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# Copyright 2024 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Move generation logic
import std/strformat
import std/strutils
import std/tables
import bitboards
import board
import magics
import pieces
import moves
import position
import rays
import see
export bitboards, magics, pieces, moves, position, rays, board
proc generatePawnMoves(self: var Position, moves: var MoveList, destinationMask: Bitboard) =
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
nonSideToMove = sideToMove.opposite()
pawns = self.getBitboard(Pawn, sideToMove)
occupancy = self.getOccupancy()
# We can only capture enemy pieces
enemyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(nonSideToMove)
epTarget = self.enPassantSquare
diagonalPins = self.diagonalPins
orthogonalPins = self.orthogonalPins
promotionRank = sideToMove.getLastRank()
startingRank = sideToMove.getSecondRank()
friendlyKing = self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove).toSquare()
# Single and double pushes
# If a pawn is pinned diagonally, it cannot push forward
# If a pawn is pinned horizontally, it cannot move either. It can move vertically
# though. Thanks to Twipply for the tip on how to get a horizontal pin mask out of
# our orthogonal bitboard :)
horizontalPins = Bitboard((0xFF'u64 shl (rankFromSquare(friendlyKing).uint64 * 8))) and orthogonalPins
pushablePawns = pawns and not diagonalPins and not horizontalPins
singlePushes = (pushablePawns.forwardRelativeTo(sideToMove) and not occupancy) and destinationMask
# We do this weird dance instead of using doubleForwardRelativeTo() because that doesn't have any
# way to check if there's pieces on the two squares ahead of the pawn
var canDoublePush = pushablePawns and startingRank
canDoublePush = canDoublePush.forwardRelativeTo(sideToMove) and not occupancy
canDoublePush = canDoublePush.forwardRelativeTo(sideToMove) and not occupancy and destinationMask
for pawn in singlePushes and not promotionRank:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn))
for pawn in singlePushes and promotionRank:
for promotion in [PromoteToBishop, PromoteToKnight, PromoteToQueen, PromoteToRook]:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, promotion))
for pawn in canDoublePush:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().doubleBackwardRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, DoublePush))
canCapture = pawns and not orthogonalPins
canCaptureLeftUnpinned = (canCapture and not diagonalPins).forwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove) and enemyPieces and destinationMask
canCaptureRightUnpinned = (canCapture and not diagonalPins).forwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove) and enemyPieces and destinationMask
for pawn in canCaptureRightUnpinned and not promotionRank:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture))
for pawn in canCaptureRightUnpinned and promotionRank:
for promotion in [PromoteToBishop, PromoteToKnight, PromoteToQueen, PromoteToRook]:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture, promotion))
for pawn in canCaptureLeftUnpinned and not promotionRank:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture))
for pawn in canCaptureLeftUnpinned and promotionRank:
for promotion in [PromoteToBishop, PromoteToKnight, PromoteToQueen, PromoteToRook]:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture, promotion))
# Special cases for pawns pinned diagonally that can capture their pinners
canCaptureLeft = canCapture.forwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove) and enemyPieces and destinationMask
canCaptureRight = canCapture.forwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove) and enemyPieces and destinationMask
leftPinnedCanCapture = (canCaptureLeft and diagonalPins) and not canCaptureLeftUnpinned
rightPinnedCanCapture = ((canCaptureRight and diagonalPins) and not canCaptureRightUnpinned) and not canCaptureRightUnpinned
