Added euler's problem 1 to tests

Added recursion to running tests
This commit is contained in:
Productive2 2021-01-05 20:51:05 +01:00
parent 2d2ef61fa1
commit 5c8b0cb494
2 changed files with 43 additions and 22 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
// Task: find the multiples of 3 and 5 below 1000, find their sum
var sum = 0;
for (var x = 3; x < 1001; x = x + 1)
if (x % 3 == 0 or x % 5 == 0)
sum = sum + x;

View File

@ -56,37 +56,22 @@ proc log(file: File, msg: string) =
proc detail(file: File, msg: string) =
file.writeLine(&"[DETAIL] {msg}")
const exceptions = ["all.jpl"]
when isMainModule:
proc main(testsDir: string, japlExec: string, testResultsFile: File) =
var testsDir = "tests" / "japl"
var japlExec = "src" / "japl"
# support running from both the japl root and the tests dir where it
# resides
var currentDir = getCurrentDir()
if currentDir.lastPathPart() == "tests":
testsDir = "japl"
japlExec = ".." / japlExec
let testResultsFile = open("testresults.txt", fmAppend)
testResultsFile.writeLine(&"Executing tests at {$getTime()}")
# Exceptions for tests that represent not-yet implemented behaviour
var exceptions = @["all.jpl"]
log(testResultsFile, "Running JAPL tests")
log(testResultsFile, &"Looking for JAPL tests in {testsDir}")
log(testResultsFile, &"Looking for JAPL executable at {japlExec}")
if not fileExists(japlExec):
log(testResultsFile, "JAPL executable not found")
if not dirExists(testsDir):
log(testResultsFile, "Tests dir not found")
for file in walkDir(testsDir):
block singleTest:
for exc in exceptions:
if exc == file.path.extractFilename:
log(testResultsFile, &"Skipping {file.path} because it's on the exceptions list")
break singleTest
if file.path.dirExists():
log(testResultsFile, "Descending into " & file.path)
main(file.path, japlExec, testResultsFile)
break singleTest
log(testResultsFile, &"Running test {file.path}")
if fileExists("testoutput.txt"):
removeFile("testoutput.txt") # in case this crashed
@ -110,6 +95,31 @@ when isMainModule:
detail(testResultsFile, &"Expected is '{expectedOutput[]}' while received '{realOutput[]}'")
log(testResultsFile, &"Test failed {file.path}, check 'testresults.txt' for details")
except IOError:
stderr.write(&"Fatal IO error encountered while running tesrs -> {getCurrentExceptionMsg()}")
when isMainModule:
let testResultsFile = open("testresults.txt", fmAppend)
testResultsFile.writeLine(&"Executing tests at {$getTime()}")
# nim tests
# japl tests
var testsDir = "tests" / "japl"
var japlExec = "src" / "japl"
var currentDir = getCurrentDir()
# support running from both the japl root and the tests dir where it
# resides
if currentDir.lastPathPart() == "tests":
testsDir = "japl"
japlExec = ".." / japlExec
log(testResultsFile, &"Looking for JAPL tests in {testsDir}")
log(testResultsFile, &"Looking for JAPL executable at {japlExec}")
if not fileExists(japlExec):
log(testResultsFile, "JAPL executable not found")
if not dirExists(testsDir):
log(testResultsFile, "Tests dir not found")
main(testsDir, japlExec, testResultsFile)