Initial work on genetic algorithm for tris

This commit is contained in:
Nocturn9x 2022-12-22 21:35:16 +01:00
parent 5d24a59d99
commit 69ece77631
6 changed files with 418 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -3,7 +3,11 @@ import nn/util/activations
import nn/util/losses
var net = newNeuralNetwork(@[2, 3, 2], activationFunc=newActivation(sigmoid, func (x, y: float): float = 0.0),
lossFunc=newLoss(mse, mse), weightRange=(-1.0, +1.0), learnRate=0.05)
var prediction = net.predict(newMatrix[float](@[2.7, 3.0]))
echo prediction
const InitialSize = 50
var networks: seq[NeuralNetwork] = @[]
for _ in 0..<InitialSize:
networks.add(newNeuralNetwork(@[9, 8, 10, 9], activationFunc=newActivation(sigmoid, func (x, y: float): float = 0.0),
lossFunc=newLoss(mse, func (x, y: float): float = 0.0), weightRange=(-1.0, +1.0), learnRate=0.05))

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@ -74,10 +74,12 @@ proc compute*(self: Layer, data: Matrix[float]): Matrix[float] =
## Computes the output of a given layer with
## the given input data and returns it as a
## one-dimensional array
result = ((self.weights * data).sum() + self.biases).apply(self.activation.function, axis= -1)
result = ( + self.biases).apply(self.activation.function, axis= -1)
proc cost*(self: Layer, x: Matrix[float], Y: Matrix[float]): float =
proc cost*(self: Layer, x, y: Matrix[float]): float =
## Returns the total cost of this layer
for i in 0..x.shape.cols:
result += self.loss.function(x[0, i], y[0, i])
result /= float(x.shape.cols)

View File

@ -26,8 +26,9 @@ import std/strformat
NeuralNetwork* = ref object
## A generic neural network
layers*: seq[Layer]
## A generic feed-forward
## neural network
layers: seq[Layer]
proc newNeuralNetwork*(layers: seq[int], activationFunc: Activation, lossFunc: Loss, learnRate: float,
@ -57,3 +58,10 @@ proc classify*(self: NeuralNetwork, data: Matrix[float]): int =
## Performs a prediction and returns the label
## with the highest likelyhood
result = maxIndex(self.predict(data).raw[])
proc cost*(self: NeuralNetwork, x, y: Matrix[float]): float =
## Returns the total average cost of the network
for layer in self.layers:
result += layer.cost(x, y)
result /= float(self.layers.len())

View File

@ -13,7 +13,10 @@
# limitations under the License.
from std/strformat import `&`
from std/sequtils import zip
import std/random
@ -34,8 +37,8 @@ proc getSize(shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): int =
## Helper to get the size required for the
## underlying data array for a matrix of the
## given shape
if shape.cols == 0:
return shape.rows
if shape.rows == 0:
return shape.cols
return shape.cols * shape.rows
@ -53,7 +56,7 @@ proc newMatrix*[T](data: seq[T]): Matrix[T] =
result.order = RowMajor
proc newMatrix*[T](data: seq[seq[T]], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc newMatrix*[T](data: seq[seq[T]], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Initializes a new matrix from a given
## 2D sequence
@ -81,12 +84,52 @@ proc newMatrix*[T](data: seq[seq[T]], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T]
idx = col
proc zeros*[T](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
proc zeros*[T: int | float](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Creates a new matrix of the given shape
## filled with zeros
new([] = @[]
let size = shape.getSize()
result.shape = shape
when T is int:
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(0)
when T is float:
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(0.0)
proc ones*[T: int | float](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Creates a new matrix of the given shape
## filled with ones
new([] = @[]
let size = shape.getSize()
result.shape = shape
when T is int:
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(1)
when T is float:
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(1.0)
proc rand*[T: int | float](shape: tuple[rows, cols: int], order: MatrixOrder = RowMajor): Matrix[T] =
## Creates a new matrix of the given shape
## filled with random values between 0 and
## 1
new([] = @[]
let size = shape.getSize()
result.shape = shape
when T is int:
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(rand(0..1))
when T is float:
for _ in 0..<size:[].add(rand(0.0..1.0))