for pawn in leftPinnedCanCapture and not promotionRank:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture))
for pawn in leftPinnedCanCapture and promotionRank:
for promotion in [PromoteToBishop, PromoteToKnight, PromoteToQueen, PromoteToRook]:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture, promotion))
for pawn in rightPinnedCanCapture and not promotionRank:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture))
for pawn in rightPinnedCanCapture and promotionRank:
for promotion in [PromoteToBishop, PromoteToKnight, PromoteToQueen, PromoteToRook]:
moves.add(createMove(pawn.toBitboard().backwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove), pawn, Capture, promotion))
# En passant captures
var epBitboard = if epTarget != nullSquare(): epTarget.toBitboard() else: Bitboard(0)
if epBitboard != 0:
# See if en passant would create a check
# We don't and the destination mask with the ep target because we already check
# whether the king ends up in check. TODO: Fix this in a more idiomatic way
epPawn = epBitboard.backwardRelativeTo(sideToMove)
epLeft = pawns.forwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove) and epBitboard
epRight = pawns.forwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove) and epBitboard
# Note: it's possible for two pawns to both have rights to do an en passant! See
# 4k3/8/8/2PpP3/8/8/8/4K3 w - d6 0 1
if epLeft != 0:
# We basically simulate the en passant and see if the resulting
# occupancy bitboard has the king in check
friendlyPawn = epBitboard.backwardRightRelativeTo(sideToMove)
newOccupancy = occupancy and not epPawn and not friendlyPawn or epBitboard
# We also need to temporarily remove the en passant pawn from
# our bitboards, or else functions like getPawnAttacks won't
# get the news that the pawn is gone and will still think the
# king is in check after en passant when it actually isn't
# (see pos fen rnbqkbnr/pppp1ppp/8/2P5/K7/8/PPPP1PPP/RNBQ1BNR b kq - 0 1 moves b7b5 c5b6)
let epPawnSquare = epPawn.toSquare()
let epPiece = self.getPiece(epPawnSquare)
if not self.isOccupancyAttacked(friendlyKing, newOccupancy):
# En passant does not create a check on the king: all good
moves.add(createMove(friendlyPawn, epBitboard, EnPassant))
self.spawnPiece(epPawnSquare, epPiece)
if epRight != 0:
# Note that this isn't going to be the same pawn from the previous if block!
friendlyPawn = epBitboard.backwardLeftRelativeTo(sideToMove)
newOccupancy = occupancy and not epPawn and not friendlyPawn or epBitboard
let epPawnSquare = epPawn.toSquare()
let epPiece = self.getPiece(epPawnSquare)
if not self.isOccupancyAttacked(friendlyKing, newOccupancy):
# En passant does not create a check on the king: all good
moves.add(createMove(friendlyPawn, epBitboard, EnPassant))
self.spawnPiece(epPawnSquare, epPiece)
proc generateRookMoves(self: Position, moves: var MoveList, destinationMask: Bitboard) =
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
occupancy = self.getOccupancy()
enemyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(sideToMove.opposite())
rooks = self.getBitboard(Rook, sideToMove)
queens = self.getBitboard(Queen, sideToMove)
movableRooks = not self.diagonalPins and (queens or rooks)
pinMask = self.orthogonalPins
pinnedRooks = movableRooks and pinMask
unpinnedRooks = movableRooks and not pinnedRooks
for square in pinnedRooks:
blockers = occupancy and Rook.getRelevantBlockers(square)
moveset = getRookMoves(square, blockers)
for target in moveset and pinMask and destinationMask and not enemyPieces:
moves.add(createMove(square, target))
for target in moveset and enemyPieces and pinMask and destinationMask:
moves.add(createMove(square, target, Capture))
for square in unpinnedRooks:
blockers = occupancy and Rook.getRelevantBlockers(square)
moveset = getRookMoves(square, blockers)
for target in moveset and destinationMask and not enemyPieces:
moves.add(createMove(square, target))
for target in moveset and enemyPieces and destinationMask:
moves.add(createMove(square, target, Capture))
proc generateBishopMoves(self: Position, moves: var MoveList, destinationMask: Bitboard) =
