More additions to move generation and initial sliding work

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Mattia Giambirtone 2023-10-16 15:25:48 +02:00
parent 7d35e32485
commit e1ee38ab6e
1 changed files with 136 additions and 168 deletions

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@ -103,86 +103,6 @@ proc algebraicToPosition*(s: string): Location {.inline.}
proc getCapture*(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): Location
func emptyMove*: Move {.inline.} = Move(startSquare: emptyLocation(), targetSquare: emptyLocation(), piece: emptyPiece())
# Movement offsets for the various pieces. They are
# different for each color because the board is an 8x8
# grid indexed at 0, which means that white is at the
# bottom of the grid going up (indexes are decreasing)
# and black is at the top of the grid going down (indeces
# are increasing). These offsets are needed to take that
# into account when doing move generation or checking for
# captures
proc getMovementOffsets(self: ChessBoard, location: Location): seq[Location] =
let piece = self.grid[location.row, location.col]
case piece.color:
of White:
case piece.kind:
of Pawn:
# Pawns can move forward one square. In our flipped
# board configuration, that means moving up one row
# while keeping the column the same
if location.row in 1..6 and self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col].color == None:
result.add((location.row - 1, location.col))
if self.enPassantSquare.piece.color == piece.color.opposite:
if abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.col - location.col) == 1 and abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.row - location.row) == 1:
# Only viable if the piece is on the diagonal of the target
# They can also move on either diagonal one
# square, but only to capture
if location.col in 1..6 and location.row in 1..6:
if self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == Black:
# Top right diagonal (white side)
result.add((location.row + 1, location.col + 1))
if self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col - 1].color == Black:
# Top left diagonal
result.add((location.row + 1, location.col + 1))
# Pawn is at the right side, can only capture
# on the left one
elif location.col == 0 and location.row < 7 and self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == Black:
result.add((location.row + 1, location.col + 1))
# Pawn is at the left side, can only capture
# on the right one
elif location.col == 7 and location.row < 7 and self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col - 1].color == Black:
result.add((location.row - 1, location.col - 1))
of Bishop:
return @[]
of Black:
case piece.kind:
of Pawn:
# Pawns can move forward one square. In our flipped
# board configuration, that means moving down one row
# while keeping the column the same
if location.row in 1..6 and self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col].color == None:
result.add((1, 0))
if self.enPassantSquare.piece.color == piece.color.opposite:
if abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.col - location.col) == 1 and abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.row - location.row) == 1:
# Only viable if the piece is on the diagonal of the target
# They can also move on either diagonal one
# square, but only to capture
if location.col in 1..6 and location.row in 1..6:
if self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col - 1].color == White:
# Top right diagonal (black side)
result.add((1, 1))
if self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == White:
# Top left diagonal
result.add((-1, -1))
# Pawn is at the right side, can only capture
# on the left one
elif location.col > 0 and location.row > 0 and self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col + 1].color == White:
result.add((-1, -1))
# Pawn is at the left side, can only capture
# on the right one
elif location.col == 7 and location.row > 0 and self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == White:
result.add((1, 1))
of Bishop:
return @[]
func getStartRow(piece: Piece): int {.inline.} =
## Retrieves the starting row of
@ -205,6 +125,11 @@ func getStartRow(piece: Piece): int {.inline.} =
return 0
func getLastRow(color: PieceColor): int {.inline.} =
## Retrieves the location of the last
## row relative to the given color
proc newChessboard: ChessBoard =
## Returns a new, empty chessboard
@ -452,65 +377,95 @@ proc getPiece*(self: ChessBoard, square: string): Piece =
proc generatePawnMoves(self: ChessBoard, location: Location): seq[Move] =
## Generates pawn moves
## Generates the possible moves for the pawn in the given
## location
piece = self.grid[location.row, location.col]
locations: seq[Location] = @[]
doAssert piece.kind == Pawn, &"generatePawnMoves called on a {piece.kind}"
for offset in self.getMovementOffsets(location):
result.add(Move(startSquare: location, targetSquare: offset, piece: self.grid[location.row, location.col]))
case piece.color:
of White:
# Pawns can move forward one square. In our flipped
# board configuration, that means moving up one row
# while keeping the column the same
if location.row in 1..6 and self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col].color == None:
locations.add((location.row - 1, location.col))
if self.enPassantSquare.piece.color == piece.color.opposite:
if abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.col - location.col) == 1 and abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.row - location.row) == 1:
# Only viable if the piece is on the diagonal of the target
# They can also move on either diagonal one
# square, but only to capture
if location.col in 1..6 and location.row in 1..6:
if self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == Black:
# Top right diagonal (white side)
locations.add((location.row + 1, location.col + 1))
if self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col - 1].color == Black:
# Top left diagonal
locations.add((location.row + 1, location.col + 1))
