Minor fixes

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2020-11-05 09:16:37 +01:00
parent 3c296c942d
commit 9496bea02d
1 changed files with 3 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -23,20 +23,19 @@ In no particular order, here's a list that is constantly updated and that helps
of what's done in JAPL:
- Parsing/Lexing :heavy_check_mark:
- Type system :heavy_check_mark:
- Object oriented type system :heavy_check_mark:
- Control flow (if/else) :heavy_check_mark:
- Loops (for/while) :heavy_check_mark:
- Basic comparisons operators (`>`, `<`, `>=`, `<=`, `!=`, `==`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Logical operators (`!`, `or`, `and`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Logical operators (`!`, `or`, `and`) (__Rework Needed__)
- Multi-line comments `/* like this */` (can be nested) :heavy_check_mark:
- Differentiation between integers and floating point numbers :heavy_check_mark:
- `inf` and `nan` types :heavy_check_mark:
- Basic arithmetic (`+`, `-`, `/`, `*`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Modulo division (`%`) and exponentiation (`**`) :heavy_check_mark:
- Bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT) :heavy_check_mark:
- Global and local variables (__WIP__)
- Explicit scopes using brackets (__WIP__)
- Garbage collector
- Garbage collector (__Coming soon__)
- String slicing, with start:end syntax as well :heavy_check_mark:
- Operations on strings (addition, multiplication) :heavy_check_mark:
- Functions and Closures (__WIP__)