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
occupancy = self.getOccupancy()
enemyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(sideToMove.opposite())
bishops = self.getBitboard(Bishop, sideToMove)
queens = self.getBitboard(Queen, sideToMove)
movableBishops = not self.orthogonalPins and (queens or bishops)
pinMask = self.diagonalPins
pinnedBishops = movableBishops and pinMask
unpinnedBishops = movableBishops and not pinnedBishops
for square in pinnedBishops:
blockers = occupancy and Bishop.getRelevantBlockers(square)
moveset = getBishopMoves(square, blockers)
for target in moveset and pinMask and destinationMask and not enemyPieces:
moves.add(createMove(square, target))
for target in moveset and pinMask and enemyPieces and destinationMask:
moves.add(createMove(square, target, Capture))
for square in unpinnedBishops:
blockers = occupancy and Bishop.getRelevantBlockers(square)
moveset = getBishopMoves(square, blockers)
for target in moveset and destinationMask and not enemyPieces:
moves.add(createMove(square, target))
for target in moveset and enemyPieces and destinationMask:
moves.add(createMove(square, target, Capture))
proc generateKingMoves(self: Position, moves: var MoveList, capturesOnly=false) =
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
king = self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove)
occupancy = self.getOccupancy()
nonSideToMove = sideToMove.opposite()
enemyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(nonSideToMove)
bitboard = getKingAttacks(king.toSquare())
noKingOccupancy = occupancy and not king
if not capturesOnly:
for square in bitboard and not occupancy:
if not self.isOccupancyAttacked(square, noKingOccupancy):
moves.add(createMove(king, square))
for square in bitboard and enemyPieces:
if not self.isOccupancyAttacked(square, noKingOccupancy):
moves.add(createMove(king, square, Capture))
proc generateKnightMoves(self: Position, moves: var MoveList, destinationMask: Bitboard) =
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
knights = self.getBitboard(Knight, sideToMove)
nonSideToMove = sideToMove.opposite()
pinned = self.diagonalPins or self.orthogonalPins
unpinnedKnights = knights and not pinned
enemyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(nonSideToMove) and not self.getBitboard(King, nonSideToMove)
for square in unpinnedKnights:
let bitboard = getKnightAttacks(square)
for target in bitboard and destinationMask and not enemyPieces:
moves.add(createMove(square, target))
for target in bitboard and destinationMask and enemyPieces:
moves.add(createMove(square, target, Capture))
proc generateCastling(self: Position, moves: var MoveList) =
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
castlingRights = self.canCastle()
kingSquare = self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove).toSquare()
kingPiece = self.getPiece(kingSquare)
if castlingRights.king:
moves.add(createMove(kingSquare, kingPiece.kingSideCastling(), Castle))
if castlingRights.queen:
moves.add(createMove(kingSquare, kingPiece.queenSideCastling(), Castle))
proc generateMoves*(self: var Position, moves: var MoveList, capturesOnly: bool = false) =
## Generates the list of all possible legal moves
## in the current position. If capturesOnly is
## true, only capture moves are generated
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
nonSideToMove = sideToMove.opposite()
self.generateKingMoves(moves, capturesOnly)
if self.checkers.countSquares() > 1:
# King is in double check: no need to generate any more
# moves
# We pass a mask to our move generators to remove stuff
# like our friendly pieces from the set of possible
# target squares, as well as to ensure checks are not
# ignored
var destinationMask: Bitboard
if not self.inCheck():
# Not in check: cannot move over friendly pieces
destinationMask = not self.getOccupancyFor(sideToMove)
