Added proper documentation for the compiler and the parser. Minor fixes to other docstrings as well

This commit is contained in:
nocturn9x 2020-10-18 18:09:12 +02:00
parent 93a3cea8b5
commit 4728928903
5 changed files with 285 additions and 72 deletions

nim/compiler.exe Normal file

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
import strutils
import algorithm
import strformat
@ -49,43 +51,59 @@ type
proc makeRule(prefix, infix: ParseFn, precedence: Precedence): ParseRule =
## Creates a new rule for parsing
return ParseRule(prefix: prefix, infix: infix, precedence: precedence)
proc advance(self: var Parser): Token =
## Steps forward by one in the tokens' list and
## increments the current token index
result = self.tokens[self.current]
proc peek(self: Parser): Token =
## Returns the next token without consuming it
return self.tokens[self.current]
proc previous(self: Parser): Token =
## Returns the previously consumed token
return self.tokens[self.current - 1]
proc check(self: Parser, kind: TokenType): bool =
## Checks if the next token is of the expected type
## without consuming it
return self.peek().kind == kind
proc match(self: var Parser, kind: TokenType): bool =
## Calls self.check() and advances consumes a token if
## the expected token is encountered, in which case true
## is returned. False is returned otherwise
if not self.check(kind): return false
discard self.advance()
return true
proc parseError(self: var Parser, token: Token, message: string) =
if self.panicMode:
## Notifies the user about parsing errors, writing them to
## the standard error file. This parser is designed to report
## all syntatical errors inside a file in one go, rather than
## stopping at the first error occurrence. This allows a user
## to identify and fix multiple errors without running the parser
## multiple times
if self.panicMode: # This serves to identify wheter an error already occurred, in which case we return
self.panicMode = true
self.hadError = true
echo &"Traceback (most recent call last):"
echo &" File '{self.file}', line {token.line}, at '{token.lexeme}'"
echo &"ParseError: {message}"
stderr.write(&"A fatal error occurred while parsing '{self.file}', line {token.line}, at '{token.lexeme}' -> {message}")
proc consume(self: var Parser, expected: TokenType, message: string) =
## Attempts to consume a token if it is of the expected type
## or raises a parsing error with the given message otherwise
if self.peek().kind == expected:
discard self.advance()
@ -93,40 +111,57 @@ proc consume(self: var Parser, expected: TokenType, message: string) =
proc currentChunk(self: ref Compiler): var Chunk =
## Returns the current chunk being compiled
result = self.function.chunk
proc compileError(self: ref Compiler, message: string) =
echo &"Traceback (most recent call last):"
echo &" File '{self.file}', line {self.parser.peek.line}, at '{self.parser.peek.lexeme}'"
echo &"CompileError: {message}"
## Notifies the user about an error occurred during
## compilation, writing to the standard error file
stderr.write(&"A fatal error occurred while compiling '{self.file}', line {self.parser.peek().line}, at '{self.parser.peek().lexeme}' -> {message}")
self.parser.hadError = true
self.parser.panicMode = true
proc emitByte(self: ref Compiler, byt: OpCode|uint8) =
## Emits a single bytecode instruction and writes it
## to the current chunk being compiled
self.currentChunk.writeChunk(uint8 byt, self.parser.previous.line)
proc emitBytes(self: ref Compiler, byt1: OpCode|uint8, byt2: OpCode|uint8) =
## Emits multiple bytes instead of a single one, this is useful
## to emit operators along with their operands or for multi-byte
## instructions that are longer than one byte
self.emitByte(uint8 byt1)
self.emitByte(uint8 byt2)
proc emitBytes(self: ref Compiler, bytarr: array[3, uint8]) =
## Handy helper method to write an array of 3 bytes into
## the current chunk, calling emiteByte(s) on each of its
## elements
self.emitBytes(bytarr[0], bytarr[1])
proc makeConstant(self: ref Compiler, val: Value): uint8 =
## Adds a constant (literal) to the current chunk's
## constants table
result = uint8 self.currentChunk.addConstant(val)
proc makeLongConstant(self: ref Compiler, val: Value): array[3, uint8] =
