Added simpleHashMap for internal use

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2021-04-18 13:45:38 +02:00
parent a767e44daa
commit a14d9a7882
3 changed files with 182 additions and 13 deletions

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@ -42,13 +42,13 @@ type
## a tombstone instead of something like detecting
## tombstones as entries with null keys but full values
## may seem wasteful. The thing is, though, that since
## we want to implement sets on top of this hashmap and
## we want to implement sets on top of this hashmap and
## the implementation of a set is *literally* a dictionary
## with empty values and keys as the elements, this would
## with empty values and keys as the elements, this would
## confuse our findEntry method and would force us to override
## it to account for a different behavior.
## Using a third field takes up more space, but saves us
## from the hassle of rewriting code
## from the hassle of rewriting code
key: Option[K]
value: Option[V]
tombstone: bool
@ -248,4 +248,4 @@ proc `$`*[K, V](self: ptr HashMap[K, V]): string =
proc typeName*[K, V](self: ptr HashMap[K, V]): string =
result = "dict"
result = "dict"

src/types/simpleHashMap.nim Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
# Copyright 2020 Mattia Giambirtone
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This module implements a very simple associative array meant for internal
# use by the JAPL runtime. This "version" of the HashMap object is optimized
# to store JAPL objects only and to not use anything from nim's stdlib other
# than the system module. For a documented & more flexible hashmap type
# check src/types/hashMap.nim
import ../memory
import ../config
import baseObject
import methods
import iterable
SimpleEntry = object
key: ptr Obj
value: ptr Obj
tombstone: bool
SimpleHashMap* = object of Iterable
entries: ptr UncheckedArray[ptr SimpleEntry]
actual_length: int
proc newSimpleHashMap*(): ptr SimpleHashMap =
result = allocateObj(SimpleHashMap, ObjectType.Dict)
result.actual_length = 0
result.entries = nil
result.capacity = 0
result.length = 0
proc freeSimpleHashMap*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap) =
discard freeArray(UncheckedArray[ptr SimpleEntry], self.entries, self.capacity)
self.length = 0
self.actual_length = 0
self.capacity = 0
self.entries = nil
proc findEntry(self: ptr UncheckedArray[ptr SimpleEntry], key: ptr Obj, capacity: int): ptr SimpleEntry =
var capacity = uint64(capacity)
var idx = uint64(key.hash()) mod capacity
while true:
result = self[idx]
if system.`==`(result.key, nil) or result.tombstone:
elif result.key == key:
idx = (idx + 1) mod capacity
proc adjustCapacity(self: ptr SimpleHashMap) =
var newCapacity = growCapacity(self.capacity)
var entries = allocate(UncheckedArray[ptr SimpleEntry], SimpleEntry, newCapacity)
var oldEntry: ptr SimpleEntry
var newEntry: ptr SimpleEntry
self.length = 0
for x in countup(0, newCapacity - 1):
entries[x] = allocate(SimpleEntry, SimpleEntry, 1)
entries[x].tombstone = false
entries[x].key = nil
entries[x].value = nil
for x in countup(0, self.capacity - 1):
oldEntry = self.entries[x]
if not system.`==`(oldEntry.key, nil):
newEntry = entries.findEntry(oldEntry.key, newCapacity)
newEntry.key = oldEntry.key
newEntry.value = oldEntry.value
self.length += 1
discard freeArray(UncheckedArray[ptr SimpleEntry], self.entries, self.capacity)
self.entries = entries
self.capacity = newCapacity
proc setEntry(self: ptr SimpleHashMap, key: ptr Obj, value: ptr Obj): bool =
if float64(self.length + 1) >= float64(self.capacity) * MAP_LOAD_FACTOR:
var entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
result = system.`==`(entry.key, nil)
if result:
self.actual_length += 1
self.length += 1
entry.key = key
entry.value = value
entry.tombstone = false
proc `[]`*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap, key: ptr Obj): ptr Obj =
var entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
if system.`==`(entry.key, nil) or entry.tombstone:
raise newException(KeyError, "Key not found: " & $key)
result = entry.value
proc `[]=`*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap, key: ptr Obj, value: ptr Obj) =
discard self.setEntry(key, value)
proc len*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap): int =
result = self.actual_length
proc del*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap, key: ptr Obj) =
if self.len() == 0:
raise newException(KeyError, "delete from empty hashmap")
var entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
if not system.`==`(entry.key, nil):
self.actual_length -= 1
entry.tombstone = true
raise newException(KeyError, "Key not found: " & $key)
proc contains*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap, key: ptr Obj): bool =
let entry = findEntry(self.entries, key, self.capacity)
if not system.`==`(entry.key, nil) and not entry.tombstone:
result = true
result = false
iterator keys*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap): ptr Obj =
var entry: ptr SimpleEntry
for i in countup(0, self.capacity - 1):
entry = self.entries[i]
if not system.`==`(entry.key, nil) and not entry.tombstone:
yield entry.key
iterator values*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap): ptr Obj =
for key in self.keys():
yield self[key]
iterator pairs*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap): tuple[key: ptr Obj, val: ptr Obj] =
for key in self.keys():
yield (key: key, val: self[key])
iterator items*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap): ptr Obj =
for k in self.keys():
yield k
proc `$`*(self: ptr SimpleHashMap): string =
var i = 0
result &= "{"
for key, value in self.pairs():
result &= $key & ": " & $value
if i < self.len() - 1:
result &= ", "
i += 1
result &= "}"

