
125 lines
3.1 KiB

# TO BE RUN FROM /tests
import random, os, strformat, tables
# simple: lots of globals assigned to random vals
# then they are read
let longTestsPath = "japl" / "longs"
let test1Path = longTestsPath / "globAssgnRead.jpl"
if not test1Path.fileExists():
const varcount = 1000
const readcount = 500
var test1: string
var vars: Table[string, int]
for i in countup(0,varcount):
let varname = "a" & $i
let value = rand(10000)
test1 &= &"var {varname} = {value};\n"
vars[varname] = value
for i in countup(1,readcount):
let which = "a" & $rand(varcount)
let value = vars[which]
test1 &= &"print({which});//output:{value}\n"
writeFile(test1Path, test1)
# locals
# same as above but for locals
let test2Path = longTestsPath / "locAssgnRead.jpl"
if not test2Path.fileExists():
const varcount = 1000
const readcount = 500
var test2: string = "{\n"
var vars: Table[string, int]
for i in countup(0,varcount):
let varname = "a" & $i
let value = rand(10000)
test2 &= &"var {varname} = {value};\n"
vars[varname] = value
for i in countup(1,readcount):
let which = "a" & $rand(varcount)
let value = vars[which]
test2 &= &"print({which});//output:{value}\n"
test2 &= "}"
writeFile(test2Path, test2)
let test3Path = longTestsPath / "globWithSets.jpl"
if not test3Path.fileExists():
const varcount = 1000
const readcount = 500
const setcount = 2500
var test3: string = ""
var vars: Table[string, int]
for i in countup(0,varcount):
let varname = "a" & $i
let value = rand(10000)
test3 &= &"var {varname} = {value};\n"
vars[varname] = value
for i in countup(1, setcount):
let which = "a" & $rand(varcount)
let newval = rand(4500)
# sometimes test the old
if rand(50) > 25:
test3 &= &"print({which});//output:{vars[which]}\n"
vars[which] = newval
test3 &= &"{which} = {newval};\n"
for i in countup(1,readcount):
let which = "a" & $rand(varcount)
let value = vars[which]
test3 &= &"print({which});//output:{value}\n"
writeFile(test3Path, test3)
let test4Path = longTestsPath / "locWithSets.jpl"
if not test4Path.fileExists():
const varcount = 1000
const readcount = 500
const setcount = 2500
var test4: string = "{\n"
var vars: Table[string, int]
for i in countup(0,varcount):
let varname = "a" & $i
let value = rand(10000)
test4 &= &"var {varname} = {value};\n"
vars[varname] = value
for i in countup(1, setcount):
let which = "a" & $rand(varcount)
let newval = rand(4500)
# sometimes test the old
if rand(50) > 25:
test4 &= &"print({which});//output:{vars[which]}\n"
vars[which] = newval
test4 &= &"{which} = {newval};\n"
for i in countup(1,readcount):
let which = "a" & $rand(varcount)
let value = vars[which]
test4 &= &"print({which});//output:{value}\n"
test4 &= "}"
writeFile(test4Path, test4)