added missing files

This commit is contained in:
Productive2 2020-10-22 10:19:00 +02:00
parent 1daae9c30a
commit ccc78148d8
28 changed files with 2388 additions and 1099 deletions

JAPL/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
from .lexer import Lexer
from .parser import Parser
from .interpreter import Interpreter

JAPL/meta/ Normal file
View File

JAPL/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,444 @@
from .meta.exceptions import ParseError
from .meta.tokentype import TokenType
from .meta.tokenobject import Token
from typing import List, Union
from .meta.expression import Variable, Assignment, Logical, Call, Binary, Unary, Literal, Grouping, Expression, Get, Set, This, Super
from .meta.statement import StatementExpr, Var, Del, Block, If, While, Break, Function, Return, Class
class Parser(object):
"""A simple recursive-descent top-down parser"""
def __init__(self, tokens: List[Token]):
"""Object constructor"""
self.tokens = tokens
self.current: int = 0
def check(self, token_type):
Helper method for self.match
if self.done():
return False
elif self.peek().kind == token_type:
return True
return False
def throw(self, token: Token, message: str) -> ParseError:
"""Returns ParseError with the given message"""
return ParseError(token, message)
def synchronize(self):
"""Synchronizes the parser's state to recover after
an error occurred while parsing"""
while not self.done():
if self.previous().kind == TokenType.SEMICOLON:
token_type = self.peek().kind
if token_type in (
TokenType.IF, TokenType.CLASS, TokenType.VAR, TokenType.FOR, TokenType.WHILE,
TokenType.RETURN, TokenType.FUN
def peek(self):
Returns a token without consuming it
return self.tokens[self.current]
def previous(self):
Returns the most recently consumed token
return self.tokens[self.current - 1]
def done(self):
Returns True if we reached EOF
return self.peek().kind == TokenType.EOF
def match(self, *types: Union[TokenType, List[TokenType]]):
Checks if the current token matches
any of the given token type(s)
for token_type in types:
if self.check(token_type):
return True
return False
def consume(self, token_type, message: str):
Consumes a token, raises an error
with the given message if the current token
differs from the expected one
if self.check(token_type):
return self.step()
raise self.throw(self.peek(), message)
def primary(self):
"""Parses unary expressions (literals)"""
if self.match(TokenType.FALSE):
return Literal(False)
elif self.match(TokenType.TRUE):
return Literal(True)
elif self.match(TokenType.NIL):
return Literal(None)
elif self.match(TokenType.NUM, TokenType.STR):
return Literal(self.previous().literal)
elif self.match(TokenType.LP):
expr: Expression = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "Unexpected error while parsing parenthesized expression")
return Grouping(expr)
elif self.match(TokenType.ID):
return Variable(self.previous())
elif self.match(TokenType.SUPER):
keyword = self.previous()
self.consume(TokenType.DOT, "Expecting '.' after 'super'")
method = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting superclass method name")
return Super(keyword, method)
elif self.match(TokenType.THIS):
return This(self.previous())
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Invalid syntax")
def finish_call(self, callee):
"""Parses a function call"""
arguments = []
if not self.check(TokenType.RP):
while True:
if len(arguments) >= 255:
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Cannot have more than 255 arguments")
if not self.match(TokenType.COMMA):
paren = self.consume(TokenType.RP, "Unexpected error while parsing call")
return Call(callee, paren, arguments)
def call(self):
"""Parses call expressions"""
expr = self.primary()
while True:
if self.match(TokenType.LP):
expr = self.finish_call(expr)
elif self.match(TokenType.DOT):
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting property after '.'")
expr = Get(expr, name)
return expr
def unary(self):
"""Parses unary expressions"""
if self.match(TokenType.NEG, TokenType.MINUS):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.unary()
return Unary(operator, right)
def pow(self):
"""Parses pow expressions"""
expr: Expression = self.unary()
while self.match(TokenType.POW):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.unary()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def multiplication(self):
Parses multiplications and divisions
expr: Expression = self.pow()
while self.match(TokenType.STAR, TokenType.SLASH, TokenType.MOD):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.pow()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def addition(self):
Parses additions and subtractions
expr: Expression = self.multiplication()
while self.match(TokenType.PLUS, TokenType.MINUS):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.multiplication()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def comparison(self):
Parses comparison expressions
expr: Expression = self.addition()
while self.match(TokenType.GT, TokenType.GE, TokenType.LT, TokenType.LE, TokenType.NE):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.addition()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def equality(self):
Parses equality expressions
expr: Expression = self.comparison()
while self.match(TokenType.NEG, TokenType.DEQ):
operator: Token = self.previous()
right: Expression = self.comparison()
expr = Binary(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def logical_and(self):
"""Parses a logical and expression"""
expr = self.equality()
while self.match(TokenType.AND):
operator = self.previous()
right = self.equality()
expr = Logical(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def logical_or(self):
"""Parses a logical or expression"""
