Improve modularity and add bitboard tests

This commit is contained in:
Mattia Giambirtone 2024-04-16 15:24:31 +02:00
parent 52bd08b9bd
commit 415ab1285f
4 changed files with 496 additions and 414 deletions

src/Chess/bitboards.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,148 @@
## Implements low-level bit operations
import std/bitops
import std/strutils
import pieces
Bitboard* = distinct uint64
## A bitboard
# Overloaded operators and functions for our bitboard type
func `shl`*(a: Bitboard, x: Positive): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 shl x)
func `shr`*(a: Bitboard, x: Positive): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 shr x)
func `and`*(a, b: Bitboard): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 and b.uint64)
func `shr`*(a, b: Bitboard): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 and b.uint64)
func `+`*(a, b: Bitboard): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 + b.uint64)
func `-`*(a, b: Bitboard): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 - b.uint64)
func `div`*(a, b: Bitboard): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 div b.uint64)
func `*`*(a, b: Bitboard): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 * b.uint64)
func `+`*(a: Bitboard, b: SomeUnsignedInt): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 + b)
func `-`*(a: Bitboard, b: SomeUnsignedInt): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 - b.uint64)
func `div`*(a: Bitboard, b: SomeUnsignedInt): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 div b)
func `*`*(a: Bitboard, b: SomeUnsignedInt): Bitboard = Bitboard(a.uint64 * b)
func `==`*(a, b: Bitboard): bool {.inline.} = a.uint64 == b.uint64
func `==`*(a: Bitboard, b: SomeInteger): bool {.inline.} = a.uint64 == b.uint64
func getFileMask*(file: Positive): Bitboard = Bitboard(0x101010101010101'u64) shl file
func getRankMask*(rank: Positive): Bitboard = Bitboard(uint64.high()) shl Positive(8 * (rank + 1))
func squareToBitboard*(square: SomeInteger): Bitboard = Bitboard(1'u64) shl square.uint64
func squareToBitboard*(square: Square): Bitboard = squareToBitboard(coordToIndex(square))
proc bitboardToSquare*(b: Bitboard): Square = Square(b.uint64.countTrailingZeroBits().indexToCoord())
func toBin*(x: Bitboard, b: Positive = 64): string = toBin(BiggestInt(x), b)
func toBin*(x: uint64, b: Positive = 64): string = toBin(Bitboard(x), b)
iterator items*(self: Bitboard): Square =
## Iterates ove the given bitboard
## and returns all the squares that
## are set
var bits = self
while bits != 0:
yield bits.bitboardToSquare()
bits = bits and bits - 1
iterator pairs*(self: Bitboard): tuple[i: int, sq: Square] =
var i = 0
for item in self:
yield (i, item)
func pretty*(self: Bitboard): string =
iterator items(self: Bitboard): uint8 =
## Iterates over all the bits in the
## given bitboard
for i in 0..63:
yield self.uint64.bitsliced(i..i).uint8
iterator pairs(self: Bitboard): (int, uint8) =
var i = 0
for bit in self:
yield (i, bit)
## Returns a prettyfied version of
## the given bitboard
for i, bit in self:
if i > 0 and i mod 8 == 0:
result &= "\n"
result &= $bit
func computeDiagonalpieces: array[14, Bitboard] {.compileTime.} =
## Precomputes all the pieces for diagonals
## at compile time
result[0] = Bitboard(0x8040201008040201'u64)
col = 1
i = 0
# Left to right
while col < 8:
result[col] = Bitboard(0x8040201008040201'u64) shl (8 * col)
result[i] = Bitboard(0x102040810204080'u64)
col = 1
# Right to left
while col < 7:
result[i] = Bitboard(0x102040810204080'u64) shr (8 * col)
const diagonalpieces = computeDiagonalpieces()
func getDirectionMask*(square: Square, color: PieceColor, direction: Direction): Bitboard =
## Get a bitmask for the given direction for a piece
## of the given color
case color:
of White:
case direction:
of Forward:
return squareToBitboard(square) shl 8
of Backward:
return squareToBitboard(square) shr 8
of ForwardRight:
return squareToBitboard(square) shl 9
of ForwardLeft:
return squareToBitboard(square) shr 9
of BackwardRight:
return squareToBitboard(square) shl 17
of BackwardLeft:
return squareToBitboard(square) shr 17
of Black:
# The directions for black are just the opposite of those for white,
# so we avoid duplicating any code
case direction:
of Forward:
return getDirectionMask(square, White, Backward)
of Backward:
return getDirectionMask(square, White, Forward)
of ForwardRight:
return getDirectionMask(square, White, ForwardLeft)
of ForwardLeft:
return getDirectionMask(square, White, ForwardRight)
of BackwardRight:
return getDirectionMask(square, White, BackwardLeft)
of BackwardLeft:
return getDirectionMask(square, White, BackwardRight)