## Does the same as makeConstant(), but encodes the index in the
## chunk's constant table as an array (which is later reconstructed
## into an integer at runtime) to store more than 256 constants in the table
result = self.currentChunk.writeConstant(val)
proc emitConstant(self: ref Compiler, value: Value) =
## Emits a Constant or ConstantLong instruction along
## with its operand
if self.currentChunk().consts.values.len > 255:
@ -134,32 +169,41 @@ proc emitConstant(self: ref Compiler, value: Value) =
self.emitBytes(OpCode.Constant, self.makeConstant(value))
proc getRule(kind: TokenType): ParseRule # Forward declarations
proc getRule(kind: TokenType): ParseRule # Forward declarations for later use
proc statement(self: ref Compiler)
proc declaration(self: ref Compiler)
proc initCompiler*(context: FunctionType, enclosing: ref Compiler = nil, parser: Parser = initParser(@[], ""), file: string): ref Compiler
proc endCompiler(self: ref Compiler): ptr Function =
## Ends the current compiler instance and returns its
## compiled bytecode wrapped around a function object,
## also emitting a return instruction with nil as operand.
## Because of this, all functions implicitly return nil
## if no return statement is supplied
return self.function
proc parsePrecedence(self: ref Compiler, precedence: Precedence) =
## Parses expressions using pratt's elegant algorithm to precedence parsing
discard self.parser.advance()
var prefixRule = getRule(self.parser.previous.kind).prefix
if prefixRule == nil:
if prefixRule == nil: # If there is no prefix rule than an expression is expected
self.parser.parseError(self.parser.previous, "Expecting expression")
var canAssign = precedence <= Precedence.Assignment
var canAssign = precedence <= Precedence.Assignment # This is used to detect invalid assignment targets
# such as "hello" = 3;
self.prefixRule(canAssign) # otherwise call the prefix rule (e.g. for binary negation)
if self.parser.previous.kind == EOF:
self.parser.current -= 1
self.parser.current -= 1 # If we're at EOF, we bail out and restore the EOF terminator so that
# the parser behaves accordingly later on
while precedence <= (getRule(self.parser.peek.kind).precedence):
while precedence <= (getRule(self.parser.peek.kind).precedence): # This will parse all expressions with the same precedence
# or lower to the current expression
var infixRule = getRule(self.parser.advance.kind).infix
if self.parser.peek.kind != EOF:
if self.parser.peek().kind != EOF:
self.parser.parseError(self.parser.previous, "Expecting expression, got EOF")
@ -168,12 +212,14 @@ proc parsePrecedence(self: ref Compiler, precedence: Precedence) =
proc expression(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses expressions
self.parsePrecedence(Precedence.Assignment) # The highest-level expression is assignment
proc binary(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
var operator = self.parser.previous.kind
var rule = getRule(operator)
## Parses binary operators
var operator = self.parser.previous().kind
var rule = getRule(operator)
self.parsePrecedence(Precedence((int rule.precedence) + 1))
case operator:
of PLUS:
@ -211,10 +257,12 @@ proc binary(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
of BAND:
discard # Unreachable
proc unary(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses unary expressions such as negation or
## binary inversion
var operator = self.parser.previous().kind
if self.parser.peek().kind != EOF:
@ -233,48 +281,66 @@ proc unary(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
template markObject*(self: ref Compiler, obj: untyped): untyped =
## Marks compile-time objects (since those take up memory as well)
## for the VM to reclaim space later on
proc strVal(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses string literals
var str = self.parser.previous().lexeme
var delimiter = &"{str[0]}"
var delimiter = &"{str[0]}" # TODO: Add proper escape sequences support
str = str.unescape(delimiter, delimiter)
self.emitConstant(Value(kind: OBJECT, obj: self.markObject(newString(str))))
proc bracketAssign(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses assignments such as a[0] = "something"
discard # TODO -> Implement this
proc bracket(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses slice expressions, such as "hello"[0]
