
62 lines
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# logging stuff
import terminal, strformat, times
type LogLevel* {.pure.} = enum
Debug, # always written to file only (large outputs, such as the entire output of the failing test or stacktrace)
Info, # important information about the progress of the test suite
Error, # failing tests (printed with red)
Stdout, # always printed to stdout only (for cli experience)
const echoedLogs = {LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Error, LogLevel.Stdout}
const echoedLogsSilent = {LogLevel.Error}
const savedLogs = {LogLevel.Debug, LogLevel.Info, LogLevel.Error}
const logColors = [LogLevel.Debug: fgDefault, LogLevel.Info: fgGreen, LogLevel.Error: fgRed, LogLevel.Stdout: fgYellow]
var totalLog = ""
var verbose = true
proc setVerbosity*(verb: bool) =
verbose = verb
proc log*(level: LogLevel, msg: string) =
let msg = &"[{$level} - {$getTime()}] {msg}"
if level in savedLogs:
totalLog &= msg & "\n"
if (verbose and (level in echoedLogs)) or ((not verbose) and (level in echoedLogsSilent)):
echo msg
proc getTotalLog*: string =
const progbarLength = 25
type Buffer* = ref object
contents: string
previous: string
proc newBuffer*: Buffer =
proc updateProgressBar*(buf: Buffer, text: string, total: int, current: int) =
var newline = ""
newline &= "["
let ratio = current / total
let filledCount = int(ratio * progbarLength)
for i in countup(1, filledCount):
newline &= "="
for i in countup(filledCount + 1, progbarLength):
newline &= " "
newline &= &"] ({current}/{total}) {text}"
# to avoid process switching during half-written progress bars and whatnot all terminal editing happens at the end
buf.contents = newline
proc render*(buf: Buffer) =
if verbose and buf.previous != buf.contents:
echo buf.contents
buf.previous = buf.contents