# Simple one-line helpers and forward declarations
@ -105,7 +148,7 @@ func getIndex[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): int =
result = col * self.shape.rows + row
proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): T {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueError].} =
proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): T =
## Gets the element the given row and
## column into the matrix
var idx = self.getIndex(row, col)
@ -115,7 +158,7 @@ proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int): T {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueEr
proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row: int): MatrixView[T] {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueError].} =
proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row: int): MatrixView[T] =
## Gets a single row in the matrix. No data copies
## occur and a view into the original matrix is
## returned
@ -128,7 +171,7 @@ proc `[]`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row: int): MatrixView[T] {.raises: [IndexDefect,
result.row = row
proc `[]`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int): T {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueError].} =
proc `[]`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int): T =
## Gets the element the given row into
## the matrix view
var idx = self.m.getIndex(self.row, col)
@ -138,7 +181,7 @@ proc `[]`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int): T {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueErr
result =[idx]
proc `[]=`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int, val: T) {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueError].} =
proc `[]=`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int, val: T) =
## Sets the element at the given row and
## column into the matrix to value val
var idx = self.getIndex(row, col)
@ -148,7 +191,7 @@ proc `[]=`*[T](self: Matrix[T], row, col: int, val: T) {.raises: [IndexDefect, V[idx] = val
proc `[]=`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int, val: T) {.raises: [IndexDefect, ValueError].} =
proc `[]=`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int, val: T) =
## Sets the element at the given row
## into the matrix view to the value
## val
@ -161,7 +204,7 @@ proc `[]=`*[T](self: MatrixView[T], col: int, val: T) {.raises: [IndexDefect, Va
# Shape management
proc reshape*[T](self: Matrix[T], shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc reshape*[T](self: Matrix[T], shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): Matrix[T] =
## Reshapes the given matrix. No data copies occur
when not defined(release):
if shape.getSize() !=[].len():
@ -170,7 +213,7 @@ proc reshape*[T](self: Matrix[T], shape: tuple[rows, cols: int]): Matrix[T] {.ra
result.shape = shape
proc reshape*[T](self: Matrix[T], rows, cols: int): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc reshape*[T](self: Matrix[T], rows, cols: int): Matrix[T] =
## Reshapes the given matrix. No data copies occur
result = self.reshape((rows, cols))
@ -183,11 +226,14 @@ proc transpose*[T](self: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
proc flatten*[T](self: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Flattens the matrix into a vector. No
## data copies occur
result = self.dup() =
result = result.reshape(0, len(self))
## Flattens the matrix into a vector
for row in self:
for element in row:[].add(element)
result.order = RowMajor
result.shape = (0, len(self))
# Helpers for fast applying of operations along an axis
@ -218,7 +264,7 @@ proc apply*[T](self: Matrix[T], op: proc (a, b: T): T {.noSideEffect.}, b: T, co
proc apply*[T](self: Matrix[T], op: proc (a: T): T {.noSideEffect.}, copy: bool = false, axis: int): Matrix[T] =
## Applies a binary operator to every
## Applies a unary operator to every
## element in the given axis of the
## given matrix (0 = rows, 1 = columns,
## -1 = both). No copies occur unless
@ -362,6 +408,7 @@ proc dup*[T](self: MatrixView[T]): MatrixView[T] =
result.m = self.m
result.shape = self.shape
result.row = self.row
# matrix/scalar operations
@ -407,7 +454,7 @@ proc `+`*[T](a, b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] =[].add(a[i] + b[i])
