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2022-11-17 22:37:30 +01:00
; Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone & Contributors
; Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
; you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
; You may obtain a copy of the License at
; http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
; Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
; distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
; See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
; limitations under the License.
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
; Definition of the MBR (Master Boot Record). This is basically our bootloader and
; is located in the first 512 bytes of the drive we're booting from. From here, we
; do some basic setup and then call into the kernel
[org 0x7c00] ; Address where the code expects to be loaded in. The BIOS always loads us here
[bits 16] ; All x86 CPUs start in 16 bit (aka "real") mode, so we tell nasm to emit 16-bit code
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
kernel_offset: equ 0x1000
reserved_sectors: equ 4
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
; This isn't needed inside the qemu emulator, but
; real hardware is unlikely to start up with the
; segment registers zeroed, so we do it here
mov ax, 0
mov ds, ax
mov ss, ax
mov es, ax
xor ax, ax
; We save the value of the current boot drive
mov [boot_drive], dl
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
; Now we setup the stack by setting the
; base pointer to a location that's far
; enough from where the code for the BIOS
; is located
mov sp, 0x9000
mov bp, sp
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
call bios_cls
mov si, loading_stage2_msg
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
call bios_println
mov bx, stage2
mov cl, 2
mov dh, reserved_sectors
mov dl, [boot_drive]
call load_disk
jmp stage2
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
; Variables needed in the boot
; sector
boot_drive: db 0
loading_stage2_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Stage 1 loaded, loading stage 2", 0
; We include just the bare minimum needed to load the
; second stage of our bootloader
2022-11-16 20:24:23 +01:00
%include "src/boot/util/disk.s"
%include "src/boot/util/io.s"
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
; Padding and magic number
times 510 - ($ - $$) db 0
dw 0xaa55
2022-11-17 12:42:45 +01:00
[bits 16]
; Here we're no longer limited by the size of the
; boot sector, so we can perform the more complex
; part of the boot process
mov si, stage2_loaded_msg
call bios_println
call load_kernel
call switch_to_protected_mode
2022-11-17 12:42:45 +01:00
; Loads the kernel into memory
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
mov bx, kernel_offset
mov cl, reserved_sectors + 1
2022-11-18 02:40:46 +01:00
mov dh, 4
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
mov dl, [boot_drive]
call load_disk
mov si, kernel_loaded_msg
call bios_println
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
[bits 32]
BEGIN_32BIT: ; After the switch we will get here
call enableA20
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
call kernel_offset
2022-11-16 15:25:53 +01:00
jmp $
2022-11-15 15:47:33 +01:00
; Now we include the necessary files to switch to
; 32-bit (aka protected) mode
%include "src/boot/gdt.s"
%include "src/boot/switch32.s"
%include "src/boot/util/enablea20.s"
; Here we define our variables used in the second stage
kernel_loaded_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Kernel loaded, switching to protected mode", 0
stage2_loaded_msg: db "TSBL - INFO: Stage 2 loaded, loading kernel", 0
times (512 * reserved_sectors) - ($ - $$) db 0 ; Pads the section to exactly reserved_sectors