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from pyrogram import InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton, Client
from collections import defaultdict
from pyrogram import Filters
import re
import os
# Antiflood module configuration
# The antiflood works by accumulating up to MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD updates (user-wise)
# and when that limit is reached, perform some checks to tell if the user is actually flooding
BAN_TIME = 300 # The amount of seconds the user will be banned
MAX_UPDATE_THRESHOLD = 7 # How many updates to accumulate before starting to count
PRIVATE_ONLY = True # If True, the antiflood will only work in private chats
# The percentage (from 0 to 100) of updates that when below ANTIFLOOD_SENSIBILITY will trigger the anti flood
# Example, if FLOOD_PERCENTAGE == 75, if at least 75% of the messages from a user are marked as flood it will be blocked
# The minimum amount of seconds between updates. Updates that are sent faster than this limit will trigger the antiflood
# This should not be below 1, but you can experiment if you feel bold enough
# If you want the user to be notified of being flood-blocked, set this to the desired message, False to disable
FLOOD_NOTICE = f"🤙 **Hey amico**!\n🕐 Rilassati! Sei stato bloccato per {BAN_TIME / 60:.1f} minuti"
FLOOD_CLEARED = "♻️ Tabella antiflood svuotata"
FLOOD_USER_CLEARED = "♻️ Tabella antiflood ripulita per `{user}`"
DELETE_MESSAGES = True # Set this to false if you do not want the messages to be deleted after flood is detected
# Various options and global variables
CACHE = defaultdict(lambda: ["none", 0]) # Global cache. DO NOT TOUCH IT, really just don't
VERSION = "1.0A" # These will be shown in the 'Credits' section
RELEASE_DATE = "29/05/2020"
CREDITS = "🧑💻Bot sviluppato da nocturn9x in Python3.8 e Pyrogram 0.17.1" \
f"\n⚙️ **Versione**: {VERSION}\n🗓 **Data di rilascio**: {RELEASE_DATE}"
# Telegram client configuration
WORKERS_NUM = 15 # The number of worker threads that pyrogram will spawn at startup.
# 10 workers means that the bot will process up to 10 users at the same time and then block until one worker has done
BOT_TOKEN = "TOKEN HERE" # Get it with
SESSION_NAME = "BotBase" # The name of the Telegram Session that the bot will have, will be visible from Telegram
PLUGINS_ROOT = {"root": f"BotBase/modules"} # Do not change this unless you know what you're doing
API_ID = 123467 # Get it at
API_HASH = "abcdef1234567" # Same as above
# Logging configuration
# To know more about what these options mean, check
LOGGING_FORMAT = "[%(levelname)s %(asctime)s] In thread '%(threadName)s', " \
f"module %(module)s, function %(funcName)s at line %(lineno)d -> [{SESSION_NAME}] %(message)s"
DATE_FORMAT = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S %p"
bot = Client(api_id=API_ID, api_hash=API_HASH, bot_token=BOT_TOKEN, plugins=PLUGINS_ROOT,
session_name=SESSION_NAME, workers=WORKERS_NUM)
# Start module
# P.S.: {mention} in the GREET message will be replaced with a mention to the user, same applies for {id} and {username}
GREET = """Ciao {mention} [`{id}`]!""" # The message that will be sent as a reply to the /start command. If this string is empty the bot will not reply
SUPPORT_BUTTON = "💭 Chat" # The text for the button that triggers the live chat
BACK_BUTTON = "🔙 Indietro"
CREDITS_BUTTON = " Crediti" # The text for the 'Credits' button
BUTTONS = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ # This keyboard will be sent along with GREET, feel free to add or remove buttons
[InlineKeyboardButton(CREDITS_BUTTON, "info")],
[InlineKeyboardButton(SUPPORT_BUTTON, "sos")]
# Database configuration
# The only natively supported database is SQLite3, but you can easily tweak
# this section and the BotBase/database/ file to work with any DBMS
# If you do so and want to share your code feel free to open a PR on the repo!
DB_PATH = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), f"BotBase/database/database.db")
DB_GET_USERS = "SELECT tg_id FROM users"
DB_GET_USER = "SELECT * FROM users where users.tg_id = ?"
DB_SET_USER = "INSERT INTO users (id, tg_id, uname, date, banned) VALUES(?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"
DB_BAN_USER = "UPDATE users SET banned = 1 WHERE users.tg_id = ?"
DB_UNBAN_USER = "UPDATE users SET banned = 0 WHERE users.tg_id = ?"
DB_UPDATE_NAME = "UPDATE users SET uname = ? WHERE users.tg_id = ?"