# We *are* in check (from a single piece, because the two checks
# case was handled above already). If the piece is a slider, we'll
# extract the ray from it to our king and add the checking piece to
# it, meaning the only legal moves are those that either block the
# check or capture the checking piece. For other non-sliding pieces
# the ray will be empty so the only legal move will be to capture
# the checking piece (or moving the king)
checker = self.checkers.lowestSquare()
checkerBB = checker.toBitboard()
# epTarget = self.position.enPassantSquare
# checkerPiece = self.position.getPiece(checker)
destinationMask = getRayBetween(checker, self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove).toSquare()) or checkerBB
# TODO: This doesn't really work. I've addressed the issue for now, but it's kinda ugly. Find a better
# solution
# if checkerPiece.kind == Pawn and checkerBB.backwardRelativeTo(checkerPiece.color).toSquare() == epTarget:
# # We are in check by a pawn that pushed two squares: add the ep target square to the set of
# # squares that our friendly pieces can move to in order to resolve it. This will do nothing
# # for most pieces, because the move generators won't allow them to move there, but it does matter
# # for pawns
# destinationMask = destinationMask or epTarget.toBitboard()
if capturesOnly:
# Note: This does not cover en passant (which is good because it's a capture,
# but the "fix" stands on flimsy ground)
destinationMask = destinationMask and self.getOccupancyFor(nonSideToMove)
self.generatePawnMoves(moves, destinationMask)
self.generateKnightMoves(moves, destinationMask)
self.generateRookMoves(moves, destinationMask)
self.generateBishopMoves(moves, destinationMask)
# Queens are just handled rooks + bishops
proc generateMoves*(self: var Chessboard, moves: var MoveList, capturesOnly=false) =
## The same as Position.generateMoves()
self.position.generateMoves(moves, capturesOnly)
proc doMove*(self: var Chessboard, move: Move) =
## Internal function called by makeMove after
## performing legality checks. Can be used in
## performance-critical paths where a move is
## already known to be legal (i.e. during search)
# Record final position for future reference
# Final checks
piece = self.position.getPiece(move.startSquare)
sideToMove = piece.color
nonSideToMove = sideToMove.opposite()
when not defined(danger):
doAssert piece.kind != Empty and piece.color != None, &"{move} {self.toFEN()}"
halfMoveClock = self.position.halfMoveClock
fullMoveCount = self.position.fullMoveCount
enPassantTarget = nullSquare()
if self.position.enPassantSquare != nullSquare():
# Unset the previous en passant square in the zobrist key
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getEnPassantKey(fileFromSquare(self.position.enPassantSquare))
# Needed to detect draw by the 50 move rule
if piece.kind == Pawn or move.isCapture() or move.isEnPassant():
# Number of half-moves since the last reversible half-move
halfMoveClock = 0
if piece.color == Black:
if move.isDoublePush():
enPassantTarget = move.targetSquare.toBitboard().backwardRelativeTo(piece.color).toSquare()
# Create new position
self.position = Position(plyFromRoot: self.position.plyFromRoot + 1,
halfMoveClock: halfMoveClock,
fullMoveCount: fullMoveCount,
sideToMove: nonSideToMove,
enPassantSquare: enPassantTarget,
pieces: self.position.pieces,
castlingAvailability: self.position.castlingAvailability,
zobristKey: self.position.zobristKey,
mailbox: self.position.mailbox
if self.position.enPassantSquare != nullSquare():
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getEnPassantKey(fileFromSquare(move.targetSquare))
# Update position metadata
if move.isEnPassant():
# Make the en passant pawn disappear
let epPawnSquare = move.targetSquare.toBitboard().backwardRelativeTo(sideToMove).toSquare()
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor self.position.getPiece(epPawnSquare).getKey(epPawnSquare)
if move.isCastling() or piece.kind == King:
# If the king has moved, all castling rights for the side to
# move are revoked
if self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].king:
# XOR is its own inverse, so while setting a boolean to false more than once
# is not a problem, XORing the same key twice would give back the castling
# rights to the moving side!
self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].king = false
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getKingSideCastlingKey(sideToMove)
if self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].queen:
self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].queen = false
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getQueenSideCastlingKey(sideToMove)
if move.isCastling():
# Move the rook where it belongs
source: Square
rook: Piece
target: Square
if move.targetSquare == piece.kingSideCastling():
source = sideToMove.kingSideRook()
rook = self.position.getPiece(source)
target = rook.kingSideCastling()
elif move.targetSquare == piece.queenSideCastling():
source = sideToMove.queenSideRook()
rook = self.position.getPiece(source)
target = rook.queenSideCastling()
self.position.movePiece(source, target)
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor rook.getKey(source)
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor rook.getKey(target)
if piece.kind == Rook:
# If a rook on either side moves, castling rights are permanently revoked
# on that side
if move.startSquare == sideToMove.kingSideRook():
if self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].king:
self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].king = false
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getKingSideCastlingKey(sideToMove)
elif move.startSquare == sideToMove.queenSideRook():
if self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].queen:
self.position.castlingAvailability[sideToMove].queen = false
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getQueenSideCastlingKey(sideToMove)
if move.isCapture():
# Get rid of captured pieces
let captured = self.position.getPiece(move.targetSquare)
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor captured.getKey(move.targetSquare)
# If a rook has been captured, castling on that side is prohibited
if captured.kind == Rook:
if move.targetSquare == captured.color.kingSideRook():
if self.position.castlingAvailability[nonSideToMove].king:
self.position.castlingAvailability[nonSideToMove].king = false
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getKingSideCastlingKey(nonSideToMove)
elif move.targetSquare == captured.color.queenSideRook():
if self.position.castlingAvailability[nonSideToMove].queen:
self.position.castlingAvailability[nonSideToMove].queen = false
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getQueenSideCastlingKey(nonSideToMove)
# Move the piece to its target square
# Update piece location in the zobrist hash
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor piece.getKey(move.startSquare)
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor piece.getKey(move.targetSquare)
if move.isPromotion():
# Move is a pawn promotion: get rid of the pawn
# and spawn a new piece
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor piece.getKey(move.targetSquare)
var spawnedPiece: Piece
case move.getPromotionType():
of PromoteToBishop:
spawnedPiece = Piece(kind: Bishop, color: piece.color)
of PromoteToKnight:
spawnedPiece = Piece(kind: Knight, color: piece.color)
of PromoteToRook:
spawnedPiece = Piece(kind: Rook, color: piece.color)
of PromoteToQueen:
spawnedPiece = Piece(kind: Queen, color: piece.color)
# Unreachable
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor spawnedPiece.getKey(move.targetSquare)
self.position.spawnPiece(move.targetSquare, spawnedPiece)
# Updates checks and pins for the new side to move
# Swap the side to move
self.position.zobristKey = self.position.zobristKey xor getBlackToMoveKey()
proc isLegal*(self: var Chessboard, move: Move): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns whether the given move is legal
var moves = newMoveList()
return move in moves
proc isLegal*(self: var Position, move: Move): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns whether the given move is legal
var moves = newMoveList()
return move in moves
proc makeMove*(self: var Chessboard, move: Move): Move {.discardable.} =
## Makes a move on the board
result = move
# Updates checks and pins for the side to move
if not self.isLegal(move):
return nullMove()
proc makeNullMove*(self: var Chessboard) =
## Makes a "null" move, i.e. passes the turn
## to the opponent without making a move. This
## is obviously illegal and only to be used during
## search. The move can be undone via unmakeMove
self.position.sideToMove = self.position.sideToMove.opposite()
self.position.enPassantSquare = nullSquare()