proc `+`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc `+`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.rows > 0 and b.shape.rows > 0 and a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for addition")
@ -445,7 +492,7 @@ proc `*`*[T](a, b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] =[].add(a[i] * b[i])
proc `*`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc `*`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.rows > 0 and b.shape.rows > 0 and a.shape.cols != b.shape.rows:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for multiplication")
@ -468,6 +515,12 @@ proc `*`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
for m in r1 * r2:
for element in m:[].add(element)
for r1 in a:
for r2 in b:
for m in r1 * r2:
for element in m:[].add(element)
result = a[0] * b[0]
@ -521,7 +574,53 @@ proc `>=`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: T): Matrix[bool] =[].add(e >= b)
proc `==`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc `==`*[T](a: MatrixView[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.len() != b.len():
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid shapes for comparison")
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[bool](result.shape.getSize())
var col = 0
while col < result.shape.cols:[].add(a[col] == b[col])
proc `==`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.cols != b.len() or a.shape.rows > 0:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid shapes for comparison")
return a[0] == b
proc diag*[T](a: Matrix[T], diagonal: int): Matrix[T] =
## Returns the chosen diagonal of the given
## matrix as a linear array. Diagonal 0 means left,
## 1 means right
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.rows != a.shape.cols:
raise newException(ValueError, "only square matrices have diagonals")
var res = newSeqOfCap[T](a.shape.getSize())
case diagonal:
of 0:
for i in 0..<a.shape.rows:
res.add(a[i, i])
of 1:
for i in 0..<a.shape.rows:
res.add(a[i, a.shape.rows - i])
when not defined(release):
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid diagonal {diagonal} for matrix")
result = newMatrix(res)
proc `==`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, "can't compare matrices of different shapes")
@ -530,12 +629,14 @@ proc `==`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[bool](result.shape.getSize())
if a.shape.rows == 0:
result = a[0] == b[0]
for r in 0..<a.shape.rows:
for c in 0..<a.shape.cols:[].add(a[r, c] == b[r, c])
proc `>`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc `>`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, "can't compare matrices of different shapes")
@ -544,12 +645,14 @@ proc `>`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[bool](result.shape.getSize())
if a.shape.rows == 0:
result = a[0] > b[0]
for r in 0..<a.shape.rows:
for c in 0..<a.shape.cols:[].add(a[r, c] > b[r, c])
proc `>=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc `>=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, "can't compare matrices of different shapes")
@ -558,12 +661,14 @@ proc `>=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[bool](result.shape.getSize())
if a.shape.rows == 0:
result = a[0] >= b[0]
for r in 0..<a.shape.rows:
for c in 0..<a.shape.cols:[].add(a[r, c] >= b[r, c])
proc `<=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
proc `<=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] =
when not defined(release):
if a.shape != b.shape:
raise newException(ValueError, "can't compare matrices of different shapes")
@ -572,6 +677,8 @@ proc `<=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} =
result.shape = a.shape
result.order = RowMajor[] = newSeqOfCap[bool](result.shape.getSize())
if a.shape.rows == 0:
result = a[0] <= b[0]
for r in 0..<a.shape.rows:
for c in 0..<a.shape.cols:[].add(a[r, c] <= b[r, c])
@ -585,40 +692,49 @@ proc all*(a: Matrix[bool]): bool =
return true
proc any*(a: Matrix[bool]): bool =
# Helper for boolean comparisons
for e in[]:
if e:
return true
return false
# Specular definitions of commutative operators
proc `<`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} = b > a
proc `!=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] {.raises: [ValueError].} = not a == b
