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# Copyright 2020 Mattia Giambirtone
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## Implementation for string objects
import baseObject
import numbers
import ../memory
import typeutils
import exception
import strutils
import strformat
import unicode
String* = object of Obj
## A string object
str*: ptr UncheckedArray[char]
bytelen*: int
len*: int
proc toStr*(obj: ptr Obj): string =
## Converts a JAPL string into a nim string
var strObj = cast[ptr String](obj)
for i in 0..strObj.bytelen:
proc hash*(self: ptr String): uint64 =
## Implements the FNV-1a hashing algorithm
## for strings
result = 2166136261u
for i in countup(0, self.len - 1):
result = result xor uint64(self.str[i])
result *= 16777619
proc asStr*(s: string): ptr String =
## Converts a nim string into a
## JAPL string
result = allocateObj(String, ObjectType.String)
result.str = allocate(UncheckedArray[char], char, s.len())
for i in 0..<s.len:
result.str[i] = s[i]
result.bytelen += 1
result.len = s.runeLen()
if result.len > 0:
result.hashValue = result.hash()
result.hashValue = 0u
proc isFalsey*(self: ptr String): bool =
result = self.len == 0
proc stringify*(self: ptr String): string =
if self.len == 0:
result = "''"
result = self.toStr()
proc typeName*(self: ptr String): string =
return "string"
proc eq*(self, other: ptr String): bool =
if self.bytelen != other.bytelen:
return false
elif self.len != other.len:
return false
elif self.hash != other.hash:
return false
for i in 0..<self.bytelen:
if self.str[i] != other.str[i]:
return false
result = true
proc sum*(self: ptr String, other: ptr Obj): returnType =
result.kind = returnTypes.Object
if other.isStr():
var other = cast[ptr String](other)
var selfStr = self.toStr()
var otherStr = other.toStr()
result.result = (selfStr & otherStr).asStr()
raise newException(NotImplementedError, "")
proc mul*(self: ptr String, other: ptr Obj): returnType =
result.kind = returnTypes.Object
case other.kind:
of ObjectType.Integer:
result.result = self.toStr().repeat(cast[ptr Integer](other).toInt()).asStr()
raise newException(NotImplementedError, "")
proc getItem*(self: ptr String, other: ptr Obj): returnType =
result.kind = returnTypes.Object
## Handles getItem expressions
var str = self.toStr()
if not other.isInt():
result.kind = returnTypes.Exception
result.result = newTypeError("string indeces must be integers")
var index: int = other.toInt()
if index < 0:
index = self.len + other.toInt()
if index < 0: # If even now it is less than 0 then it is out of bounds
result.kind = returnTypes.Exception
result.result = newIndexError("string index out of bounds")
elif index >= self.len:
result.kind = returnTypes.Exception
result.result = newIndexError("string index out of bounds")
var newStr = allocateObj(String, ObjectType.String)
newStr.str = allocate(UncheckedArray[char], char, str.runeAt(index).toUTF8.runeLen())
for i in countup(0, len(str.runeAt(index).toUTF8()) - 1):
newStr.str[i] = self.str[i]
newStr.bytelen += 1
newStr.len = str.runeAt(index).toUTF8.runeLen()
result.result = newStr
proc Slice*(self: ptr String, a: ptr Obj, b: ptr Obj): returnType =
## Handles slice expressions
var startIndex = b.toInt()
var endIndex = a.toInt()
var a = a
var b = b
result.kind = returnTypes.Object
if a.isNil():
a = self.len.asInt()
if b.isNil():
b = 0.asInt()
if not b.isInt() or not a.isInt():
result.kind = returnTypes.Exception
result.result = newTypeError("string indeces must be integers")
return result
elif startIndex < 0:
startIndex = (self.len + startIndex)
if startIndex < 0:
startIndex = (self.len + endIndex)
elif startIndex >= self.str.high():
result.result = asStr("")
return result
if endIndex > self.str.high():
endIndex = self.len
if startIndex > endIndex:
result.result = asStr("")
return result
var newStr = allocateObj(String, ObjectType.String)
newStr.str = allocate(UncheckedArray[char], char, self.toStr().toRunes[startIndex..<endIndex].len())
for i in countup(startIndex, endIndex - 1):
newStr.str[i] = self.str[i]
newStr.bytelen += 1
newStr.len = newStr.toStr().runeLen()
result.result = newStr