expr = self.logical_and()
while self.match(TokenType.OR):
operator = self.previous()
right = self.logical_and()
expr = Logical(expr, operator, right)
return expr
def assignment(self):
Parses an assignment expression
expr = self.logical_or()
if self.match(TokenType.EQ):
eq = self.previous()
value = self.assignment()
if isinstance(expr, Variable):
name =
return Assignment(name, value)
elif isinstance(expr, Get):
return Set(expr.object,, value)
raise self.throw(eq, "Invalid syntax")
return expr
def expression(self):
Parses an expression
return self.assignment()
def step(self):
"""Steps 1 token forward"""
if not self.done():
self.current += 1
return self.previous()
def del_statement(self):
"""Returns a del AST node"""
value = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after statement")
return Del(value)
def expression_statement(self):
"""Returns a StatemenrExpr AST node"""
value = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after statement")
return StatementExpr(value)
def block(self):
"""Returns a new environment to enable block scoping"""
statements = []
while not self.check(TokenType.RB) and not self.done():
self.consume(TokenType.RB, "Unexpected end of block")
return statements
def if_statement(self):
"""Parses an IF statement"""
self.consume(TokenType.LP, "The if condition must be parenthesized")
cond = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "The if condition must be parenthesized")
then_branch = self.statement()
else_branch = None
if self.match(TokenType.ELSE):
else_branch = self.statement()
return If(cond, then_branch, else_branch)
def while_statement(self):
"""Parses a while statement"""
self.consume(TokenType.LP, "The while condition must be parenthesized")
cond = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "The while condition must be parenthesized")
body = self.statement()
return While(cond, body)
def for_statement(self):
"""Parses a for statement"""
self.consume(TokenType.LP, "The for condition must be parenthesized")
if self.match(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
init = None
elif self.match(TokenType.VAR):
init = self.var_declaration()
init = self.expression_statement()
condition = None
if not self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
condition = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after loop condition")
incr = None
if not self.check(TokenType.RP):
incr = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "The for condition must be parenthesized")
body = self.statement()
if incr:
body = Block([body, StatementExpr(incr)])
if not condition:
condition = Literal(True)
body = While(condition, body)
if init:
body = Block([init, body])
return body
def break_statement(self):
"""Parses a break statement"""
if self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
return self.step()
raise ParseError(self.peek(), "Invalid syntax")
def return_statement(self):
"""Parses a return statement"""
keyword = self.previous()
value = None
if not self.check(TokenType.SEMICOLON):
value = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after statement")
return Return(keyword, value)
def statement(self):
"""Parses a statement"""
if self.match(TokenType.IF):
return self.if_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.RETURN):
return self.return_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.FOR):
return self.for_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.WHILE):
return self.while_statement()
elif self.match(TokenType.BREAK):
return Break(self.break_statement())
elif self.match(TokenType.LB):
return Block(self.block())
elif self.match(TokenType.DEL):
return self.del_statement()
return self.expression_statement()
def var_declaration(self):
"""Parses a var declaration"""
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting a variable name")
init = None
if self.match(TokenType.EQ):
init = self.expression()
self.consume(TokenType.SEMICOLON, "Missing semicolon after declaration")
return Var(name, init)
def function(self, kind: str):
"""Parses a function declaration"""
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, f"Expecting {kind} name")
self.consume(TokenType.LP, f"Expecting parenthesis after {kind} name")
parameters = []
if not self.check(TokenType.RP):
while True:
if len(parameters) >= 255:
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Cannot have more than 255 arguments")
parameter = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting parameter name")
if parameter in parameters:
raise self.throw(self.peek(), "Multiple parameters with the same name in function declaration are not allowed")
if not self.match(TokenType.COMMA):
self.consume(TokenType.RP, "Unexpected error while parsing function declaration")
self.consume(TokenType.LB, f"Expecting '{{' before {kind} body")
body = self.block()
return Function(name, parameters, body)
def class_declaration(self):
"""Parses a class declaration"""
name = self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting class name")
superclass = None
if self.match(TokenType.LT):
self.consume(TokenType.ID, "Expecting superclass name")
superclass = Variable(self.previous())
self.consume(TokenType.LB, "Expecting '{' before class body")
methods = []
while not self.check(TokenType.RB) and not self.done():
self.consume(TokenType.RB, "Expecting '}' after class body")
return Class(name, methods, superclass)
def declaration(self):
"""Parses a declaration"""
if self.match(TokenType.CLASS):
return self.class_declaration()
elif self.match(TokenType.FUN):
return self.function("function")
elif self.match(TokenType.VAR):
return self.var_declaration()
return self.statement()
except ParseError:
def parse(self):
Starts to parse
statements = []
while not self.done():
return statements

