Added support for giambio.sleep() and minor fixes (still joining issue)

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2020-03-20 11:12:44 +01:00
parent 94092a7ae7
commit 6c28c7db20
2 changed files with 37 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import types
import datetime
from collections import deque, defaultdict
from selectors import DefaultSelector, EVENT_READ, EVENT_WRITE
from inspect import iscoroutine
from functools import wraps
from heapq import heappush, heappop
import socket
from .exceptions import GiambioError, AlreadyJoinedError
import traceback
from timeit import default_timer
from time import sleep as wait
class Task:
@ -32,16 +32,17 @@ class Task:
class EventLoop:
"""Implementation of an event loop, alternates between execution of coroutines (asynchronous functions)
to allow a concurrency model"""
to allow a concurrency model or 'green threads'"""
def __init__(self):
"""Object constructor"""
self.to_run = deque() # Scheduled tasks
self.paused = deque() # Paused or sleeping tasks
self.paused = [] # Sleeping tasks
self.selector = DefaultSelector() # Selector object to perform I/O multiplexing
self.running = None # This will always point to the currently running coroutine (Task object)
self.waitlist = defaultdict(list) # Tasks that want to join
self.joined = defaultdict(list) # Tasks that want to join
self.clock = default_timer # Monotonic clock to keep track of elapsed time
def loop(self):
"""Main event loop for giambio"""
@ -50,24 +51,32 @@ class EventLoop:
if not self.selector.get_map() and not self.to_run:
while self.selector.get_map(): # If there are sockets ready, schedule their associated task
tasks = deque(
timeout = 0.0 if self.to_run else None
tasks = deque(
for key, _ in tasks:
self.to_run.append( # Socket ready? Schedule the task
self.selector.unregister(key.fileobj) # Once scheduled, the task does not need to wait anymore
while self.to_run:
while self.to_run or self.paused:
if not self.to_run:
wait(max(0.0, self.paused[0][0] - self.clock())) # If there are no tasks ready, just do nothing
while self.paused and self.paused[0][0] < self.clock(): # Rechedules task when their timer has elapsed
_, coro = heappop(self.paused)
self.running = self.to_run.popleft() # Sets the currently running task
meth, *args = # Sneaky method call, thanks to David Beazley for this ;)
getattr(self, meth)(*args)
method, *args = # Sneaky method call, thanks to David Beazley for this ;)
getattr(self, method)(*args)
except StopIteration as e:
self.running.ret_value = e.args[0] if e.args else None # Saves the return value
self.to_run.extend(self.waitlist.pop(self.running, ())) # Reschedules the parent task
self.to_run.extend(self.joined.pop(self.running, ())) # Reschedules the parent task
except Exception as has_raised:
if self.running.joined:
self.running.exception = has_raised # Errored? Save the exception
else: # If the task is not joined, the exception would disappear, but not in giambio
raise GiambioError from has_raised
self.to_run.extend(self.waitlist.pop(self.running, ()))
self.to_run.extend(self.joined.pop(self.running, ()))
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def spawn(self, coroutine: types.coroutine):
"""Schedules a task for execution, appending it to the call stack"""
@ -95,30 +104,33 @@ class EventLoop:
def wrap_socket(self, sock):
return AsyncSocket(sock, self)
async def read_sock(self, sock, buffer):
async def read_sock(self, sock: socket.socket, buffer: int):
await want_read(sock)
return sock.recv(buffer)
async def accept_sock(self, sock):
async def accept_sock(self, sock: socket.socket):
await want_read(sock)
return sock.accept()
async def sock_sendall(self, sock, data):
async def sock_sendall(self, sock: socket.socket, data: bytes):
while data:
await want_write(sock)
sent_no = sock.send(data)
data = data[sent_no:]
async def close_sock(self, sock):
async def close_sock(self, sock: socket.socket):
await want_write(sock)
return sock.close()
def want_join(self, coro):
if coro not in self.waitlist:
def want_join(self, coro: types.coroutine):
if coro not in self.joined:
raise AlreadyJoinedError("Joining the same task multiple times is not allowed!")
def want_sleep(self, seconds):
heappush(self.paused, (self.clock() + seconds, self.running))
class AsyncSocket(object):
"""Abstraction layer for asynchronous sockets"""
@ -159,15 +171,12 @@ class AsyncSocket(object):
return f"AsyncSocket({self.sock}, {self.loop})"
@types.coroutine # TODO: Add support for this function
def sleep(seconds: int):
"""Pause the execution of a coroutine for the passed amount of seconds,
without blocking the entire event loop, which keeps watching for other events"""
yield "want_sleep", seconds
start =
end = + datetime.timedelta(seconds=seconds)
return (yield end) - start # Return how much time did the coroutine actually wait

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@ -17,14 +17,13 @@ async def make_srv(address: tuple):
asock = loop.wrap_socket(sock)"Echo server serving asynchronously at {address}")"Sleeping for 2 secs")
await giambio.sleep(2)"Done!")
while True:
conn, addr = await asock.accept()"{addr} connected")
task = loop.spawn(echo_server(conn, addr))
# try:
# await giambio.join(task)
# except Exception as e:
# print(repr(e))
loop.spawn(echo_server(conn, addr))
async def echo_server(sock: AsyncSocket, addr: tuple):