self.position.fromNull = true
proc canNullMove*(self: Chessboard): bool =
## Returns whether a null move can be made.
## Specifically, one cannot null move if a
## null move was already made previously or
## if the side to move is in check
return not self.inCheck() and not self.position.fromNull
proc unmakeMove*(self: var Chessboard) =
## Reverts to the previous board position
if self.positions.len() == 0:
self.position = self.positions.pop()
## Testing stuff
proc testPiece(piece: Piece, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor) =
doAssert piece.kind == kind and piece.color == color, &"expected piece of kind {kind} and color {color}, got {piece.kind} / {piece.color} instead"
proc testPieceCount(board: Chessboard, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor, count: int) =
let pieces = board.position.countPieces(kind, color)
doAssert pieces == count, &"expected {count} pieces of kind {kind} and color {color}, got {pieces} instead"
proc testPieceBitboard(bitboard: Bitboard, squares: seq[Square]) =
var i = 0
for square in bitboard:
doAssert squares[i] == square, &"squares[{i}] != bitboard[i]: {squares[i]} != {square}"
if i != squares.len():
doAssert false, &"bitboard.len() ({i}) != squares.len() ({squares.len()})"
## Tests
const testFens = staticRead("../../tests/all.txt").splitLines()
const drawnFens = [("4k3/2b5/8/8/8/5B2/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", false), # KBvKB (currently not handled)
("4k3/2b5/8/8/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", true), # KBvK
("4k3/8/6b1/8/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", true), # KvKB
("4k3/8/8/6N1/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", true), # KNvK
("4k3/8/8/5n2/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", true), # KvKN
("4k3/8/8/5n2/8/5N2/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", false), # KNvKN
("4k3/8/6b1/7b/8/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", false), # KvKBB with same color bishop (currently not handled)
("4k3/8/8/5B2/6B1/8/8/4K3 w - - 0 1", false) # KBBvK with same color bishop (currently not handled)
const seeFens = [("4R3/2r3p1/5bk1/1p1r3p/p2PR1P1/P1BK1P2/1P6/8 b - - 0 1", createMove("h5", "g4", Capture), 0),
("4R3/2r3p1/5bk1/1p1r1p1p/p2PR1P1/P1BK1P2/1P6/8 b - - 0 1", createMove("h5", "g4", Capture), 0),
("4r1k1/5pp1/nbp4p/1p2p2q/1P2P1b1/1BP2N1P/1B2QPPK/3R4 b - - 0 1", createMove("g4", "f3", Capture), Knight.getStaticPieceScore() - Bishop.getStaticPieceScore()),
("2r1r1k1/pp1bppbp/3p1np1/q3P3/2P2P2/1P2B3/P1N1B1PP/2RQ1RK1 b - - 0 1", createMove("d6", "e5", Capture) , Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("7r/5qpk/p1Qp1b1p/3r3n/BB3p2/5p2/P1P2P2/4RK1R w - - 0 1", createMove("e1", "e8"), 0),
("6rr/6pk/p1Qp1b1p/2n5/1B3p2/5p2/P1P2P2/4RK1R w - - 0 1", createMove("e1", "e8"), -Rook.getStaticPieceScore()),
("7r/5qpk/2Qp1b1p/1N1r3n/BB3p2/5p2/P1P2P2/4RK1R w - - 0 1", createMove("e1", "e8"), -Rook.getStaticPieceScore()),
("6RR/4bP2/8/8/5r2/3K4/5p2/4k3 w - - 0 1", createMove("f7", "f8", PromoteToQueen), Bishop.getStaticPieceScore() - Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("6RR/4bP2/8/8/5r2/3K4/5p2/4k3 w - - 0 1", createMove("f7", "f8", PromoteToKnight), Knight.getStaticPieceScore() - Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("7R/4bP2/8/8/1q6/3K4/5p2/4k3 w - - 0 1", createMove("f7", "f8", PromoteToRook), -Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("8/4kp2/2npp3/1Nn5/1p2PQP1/7q/1PP1B3/4KR1r b - - 0 1", createMove("h1", "f1", Capture), 0),