## Slice can take up to two arguments, a start
## and an end index in the chosen iterable.
## Both arguments are optional, so doing "hi"[::]
## will basically copy the string into a new object.
## Indexes start from 0, and while the start index is
## inclusive, the end index is not. If an end index is
## not specified like this "hello"[0:], then the it is
## assumed to be the length of the iterable. Likewise,
## if the start index is missing, it is assumed to be 0.
## Like in Python, using an end index that's out of bounds
## will not raise an error. Doing "hello"[0:999] will just
## return the whole string instead
if self.parser.peek.kind == COLON:
discard self.parser.advance()
if self.parser.peek.kind == RS:
if self.parser.peek().kind == RS:
if self.parser.peek.kind == RS:
if self.parser.peek().kind == RS:
elif self.parser.peek.kind == COLON:
elif self.parser.peek().kind == COLON:
discard self.parser.advance()
if self.parser.peek.kind == RS:
if self.parser.peek().kind == RS:
if self.parser.peek.kind == EQ:
if self.parser.peek().kind == EQ:
discard self.parser.advance()
self.parser.consume(TokenType.RS, "Expecting ']' after slice expression")
proc literal(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses literal values such as true, nan and inf
case self.parser.previous().kind:
of TRUE:
@ -291,11 +357,15 @@ proc literal(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
proc number(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses numerical constants
var value = self.parser.previous().literal
proc grouping(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses parenthesized expressions. The only interesting
## semantic about parentheses is that they allow lower-precedence
## expressions where a higher precedence one is expected
if self.parser.match(EOF):
self.parser.parseError(self.parser.previous, "Expecting ')'")
elif self.parser.match(RP):
@ -306,12 +376,29 @@ proc grouping(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
proc synchronize(self: ref Compiler) =
## Synchronizes the parser's state. This is useful when
## dealing with parsing errors. When an error occurs, we
## note it with our nice panicMode and hadError fields, but
## that in itself doesn't allow the parser to go forward
## in the code and report other possible errors. On the
## other hand, attempting to start parsing the source
## right after an error has occurred could lead to a
## cascade of unhelpful error messages that complicate
## debugging issues. So, when an error occurs, we try
## to get back into a state that at least allows us to keep
## parsing and pretend the error never happened (the code
## would not be compiled anyway so we might as well tell the
## user if anything else is wrong with their code). The parser
## will skip to the next valid token for a statement, like an
## if or a for loop or a class declaration, and then keep
## parsing from there. Note that hadError is never reset, but
## panidMode is
self.parser.panicMode = false
while self.parser.peek.kind != EOF:
while self.parser.peek().kind != EOF: # Infinite loops are bad, so we must take EOF into account
if self.parser.previous().kind == SEMICOLON:
case self.parser.peek.kind:
of TokenType.CLASS, FUN, VAR, TokenType.FOR, IF, TokenType.WHILE, RETURN:
case self.parser.peek().kind:
of TokenType.CLASS, FUN, VAR, TokenType.FOR, IF, TokenType.WHILE, RETURN: # We found a statement boundary, so the parser bails out
@ -319,20 +406,35 @@ proc synchronize(self: ref Compiler) =
proc identifierConstant(self: ref Compiler, tok: Token): uint8 =
## Emits instructions for identifiers
return self.makeConstant(Value(kind: OBJECT, obj: self.markObject(newString(tok.lexeme))))
proc identifierLongConstant(self: ref Compiler, tok: Token): array[3, uint8] =
## Same as identifierConstant, but this is used when the constant table is longer
## than 255 elements
return self.makeLongConstant(Value(kind: OBJECT, obj: self.markObject(newString(tok.lexeme))))