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@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ import types/typeutils
import types/function
import types/native
import types/arrayList
import types/hashMap
import types/simpleHashMap
import multibyte
import util/debug
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ type
frames*: ptr ArrayList[CallFrame]
stack*: ptr ArrayList[ptr Obj]
objects*: ptr ArrayList[ptr Obj]
globals*: ptr HashMap[string, ptr Obj]
globals*: ptr SimpleHashMap
cached*: array[6, ptr Obj]
file*: ptr String
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ proc callObject(self: var VM, callee: ptr Obj, argCount: uint8): bool =
proc defineGlobal*(self: var VM, name: string, value: ptr Obj) =
## Adds a key-value couple to the VM's global scope
self.globals[name] = value
self.globals[name.asStr()] = value
proc readByte(self: CallFrame): uint8 =
@ -632,12 +632,12 @@ proc run(self: var VM): InterpretResult =
return RuntimeError
of OpCode.DefineGlobal:
# Defines a global variable
var name = frame.readConstant().toStr()
var name = cast[ptr String](frame.readConstant())
self.globals[name] = self.peek(0)
discard self.pop()
of OpCode.GetGlobal:
# Retrieves a global variable
var constant = frame.readConstant().toStr()
var constant = cast[ptr String](frame.readConstant())
if constant notin self.globals:
self.error(newReferenceError(&"undefined name '{constant}'"))
return RuntimeError
@ -645,7 +645,7 @@ proc run(self: var VM): InterpretResult =
of OpCode.SetGlobal:
# Changes the value of an already defined global variable
var constant = frame.readConstant().toStr()
var constant = cast[ptr String](frame.readConstant())
if constant notin self.globals:
self.error(newReferenceError(&"assignment to undeclared name '{constant}'"))
return RuntimeError
@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ proc run(self: var VM): InterpretResult =
of OpCode.DeleteGlobal:
# Deletes a global variable
# TODO: Inspect potential issues with the GC
var constant = frame.readConstant().toStr()
var constant = cast[ptr String](frame.readConstant())
if constant notin self.globals:
self.error(newReferenceError(&"undefined name '{constant}'"))
return RuntimeError
@ -806,7 +806,7 @@ proc initVM*(): VM =
## and internal data structures
echo &"DEBUG - VM: Initializing the virtual machine, {JAPL_VERSION_STRING}"
result = VM(globals: newHashMap[string, ptr Obj]())
result = VM(globals: newSimpleHashMap())
@ -816,7 +816,6 @@ proc initVM*(): VM =
echo &"DEBUG - VM: Initialization complete, compiled with the following constants: FRAMES_MAX={FRAMES_MAX}, ARRAY_GROW_FACTOR={ARRAY_GROW_FACTOR}, MAP_LOAD_FACTOR={MAP_LOAD_FACTOR}"
proc interpret*(self: var VM, source: string, file: string): InterpretResult =
## Interprets a source string containing JAPL code
@ -858,3 +857,4 @@ proc interpret*(self: var VM, source: string, file: string): InterpretResult =
return RuntimeError
echo &"DEBUG - VM: Result -> {result}"