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Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone & Contributors
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
#ifndef TSOS_CPU_ISR_H
#define TSOS_CPU_ISR_H
#include "kernel/types.h"
The first 32 ISRs are reserved for CPU exceptions, so we
manually forward-declare them. They will be implemented in
assembly (hence why "extern" is explicit here, despite it
being the default for C functions)
extern void isr0(void);
extern void isr1(void);
extern void isr2(void);
extern void isr3(void);
extern void isr4(void);
extern void isr5(void);
extern void isr6(void);
extern void isr7(void);
extern void isr8(void);
extern void isr9(void);
extern void isr10(void);
extern void isr11(void);
extern void isr12(void);
extern void isr13(void);
extern void isr14(void);
extern void isr15(void);
extern void isr16(void);
extern void isr17(void);
extern void isr18(void);
extern void isr19(void);
extern void isr20(void);
extern void isr21(void);
extern void isr22(void);
extern void isr23(void);
extern void isr24(void);
extern void isr25(void);
extern void isr26(void);
extern void isr27(void);
extern void isr28(void);
extern void isr29(void);
extern void isr30(void);
extern void isr31(void);
typedef struct {
A wrapper around the metadata
that we pass to ISRs (from asm)
when they're called
u32 ds; /* The DS register */
/* General Purpose registers saved by pusha */
u32 edi;
u32 esi;
u32 ebp;
u32 esp;
u32 ebx;
u32 edx;
u32 ecx;
u32 eax;
u32 kind; /* The interrupt number */
u32 err; /* The interrupt's error code (optional, may be zero) */
These are pushed by the processor automatically when an interrupt
is triggered
u32 eip;
u32 cs;
u32 eflags;
u32 useresp;
u32 ss;
} ISRMetadata;
void installDefaultHandlers(void);
void interruptHandler(ISRMetadata data);
// Maps each builtin ISR number to an error message
char* errorMessages[] = {
"Division By Zero",
"Non Maskable Interrupt",
"Into Detected Overflow",
"Out of Bounds",
"Invalid Opcode",
"No Coprocessor",
"Double Fault",
"Coprocessor Segment Overrun",
"Bad TSS",
"Segment Not Present",
"Stack Fault",
"General Protection Fault",
"Page Fault",
"Unknown Interrupt",
"Coprocessor Fault",
"Alignment Check",
"Machine Check",
#define interruptMessage(x) errorMessages[x]