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2024-04-21 11:09:12 +02:00
# Copyright 2024 Mattia Giambirtone & All Contributors
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import std/strformat
import std/strutils
import bitboards
import magics
import pieces
import zobrist
import moves
import rays
export bitboards, magics, pieces, zobrist, moves, rays
Position* = object
## A chess position
# Castling availability. This just keeps track
# of whether the king or the rooks on either side
# moved, the actual checks for the legality of castling
# are done elsewhere
castlingAvailability*: array[PieceColor.White..PieceColor.Black, tuple[queen, king: bool]]
# Number of half-moves that were performed
# to reach this position starting from the
# root of the tree
plyFromRoot*: uint16
# Number of half moves since
# last piece capture or pawn movement.
# Used for the 50-move rule
halfMoveClock*: uint16
# Full move counter. Increments
# every 2 ply (half-moves)
fullMoveCount*: uint16
# En passant target square (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/En_passant)
enPassantSquare*: Square
# The side to move
sideToMove*: PieceColor
# Positional bitboards for all pieces
pieces*: array[PieceColor.White..PieceColor.Black, array[PieceKind.Bishop..PieceKind.Rook, Bitboard]]
# Pin rays for the current side to move
diagonalPins*: Bitboard # Rays from a bishop or queen
orthogonalPins*: Bitboard # Rays from a rook or queen
# Pieces checking the current side to move
checkers*: Bitboard
# Zobrist hash of this position
zobristKey*: ZobristKey
# A mailbox for fast piece lookup by
# location
mailbox*: array[Square(0)..Square(63), Piece]
# Does this position come from a null move?
fromNull*: bool
2024-05-02 00:24:57 +02:00
proc toFEN*(self: Position): string
func inCheck*(self: Position): bool {.inline.} =
## Returns if the current side to move is in check
return self.checkers != 0
func getKingStartingSquare*(color: PieceColor): Square {.inline.} =
## Retrieves the starting square of the king
## for the given color
case color:
of White:
return "e1".toSquare()
of Black:
return "e8".toSquare()
func getBitboard*(self: Position, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor): Bitboard =
## Returns the positional bitboard for the given piece kind and color
return self.pieces[color][kind]
func getBitboard*(self: Position, piece: Piece): Bitboard =
## Returns the positional bitboard for the given piece type
return self.getBitboard(piece.kind, piece.color)
func getOccupancyFor*(self: Position, color: PieceColor): Bitboard =
## Get the occupancy bitboard for every piece of the given color
result = Bitboard(0)
for b in self.pieces[color]:
result = result or b
func getOccupancy*(self: Position): Bitboard {.inline.} =
## Get the occupancy bitboard for every piece on
## the chessboard
result = self.getOccupancyFor(Black) or self.getOccupancyFor(White)
func getPawnAttacks*(self: Position, square: Square, attacker: PieceColor): Bitboard {.inline.} =
## Returns the locations of the pawns attacking the given square
return self.getBitboard(Pawn, attacker) and getPawnAttacks(attacker, square)
proc getKingAttacks*(self: Position, square: Square, attacker: PieceColor): Bitboard {.inline.} =
## Returns the location of the king if it is attacking the given square
result = Bitboard(0)
let king = self.getBitboard(King, attacker)
if king == 0:
# The king was removed (probably by SEE or some
# other internal machinery). This should never
# occur during normal movegen!
if (getKingAttacks(king.toSquare()) and square.toBitboard()) != 0:
return king
func getKnightAttacks*(self: Position, square: Square, attacker: PieceColor): Bitboard =
## Returns the locations of the knights attacking the given square
knights = self.getBitboard(Knight, attacker)
squareBB = square.toBitboard()
result = Bitboard(0)
for knight in knights:
if (getKnightAttacks(knight) and squareBB) != 0:
result = result or knight.toBitboard()
proc getSlidingAttacks*(self: Position, square: Square, attacker: PieceColor): Bitboard =
## Returns the locations of the sliding pieces attacking the given square
queens = self.getBitboard(Queen, attacker)
rooks = self.getBitboard(Rook, attacker) or queens
bishops = self.getBitboard(Bishop, attacker) or queens
occupancy = self.getOccupancy()
squareBB = square.toBitboard()
result = Bitboard(0)
for rook in rooks:
blockers = occupancy and Rook.getRelevantBlockers(rook)
moves = getRookMoves(rook, blockers)
# Attack set intersects our chosen square
if (moves and squareBB) != 0:
result = result or rook.toBitboard()
for bishop in bishops:
blockers = occupancy and Bishop.getRelevantBlockers(bishop)
moves = getBishopMoves(bishop, blockers)
if (moves and squareBB) != 0:
result = result or bishop.toBitboard()
proc getAttacksTo*(self: Position, square: Square, attacker: PieceColor): Bitboard =
## Computes the attack bitboard for the given square from
## the given side
result = Bitboard(0) or self.getPawnAttacks(square, attacker)
result = result or self.getKingAttacks(square, attacker)
result = result or self.getKnightAttacks(square, attacker)
result = result or self.getSlidingAttacks(square, attacker)
proc isOccupancyAttacked*(self: Position, square: Square, occupancy: Bitboard): bool =
## Returns whether the given square would be attacked by the
## enemy side if the board had the given occupancy. This function
## is necessary, for example, to make sure sliding attacks can check the
## king properly: due to how we generate our attack bitboards, if
## the king moved backwards along a ray from a slider we would not
## consider it to be in check (because the ray stops at the first
## blocker). In order to fix that, in generateKingMoves() we use this
## function and pass in the board's occupancy without the moving king so
## that we can pick the correct magic bitboard and ray. Also, since this
## function doesn't need to generate all the attacks to know whether a
## given square is unsafe, it can short circuit at the first attack and
## exit early, unlike getAttacksTo
nonSideToMove = self.sideToMove.opposite()
knights = self.getBitboard(Knight, nonSideToMove)
if (getKnightAttacks(square) and knights) != 0:
return true
let king = self.getBitboard(King, nonSideToMove)
if (getKingAttacks(square) and king) != 0:
return true
queens = self.getBitboard(Queen, nonSideToMove)
bishops = self.getBitboard(Bishop, nonSideToMove) or queens
if (getBishopMoves(square, occupancy) and bishops) != 0:
return true
let rooks = self.getBitboard(Rook, nonSideToMove) or queens
if (getRookMoves(square, occupancy) and rooks) != 0:
return true
if self.getPawnAttacks(square, nonSideToMove) != 0:
return true
proc canCastle*(self: Position): tuple[queen, king: bool] =
## Returns if the current side to move can castle
if self.inCheck():
return (false, false)
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
occupancy = self.getOccupancy()
result = self.castlingAvailability[sideToMove]
if result.king:
result.king = (kingSideCastleRay(sideToMove) and occupancy) == 0
if result.queen:
result.queen = (queenSideCastleRay(sideToMove) and occupancy) == 0
if result.king:
# There are no pieces in between our friendly king and
# rook: check for attacks
king = self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove).toSquare()
for square in getRayBetween(king, sideToMove.kingSideRook()):
if self.isOccupancyAttacked(square, occupancy):
result.king = false
if result.queen:
king: Square = self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove).toSquare()
# The king always moves two squares, but the queen side rook moves
# 3 squares. We only need to check for attacks on the squares where
# the king moves to and not any further. We subtract 3 instead of 2
# because getRayBetween ignores the start and target squares in the
# ray it returns so we have to extend it by one
destination = makeSquare(rankFromSquare(king), fileFromSquare(king) - 3)
for square in getRayBetween(king, destination):
if self.isOccupancyAttacked(square, occupancy):
result.queen = false