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

src/Chess/moves.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
## Handling of moves
import pieces
MoveFlag* = enum
## An enumeration of move flags
Default = 0'u16, # No flag
EnPassant = 1, # Move is a capture with en passant
Capture = 2, # Move is a capture
DoublePush = 4, # Move is a double pawn push
# Castling metadata
CastleLong = 8,
CastleShort = 16,
# Pawn promotion metadata
PromoteToQueen = 32,
PromoteToRook = 64,
PromoteToBishop = 128,
PromoteToKnight = 256
Move* = object
## A chess move
startSquare*: Square
targetSquare*: Square
flags*: uint16
func createMove*(startSquare, targetSquare: string, flags: seq[MoveFlag] = @[]): Move =
result = Move(startSquare: startSquare.algebraicToSquare(),
targetSquare: targetSquare.algebraicToSquare(), flags: Default.uint16)
for flag in flags:
result.flags = result.flags or flag.uint16
func createMove*(startSquare, targetSquare: Square, flags: seq[MoveFlag] = @[]): Move =
result = Move(startSquare: startSquare, targetSquare: targetSquare, flags: Default.uint16)
for flag in flags:
result.flags = result.flags or flag.uint16
func nullMove*: Move {.inline.} = createMove(nullSquare(), nullSquare())

src/Chess/pieces.nim Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
## Low-level handling of squares, board indeces and pieces
import std/strutils
import std/strformat
Square* = tuple[rank, file: int8]
## A square
PieceColor* = enum
## A piece color enumeration
None = 0'i8,
PieceKind* = enum
## A chess piece enumeration
Empty = 0'i8, # No piece
Bishop = 'b',
King = 'k'
Knight = 'n',
Pawn = 'p',
Queen = 'q',
Rook = 'r',
Direction* = enum
## A move direction enumeration
Piece* = object
## A chess piece
color*: PieceColor
kind*: PieceKind
func coordToIndex*(row, col: SomeInteger): int {.inline.} = (row * 8) + col
func coordToIndex*(square: Square): int {.inline.} = coordToIndex(square.rank, square.file)
func indexToCoord*(index: SomeInteger): Square {.inline.} = ((index div 8).int8, (index mod 8).int8)
func nullPiece*: Piece {.inline.} = Piece(kind: Empty, color: None)
func nullSquare*: Square {.inline.} = (-1 , -1)
func opposite*(c: PieceColor): PieceColor {.inline.} = (if c == White: Black else: White)
func `+`*(a, b: Square): Square {.inline.} = (a.rank + b.rank, a.file + b.file)
func `-`*(a: Square): Square {.inline.} = (-a.rank, -a.file)
func `-`*(a, b: Square): Square{.inline.} = (a.rank - b.rank, a.file - b.file)
func isValid*(a: Square): bool {.inline.} = a.rank in 0..7 and a.file in 0..7
func isLightSquare*(a: Square): bool {.inline.} = (a.rank + a.file and 2) == 0
func makeSquare*(rank, file: SomeInteger): Square = (rank: rank.int8, file: file.int8)
func fileToColumn*(file: int): int8 {.inline.} =
## Converts a chess file (1-indexed)
## into a 0-indexed column value for our
## board. This converter is necessary because
## chess positions are indexed differently with
## respect to our internal representation
const indeces: array[8, int8] = [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
return indeces[file - 1]
func rowToRank*(row: int): int8 {.inline.} =
## Converts a row into our grid into
## a chess rank
const indeces: array[8, int8] = [8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
return indeces[row]
func algebraicToSquare*(s: string): Square =
## Converts a square square from algebraic
## notation to its corresponding row and column
## in the chess grid (0 indexed)
if len(s) != 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "algebraic position must be of length 2")
var s = s.toLowerAscii()
if s[0] notin 'a'..'h':
raise newException(ValueError, &"algebraic position has invalid first character ('{s[0]}')")
if s[1] notin '1'..'8':
raise newException(ValueError, &"algebraic position has invalid second character ('{s[1]}')")
let rank = int8(uint8(s[0]) - uint8('a'))
# Convert the file character to a number
let file = fileToColumn(int8(uint8(s[1]) - uint8('0')))
return (file, rank)
func squareToAlgebraic*(square: Square): string {.inline.} =
## Converts a square from our internal rank/file
## notation to a square in algebraic notation
return &"{rowToRank(square.rank)}{char(uint8(square.file) + uint8('a'))}"