proc addLocal(self: ref Compiler, name: Token) =
## Stores a local variable. Local name resolution
## happens at compile time rather than runtime,
## unlike global variables which are treated differently.
## Note that at first, a local is in a special "uninitialized"
## state, this is useful to detect errors such as var a = a;
## inside local scopes
var local = Local(name: name, depth: -1)
proc declareVariable(self: ref Compiler) =
## Declares a variable, this is only useful
## for local variables, there is no way to
## "declare" a global at compile time. This
## assumption works because locals
## and temporaries have stack semantics inside
## local scopes
if self.scopeDepth == 0:
var name = self.parser.previous()
@ -340,6 +442,7 @@ proc declareVariable(self: ref Compiler) =
proc parseVariable(self: ref Compiler, message: string): uint8 =
## Parses variables and declares them
self.parser.consume(ID, message)
if self.scopeDepth > 0:
@ -348,6 +451,9 @@ proc parseVariable(self: ref Compiler, message: string): uint8 =
proc parseLongVariable(self: ref Compiler, message: string): array[3, uint8] =
## Parses variables and declares them. This is used in place
## of parseVariable when there's more than 255 constants
## in the chunk table
self.parser.consume(ID, message)
if self.scopeDepth > 0:
@ -356,12 +462,18 @@ proc parseLongVariable(self: ref Compiler, message: string): array[3, uint8] =
proc markInitialized(self: ref Compiler) =
## Marks the latest defined global as
## initialized and ready for use
if self.scopeDepth == 0:
self.locals[self.localCount - 1].depth = self.scopeDepth
proc defineVariable(self: ref Compiler, idx: uint8) =
## Defines a variable, emitting appropriate
## instructions if we're in the local scope
## or marking the last local as initialized
## otherwise
if self.scopeDepth > 0:
@ -369,6 +481,8 @@ proc defineVariable(self: ref Compiler, idx: uint8) =
proc defineVariable(self: ref Compiler, idx: array[3, uint8]) =
## Same as defineVariable, but this is used when
## there's more than 255 locals in the chunk's table
if self.scopeDepth > 0:
@ -377,6 +491,8 @@ proc defineVariable(self: ref Compiler, idx: array[3, uint8]) =
proc resolveLocal(self: ref Compiler, name: Token): int =
## Resolves a local variable and catches errors such as
## var a = a
var i = self.localCount - 1
for local in reversed(self.locals):
if == name.lexeme:
@ -388,6 +504,8 @@ proc resolveLocal(self: ref Compiler, name: Token): int =
proc namedVariable(self: ref Compiler, tok: Token, canAssign: bool) =
## Handles local and global variables assignment, as well
## as variable resolution.
var arg = self.resolveLocal(tok)
get: OpCode
@ -407,6 +525,9 @@ proc namedVariable(self: ref Compiler, tok: Token, canAssign: bool) =
proc namedLongVariable(self: ref Compiler, tok: Token, canAssign: bool) =
## Handles local and global variables assignment, as well
## as variable resolution. This is only called when the constants
## table's length exceeds 255
var arg = self.resolveLocal(tok)
var casted = cast[array[3, uint8]](arg)
@ -430,6 +551,8 @@ proc namedLongVariable(self: ref Compiler, tok: Token, canAssign: bool) =
proc variable(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Emits the code to declare a variable,
## both locally and globally
if self.locals.len < 255:
self.namedVariable(self.parser.previous(), canAssign)
@ -437,6 +560,9 @@ proc variable(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
proc varDeclaration(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses a variable declaration, taking into account
## the possibility that the chunk table could already
## be bigger than 255 elements
var shortName: uint8
var longName: array[3, uint8]
var useShort: bool = true
@ -457,6 +583,9 @@ proc varDeclaration(self: ref Compiler) =
proc expressionStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses an expression statement, which is
## an expression followed by a semicolon. It then
## emits a pop instruction
self.parser.consume(SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after expression")
@ -484,16 +613,25 @@ proc deleteVariable(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
proc parseBlock(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses a block statement, which is basically
## a list of other statements
while not self.parser.check(RB) and not self.parser.check(EOF):
self.parser.consume(RB, "Expecting '}' after block statement")
proc beginScope(self: ref Compiler) =
## Begins a scope by increasing the
## current scope depth. This is literally
## all it takes to create a scope, since the
## only semantically interesting behavior of
## scopes is a change in names resolution
proc endScope(self: ref Compiler) =
## Ends a scope, popping off any local that
## was created inside it along the way
self.scopeDepth = self.scopeDepth - 1
while self.localCount > 0 and self.locals[self.localCount - 1].depth > self.scopeDepth:
@ -501,6 +639,9 @@ proc endScope(self: ref Compiler) =
proc emitJump(self: ref Compiler, opcode: OpCode): int =
## Emits a jump instruction with a placeholder offset
## that is later patched, check patchJump for more info
## about how jumps work
@ -508,6 +649,19 @@ proc emitJump(self: ref Compiler, opcode: OpCode): int =
proc patchJump(self: ref Compiler, offset: int) =
## Patches a previously emitted jump instruction.
## Since it's impossible to know how much code
## needs to be jumped before compiling the code
## itself, jumps are first encoded with a placeholder
## offset. Then, after the code that has to be jumped
## over has been compiled, its size is known and the
## previously emitted offset is replaced with the actual
## jump size.
## Note that, due to how the language is designed,
## only up to 2^16 bytecode instructions can
## be jumped over, so the size of the if/else conditions
## or loops is limited (hopefully 65 thousands and change
## instructions are enough for everyone)
var jump = self.currentChunk.code.len - offset - 2
if jump > (int uint16.high):
self.compileError("too much code to jump over")
@ -517,6 +671,7 @@ proc patchJump(self: ref Compiler, offset: int) =
proc ifStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses if statements in a C-style fashion
self.parser.consume(LP, "The if condition must be parenthesized")
if self.parser.peek.kind != EOF:
@ -539,6 +694,7 @@ proc ifStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
proc emitLoop(self: ref Compiler, start: int) =
## Creates a loop and emits related instructions.
var offset = self.currentChunk.code.len - start + 2
if offset > (int uint16.high):
@ -549,6 +705,9 @@ proc emitLoop(self: ref Compiler, start: int) =
proc endLooping(self: ref Compiler) =
## This method is used to make
## the break statement work and patch
## it with a jump instruction
if self.loop.loopEnd != -1:
@ -564,6 +723,7 @@ proc endLooping(self: ref Compiler) =
proc whileStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses while loops in a C-style fashion
var loop = Loop(depth: self.scopeDepth, outer: self.loop, start: self.currentChunk.code.len, alive: true, loopEnd: -1)
self.loop = loop
self.parser.consume(LP, "The loop condition must be parenthesized")
@ -587,6 +747,7 @@ proc whileStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
proc forStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses for loops in a C-style fashion
self.parser.consume(LP, "The loop condition must be parenthesized")
if self.parser.peek.kind != EOF:
@ -634,6 +795,9 @@ proc forStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
proc parseBreak(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses break statements. A break
## statement causes the current loop
## to exit and jump to its end
if not self.loop.alive:
self.parser.parseError(self.parser.previous, "'break' outside loop")
@ -645,6 +809,7 @@ proc parseBreak(self: ref Compiler) =
discard self.emitJump(OpCode.Break)
proc parseAnd(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses expressions such as a and b
var jump = self.emitJump(OpCode.JumpIfFalse)
@ -652,6 +817,7 @@ proc parseAnd(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
proc parseOr(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Parses expressions such as a or b
var elseJump = self.emitJump(OpCode.JumpIfFalse)
var endJump = self.emitJump(OpCode.Jump)
@ -661,6 +827,9 @@ proc parseOr(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
proc continueStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses continue statements inside loops.
