
73 lines
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import giambio
loop = giambio.EventLoop()
What works and what does not (5 Apr 2020 12:06 AM):
- Run tasks concurrently: V
- Join mechanism: V
- Sleep mechanism: V
- Cancellation mechanism: V
- Exception propagation: X Note: Almost ready
- Concurrent I/O: V
- Return values of coroutines: V
- Scheduling tasks for future execution: V
- Task Spawner (context manager): V
What's left to implement:
- An event system to wake up tasks programmatically
- Lower-level primitives such as locks, queues, semaphores
- File I/O (Also, consider that Windows won't allow select to work on non-socket fds)
- Complete the AsyncSocket implementation (happy eyeballs, other methods)
- Debugging tools
async def countdown(n):
while n > 0:
print(f"Down {n}")
n -= 1
if n <= 2: # Test an exception that triggers only sometimes
raise ValueError
await giambio.sleep(1)
print("Countdown over")
return "Count DOWN over"
except giambio.CancelledError:
print("countdown cancelled!")
raise Exception("Oh no!") # TODO Propagate this
async def count(stop, step=1):
x = 0
while x < stop:
print(f"Up {x}")
x += step
await giambio.sleep(step)
print("Countup over")
return "Count UP over"
except giambio.CancelledError:
print("count cancelled!")
# raise BaseException # This will propagate
async def main():
print("Spawning countdown immediately, scheduling count for 4 secs from now")
async with giambio.TaskManager(loop) as manager:
task = manager.spawn(countdown(8))
task2 = manager.schedule(count(8, 2), 4)
await task.cancel() # This works, but other tasks continue running
for task, ret in manager.values.items():
print(f"Function '{task.coroutine.__name__}' at {hex(id(task.coroutine))} returned an object of type '{type(ret).__name__}': {repr(ret)}")
except Exception as e:
print(f"Actually I prefer to catch it here: {e}") # Everything works just as expected, the try/except block below won't trigger
except Exception: # Exceptions climb the whole stack
print("Exceptions propagate!")