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2023-03-18 18:14:30 +01:00
# Copyright 2023 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import ../util/matrix
export matrix
2023-03-18 18:14:30 +01:00
import std/strutils
2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
import std/strformat
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Location = tuple[row, col: int]
Pieces = tuple[king: Location, queen: Location, rooks: seq[Location],
bishops: seq[Location], knights: seq[Location],
pawns: seq[Location]]
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PieceColor* = enum
None = 0,
PieceKind* = enum
Empty = '\0', # No piece
2023-03-18 18:14:30 +01:00
Bishop = 'b',
King = 'k'
Knight = 'n',
Pawn = 'p',
Queen = 'q',
Rook = 'r',
Piece* = object
color*: PieceColor
kind*: PieceKind
captured*: bool
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Position* = object
piece*: Piece
location*: Location
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ChessBoard* = ref object
## A chess board object
grid: Matrix[Piece]
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# Currently active color
turn: PieceColor
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# Number of half moves since
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# last piece capture or pawn movement.
# Used for the 50-move rule
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halfMoveClock: int
# Full move counter. Increments
# every 2 ply
fullMoveCount: int
# Stores metadata for castling.
castling: tuple[white, black: tuple[queen, king: bool]]
# En passant target square (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_passant)
# If en passant is not possible, both the row and
# column of the position will be set to -1
enPassantSquare: Position
# Locations of all pieces
pieces: tuple[white: Pieces, black: Pieces]
# Locations of all attacked squares
attacked: tuple[white: seq[Location], black: seq[Location]]
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# Initialized only once, copied every time
var empty: seq[Piece] = @[]
for _ in countup(0, 63):
empty.add(Piece(kind: Empty, color: None))
proc countPieces*(self: ChessBoard, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor): int =
## Counts the number of pieces with
## the given color and type
case color:
of White:
case kind:
of Pawn:
return self.pieces.white.pawns.len()
of Bishop:
return self.pieces.white.bishops.len()
of Knight:
return self.pieces.white.knights.len()
of Rook:
return self.pieces.white.rooks.len()
of Queen:
return int(self.pieces.white.queen != (-1, -1))
of King:
# There shall be only one, forever
return 1
of Black:
case kind:
of Pawn:
return self.pieces.black.pawns.len()
of Bishop:
return self.pieces.black.bishops.len()
of Knight:
return self.pieces.black.knights.len()
of Rook:
return self.pieces.black.rooks.len()
of Queen:
return int(self.pieces.black.queen != (-1, -1))
of King:
return 1
of None:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid piece type")
proc countPieces*(self: ChessBoard, piece: Piece): int =
## Returns the number of pieces on the board that
## are of the same type and color of the given piece
return self.countPieces(piece.kind, piece.color)
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func rankToColumn(rank: int): int =
## Converts a chess rank (1-indexed)
## into a 0-indexed column value for our
## board. This converter is necessary because
## chess positions are indexed differently with
## respect to our internal representation
const indeces = [7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0]
return indeces[rank - 1]
proc algebraicToPosition*(s: string): Location {.inline.} =
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## Converts a square location from algebraic
## notation to its corresponding row and column
## in the chess grid (0 indexed)
if len(s) != 2:
raise newException(ValueError, "algebraic position must be of length 2")
2023-10-13 11:54:57 +02:00
var s = s.toLowerAscii()
if s[0] notin 'a'..'h':
raise newException(ValueError, &"algebraic position has invalid first character ('{s[0]}')")
if s[1] notin '1'..'8':
raise newException(ValueError, &"algebraic position has invalid second character ('{s[1]}')")
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let file = int(uint8(s[0]) - uint8('a'))
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# Convert the rank character to a number
let rank = rankToColumn(int(uint8(s[1]) - uint8('0')))
return (rank, file)
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proc getPiece*(self: ChessBoard, square: string): Piece =
## Gets the piece on the given square
## in algebraic notation
let loc = square.algebraicToPosition()
return self.grid[loc.row, loc.col]
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proc `$`*(self: ChessBoard): string =
result &= "- - - - - - - -"
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for i, row in self.grid:
2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
result &= "\n"
for piece in row:
if piece.kind == Empty:
result &= " "
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2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
if piece.color == White:
result &= &"{char(piece.kind).toUpperAscii()} "
result &= &"{char(piece.kind)} "
2023-10-13 11:54:57 +02:00
result &= &"{rankToColumn(i + 1) + 1}"
2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
result &= "\n- - - - - - - -"
2023-10-13 11:54:57 +02:00
result &= "\na b c d e f g h"
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proc newChessboard: ChessBoard =
## Returns a new, empty chessboard
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# Turns our flat sequence into an 8x8 grid
result.grid = newMatrixFromSeq[Piece](empty, (8, 8))
result.attacked = (@[], @[])
result.enPassantSquare = Position(piece: Piece(kind: Empty, color: None), location: (-1, -1))
proc newChessboardFromFEN*(state: string): ChessBoard =
## Initializes a chessboard with the
## state encoded by the given FEN string
result = newChessboard()
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# Current location in the grid
row = 0
column = 0