## The continue statements causes the loop to skip
## to the next iteration
if not self.loop.alive:
self.parser.parseError(self.parser.previous, "'continue' outside loop")
@ -673,6 +842,10 @@ proc continueStatement(self: ref Compiler) =
proc parseFunction(self: ref Compiler, funType: FunctionType) =
## Parses function declarations. Functions can have
## keyword arguments (WIP), but once a parameter is declared
## as a keyword one, all subsequent parameters must be
## keyword ones as well
var self = initCompiler(funType, self, self.parser, self.file)
self.parser.consume(LP, "Expecting '(' after function name")
@ -721,6 +894,8 @@ proc parseFunction(self: ref Compiler, funType: FunctionType) =
proc funDeclaration(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses function declarations and declares
## them in the current scope
var funName = self.parseVariable("expecting function name")
@ -728,6 +903,7 @@ proc funDeclaration(self: ref Compiler) =
proc argumentList(self: ref Compiler): uint8 =
## Parses arguments passed to function calls
result = 0
if not self.parser.check(RP):
while true:
@ -742,11 +918,14 @@ proc argumentList(self: ref Compiler): uint8 =
proc call(self: ref Compiler, canAssign: bool) =
## Emits appropriate bytecode to call
## a function
var argCount = self.argumentList()
self.emitBytes(OpCode.Call, argCount)
proc statement(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses statements
if self.parser.match(TokenType.FOR):
elif self.parser.match(IF):
@ -766,6 +945,7 @@ proc statement(self: ref Compiler) =
proc declaration(self: ref Compiler) =
## Parses declarations
if self.parser.match(FUN):
elif self.parser.match(VAR):
@ -776,7 +956,8 @@ proc declaration(self: ref Compiler) =
var rules: array[TokenType, ParseRule] = [
# The array of all parse rules
const rules: array[TokenType, ParseRule] = [
makeRule(nil, binary, Precedence.Term), # PLUS
makeRule(unary, binary, Precedence.Term), # MINUS
makeRule(nil, binary, Precedence.Factor), # SLASH
@ -835,10 +1016,15 @@ var rules: array[TokenType, ParseRule] = [
proc getRule(kind: TokenType): ParseRule =
## Returns an appropriate precedence rule
## object for a given token type
result = rules[kind]
proc compile*(self: ref Compiler, source: string): ptr Function =
## Compiles a source string into a function
## object. This wires up all the code
## inside the parser and the lexer
var scanner = initLexer(source, self.file)
var tokens = scanner.lex()
if not scanner.errored:
@ -855,9 +1041,11 @@ proc compile*(self: ref Compiler, source: string): ptr Function =
proc initCompiler*(context: FunctionType, enclosing: ref Compiler = nil, parser: Parser = initParser(@[], ""), file: string): ref Compiler =
## Initializes a new compiler object and returns a reference
## to it
result = new(Compiler)
result.parser = parser
result.function = nil
result.function = nil # Garbage collection paranoia
result.locals = @[]
result.scopeDepth = 0
result.localCount = 0
@ -870,10 +1058,10 @@ proc initCompiler*(context: FunctionType, enclosing: ref Compiler = nil, parser:
result.locals.add(Local(depth: 0, name: Token(kind: EOF, lexeme: "")))
result.function = result.markObject(newFunction())
if context != SCRIPT:
if context != SCRIPT: # If we're compiling a function, we give it its name = newString(enclosing.parser.previous().lexeme)
# so that the compiler can be executed on its own
# This wat the compiler can be executed on its own
# without the VM
when isMainModule:
var compiler: ref Compiler = initCompiler(SCRIPT, file="test")

View File

