Updated markdown

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2021-01-10 10:15:00 +01:00
parent 64dfb219f7
commit b3d5f6e317
1 changed files with 30 additions and 39 deletions

View File

@ -22,45 +22,36 @@ JAPL is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
In no particular order, here's a list that is constantly updated and that helps us to keep track
of what's done in JAPL:
- Parsing/Lexing :heavy_check_mark:
- Object oriented type system :heavy_check_mark:
- Control flow (if/else) :heavy_check_mark:
- Loops (for/while) :heavy_check_mark:
- Basic comparisons operators (`>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `==`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Logical operators (`!`, `or`, `and`) (:heavy_check_mark:)
- Multi-line comments `/* like this */` (can be nested) :heavy_check_mark:
- `inf` and `nan` types :heavy_check_mark:
- Basic arithmetic (`+`, `-`, `/`, `*`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Modulo division (`%`) and exponentiation (`**`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) :heavy_check_mark:
- Global and local variables :heavy_check_mark:
- Explicit scopes using brackets :heavy_check_mark:
- Simple optimizations (constant string interning, singletons caching) :heavy_check_mark:
- Garbage collector (__Coming soon__)
- String slicing, with start:end syntax as well :heavy_check_mark:
- Operations on strings (addition, multiplication) :heavy_check_mark:
- Functions and Closures (__WIP__)
- Functions default and keyword arguments (__WIP__)
- An OOP system (class-based) (__Coming soon__)
- Builtins as classes (types) (__Coming soon__)
- A proper import system (__Coming soon__)
- Native asynchronous (`await`/`async fun`) support (__Coming soon__)
- Bytecode optimizations such as constant folding and stack caching (__Coming Soon__)
- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic (__Coming soon__)
- Generators (__Coming soon__)
- A standard library with collections, I/O utilities, scientific modules, etc (__Coming soon__)
- Multithreading and multiprocessing support with a global VM Lock like CPython (__Coming soon__)
- Exceptions (__Coming soon__)
- Optional JIT Compilation (__Coming soon__)
### Classifiers
- __WIP__: Work In Progress, being implemented right now
- __Coming Soon__: Not yet implemented/designed but scheduled
- __Rework Needed__: The feature works, but can (and must) be optimized/reimplemented properly
- :heavy_check_mark:: The feature works as intended
- Parsing/Lexing [x]
- Object oriented type system [x]
- Control flow (if/else) [x]
- Loops (for/while) [x]
- Basic comparisons operators (`>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `==`) [x]
- Logical operators (`!`, `or`, `and`) ([x])
- Multi-line comments `/* like this */` (can be nested) [x]
- `inf` and `nan` types [x]
- Basic arithmetic (`+`, `-`, `/`, `*`) [x]
- Modulo division (`%`) and exponentiation (`**`) [x]
- Bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) [x]
- Global and local variables [x]
- Explicit scopes using brackets [x]
- Simple optimizations (constant string interning, singletons caching) [x]
- Garbage collector []
- String slicing, with start:end syntax as well [x]
- Operations on strings (addition, multiplication) [x]
- Functions and Closures []
- Functions default and keyword arguments []
- An OOP system (class-based) []
- Builtins as classes (types) []
- A proper import system []
- Native asynchronous (`await`/`async fun`) support []
- Bytecode optimizations such as constant folding and stack caching []
- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic []
- Generators []
- A standard library with collections, I/O utilities, scientific modules, etc []
- Multithreading and multiprocessing support with a global VM Lock like CPython []
- Exceptions []
- Optional JIT Compilation []
## Contributing