
32 lines
904 B

import giambio
from debugger import Debugger
async def child(name: int):
print(f"[child {name}] Child spawned!! Sleeping for {name} seconds")
await giambio.sleep(name)
print(f"[child {name}] Had a nice nap!")
async def worker(coro, *args):
async with giambio.with_timeout(10):
await coro(*args)
except giambio.exceptions.TooSlowError:
return True
return False
async def main():
start = giambio.clock()
async with giambio.skip_after(10) as pool:
t = await pool.spawn(worker, child, 7)
await giambio.sleep(2)
t2 = await pool.spawn(worker, child, 15)
if any([await t.join(), await t2.join()]):
print("[main] One or more children have timed out!")
print(f"[main] Children execution complete in {giambio.clock() - start:.2f} seconds")
if __name__ == "__main__":, debugger=())