proc `*`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] {.raises: [ValueError].} = b * a
proc `<`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = b > a
proc `!=`*[T](a, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = not a == b
proc `*`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: MatrixView[T]): Matrix[T] = b * a
proc `==`*[T](a: T, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = b == a
proc `==`*[T](a: MatrixView[T], b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = b == a
proc `!=`*[T](a: Matrix[T], b: T): Matrix[bool] = not a == b
proc `!=`*[T](a: T, b: Matrix[T]): Matrix[bool] = not b == a
proc toRowMajor*[T](self: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
proc toRowMajor*[T](self: Matrix[T], copy: bool = true): Matrix[T] =
## Converts a column-major matrix to a
## row-major one
## row-major one. Returns a copy unless
## copy equals false
if self.order == RowMajor:
self.order = RowMajor
let orig =[][] = @[]
var idx = 0
var col = 0
while col < self.shape.cols:[].add(orig[idx])
idx += self.shape.cols
if idx > orig.high():
idx = col
result = self
return self
if copy:
result = self.copy()
result = self
result.order = RowMajor
for row in self:
for element in row:[].add(element)
proc toColumnMajor*[T](self: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
proc toColumnMajor*[T](self: Matrix[T], copy: bool = true): Matrix[T] =
## Converts a row-major matrix to a
## column-major one
if self.order == ColumnMajor:
return self
if copy:
result = self.copy()
result = self
self.order = ColumnMajor
let orig =[][] = @[]
@ -674,7 +790,7 @@ proc `$`*[T](self: MatrixView[T]): string =
proc `$`*[T](self: Matrix[T]): string =
## Stringifies the matrix
if self.shape.rows == 0:
return $self[0]
return $(self[0])
result &= "["
for i, row in self:
result &= "["
@ -693,10 +809,34 @@ proc `$`*[T](self: Matrix[T]): string =
proc dot*[T](self, other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
## Computes the dot product of the two
## input matrices
when not defined(release):
if a.shape.cols != b.shape.rows:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for dot product")
if self.shape.rows > 1 and other.shape.rows > 1:
when not defined(release):
if self.shape.rows != other.shape.cols:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for dot product")
result = zeros[T]((self.shape.rows, other.shape.cols))
echo self
var other = other.transpose()
echo other
for i in 0..<result.shape.rows:
for j in 0..<result.shape.cols:
result[i, j] = (self[i] * other[j]).sum()
elif self.shape.rows > 1:
when not defined(release):
if self.shape.cols != other.shape.cols:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for dot product")
result = zeros[T]((0, self.shape.rows))
for i in 0..<result.shape.cols:
result[0, i] = (self[i] * other[0]).sum()
elif other.shape.rows > 1:
when not defined(release):
if self.shape.cols != other.shape.cols:
raise newException(ValueError, &"incompatible argument shapes for dot product")
result = zeros[T]((0, self.shape.cols))
var other = other.transpose()
for i in 0..<result.shape.cols:
result[0, i] = (self[0] * other[i]).sum()
return self * other
proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x, y: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
@ -721,6 +861,50 @@ proc where*[T](cond: Matrix[bool], x, y: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] =
col = 0
# Just a helper to avoid mistakes and so that x.where(x > 10, y) works as expected
proc where*[T](self: Matrix[T], cond: Matrix[bool], other: Matrix[T]): Matrix[T] = cond.where(self, other)
proc max*[T](self: Matrix[T]): T =
## Returns the largest element
## into the matrix
var m: T = self[0, 0]
for row in self:
for element in row:
if m < element:
m = element
return m
proc argmax*[T](self: Matrix[T]): T =
## Returns the index largest element
## into the matrix
var m: T = self[0, 0]
row = 0
col = 0
while row < self.shape.rows:
while col < self.shape.cols:
if self[row, col] > m:
m = self[row, col]
if self.shape.rows == 0:
while col < self.shape.cols:
if self[0, col] > m:
m = self[0, col]
return m
proc contains*[T](self: Matrix[T], e: T): bool =
## Returns wherher the matrix contains
## the element e
for row in self:
for element in row:
if element == e:
return true
return false
when isMainModule:
import math
@ -729,6 +913,7 @@ when isMainModule:
var m = newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 2, 3], @[4, 5, 6]])
var k = m.transpose()
assert k[2, 1] == m[1, 2], "transpose mismatch"
assert all(m.transpose() == k), "transpose mismatch"
assert k.sum() == m.sum(), "element sum mismatch"
assert all(k.sum(axis=1) == m.sum(axis=0)), "sum over axis mismatch"
@ -741,4 +926,9 @@ when isMainModule:
assert (m * z).sum() == 46, "matrix multiplication mismatch"
assert all(z * z == z.apply(pow, 2, axis = -1, copy=true)), "matrix multiplication mismatch"
var x = newMatrix[int](@[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9])
assert (x < 5).where(x, x * 10).sum() == 360, "where mismatch"
assert (x < 5).where(x, x * 10).sum() == 360, "where mismatch"
assert all((x < 5).where(x, x * 10) == x.where(x < 5, x * 10)), "where mismatch"
assert x.max() == 9, "max mismatch"
assert x.argmax() == 9, "argmax mismatch"
discard newMatrix[int](@[12, 23]).dot(newMatrix[int](@[@[11, 22], @[33, 44]]))
discard newMatrix[int](@[@[1, 2, 3], @[2, 3, 4]]).dot(newMatrix[int](@[1, 2, 3]))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
# Copyright 2022 Mattia Giambirtone
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Various data preprocessing tools
import matrix
import strformat
import sets
LabelEncoder* = ref object
## An encoder to assign a numerical value in the
## range from 0 to n_labels - 1 to the labels
# of some categorical data, reversibly
isFit: bool
labels: Matrix[string]
proc newLabelEncoder*: LabelEncoder =
## Initializes a new LabelEncoder object
proc toOrderedSet[T](m: Matrix[T]): OrderedSet[T] =
result = initOrderedSet[T]()
for row in m:
for element in row:
proc fit*(self: LabelEncoder, labels: Matrix[string]) =
# Fits the encoder to the given labels
var lbl: seq[string] = @[]
for label in toOrderedSet(labels):
self.labels = newMatrix(lbl)
self.is_fit = true
proc transform*(self: LabelEncoder, labels: Matrix[string]): Matrix[int] =
## Transforms a vector of labels into a vector of encoded
## integers. Duplicate labels are assigned the same integer
assert self.isFit, "The estimator must be fit!"
var res: seq[int] = @[]
for row in labels:
for label in row:
if label notin self.labels:
raise newException(ValueError, &"Unknown label '{label}'")
result = newMatrix(res)
proc reverseTransform*(self: LabelEncoder, labels: Matrix[int]): Matrix[string] =
## Reverses the transformation of the integer labels back to a string
assert self.is_fit, "The estimator must be fit!"
var res: seq[string] = @[]
for row in labels:
for label in row:
if label notin 0..<self.labels.len():
raise newException(ValueError, &"Unknown encoded label '{label}'")
res.add(self.labels[0, label])
result = newMatrix(res)

src/nn/util/tris.nim Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
import matrix
TileKind* = enum
## A tile enumeration kind
Empty = 0,
GameStatus* = enum
## A game status enumeration
TrisGame* = ref object
map*: Matrix[int]
proc newTrisGame*: TrisGame =
## Creates a new TrisGame object
new(result) = zeros[int]((3, 3))
proc get*(self: TrisGame): GameStatus =
## Returns the game status
# Checks for rows
for _, row in
if all(row == newMatrix[int](@[1, 1, 1])):
return Win
elif all(row == newMatrix[int](@[2, 2, 2])):
return Lose
# Checks for columns
for _, col in
if all(col == newMatrix[int](@[1, 1, 1])):
return Win
elif all(col == newMatrix[int](@[2, 2, 2])):
return Lose
# Checks for diagonals
for i in 0..<2:
if all( == newMatrix[int](@[1, 1, 1])):
return Win
elif all( == newMatrix[int](@[2, 2, 2])):
return Lose
# No check was successful and there's no empty slots: draw!
if not any( == 0):
return Draw
# There are empty slots and no one won yet, we're still in game!
return Playing
proc `$`*(self: TrisGame): string =
## Stringifies self
return $
proc place*(self: TrisGame, tile: TileKind, x, y: int) =
## Places a tile onto the playing board[x, y] = int(tile)
when isMainModule:
var game = newTrisGame(), 0, 0), 0, 1)
assert game.get() == Playing, 0, 2)
assert game.get() == Lose, 0, 2)
assert game.get() == Playing, 1, 1), 2, 2)
assert game.get() == Lose, 2, 2)
assert game.get() == Playing, 1, 2)
assert game.get() == Win