DB_GET_USER_BY_NAME = "SELECT * FROM users where users.uname = ?"
from .database.query import get_user
# Admin module configuration
# Edit this dict adding the ID:NAME pair of the admin that you want to add. You can add as many admins as you want
ADMINS = {123456: "Sample Name"}
MARKED_BUSY = "🎲 Ora sei impegnato, invia nuovamente /busy per resettare questo stato"
UNMARKED_BUSY = "✍ Da ora riceverai nuovamente le richieste di assistenza"
CANNOT_BAN_ADMIN = "❌ L'utente é un amministratore"
USER_BANNED = "✅ Utente bannato"
USER_UNBANNED = "✅ Utente sbannato"
YOU_ARE_UNBANNED = "✅ Sei stato sbannato"
USER_NOT_BANNED = "❌ L'utente non é bannato"
CLOSE_CHAT_BUTTON = "❌ Chiudi chat"
UPDATE_BUTTON = "🔄 Aggiorna"
USER_ALREADY_BANNED = "❌ L'utente é già bannato"
YOU_ARE_BANNED = "❌ Sei stato bannato"
WHISPER_FROM = "📣 Messaggio da {admin}: {msg}"
NAME = "tg://user?id={}"
BYPASS_FLOOD = True # If False, admins can be flood-blocked too, otherwise the antiflood will ignore them
USER_INFO_UPDATED = "✅ Informazioni aggiornate"
USER_INFO_UNCHANGED = "❌ Non ho rilevato cambiamenti per questo utente"
ADMIN_ACCEPTED_CHAT = "{admin} ha preso in carico la chat con {user}"
USER_LEFT_QUEUE = "⚠️ {user} ha lasciato la coda"
QUEUE_LIST = "🚻 Lista utenti in attesa\n\n{queue}"
CHATS_LIST = "💬 Lista utenti in chat\n\n{chats}"
ADMIN_BUSY = "(Occupato)"
USER_INFO = """** Informazioni**
🆔 **ID**: `{uid}`
✍️ **Username**: {uname}
🗓 **Registrato il**: {date}
**⌨️ Bannato**: {status}
**💡 Admin**: {admin}""" # The message that is sent with /getuser and /getranduser
INVALID_SYNTAX = "❌ **Sintassi invalida**: Usa `{correct}`" # This is sent when a command is used the wrong way
ERROR = "❌ **Errore**" # This is sent when a command returns an error
NONNUMERIC_ID = "L'ID deve essere numerico!" # This is sent if the parameter to /getuser is not a numerical ID
USERS_COUNT = "**Utenti totali**: `{count}`" # This is sent as a result of the /count command
NO_PARAMETERS = "❌ <code>{command}</code> non richiede parametri" # Error saying that the given command takes no parameters
ID_MISSING = "L'ID selezionato (<code>{uid}</code>) non é nel database" # Error when given ID is not in database
NAME_MISSING = "L'username selezionato (<code>{uname}</code>) non é nel database" # Error when given username is not in database
YES = ""
NO = "No"
GLOBAL_MESSAGE_STATS = """**Statistiche messaggio**
✍️** Messaggio**: {msg}
🔄 **Tentativi**: {count}
**✅ Consegnati**: {success}""" # Statistics that are sent to the admin after /global command
# Live chat configuration
ADMINS_LIST_UPDATE_DELAY = 30 # How many seconds between an update and another
# These strings are pretty self explanatory, aren't they?
LIVE_CHAT_STATUSES = "Legenda: 🟢 = Disponibile, 🔴 = Occupato\n\n"
SUPPORT_NOTIFICATION = "🔔 Nuova richiesta di supporto!\n\n{uinfo}"
ADMIN_JOINS_CHAT = " [{admin_name}]({admin_id}) entra in chat!"
USER_CLOSES_CHAT = "🔔 [{user_name}]({user_id}) ha chiuso la chat"
USER_LEAVES_CHAT = "✅ Hai lasciato la chat"
USER_JOINS_CHAT = "✅ Sei entrato in chat"
CHAT_BUSY = "⚠️ Un altro admin é già entrato"
LEAVE_CURRENT_CHAT = "⚠️ Chiudi prima la chat corrente!"
CANNOT_REQUEST_SUPPORT = "⚠️ Non puoi richiedere supporto"
SUPPORT_REQUEST_SENT = "✅ Ora sei in coda, attendi che un admin ti risponda\n\n" \
"**🔄 Admin disponibili**\n{queue}\n**Aggiornato il**: {date}\n\n**Nota**: Se non ci sono admin disponibili al momento, premi il bottone 'Aggiorna' ogni tanto per scoprire se si é liberato un posto!"
JOIN_CHAT_BUTTON = "❗ Entra in chat"
USER_MESSAGE = "🗣 [{user_name}]({user_id}): {message}"
ADMIN_MESSAGE = "🧑‍💻 [{user_name}]({user_id}): {message}"
TOO_FAST = "✋ Non così veloce! Riprova piú tardi"
# Custom filters - Don't touch them as well but feel free to add more!
def check_user_banned(tg_id: int):
res = get_user(tg_id)
if isinstance(res, Exception):
return False
if not res:
return False
return res[-1]
def callback_regex(pattern: str):
return Filters.create(lambda _, update: re.match(pattern,
def admin_is_chatting():
return Filters.create(lambda _, update: in ADMINS and CACHE[][0] == "IN_CHAT")
def user_is_chatting():
return Filters.create(lambda _, update: not in ADMINS and CACHE[][0] == "IN_CHAT")
def user_banned():
return Filters.create(lambda _, update: check_user_banned(