func countPieces*(self: Position, kind: PieceKind, color: PieceColor): int {.inline.} =
## Returns the number of pieces with
## the given color and type in the
## position
return self.pieces[color][kind].countSquares()
func getPiece*(self: Position, square: Square): Piece {.inline.} =
## Gets the piece at the given square in
## the position
return self.mailbox[square]
func getPiece*(self: Position, square: string): Piece {.inline.} =
## Gets the piece on the given square
## in algebraic notation
return self.getPiece(square.toSquare())
proc removePieceFromBitboard*(self: var Position, square: Square) =
## Removes a piece at the given square from
## its respective bitboard
let piece = self.getPiece(square)
proc addPieceToBitboard*(self: var Position, square: Square, piece: Piece) =
## Adds the given piece at the given square to
## its respective bitboard
proc spawnPiece*(self: var Position, square: Square, piece: Piece) =
## Spawns a new piece at the given square
when not defined(danger):
doAssert self.getPiece(square).kind == Empty
self.addPieceToBitboard(square, piece)
self.mailbox[square] = piece
proc removePiece*(self: var Position, square: Square) =
## Removes a piece from the board, updating necessary
## metadata
when not defined(danger):
let piece = self.getPiece(square)
doAssert piece.kind != Empty and piece.color != None, self.toFEN()
self.mailbox[square] = nullPiece()
proc movePiece*(self: var Position, move: Move) =
## Internal helper to move a piece from
## its current square to a target square
let piece = self.getPiece(move.startSquare)
when not defined(danger):
let targetSquare = self.getPiece(move.targetSquare)
if targetSquare.color != None:
raise newException(AccessViolationDefect, &"{piece} at {move.startSquare} attempted to overwrite {targetSquare} at {move.targetSquare}: {move}")
# Update positional metadata
self.spawnPiece(move.targetSquare, piece)
proc movePiece*(self: var Position, startSquare, targetSquare: Square) =
## Moves a piece from the given start square to the given
## target square
self.movePiece(createMove(startSquare, targetSquare))
func countPieces*(self: Position, piece: Piece): int {.inline.} =
## Returns the number of pieces in the position that
## are of the same type and color as the given piece
return self.countPieces(piece.kind, piece.color)
proc updateChecksAndPins*(self: var Position) =
## Updates internal metadata about checks and
## pinned pieces
# *Ahem*, stolen from https://github.com/Ciekce/voidstar/blob/424ac4624011271c4d1dbd743602c23f6dbda1de/src/position.rs
# Can you tell I'm a *great* coder?
sideToMove = self.sideToMove
nonSideToMove = sideToMove.opposite()
friendlyKing = self.getBitboard(King, sideToMove).toSquare()
friendlyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(sideToMove)
enemyPieces = self.getOccupancyFor(nonSideToMove)
# Update checks
self.checkers = self.getAttacksTo(friendlyKing, nonSideToMove)
# Update pins
self.diagonalPins = Bitboard(0)
self.orthogonalPins = Bitboard(0)
diagonalAttackers = self.getBitboard(Queen, nonSideToMove) or self.getBitboard(Bishop, nonSideToMove)
orthogonalAttackers = self.getBitboard(Queen, nonSideToMove) or self.getBitboard(Rook, nonSideToMove)
canPinDiagonally = diagonalAttackers and getBishopMoves(friendlyKing, enemyPieces)
canPinOrthogonally = orthogonalAttackers and getRookMoves(friendlyKing, enemyPieces)
for piece in canPinDiagonally:
let pinningRay = getRayBetween(friendlyKing, piece) or piece.toBitboard()
# Is the pinning ray obstructed by any of our friendly pieces? If so, the
# piece is pinned
if (pinningRay and friendlyPieces).countSquares() == 1:
self.diagonalPins = self.diagonalPins or pinningRay
for piece in canPinOrthogonally:
let pinningRay = getRayBetween(friendlyKing, piece) or piece.toBitboard()
if (pinningRay and friendlyPieces).countSquares() == 1:
self.orthogonalPins = self.orthogonalPins or pinningRay
proc hash*(self: var Position) =
## Computes the zobrist hash of the position
## This only needs to be called when a position
## is loaded the first time, as all subsequent
## hashes are updated incrementally at every
## call to doMove()
self.zobristKey = ZobristKey(0)
if self.sideToMove == Black:
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor getBlackToMoveKey()
for sq in self.getOccupancy():
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor self.getPiece(sq).getKey(sq)
if self.castlingAvailability[White].king:
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor getKingSideCastlingKey(White)
if self.castlingAvailability[White].queen:
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor getQueenSideCastlingKey(White)
if self.castlingAvailability[Black].king:
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor getKingSideCastlingKey(Black)
if self.castlingAvailability[Black].queen:
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor getQueenSideCastlingKey(Black)
if self.enPassantSquare != nullSquare():
self.zobristKey = self.zobristKey xor getEnPassantKey(fileFromSquare(self.enPassantSquare))
proc loadFEN*(fen: string): Position =
## Initializes a position from the given
## FEN string
result = Position(enPassantSquare: nullSquare())
# Current square in the grid
row: int8 = 0
column: int8 = 0
# Current section in the FEN string
section = 0
# Current index into the FEN string
index = 0
# Temporary variable to store a piece
piece: Piece
# Make sure the mailbox is actually empty
for sq in Square(0)..Square(63):
result.mailbox[sq] = nullPiece()
# See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forsyth%E2%80%93Edwards_Notation
while index <= fen.high():
var c = fen[index]
if c == ' ':
# Next section
case section:
of 0:
# Piece placement data
case c.toLowerAscii():
# Piece
of 'r', 'n', 'b', 'q', 'k', 'p':
let square = makeSquare(row, column)
piece = c.fromChar()
result.mailbox[square] = piece
of '/':
# Next row
column = 0
of '0'..'9':
# Skip x columns
let x = int(uint8(c) - uint8('0'))
if x > 8:
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid FEN: invalid column skip size ({x} > 8)")
column += int8(x)
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid FEN: unknown piece identifier '{c}'")
of 1:
# Active color
case c:
of 'w':
result.sideToMove = White
of 'b':
result.sideToMove = Black
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid FEN: invalid active color identifier '{c}'")
of 2:
# Castling availability
case c:
of '-':
of 'K':
result.castlingAvailability[White].king = true
of 'Q':
result.castlingAvailability[White].queen = true
of 'k':
result.castlingAvailability[Black].king = true
of 'q':
result.castlingAvailability[Black].queen = true
raise newException(ValueError, &"invalid FEN: unknown symbol '{c}' found in castlingRights availability section")
of 3:
# En passant target square
case c:
of '-':
# Field is already uninitialized to the correct state
result.enPassantSquare = fen[index..index+1].toSquare()
# Square metadata is 2 bytes long
of 4:
# Halfmove clock
var s = ""
while not fen[index].isSpaceAscii():
# Backtrack so the space is seen by the
# next iteration of the loop
result.halfMoveClock = parseInt(s).uint16
of 5:
# Fullmove number
var s = ""
while index <= fen.high():
result.fullMoveCount = parseInt(s).uint16
raise newException(ValueError, "invalid FEN: too many fields in FEN string")
proc startpos*: Position = loadFEN("rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1")
proc `$`*(self: Position): string =
result &= "- - - - - - - -"
var file = 8
for i in 0..7:
result &= "\n"
for j in 0..7:
let piece = self.mailbox[makeSquare(i, j)]
if piece.kind == Empty:
result &= "x "
result &= &"{piece.toChar()} "
result &= &"{file}"
result &= "\n- - - - - - - -"
result &= "\na b c d e f g h"
proc toFEN*(self: Position): string =
## Returns a FEN string of the
## position
var skip: int
# Piece placement data
for i in 0..7:
skip = 0
for j in 0..7:
let piece = self.mailbox[makeSquare(i, j)]
if piece.kind == Empty:
elif skip > 0:
result &= &"{skip}{piece.toChar()}"
skip = 0
result &= piece.toChar()
if skip > 0:
result &= $skip
if i < 7:
result &= "/"
result &= " "
# Active color
result &= (if self.sideToMove == White: "w" else: "b")
result &= " "
# Castling availability
let castleWhite = self.castlingAvailability[White]
let castleBlack = self.castlingAvailability[Black]
if not (castleBlack.king or castleBlack.queen or castleWhite.king or castleWhite.queen):
result &= "-"
if castleWhite.king:
result &= "K"
if castleWhite.queen:
result &= "Q"
if castleBlack.king:
result &= "k"
if castleBlack.queen:
result &= "q"
result &= " "
# En passant target
if self.enPassantSquare == nullSquare():
result &= "-"
result &= self.enPassantSquare.toAlgebraic()
result &= " "
# Halfmove clock
result &= $self.halfMoveClock
result &= " "
# Fullmove number
result &= $self.fullMoveCount
proc pretty*(self: Position): string =
## Returns a colored version of the
## position for easier visualization
var file = 8
for i in 0..7:
if i > 0:
result &= "\n"
for j in 0..7:
# Equivalent to (i + j) mod 2
# (I'm just evil)
if ((i + j) and 1) == 0:
result &= "\x1b[39;44;1m"
result &= "\x1b[39;40;1m"
let piece = self.mailbox[makeSquare(i, j)]
if piece.kind == Empty:
result &= " \x1b[0m"
result &= &"{piece.toPretty()} \x1b[0m"
result &= &" \x1b[33;1m{file}\x1b[0m"
result &= "\n\x1b[31;1ma b c d e f g h"
result &= "\x1b[0m"