@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
# A simple tokenizer implementation with one character of lookahead.
# This module has been designed to be easily extendible in its functionality
# given that JAPL is in a state of high activity and many features are
# being added along the way. To add support for a new keyword, just create
# an appropriate TokenType entry in the enum in the file at meta/tokenotype.nim
# and then add it to the constant RESERVED table. A similar approach applies for
# other tokens, but multi-character ones require more tweaking
## A simple tokenizer implementation with one character of lookahead.
## This module has been designed to be easily extendible in its functionality
## given that JAPL is in a state of high activity and many features are
## being added along the way. To add support for a new keyword, just create
## an appropriate TokenType entry in the enum in the file at meta/tokentype.nim
## and then add it to the constant RESERVED table. A similar approach applies for
## other tokens, but multi-character ones require more tweaking.
## Since this lexer scans the given source string character by character, unicode
## identifiers are not supported
import system
import strutils
@ -14,7 +16,7 @@ import meta/tokentype
import meta/tokenobject
import meta/valueobject
# Table of all tokens except reserved keywords
const TOKENS = to_table({
'(': TokenType.LP, ')': TokenType.RP,
'{': TokenType.LB, '}': TokenType.RB,
@ -29,6 +31,7 @@ const TOKENS = to_table({
'&': TokenType.BAND, '|': TokenType.BOR,
'~': TokenType.TILDE})
# Constant table storing all the reserved keywords for JAPL
const RESERVED = to_table({
"or": TokenType.OR, "and": TokenType.AND,
"class": TokenType.CLASS, "fun": TokenType.FUN,
@ -51,15 +54,21 @@ type
errored*: bool
file*: string
func initLexer*(source: string, file: string): Lexer =
result = Lexer(source: source, tokens: @[], line: 1, start: 0, current: 0, errored: false, file: file)
## Initializes the lexer
result = Lexer(source: source, tokens: @[], line: 1, start: 0, current: 0, errored: false, file: file)
proc done(self: Lexer): bool =
## Returns true if we reached EOF
result = self.current >= self.source.len
proc step(self: var Lexer): char =
## Steps one character forward in the
## source file. A null terminator is returned
## if the lexer is at EOF
if self.done():
return '\0'
self.current = self.current + 1
@ -67,6 +76,10 @@ proc step(self: var Lexer): char =
proc peek(self: Lexer): char =
## Returns the current character in the
## source file without consuming it.
## A null terminator is returned
## if the lexer is at EOF
if self.done():
result = '\0'
@ -74,15 +87,23 @@ proc peek(self: Lexer): char =
proc match(self: var Lexer, what: char): bool =
## Returns true if the next character matches
## the given character, and consumes it.
## Otherwise, false is returned
if self.done():
return false
elif self.peek() != what:
return false
self.current = self.current + 1
self.current += 1
return true
proc peekNext(self: Lexer): char =
## Returns the next character
## in the source file without
## consuming it.
## A null terminator is returned
## if the lexer is at EOF
if self.current + 1 >= self.source.len:
result = '\0'
@ -90,6 +111,7 @@ proc peekNext(self: Lexer): char =
proc createToken(self: var Lexer, tokenType: TokenType, literal: Value): Token =
## Creates a token object for later use in the parser
result = Token(kind: tokenType,
lexeme: self.source[self.start..<self.current],
literal: literal,
@ -98,14 +120,13 @@ proc createToken(self: var Lexer, tokenType: TokenType, literal: Value): Token =
proc parseString(self: var Lexer, delimiter: char) =
## Parses string literals
while self.peek() != delimiter and not self.done():
if self.peek() == '\n':
self.line = self.line + 1
discard self.step()
if self.done():
echo "Traceback (most recent call last):"
echo &" File '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}'"
echo &"SyntaxError: Unterminated string literal"
stderr.write(&"A fatal error occurred while parsing '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}' -> Unterminated string literal")
self.errored = true
discard self.step()
let value = self.source[self.start..<self.current].asStr() # Get the value between quotes
@ -114,6 +135,10 @@ proc parseString(self: var Lexer, delimiter: char) =
proc parseNumber(self: var Lexer) =
## Parses numeric literals
# TODO: Move the integer conversion to the
# compiler for finer error reporting and
# handling
while isDigit(self.peek()):
discard self.step()
@ -127,13 +152,14 @@ proc parseNumber(self: var Lexer) =
var value = parseInt(self.source[self.start..<self.current]).asInt()
self.tokens.add(self.createToken(TokenType.NUMBER, value))
except ValueError:
echo "Traceback (most recent call last):"
echo &" File '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}'"
echo "OverflowError: integer is too big to convert to int64"
stderr.write(&"A fatal error occurred while parsing '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}' -> integer is too big to convert to int64")
self.errored = true
proc parseIdentifier(self: var Lexer) =
## Parses identifiers, note that
## multi-character tokens such as
## UTF runes are not supported
while self.peek().isAlphaNumeric():
discard self.step()
var text: string = self.source[self.start..<self.current]
