDiskIsMounted(entry):
logger.trace(&"Skipping unmounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) from {}: not mounted")
logger.debug(&"Unmounting filesystem {entry.source} ({entry.fstype}) from {}")
logger.trace(&"Calling umount2('{entry.source}', MNT_DETACH)")
retcode = umount2(entry.source, 2) # 2 = MNT_DETACH - Since we're shutting down, we need the disks to be *gone*!
logger.trace(&"umount2('{entry.source}', MNT_DETACH) returned {retcode}")
if retcode == -1:
logger.error(&"Unmounting disk {entry.source} from {} has failed with error {posix.errno}: {posix.strerror(posix.errno)}")
# Resets the error code
posix.errno = cint(0)
logger.debug(&"Unmounted {entry.source} from {}")
except ValueError: # Check parseFileSystemTable for more info on this catch block
logger.fatal(&"A fatal error occurred while unmounting disks: {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}")
nimDExit(logger, 131)
proc createSymlinks*(logger: Logger) =
## Creates a set of symlinks needed
## by stuff like Linux ports of BSD
## software. Non-existing directories
## are created until the path to the
## symlink is valid. Already existing
## sources and non-existent destinations
## cause the symlink creation to be skipped
for sym in symlinks:
if not exists(sym.source):
logger.warning(&"Skipping creation of symbolic link from {sym.dest} to {sym.source}: destination does not exist")
elif exists(sym.dest):
if symlinkExists(sym.dest) and sameFile(expandSymlink(sym.dest), sym.source):
logger.debug(&"Skipping creation of symbolic link from {sym.dest} to {sym.source}: link already exists")
elif symlinkExists(sym.dest) and not sameFile(expandSymlink(sym.dest), sym.source):
logger.warning(&"Attempted to create symbolic link from {sym.dest} to {sym.source}, but link already exists and points to {expandSymlink(sym.dest)}")
logger.warning(&"Attempted to create symbolic link from {sym.dest} to {sym.source}, but destination already exists and is not a symlink")
logger.debug(&"Creating symbolic link from {sym.dest} to {sym.source}")
createSymlink(sym.source, sym.dest)
logger.warning(&"Failed to create symbolic link from {sym.dest} to {sym.source}: {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}")
proc createDirectories*(logger: Logger) =
## Creates standard directories that
## Linux software expects to be present.