# Pawn is at the right side, can only capture
# on the left one
elif location.col == 0 and location.row < 7 and self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == Black:
locations.add((location.row + 1, location.col + 1))
# Pawn is at the left side, can only capture
# on the right one
elif location.col == 7 and location.row < 7 and self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col - 1].color == Black:
locations.add((location.row - 1, location.col - 1))
of Black:
# Pawns can move forward one square. In our flipped
# board configuration, that means moving down one row
# while keeping the column the same
if location.row in 1..6 and self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col].color == None:
locations.add((1, 0))
if self.enPassantSquare.piece.color == piece.color.opposite:
if abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.col - location.col) == 1 and abs(self.enPassantSquare.targetSquare.row - location.row) == 1:
# Only viable if the piece is on the diagonal of the target
# They can also move on either diagonal one
# square, but only to capture
if location.col in 1..6 and location.row in 1..6:
if self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col - 1].color == White:
# Top right diagonal (black side)
locations.add((1, 1))
if self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == White:
# Top left diagonal
locations.add((-1, -1))
# Pawn is at the right side, can only capture
# on the left one
elif location.col > 0 and location.row > 0 and self.grid[location.row - 1, location.col + 1].color == White:
locations.add((-1, -1))
# Pawn is at the left side, can only capture
# on the right one
elif location.col == 7 and location.row > 0 and self.grid[location.row + 1, location.col + 1].color == White:
locations.add((1, 1))
for target in locations:
if target.row == piece.color.getLastRow():
# Generate all promotion moves
for promotionType in [PromoteToKnight, PromoteToBishop, PromoteToRook, PromoteToQueen]:
result.add(Move(startSquare: location, targetSquare: target, piece: self.grid[location.row, location.col], flag: promotionType))
result.add(Move(startSquare: location, targetSquare: target, piece: self.grid[location.row, location.col]))
proc generateSlidingMoves(self: ChessBoard, location: Location): seq[Move] =
## Generates sliding moves
## Generates sliding moves for the sliding piece in the given location
square: Piece
piece = self.grid[location.row, location.col]
newLocation: Location
doAssert piece.kind in [Bishop, Rook, Queen], &"generateSlidingMoves called on a {piece.kind}"
for offset in self.getMovementOffsets(location):
newLocation = (location.row + offset.row, location.col + offset.col)
# Keep sliding until there is a friendly piece or a capture in the way
while true:
square = self.grid[newLocation.row, newLocation.col]
# Friendly piece: cannot move any further
if square.color == piece.color:
# Empty square or capture: can do!
if square.color == None or square.color == piece.color.opposite():
result.add(Move(startSquare: location, targetSquare: newLocation, piece: piece))
# Continue in this direction
newLocation.row += offset.row
# Check if we reached the end of the board
if newLocation.row < 0 or newLocation.row > 7:
newLocation.col += offset.col
if newLocation.col < 0 or newLocation.col > 7:
proc generateMoves(self: ChessBoard, location: Location): seq[Move] =
## Returns the list of possible moves for the
## piece in the given location
let piece = self.grid[location.row, location.col]
case piece.color:
of White:
case piece.kind:
of Queen, Bishop, Rook:
return self.generateSlidingMoves(location)
of Pawn:
return self.generatePawnMoves(location)
of Bishop:
return self.generateSlidingMoves(location)
of Black:
case piece.kind:
of Pawn:
return self.generatePawnMoves(location)
of Bishop:
return self.generateSlidingMoves(location)
return @[]
@ -537,18 +492,9 @@ proc isCapture*(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): bool {.inline.} =
return self.getCapture(move) != emptyLocation()
proc testMoveOffsets(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): bool =
## Returns true if the piece in the given
## move is allowed to move in the direction
## specified. This does not take pins nor checks
## into account, but other rules like double pawn
## pushes and en passant are validated here. Note
## that this is an internal method called by checkMove
## and it does not validate whether the target square
## is occupied or not (it is assumed the check has been
## performed beforehand, like checkMove does)
case move.piece.kind:
of Pawn:
proc validatePawnMove(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): bool =
## Returns true if the given pawn move is allowed
## (internal helper to testMoveOffsets)
if move.targetSquare.col != move.startSquare.col:
# Pawn can only change column in case of capture or en passant
if self.enPassantSquare == emptyMove():
@ -585,8 +531,30 @@ proc testMoveOffsets(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): bool =
# Captures are checked earlier, so we only need to make sure we aren't blocked by
# a piece
return self.grid[move.targetSquare.row, move.targetSquare.col].kind == Empty
proc validateSlidingMove(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): bool =
## Returns true if the given pawn move is allowed
## (internal helper to testMoveOffsets)
var directions: seq[Location]
proc testMoveOffsets(self: ChessBoard, move: Move): bool =
## Returns true if the piece in the given
## move is pseudo-legal: this does not take pins
## nor checks into account, but other rules like
## double pawn pushes and en passant are validated
## here. Note that this is an internal method called
## by checkMove and it does not validate whether the
## target square is occupied or not (it is assumed the
## check has been performed beforehand, like checkMove
## does)
case move.piece.kind:
of Pawn:
return self.validatePawnMove(move)
of Bishop:
return self.validateSlidingMove(move)
return false