# Current section in the FEN string
section = 0
# Current index into the FEN string
index = 0
# Temporary variable to store the piece
piece: Piece
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# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation
while index <= state.high():
var c = state[index]
if c == ' ':
# Next section
case section:
of 0:
# Piece placement data
case c.toLowerAscii():
# Piece
2023-03-18 18:14:30 +01:00
of 'r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'p':
# We know for a fact these values are in our
# enumeration, so all is good
piece = Piece(kind: PieceKind(c.toLowerAscii()), color: if c.isUpperAscii(): White else: Black)
case piece.color:
of Black:
case piece.kind:
of Pawn:
result.pieces.black.pawns.add((row, column))
of Bishop:
result.pieces.black.bishops.add((row, column))
of Knight:
result.pieces.black.knights.add((row, column))
of Rook:
result.pieces.black.rooks.add((row, column))
of Queen:
result.pieces.black.queen = (row, column)
of King:
result.pieces.black.king = (row, column)
of White:
case piece.kind:
of Pawn:
result.pieces.white.pawns.add((row, column))
of Bishop:
result.pieces.white.bishops.add((row, column))
of Knight:
result.pieces.white.knights.add((row, column))
of Rook:
result.pieces.white.rooks.add((row, column))
of Queen:
result.pieces.white.queen = (row, column)
of King:
result.pieces.white.king = (row, column)
result.grid[row, column] = piece
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of '/':
# Next row
2023-03-18 18:14:30 +01:00
column = 0
of '0'..'9':
# Skip x columns
2023-03-18 18:14:30 +01:00
let x = int(uint8(c) - uint8('0')) - 1
if x > 7:
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid skip value (> 8) in FEN string")
column += x
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid piece identifier in FEN string")
of 1:
# Active color
case c:
of 'w':
2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
result.turn = White
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of 'b':
2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
result.turn = Black
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2023-10-12 10:14:37 +02:00
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid active color identifier in FEN string")
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of 2:
# Castling availability
case c:
of '-':
# Neither side can castle anywhere: do nothing,
# as the castling metadata is set to this state
# by default
of 'K':
result.castling.white.king = true
of 'Q':
result.castling.white.queen = true
of 'k':
result.castling.black.king = true
of 'q':
result.castling.black.queen = true
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid castling availability in FEN string")
of 3:
# En passant target square
case c:
of '-':
# Field is already uninitialized to the correct state
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result.enPassantSquare.location = state[index..index+1].algebraicToPosition()
# Just for cleanliness purposes, we fill in the other positional metadata as
# well
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result.enPassantSquare.piece.color = if result.turn == Black: White else: Black
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result.enPassantSquare.piece.kind = Pawn
# Square metadata is 2 bytes long
of 4:
# Halfmove clock
var s = ""
while not state[index].isSpaceAscii():
# Backtrack so the space is seen by the
# next iteration of the loop
result.halfMoveClock = parseInt(s)
of 5:
# Fullmove number
var s = ""
while index <= state.high():
result.fullMoveCount = parseInt(s)
raise newException(ValueError, "too many fields in FEN string")
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proc newDefaultChessboard*: ChessBoard =
## Initializes a chessboard with the
## starting position
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return newChessboardFromFEN("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1")
when isMainModule:
proc testPiece(piece: Piece, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor) =
doAssert piece.kind == kind and piece.color == color, &"expected piece of kind {kind} and color {color}, got {piece.kind} / {piece.color} instead"
proc testPieceCount(board: ChessBoard, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor, count: int) =
let pieces = board.countPieces(kind, color)
doAssert pieces == count, &"expected {count} pieces of kind {kind} and color {color}, got {pieces} instead"
2023-10-13 11:54:57 +02:00
echo "Running tests"
var b = newDefaultChessboard()
# Ensure correct number of pieces
testPieceCount(b, Pawn, White, 8)
testPieceCount(b, Pawn, Black, 8)
testPieceCount(b, Knight, White, 2)
testPieceCount(b, Knight, Black, 2)
testPieceCount(b, Bishop, White, 2)
testPieceCount(b, Bishop, Black, 2)
testPieceCount(b, Rook, White, 2)
testPieceCount(b, Rook, Black, 2)
testPieceCount(b, Queen, White, 1)
testPieceCount(b, Queen, Black, 1)
testPieceCount(b, King, White, 1)
testPieceCount(b, King, Black, 1)
# Ensure pieces are in the correct location
# Pawns
2023-10-13 11:54:57 +02:00
for loc in ["a2", "b2", "c2", "d2", "e2", "f2", "g2", "h2"]:
testPiece(b.getPiece(loc), Pawn, White)
for loc in ["a7", "b7", "c7", "d7", "e7", "f7", "g7", "h7"]:
testPiece(b.getPiece(loc), Pawn, Black)
# Rooks
testPiece(b.getPiece("a1"), Rook, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("h1"), Rook, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("a8"), Rook, Black)
testPiece(b.getPiece("h8"), Rook, Black)
# Knights
testPiece(b.getPiece("b1"), Knight, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("g1"), Knight, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("b8"), Knight, Black)
testPiece(b.getPiece("g8"), Knight, Black)
# Bishops
testPiece(b.getPiece("c1"), Bishop, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("f1"), Bishop, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("c8"), Bishop, Black)
testPiece(b.getPiece("f8"), Bishop, Black)
# Kings
testPiece(b.getPiece("e1"), King, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("e8"), King, Black)
# Queens
testPiece(b.getPiece("d1"), Queen, White)
testPiece(b.getPiece("d8"), Queen, Black)
echo "All tests were successful"