JAPL/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
from .meta.exceptions import JAPLError
from .meta.expression import Expression
from .meta.statement import Statement
from .meta.functiontype import FunctionType
from .meta.classtype import ClassType
from .meta.looptype import LoopType
from functools import singledispatchmethod
except ImportError:
from singledispatchmethod import singledispatchmethod # Backport
from typing import List, Union
from collections import deque
class Resolver(Expression.Visitor, Statement.Visitor):
This class serves the purpose of correctly resolving
name bindings (even with closures) efficiently
def __init__(self, interpreter):
Object constructor
self.interpreter = interpreter
self.scopes = deque()
self.current_function = FunctionType.NONE
self.current_loop = LoopType.NONE
self.current_class = ClassType.NONE
def resolve(self, stmt_or_expr: Union[Statement, Expression, List[Statement]]):
"""Generic method to dispatch statements/expressions"""
raise NotImplementedError
def begin_scope(self):
Opens a new scope
def end_scope(self):
Ends a scope
def resolve_statement(self, stmt: Statement):
Resolves names for the given group
of statements
def resolve_expression(self, expression: Expression):
Resolves an expression
return expression.accept(self)
def resolve_statements(self, stmt: list):
"""Resolves multiple statements"""
for statement in stmt:
def declare(self, name):
Declares a new variable
if not self.scopes:
scope = self.scopes[-1]
if name.lexeme in scope:
raise JAPLError(name, "Cannot re-declare the same variable in local scope, use assignment instead")
scope[name.lexeme] = False
def define(self, name):
Defines a new variable
if not self.scopes:
scope = self.scopes[-1]
scope[name.lexeme] = True
def visit_block(self, block):
"""Starts name resolution on a given block"""
def visit_var_stmt(self, stmt):
"""Visits a var statement node"""
if stmt.init:
def visit_var_expr(self, expr):
"""Visits a var expression node"""
if self.scopes and self.scopes[-1].get( is False:
raise JAPLError(, f"Cannot read local variable in its own initializer")
def resolve_local(self, expr, name):
"""Resolves local variables"""
i = 0
for scope in reversed(self.scopes):
if name.lexeme in scope:
self.interpreter.resolve(expr, i)
i += 1
def resolve_function(self, function, function_type: FunctionType):
"""Resolves function objects"""
enclosing = self.current_function
self.current_function = function_type
for param in function.params:
self.current_function = enclosing
def visit_assign(self, expr):
"""Visits an assignment expression"""
def visit_function(self, stmt):
"""Visits a function statement"""
self.resolve_function(stmt, FunctionType.FUNCTION)
def visit_class(self, stmt):
"""Visits a class statement"""
enclosing = self.current_class
self.current_class = ClassType.CLASS
if stmt.superclass:
if ==
raise JAPLError(, "A class cannot inherit from itself")
self.scopes[-1]["super"] = True
self.scopes[-1]["this"] = True
for method in stmt.methods:
ftype = FunctionType.METHOD
if == "init":
ftype = FunctionType.INIT
self.resolve_function(method, ftype)
if stmt.superclass:
self.current_class = enclosing
def visit_statement_expr(self, stmt):
"""Visits a statement expression node"""
def visit_if(self, stmt):
"""Visits an if statement node"""
if stmt.else_branch:
def visit_return(self, stmt):
"""Visits a return statement node"""
if self.current_function == FunctionType.NONE:
raise JAPLError(stmt.keyword, "'return' outside function")
elif self.current_function == FunctionType.INIT:
raise JAPLError(stmt.keyword, "Cannot explicitly return from constructor")
elif stmt.value is not None:
def visit_while(self, stmt):
"""Visits a while statement node"""
loop = self.current_loop
self.current_loop = LoopType.WHILE
self.current_loop = loop
def visit_binary(self, expr):
"""Visits a binary expression node"""
def visit_call_expr(self, expr):
"""Visits a call expression node"""
for argument in expr.arguments:
def visit_grouping(self, expr):
"""Visits a grouping expression"""
def visit_literal(self, expr):
"""Visits a literal node"""
return # Literal has no subexpressions and does not reference variables
def visit_logical(self, expr):
"""Visits a logical node"""
self.visit_binary(expr) # No need to short circuit, so it's the same!
def visit_unary(self, expr):
"""Visits a unary node"""
def visit_del(self, stmt):
"""Visits a del statement"""
def visit_break(self, stmt):
"""Visits a break statement"""
if self.current_loop == LoopType.NONE:
raise JAPLError("'break' outside loop")
def visit_get(self, expr):
"""Visits a property get expression"""
def visit_set(self, expr):
"""Visits a property set expression"""
def visit_this(self, expr):
"""Visits a 'this' expression"""
if self.current_class == ClassType.NONE:
raise JAPLError(expr.keyword, "'this' outside class")
self.resolve_local(expr, expr.keyword)
def visit_super(self, expr):
"""Visits a 'super' expression"""
if self.current_class == ClassType.NONE:
raise JAPLError(expr.keyword, "'super' outside class")
self.resolve_local(expr, expr.keyword)