("8/4kp2/2npp3/1Nn5/1p2P1P1/7q/1PP1B3/4KR1r b - - 0 1", createMove("h1", "f1", Capture), 0),
("2r2r1k/6bp/p7/2q2p1Q/3PpP2/1B6/P5PP/2RR3K b - - 0 1", createMove("c5", "c1", Capture), 2 * Rook.getStaticPieceScore() - Queen.getStaticPieceScore()),
("r2qk1nr/pp2ppbp/2b3p1/2p1p3/8/2N2N2/PPPP1PPP/R1BQR1K1 w qk - 0 1", createMove("f3", "e5", Capture), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("6r1/4kq2/b2p1p2/p1pPb3/p1P2B1Q/2P4P/2B1R1P1/6K1 w - - 0 1", createMove("f4", "e5", Capture), 0),
("3q2nk/pb1r1p2/np6/3P2Pp/2p1P3/2R4B/PQ3P1P/3R2K1 w - h6 0 1", createMove("g5", "h6", EnPassant), 0),
("3q2nk/pb1r1p2/np6/3P2Pp/2p1P3/2R1B2B/PQ3P1P/3R2K1 w - h6 0 1", createMove("g5", "h6", EnPassant), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("2r4r/1P4pk/p2p1b1p/7n/BB3p2/2R2p2/P1P2P2/4RK2 w - - 0 1", createMove("c3", "c8", Capture), Rook.getStaticPieceScore()),
("2r5/1P4pk/p2p1b1p/5b1n/BB3p2/2R2p2/P1P2P2/4RK2 w - - 0 1", createMove("c3", "c8", Capture), Rook.getStaticPieceScore()),
("2r4k/2r4p/p7/2b2p1b/4pP2/1BR5/P1R3PP/2Q4K w - - 0 1", createMove("c3", "c5", Capture), Bishop.getStaticPieceScore()),
("8/pp6/2pkp3/4bp2/2R3b1/2P5/PP4B1/1K6 w - - 0 1", createMove("g2", "c6", Capture), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore() - Bishop.getStaticPieceScore()),
("4q3/1p1pr1k1/1B2rp2/6p1/p3PP2/P3R1P1/1P2R1K1/4Q3 b - - 0 1", createMove("e6", "e4", Capture), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()-Rook.getStaticPieceScore()),
("4q3/1p1pr1kb/1B2rp2/6p1/p3PP2/P3R1P1/1P2R1K1/4Q3 b - - 0 1", createMove("h7", "e4", Capture), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("r1q1r1k1/pb1nppbp/1p3np1/1Pp1N3/3pNP2/B2P2PP/P3P1B1/2R1QRK1 w - c6 0 11", createMove("b5", "c6", EnPassant), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore()),
("r3k2r/p1ppqpb1/Bn2pnp1/3PN3/1p2P3/2N2Q2/PPPB1PpP/R3K2R w QKqk - 0 2", createMove("a6", "f1"), Pawn.getStaticPieceScore() - Bishop.getStaticPieceScore())
proc basicTests* =
# Test the FEN parser
for fen in testFens:
doAssert fen == loadFEN(fen).toFEN()
# Test zobrist hashing
for fen in testFens:
board = newChessboardFromFEN(fen)
hashes = newTable[ZobristKey, Move]()
moves = newMoveList()
for move in moves:
pos = board.position
key = pos.zobristKey
doAssert not hashes.contains(key), &"{fen} has zobrist collisions {move} -> {hashes[key]} (key is {key.uint64})"
hashes[key] = move
# Test detection of (some) draws by insufficient material
for (fen, isDrawn) in drawnFens:
doAssert newChessboardFromFEN(fen).isInsufficientMaterial() == isDrawn, &"draw check failed for {fen} (expected {isDrawn})"
# Test SEE scores
for (fen, move, expected) in seeFens:
let res = loadFEN(fen).see(move)
doAssert res == expected, &"SEE test failed for {fen} ({move}): expected {expected}, got {res}"
var board = newDefaultChessboard()
# Ensure correct number of pieces
testPieceCount(board, Pawn, White, 8)
testPieceCount(board, Pawn, Black, 8)
testPieceCount(board, Knight, White, 2)
testPieceCount(board, Knight, Black, 2)
testPieceCount(board, Bishop, White, 2)
testPieceCount(board, Bishop, Black, 2)
testPieceCount(board, Rook, White, 2)
testPieceCount(board, Rook, Black, 2)
testPieceCount(board, Queen, White, 1)
testPieceCount(board, Queen, Black, 1)
testPieceCount(board, King, White, 1)
testPieceCount(board, King, Black, 1)
# Ensure pieces are in the correct squares
# Pawns
for loc in ["a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "f2", "g2", "h2"]:
testPiece(board.position.getPiece(loc), Pawn, White)
for loc in ["a7", "b7", "c7", "d7", "e7", "f7", "g7", "h7"]:
testPiece(board.position.getPiece(loc), Pawn, Black)