@ -145,13 +171,17 @@ proc parseIdentifier(self: var Lexer) =
proc parseComment(self: var Lexer) =
## Parses multi-line comments. They start
## with /* and end with */, and can be nested.
## A missing comment terminator will raise an
## error
var closed = false
while not self.done():
var finish = self.peek() & self.peekNext()
if finish == "/*": # Nested comments
discard self.step()
discard self.step()
self.parseComment() # Recursively parse any other enclosing comments
elif finish == "*/":
closed = true
discard self.step() # Consume the two ends
@ -160,14 +190,15 @@ proc parseComment(self: var Lexer) =
discard self.step()
if self.done() and not closed:
self.errored = true
echo "Traceback (most recent call last):"
echo &" File '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}'"
echo &"SyntaxError: Unexpected EOF"
stderr.write(&"A fatal error occurred while parsing '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}' -> Unexpected EOF")
proc scanToken(self: var Lexer) =
## Scans a single token. This method is
## called iteratively until the source
## file reaches EOF
var single = self.step()
if single in [' ', '\t', '\r']:
if single in [' ', '\t', '\r']: # We skip whitespaces, tabs and
elif single == '\n':
self.line += 1
@ -201,12 +232,12 @@ proc scanToken(self: var Lexer) =
self.tokens.add(self.createToken(TOKENS[single], asStr(&"{single}")))
self.errored = true
echo "Traceback (most recent call last):"
echo &" File '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}'"
echo &"SyntaxError: Unexpected character '{single}'"
stderr.write(&"A fatal error occurred while parsing '{self.file}', line {self.line} at '{self.peek()}' -> Unexpected token '{single}'")
proc lex*(self: var Lexer): seq[Token] =
## Lexes a source file, converting a stream
## of characters into a series of tokens
while not self.done():
self.start = self.current

View File

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
# This module handles all memory allocation and deallocation for the entire
# JAPL runtime. Forcing the entire language to route memory allocation
# into a single module makes it easy to track how much memory we have allocated
# and simplifies the implementation of a garbage collector.
# To also make our life as language implementers easier, the internals of the
# interpreter (which means the tokenizer, the compiler the debugger,
# and some parts of the Virtual Machine) will use nim's GC
## This module handles all memory allocation and deallocation for the entire
## JAPL runtime. Forcing the entire language to route memory allocation
## into a single module makes it easy to track how much memory we have allocated
## and simplifies the implementation of a garbage collector.
## To also make our life as language implementers easier, the internals of the
## interpreter (which means the tokenizer, the compiler the debugger,
## and some parts of the Virtual Machine) will use nim's GC
import segfaults
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ proc reallocate*(pointer: pointer, oldSize: int, newSize: int): pointer =
return nil
result = realloc(pointer, newSize)
except NilAccessError:
echo "MemoryError: could not allocate memory, segmentation fault"
echo "A fatal error occurred -> could not allocate memory, segmentation fault"

View File

@ -1,28 +1,22 @@
## The JAPL runtime environment, or virtual machine. This is
## a stack-based bytecode VM.
import algorithm
import strutils
import strformat
import math
import lenientops
import common
import compiler
import tables
import util/debug
import meta/chunk
import meta/valueobject
import types/exceptions
import types/objecttype
import types/stringtype
import types/functiontype
import bitops
import memory
proc `**`(a, b: int): int = pow(a.float, b.float).int
proc `**`(a, b: float): float = pow(a, b)
KeyboardInterrupt* = object of CatchableError