JAPL/types/ Normal file
View File

JAPL/types/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
class Callable(object):
"""A generic callable"""
def call(self, interpreter, arguments):
raise NotImplementedError
def __init__(self, arity):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = arity

JAPL/types/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
from ..meta.exceptions import JAPLError
from ..meta.tokenobject import Token
class JAPLInstance:
"""A class instance"""
def __init__(self, klass):
self.klass = klass
self.fields = {}
def __repr__(self):
return f"<instance of '{}'>"
def get(self, name: Token):
if name.lexeme in self.fields:
return self.fields[name.lexeme]
meth = self.klass.get_method(name.lexeme)
if meth:
return meth.bind(self)
raise JAPLError(name, f"Undefined property '{name.lexeme}'")
def set(self, name: Token, value: object):
self.fields[name.lexeme] = value

JAPL/types/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
from .callable import Callable
from .instance import JAPLInstance
class JAPLClass(Callable):
"""A JAPL class"""
def __init__(self, name: str, methods: dict, superclass): = name
self.methods = methods
self.superclass = superclass
if self.get_method("init"):
self.arity = self.get_method("init").arity
self.arity = 0
def get_method(self, name: str):
if name in self.methods:
return self.methods[name]
superclass = self.superclass
while superclass:
if name in superclass.methods:
return superclass.methods[name]
superclass = superclass.superclass
def __repr__(self):
return f"<class '{}'>"
def call(self, interpreter, arguments):
instance = JAPLInstance(self)
constructor = self.get_method("init")
if constructor:
constructor.bind(instance).call(interpreter, arguments)
return instance

JAPL/types/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
from .callable import Callable
import time
from ..meta.environment import Environment
from ..meta.exceptions import ReturnException
from .instance import JAPLInstance
from .japlclass import JAPLClass
class Clock(Callable):
"""JAPL's wrapper around time.time"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 0
def call(self, *args):
return time.time()
def __repr__(self):
return f"<built-in function clock>"
class Type(Callable):
"""JAPL's wrapper around type"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 1
def call(self, _, obj):
return type(obj[0])
def __repr__(self):
return f"<built-in function type>"
class Truthy(Callable):
"""JAPL's wrapper around bool"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 1
def call(self, _, obj):
return bool(obj[0])
def __repr__(self):
return f"<built-in function truthy>"
class Stringify(Callable):
"""JAPL's wrapper around str()"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 1
def call(self, _, obj):
return str(obj[0])
def __repr__(self):
return f"<built-in function stringify>"
class PrintFunction(Callable):
"""The print function"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 1
def call(self, _, *args):
def __repr__(self):
return "<built-in function print>"
class IsInstance(Callable):
"""The isinstance function"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 2
def call(self, _, args):
instance, klass = args
if not isinstance(instance, JAPLInstance):
return False
elif not isinstance(klass, JAPLClass):
return False
return instance.klass == klass
def __repr__(self):
return "<built-in function isinstance>"
class IsSubclass(Callable):
"""The isinstance function"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 2
def call(self, _, args):
first, second = args
if not isinstance(first, JAPLClass):
return False
elif not isinstance(second, JAPLClass):
return False
return first.superclass == second
def __repr__(self):
return "<built-in function issubclass>"
class IsSuperclass(Callable):
"""The isinstance function"""
def __init__(self, *_):
"""Object constructor"""
self.arity = 2
def call(self, _, args):
first, second = args
if not isinstance(first, JAPLClass):
return False
elif not isinstance(second, JAPLClass):
return False
return second.superclass == first
def __repr__(self):
return "<built-in function issuperclass>"
class JAPLFunction(Callable):
"""A generic wrapper for user-defined functions"""
def __init__(self, declaration, closure):
"""Object constructor"""
self.declaration = declaration
self._repr = f"<function {}>"
self.arity = len(self.declaration.params)
self.closure = closure
def bind(self, obj: object):
"""Binds a method to an object"""
env = Environment(self.closure)
env.define("this", obj)
func = type(self)(self.declaration, env)
func._repr = f"<bound method {} of object {}>"
return func
def call(self, interpreter, arguments):
scope = Environment(self.closure)
for name, value in zip(self.declaration.params, arguments):
scope.define(name.lexeme, value)
interpreter.execute_block(self.declaration.body, scope)
except ReturnException as error:
return error.args[0]
def __repr__(self):
return self._repr