# Rooks
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("a1"), Rook, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("h1"), Rook, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("a8"), Rook, Black)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("h8"), Rook, Black)
# Knights
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("b1"), Knight, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("g1"), Knight, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("b8"), Knight, Black)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("g8"), Knight, Black)
# Bishops
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("c1"), Bishop, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("f1"), Bishop, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("c8"), Bishop, Black)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("f8"), Bishop, Black)
# Kings
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("e1"), King, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("e8"), King, Black)
# Queens
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("d1"), Queen, White)
testPiece(board.position.getPiece("d8"), Queen, Black)
# Ensure our bitboards match with the board
whitePawns = board.position.getBitboard(Pawn, White)
whiteKnights = board.position.getBitboard(Knight, White)
whiteBishops = board.position.getBitboard(Bishop, White)
whiteRooks = board.position.getBitboard(Rook, White)
whiteQueens = board.position.getBitboard(Queen, White)
whiteKing = board.position.getBitboard(King, White)
blackPawns = board.position.getBitboard(Pawn, Black)
blackKnights = board.position.getBitboard(Knight, Black)
blackBishops = board.position.getBitboard(Bishop, Black)
blackRooks = board.position.getBitboard(Rook, Black)
blackQueens = board.position.getBitboard(Queen, Black)
blackKing = board.position.getBitboard(King, Black)
whitePawnSquares = @[makeSquare(6'i8, 0'i8), makeSquare(6, 1), makeSquare(6, 2), makeSquare(6, 3), makeSquare(6, 4), makeSquare(6, 5), makeSquare(6, 6), makeSquare(6, 7)]
whiteKnightSquares = @[makeSquare(7'i8, 1'i8), makeSquare(7, 6)]
whiteBishopSquares = @[makeSquare(7'i8, 2'i8), makeSquare(7, 5)]
whiteRookSquares = @[makeSquare(7'i8, 0'i8), makeSquare(7, 7)]
whiteQueenSquares = @[makeSquare(7'i8, 3'i8)]
whiteKingSquares = @[makeSquare(7'i8, 4'i8)]
blackPawnSquares = @[makeSquare(1'i8, 0'i8), makeSquare(1, 1), makeSquare(1, 2), makeSquare(1, 3), makeSquare(1, 4), makeSquare(1, 5), makeSquare(1, 6), makeSquare(1, 7)]
blackKnightSquares = @[makeSquare(0'i8, 1'i8), makeSquare(0, 6)]
blackBishopSquares = @[makeSquare(0'i8, 2'i8), makeSquare(0, 5)]
blackRookSquares = @[makeSquare(0'i8, 0'i8), makeSquare(0, 7)]
blackQueenSquares = @[makeSquare(0'i8, 3'i8)]
blackKingSquares = @[makeSquare(0'i8, 4'i8)]
testPieceBitboard(whitePawns, whitePawnSquares)
testPieceBitboard(whiteKnights, whiteKnightSquares)
testPieceBitboard(whiteBishops, whiteBishopSquares)
testPieceBitboard(whiteRooks, whiteRookSquares)
testPieceBitboard(whiteQueens, whiteQueenSquares)
testPieceBitboard(whiteKing, whiteKingSquares)
testPieceBitboard(blackPawns, blackPawnSquares)
testPieceBitboard(blackKnights, blackKnightSquares)
testPieceBitboard(blackBishops, blackBishopSquares)
testPieceBitboard(blackRooks, blackRookSquares)
testPieceBitboard(blackQueens, blackQueenSquares)
testPieceBitboard(blackKing, blackKingSquares)
# Test repetition
for move in ["b1c3", "g8f6", "c3b1", "f6g8", "b1c3", "g8f6", "c3b1", "f6g8"]:
board.makeMove(createMove(move[0..1].toSquare(), move[2..3].toSquare()))
doAssert board.drawnByRepetition()