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## Low-level magic bitboard stuff
# Stolen from this amazing article: https://analog-hors.github.io/site/magic-bitboards/
import bitboards
import pieces
import std/random
export pieces
export bitboards
MagicEntry = object
## A magic bitboard entry
mask: Bitboard
value: uint64
indexBits: uint8
proc generateRookBlockers: array[64, Bitboard] {.compileTime.} =
## Generates all blocker masks for rooks
for rank in 0..7:
for file in 0..7:
square = makeSquare(rank, file)
i = square.int
bitboard = square.toBitboard()
current = bitboard
last = makeSquare(rank, 7).toBitboard()
while true:
current = current.rightRelativeTo(White)
if current == last or current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
current = bitboard
last = makeSquare(rank, 0).toBitboard()
while true:
current = current.leftRelativeTo(White)
if current == last or current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
current = bitboard
last = makeSquare(0, file).toBitboard()
while true:
current = current.forwardRelativeTo(White)
if current == last or current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
current = bitboard
last = makeSquare(7, file).toBitboard()
while true:
current = current.backwardRelativeTo(White)
if current == last or current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
func generateBishopBlockers: array[64, Bitboard] {.compileTime.} =
for rank in 0..7:
for file in 0..7:
# Generate all possible movement masks
square = makeSquare(rank, file)
i = square.int
bitboard = square.toBitboard()
current = bitboard
while true:
current = current.backwardRightRelativeTo(White)
if current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
current = bitboard
while true:
current = current.backwardLeftRelativeTo(White)
if current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
current = bitboard
while true:
current = current.forwardLeftRelativeTo(White)
if current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
current = bitboard
while true:
current = current.forwardRightRelativeTo(White)
if current == 0:
result[i] = result[i] or current
# Mask off the edges
result[i] = result[i] and not getFileMask(0)
result[i] = result[i] and not getFileMask(7)
result[i] = result[i] and not getRankMask(0)
result[i] = result[i] and not getRankMask(7)
func getIndex(magic: MagicEntry, blockers: Bitboard): uint {.inline.} =
## Computes an index into the magic bitboard table using
## the given magic entry and the blockers bitboard
blockers = blockers and magic.mask
hash = blockers * magic.value
index = hash shl (64 - magic.indexBits)
return index.uint
# Magic number tables and their corresponding moves
ROOK_MAGICS: seq[MagicEntry]
ROOK_MOVES: array[64, seq[Bitboard]]
BISHOP_MAGICS: seq[MagicEntry]
BISHOP_MOVES: array[64, seq[Bitboard]]
proc getRookMoves(square: Square, blockers: Bitboard): Bitboard =
## Returns the move bitboard for the rook at the given
## square with the given blockers bitboard
magic = ROOK_MAGICS[square.uint]
moves = ROOK_MOVES[square.uint]
return moves[getIndex(magic, blockers)]
proc getBishopMoves(square: Square, blockers: Bitboard): Bitboard =
## Returns the move bitboard for the bishop at the given
## square with the given blockers bitboard
magic = BISHOP_MAGICS[square.uint]
moves = BISHOP_MOVES[square.uint]
return moves[getIndex(magic, blockers)]
# Precomputed blocker masks. Only pieces on these bitboards
# are actually able to block the movement of a sliding piece,
# regardless of color
ROOK_BLOCKERS* = generateRookBlockers()
BISHOP_BLOCKERS* = generateBishopBlockers()
# func findMagic(slider: PieceKind, square: Square, indexBits: uint8): tuple[magic: MagicEntry, moves: seq[Bitboard]] =
# ## Given a slider piece, its starting square and the number of desired
# ## index bits, find a magic number that perfectly maps all the possible
# ## sliding moves for that piece at that square into an appropriately sized
# ## perfect hash table with at most 2^indexBits entries
# var mask: Bitboard
# case slider:
# of Rook:
# mask = ROOK_BLOCKERS[square.uint]