JAPL/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
from JAPL.lexer import Lexer
from JAPL.meta.exceptions import ParseError, JAPLError
from JAPL.resolver import Resolver
from JAPL.parser import Parser
from JAPL.interpreter import Interpreter
class JAPL(object):
"""Wrapper around JAPL's interpreter, lexer and parser"""
interpreter = Interpreter()
resolver = Resolver(interpreter)
def run(self, file: str):
"""Runs a file"""
if not file:
with open(file) as source_file:
source_code =
lexer = Lexer(source_code)
tokens = lexer.lex()
parser = Parser(tokens)
ast = parser.parse()
except FileNotFoundError:
print(f"Error: '{file}', no such file or directory")
except PermissionError:
print(f"Error' '{file}', permission denied")
except JAPLError as err:
if len(err.args) == 2:
token, message = err.args
print(f"An exception occurred at line {token.line}, file '{file}' at '{token.lexeme}': {message}")
print(f"An exception occurred, details below\n\n{type(err).__name__}: {err}")
def repl(self):
"""Starts an interactive REPL"""
print("[JAPL 0.1.1 - Interactive REPL]")
while True:
source = input(">>> ")
except (EOFError, KeyboardInterrupt):
if not source:
lexer = Lexer(source)
tokens = lexer.lex()
ast = Parser(tokens).parse()
result = self.interpreter.interpret(ast)
except ParseError as err:
if len(err.args) == 2:
token, message = err.args
print(f"An exception occurred at line {token.line} at '{token.lexeme}': {message}")
print(f"\nAn exception occurred, details below\n\nParseError: {err.args[0]}")
except JAPLError as error:
if len(error.args) == 2:
token, message = error.args
print(f"An exception occurred at line {token.line}, file 'stdin' at '{token.lexeme}': {message}")
print(f"An exception occurred, details below\n\n{type(error).__name__}: {error}")

View File

@ -1,2 +1,66 @@
# japl-python # japl
A POC (proof of concept) of the JAPL language written in Python 3 JAPL is an interpreted, dynamically-typed, garbage-collected and minimalistic programming language with C- and Java-like syntax.
# J.. what?
You may wonder what's the meaning of JAPL: well, it turns out to be an acronym
for __Just Another Programming Language__, but beware! Despite the name, the pronounciation is actually the same as "JPL".
## Some backstory
JAPL is born thanks to the amazing work of Bob Nystrom that wrote a book available completely for free
at [this]( link, where he describes the implementation of a simple language called Lox.
### What has been (or will be) added from Lox
- Possibility to delete variables with the `del` statement (Currently being reworked)
- `break` statement
- `continue` statement
- Multi-line comments (`/* like this */`)
- Nested comments
- Modulo division (`%`) and exponentiation (`**`)
- `OP_CONSTANT_LONG` is implemented
- Differentiation between integers and floating point numbers
- `inf` and `nan` types
- Possibility to have more than 255 locals in scope at any given time
- String slicing, with start:end syntax as well
- Strings are not interned (may change in the future)
- All entities are actually objects, even builtins
- Bitwise operators (AND, OR, XOR, NOT)
- Functions default and keyword arguments (__WIP__)
- A proper import system (__Coming soon__)
- Native asynchronous (`await`/`async fun`) support (__Coming soon__)
- Multiple inheritance (__Coming Soon__)
- Bytecode optimizations such as constant folding and stack caching (__Coming Soon__)
- Arbitrary-precision arithmetic (__Coming soon__)
- Generators (__Coming soon__)
- A standard library with collections, I/O utilities, scientific modules, etc (__Coming soon__)
- Multithreading and multiprocessing support with a global VM Lock like CPython (__Coming soon__)
- Multiple GC implementations which can be chosen at runtime or via CLI: bare refcount, refcount + generational GC, M&S (__Coming soon__)
- Exceptions (__Coming soon__)
- Optional JIT Compilation (__Coming soon__)
- Some syntax changes (maybe), e.g. get rid of semicolons
- Prototypes based system instead of classes (maybe)
Other than that, JAPL features closures, function definitions, classes, inheritance and static scoping. You can check
the provided example `.jpl` files in the repo to find out more about its syntax.
### Disclaimer
This project is currently a WIP (Work in Progress) and is not optimized nor complete.
The first version of the interpreter is written in Python, but a bytecode stack-based VM written in nim is being developed right now.
Also, the design of the language may change at any moment and all the source inside this repo
is alpha code quality, for now.
For other useful information, check the LICENSE file in this repo.
### Contributing
If you want to contribute, feel free to send a PR!
Right now there are some major issues with the virtual machine which need to be addressed
before the development can proceed, and some help is ~~desperately needed~~ greatly appreciated!
You can also contact me using the information available [here](

examples/examples.jpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
// Example file to test JAPL's syntax
// Mathematical expressions
2 + 2;
-1 * 6;
3 * (9 / 2); // Parentheses for grouping
8 % 2; // Modulo division
6 ** 9; // Exponentiation
// Variable definition and assignment
var name = "bob"; // Dynamically typed
name = "joe"; // Can only be assigned if it's defined
del name; // Delete a variable
var foo; // Unitialized variables are equal to nil
// Scoping
var a = "global";
var b = "global1";
{ // open a new scope
var b = "local"; // Shadow the global variable
print a; // This falls back to the global scope
print b;
print a;
print b; // The outer scope isn't affected
A multiline comment
// Control flow statements
var n = 0;
while (n <= 10) { // While loops
if (n <= 5) { // If statements
print n;
n = n + 1;
for (var i = 0; i < 10; i = i + 1) { // For loops
print i;
// Functions
print clock(); // Function calls
fun count(n) { // Function definitions
if (n > 1) count(n - 1); // Recursion works
print n;
// Closures work too!
var a = "global";
fun showA() {
print a;
var a = "block";
// Nested functions
fun makeCounter() {
var i = 0;
fun count() {
i = i + 1;
print i;
return count;
var counter = makeCounter();
counter(); // "1".
counter(); // "2".
// Classes
class Person {
init(name) { // Class initializer = name;
greet() { // Methods don't use the 'fun' keyword!
print "Hello, " +;
var bob = Person("Bob"); // Object creation
bob.greet(); // Prints Hello, Bob
var greetbob = bob.greet; // Functions and methods are first-class objects! (classes are too)
class Male < Person { // Male inherits from person
init(name) {
super.init(name); // Inherits constructor behavior = "male";
greet() {
super.greet(); // Inherits behavior from superclass
var mark = Male("Mark");

examples/factorial.jpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
fun factorial(n) {
// Computes the factorial of n iteratively
if (n < 0) return nil;
if (n == 1 or n == 2) return n;
var fact = 1;
for (var i = 1; i < n + 1; i = i + 1) {
fact = fact * i;
return fact;
var start = clock();
print "Computing factorials from 0 to 200";
for (var i = 0; i < 201; i = i + 1) factorial(i);
var result = clock() - start;
print "Computed factorials in " + stringify(result) + " seconds";

examples/fib.jpl Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
// A recursive implementation of the fibonacci sequence
fun fib(n) {
if (n <= 1) return n;
return fib(n - 2) + fib(n - 1);
var start = clock();
var end = clock() - start;

9 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
import sys
from JAPL.wrapper import JAPL
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) == 1:

requirements.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

16 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import setuptools
name="JAPL - Just another programming language",
description="The JAPL programming language",
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",